Affirmations for Cancer:

I open to my deep bonds with Life.
I connect deeply with Mother God and welcome Her nurturing
and healing love deep into my being.I claim my Spiritual heritage.
I am always Home when I connect within.

On Friday night, June 23, a New Moon occurs, marking the beginning of a new cycle. The Gemini New Moon cycle ends and the Cancer New Moon cycle begins. New Moon in Cancer on June 23, 2017. The New Moon in Cancer is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Crab. These include honoring our deepest, most irrational and intimate, feelings; recognizing the sense of security and safety we derive from whatever it is we call home; allowing ourselves to accept support and offering support to others; and starting a project aimed at improving our domestic lives or a major long-term venture. With this potent Cancer energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives that will benefit us well beyond this Moon cycle.

The Sun and Mercury are tightly conjunct in the latter degrees of Gemini:  28 degrees today, 29 degrees tomorrow. On Wednesday both bodies will ingress into Cancer. People are about to get a lot more touchy… and feely too.  Maybe. Hard to say with Cancer. You may be shut out, but you may also be “fam”.  Point is, Gemini will talk to anyone. Cancer, not so much!

This is all leading towards.the new moon in Cancer. It’s a Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars conjunction – quite powerful. You can see this shift in the news as more and more people want to stay home, close borders; they want to feel secure.

We’re also dealing with a cardinal T square now through mid July.  Expect a clunky few weeks. It’s not all bad. Jupiter is involved, so something in your life is going to be growing and beneficial in spite of what might be raging around (or inside) of you.

It’s time to make some plans and set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings, as little or big as they may be, in approximately two weeks’ time after the Full Moon occurs. Concentrate on new ways to enhance family life and domestic affairs, and to build up your feelings of security and safety. With this New Moon, we are particularly alert and observant, ready to put our plans in action. This is a particularly creative and magical New Moon as it occurs around the same time as two significant and powerful trines: Venus trine Pluto and Mars trine Neptune.

This phase of the Moon occurred at 2 degrees and 47 minutes of Sagittarius opposite the Sun at 2 degrees and 47 minutes of Gemini, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 29 to 30 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) and 0 to 7 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) most significantly.

Hi all, come on down to Circle of Light today (June 17) for Past Life Regression.  29 W. Main St.  Fredonia, NY.  1-3 pm.  Call (716) 785-9138 for info and to sign up

Past Life Regression: Welcome to an exploration of how past life recall can enhance your life. What time period or era are you drawn to? What music? What clothes? Do you have repeating dreams or visions? If you’ve ever wondered why you have a fear of heights or look into the eyes of a stranger and feel as if you know them, the answers may be found in your past lives. 

Through past-life regression, it’s possible to heal and grow your mind, body and soul, as well as strengthen your present-day relationships. 

Do you have vivid, detailed dreams of yourself in different times and places? That might be a past life memory emerging. Talents and abilities, likes and dislikes, and attractions and aversions can also be clues to past lives. You might feel yourself being drawn to certain people or to certain cultures, even if you’ve never visited them. Past life regression can lead to significant transformations in how you view yourself and the world; and can be highly spiritual work. 

People often come away with a greater realization of the eternal nature of their being, their connection to others. Through past life regression, you can enrich the experience of your current life in a variety of ways. It can help unlock difficult relationship dynamics, resolve physical and emotional issues, access higher spiritual knowledge and guide your life direction.

On Friday morning June 9, a Full Moon occurs when the Gemini Sun opposes the Moon in Sagittarius.

The Gemini-Sagittarius polarity is a mental axis, where Gemini represents the “lower mind” and Sagittarius represents the “higher mind”. The Gemini Sun encourages us to think logically, while the Sagittarius Moon persuades us to intuit and to think in a broader manner. Sagittarius symbolizes the quest for meaning and ideas that expand upon the “here and now.” Gemini is quite comfortable in his or her immediate environment or neighborhood, while Sagittarius stimulates us to venture beyond it. Ideally, a balance should be found between the two energies, and this is what the Full Moon invites us to do.

  FULL MOON in Sagittarius asks us to focus on our heart’s pathway. With so much swirling, we can easily feel despondent about our future but by narrowing our focus deeper into heart inquiry, we can access revealing truths to consider. Focusing our attention within can bring much expansion about your current emotional situation.

“The Moon is conjunct Saturn which narrows our vision. Sagittarius, who loves to say YES to everything and anyone is being shut down.  This can be uncomfortable to those who are overly generous with their time and emotions. We are being asked to sift through the information we have to figure out the truth so that we can clearly define where we’re going.

“Right now it feels like there’s something we need to understand at a much deeper level than we do. Whilst Saturn has a restrictive quality, he also encourages us to master whatever he touches. “Right now Saturn is saying master your emotions. Don’t let them take over. Look to the future but be realistic.

Because Sagittarius is all about the higher mind, e masagy need to consider whether we are in the right place to facilitate growth and expansion, or whether our circumstances are in fact hindering our potential.  “This is a challenging Moon but not an impossible one. We cannot afford to give up and give in (Neptune) or to carry on regardless (Saturn).  This weighty Full Moon has a quality of seriousness with a focus on a specific mission, goal, or purpose.

“The Sun in Gemini creates some tension because there is an equally powerful desire for variety and a tendency toward distraction which can leave us running in circles, unable to tend to our responsibilities and more important priorities. In fact, this Full Moon is helping us to more clearly define or accept our purpose, whatever that may be. Full Moon’s often coincide with an influx of excess energy, though some of us may respond to this particular situation with feelings of depression, hopelessness and futility. “This is because Saturn is always forcing us to face our limitations and employ reality testing to keep our ideals in check with what’s actually possible.

“If you find yourself feeling frustrated or sad, check in with yourself and take a sober look at what you’re dedicating the majority of your time and energy toward. Maybe the universe is telling you to take a different direction?  And remember, whatever you’re feeling is only transient in the moment. It will pass in the following days. Take whatever awareness or realization you acquire with this Full Moon and use it to guide you out of the fog of uncertainty and existential angst. “Reflect deeply upon any potential commitments you’re considering at the moment. This powerful Full Moon is helping to provide us with a much needed perspective to take us to higher ground in our personal and professional lives. “Most of all pay close attention to your feelings and emotional center. It will have a lot to tell you about your current life direction. Watch for too-quick decisions, but do pay close attention to what’s illuminated now.

Attention all healers, readers, and vendors! SAGE Center is now taking applications for the metaphysical fair at the Seneca Niagara Casino & Events Center, July 8th & 9th!

To apply, print out the proper form from this post, and mail it to:
SAGE Center
1567 Military Road Suite #3
Kenmore, New York 14217

Application Forms:

  1. Reader Application 
  2. Healer Application 
  3. Vendors Application 

Deposit fees are as follows, and can be accepted through check, credit card, and paypal to[email protected]’.

NOTE: If using paypal, add $2.00 to your final order. This means you will be sending a total of $77.00 via paypal.

Deposit of $75.00 due by June 15, 2017
Balance must be paid by June 30, 2017

No refunds after June 15, 2017