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Welcome to, also known as ‘You Are Psychic 101’. The name of this site should be self explanatory, but let’s clarify it anyway.
- You are here because you’ve had contact with those who passed over into spirit, and you can’t quite believe it.
- OR you do believe it, but you don’t know what to do about it.
- OR you hope to have communication with your loved one in spirit, but don’t know how to go about it.
- OR all of the above, and you think you’re just plain crazy.
Well, you’re not crazy! So, first of all, let’s get rid of that theory. Second, third, and fourth, if you were the one who departed, and left behind a whole lot of people who are grieving their hearts out, wouldn’t you move heaven and hell to let them know you are alright, and in fact, better than you have been in awhile?
So, that should take care of all of the above, right?