Aries Gets Creative

While cardinal sign Aries might feel full of creative expression this month, it’s not the time for engaging in any long-term commitments. “The solar eclipse in Aries in various ways, as it occurs in your sector of romance, hobbies, creativity, and children. This eclipse acts to usher in change and new beginnings in one or more of these areas, and your life may feel as if it’s been turned upside down, likely in a very positive way.” The solar eclipse is an ideal time for Aries to experience growth and success, and the effect of the eclipse will last until February 2018.

Taurus Trends Toward Change

The solar eclipse will bring winds of change for fixed-sign Taurus. Taurus will be focusing on matters close to home: “Because the energies centered on this sector of your solar chart are so dynamic, you’ll want to do something special, take action, and make changes. In fact, changes in your family dynamic or home life are necessary and may be a long time coming  as the solar eclipse ushers in powerful energy for new beginnings in your personal life.”

If you’ve been feeling out of balance since the recent lunar eclipse, something during this time, you’re likely to get what you want.

Gemini Is A Force

Mutable-sign Gemini, you’re going to will blow through August at a furious pace with most of your focus on letting go of the past, and forging new relationships and partnerships as result, This eclipse occurs in your solar third house, suggesting a new approach to communications projects, learning, or self-expression. A new position in the neighborhood, relocation, or increased interaction with others may be part of the picture in the coming months, as well as a sense of renewal and reinvigoration with regards to the way you handle your daily activities.” Bold changes are on the horizon for Gemini as a result the solar eclipse, and will last through February if Gemini can resolve any outstanding relationship issues first.

Cancer Focuses On Career

For cardinal-sign Cancer, the solar eclipse is an ideal time to put plans into action, and achieve your goals. “The solar eclipse happens in your solar second house, and Mars charges through this sector all month, making you intent on bringing your recent ideas and endeavors to life and building or developing these projects. Conditions are good for Cancer from the solar eclipse through February with a harmonious home life lending the support you need to improve your career prospects.

Leo Gets A Clean Slate

For fixed-sign Leo, the solar eclipse in Leo can give lionesses a clean slate. “Something new begins, and it can feel much like a new chapter in your life story,” “You are ready to kick bad habits, start fresh, and present a more self-assured ‘you’ to the world. However, this can emerge from a feeling that you’re very much not in control or in charge, so there can be some discomfort involved.” The solar eclipse in Leo is an ideal time for those born under Leo to turn over a new leaf, work toward future goals, and leave the past in the past.

Virgo Looks Within

It’s a rocky time for mutable-sign Virgo with Mercury Retrograde in Virgo. The solar eclipse will have Virgo-born people looking within, and bring great introspection and contemplation to this sign. “The solar eclipse reinforces a need to look within.   August is important for seeking out a balance between doing and resting, and slowing down can, in fact, benefit you.”

Because the solar eclipse is in Virgo’s solar chart, the good vibes from the solar eclipse could last as long as a year for Virgo. So, after a tumultuous Mercury Retrograde, things will turn around.

Libra Embraces Collaboration

Cardinal-sign Libra is ready to get their group groove on during the solar eclipse. For Libra the solar eclipse brings a charge of energy to friendships and group associations,” Some of you may have been pursuing a project on your own, and you now recognize the need to delegate tasks, collaborate, or start something brand new. The change is likely to be an empowering one.”

Determination and enthusiasm are the secrets to Libra’s success during the solar eclipse with positive effects lasting through February.

Scorpio Sees Issues Bubble To The Surface

For fixed-sign Scorpio, issues that have been resting just below the surface will take center stage during the solar eclipse. This is a time for entirely new direction or a brand new outlook on your goals,. “It’s a great time for getting your financial affairs in order, and this can tie in beautifully to the whole ‘turning over a new leaf’ vibe of this eclipse season.”

For Scorpio, the solar eclipse will bring forth bold new changes that can radiate for the next seven months, especially in your personal life.

Sagittarius Strikes A New Balance

Mutable-sign Sagittarius will strike a new balance in life during the solar eclipse. Think of it like your own personal new year. For Sagittarius, the solar eclipse brings desires to expand and grow to a turning point and helps clear the path for new beginnings,” In the coming weeks and even months, energy levels smooth out, and you find a fabulous balance between responsibilities and pleasure.”

Capricorn Could Find New Support

Cardinal-sign Capricorn could uncover new support during the solar eclipse, but only if they let go of the past first. Because the solar eclipse occurs in Capricorn‘s eighth solar house, Caps might discover a new way to share financial resources. Additionally, “New intimate liaisons or arrangements surrounding support from others (loans, joint finances, alimony, and so forth) may be formed in the coming months, as well as a sense of renewal and reinvigoration with regards to your ability to employ self-mastery skills.

Capricorn head into the solar eclipse with determination for the future in order to reap rewards for the next seven months.

Aquarius Enhances Personal Relationships

During the solar eclipse, fixed-sign Aquarius will discover a new way to relate to the people around them. The solar eclipse occurs in Aquarius‘ seventh house. “A new set-up in existing partnerships or a new relationship altogether may be formed in the coming months, as well as a sense of renewal and reinvigoration with regards to your one-to-one relationship skills,” This is a phase when you have an increased awareness of the need for someone significant to lean on or to rely on.”

Good outcome for Aquarius during the solar eclipse and beyond, but cautioned that you’ll need to be wary of those who try to derail you out of jealousy.

Pisces Manifests Dreams

The solar eclipse could have mutable-sign Pisces overextending themselves, which could leave them drained. “A new set-up in existing jobs or a new job altogether may be formed in the coming months, as well as a sense of renewal and reinvigoration with regards to your daily activities, health routines, and attention to practical matters. This is a phase when you have an increased awareness of the daily routines that keep you organized and of your own health.”

For Pisces, the solar eclipse is a time of manifestation, and drawing on natural talents will deliver long-term success and happiness for the fish.

The Sun will follow the Moon into Virgo today, joining Mercury in the sign. You may feel some relief. It seems everyone and everything are inflamed about something.
Saturn will turn direct on Friday.  The planet has been at 21 degrees Sagittarius since July 24. He won’t move off that degree until September 27th.

If you have planets in a mutable sign near this degree, there is surely something utterly important for you to learn. Something humbling.  If this has not come to you yet, I’d work hard to see it.

As for the rest of this transit, Saturn will leave Sagittarius for Capricorn on December 21st. These next months will pass quickly. This is your last chance to come up with a realistic plan (Saturn) for your future (Sagittarius). Something you’ll build with Saturn in Capricorn.
I want to make this point:  Faith (Sagittarius) is real (Saturn). So when I mention conjuring up a vision of your future, this does not discount ethereal things.  See if you can’t get a seed in the ground at this time. Some kind of stake that marks the spot where you’ll start construction.

Ready to manifest on the new moonAbundanceCk?

New Moon Abundance Check:

1.) Within 24-48 hours after a New Moon, take a check from your check book. Where it says “Pay to,” write your name.

2.) In the little box on the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount write “Paid in full.”

3.) On the line underneath your name, where you would write out a dollar amount, write “Paid in full.”

4.) Sign the check: “The Law of Abundance” Under the signature line, write “Thank You” (I write Thank You on all the checks I write, on the Abundance checks it’s already there for you!!!)

5.) Leave the date blank (or you can date it with a specific date that you “believe” this amount will come to you.)

6.) Many times we have beliefs with in our sub conscious mind that thinks we don’t deserve something.

You can leave the specific amount open or to try this out, use a dollar amount you are comfortable receiving… perhaps $500 (who couldn’t use an
9.) Put it in a safe place and forget about it. The Universe will take it from there. (Get out of the HOW)

Later (after 2 weeks or longer) you can burn (or tear it up and flush it down the toilet if fire is not an option) the check on one of the upcoming full moons, expressing Gratitude for receiving abundance in your life while the check is burning.

Unless you’ve been living in outer space, you know that a new moon will pass in front of the sun on August 21, 2017, giving the mainland United States its first total solar eclipse since 1979. What you might not know is that some people will call this particular new moon a Black Moon. By one definition of the term, the black moon refers to the third of four new moons to take place in one season, with a season being the period of time between a solstice and an equinox (or vice versa). So  the august 21 eclipse can – and doubtless will, by some – be called a Black Moon eclipse.

Are you READY For Change? DEEP sudden profound CHANGE? Profound changes that will last. A New Long term relationship, NEW ways of being, with Long lasting results. Excitement ~ SHIFTS AND CHANGES with ease. The Flow is “change” ~ flow with it.

New Moons are always powerful new beginnings. This Solar Eclipse (representing an ending and beginning) will have a 6 MONTH IMPACT ~ lasting till the end of January, 2018.

The solar eclipse on Monday August 21, 2017 is at 29° Leo. The solar eclipse August 2017 astrology points to bold, confident changes leading to long term success. Determined and sustained effort will bring the growth and happiness you desire. New moon August 2017 aligns with the major fixed star Regulus to give ambition and adventure. A positive link to Uranus makes this a six-month eclipse phase of anticipation and excitement.

New Moon Solar Eclipse Meaning

Like any new moon, a solar eclipse represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. An eclipse cycle of six months not a new moon cycle of four weeks. The strongest and most important aspect in astrology is Sun conjunct Moon. It means all possibilities are on the table and you can rightly put yourself in the forefront of new plans for the future.

Old habits, behaviors and beliefs can be questioned as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress. This is the ideal time to make a fresh start by writing a to-do list on a blank sheet of paper. This solar eclipse will compliment themes found in the August 7 Lunar Eclipse. Together they act as an eclipse phase which lasts until the January 2018 lunar eclipse.

Solar Eclipse August 2017 Astrology

New moon solar eclipse August 2017 at 28°52′ Leo Sign falls very near to the brightest star of Leo Constellation. The Heart of the Lion is one of the most important and most powerful stars in astrology. It brings success but danger of loss. The other main influence on solar eclipse new moon August 2017 is a helpful trine aspect to Uranus, the planet of change and excitement.

Fixed star Regulus is independant, proud, confident, frank, brave, militant and violent. While open minded and generous, Regulus wants conquer and rule, to leave his mark before a successful challenger claims the throne. A solar eclipse with Regulus gives success, power, authority, influence, honor and wealth. However, envy and hatred form enemies can lead to trouble, violence and downfall.

Solar eclipse trine Uranus makes this an exciting eclipse phase. The energy, ambition and initiative of Regulus will bring success in new ventures. You will have the power and confidence to make daring changes in your life. You can change your appearance to stand out from the crowd, taking pride in what makes you different than everyone else.
Higher self awareness, increased intuition and flashes of insight will lead to self-discovery and revelations. Solar eclipse August 2017 will energize you to complete your goals and set ambitious new personal and professional goals.

This is an excellent solar eclipse to change destructive or outdated behaviors such as prejudices and addictions. A strong desire to succeed together with self pride will break bad habits and provide unexpected new interests and hobbies to replace them.

Greater freedom and curiosity will help you leave your comfort zone and widen your social circle. You will meet extraordinary people from different ethnic or cultural backgrounds than yourself. While meeting new people and initiating change in your life will come naturally, conscious effort is needed to follow through on your plans for the future.

Uranus will free up some of the limitations that have been placed on the Donald Trump presidency. This will allow implementation of some of his more unconventional policy proposals. He may have some success in finding unexpected peace settlements for long standing wars.

New Moon August 2017 Summary

A new moon is the ideal time for fresh starts. A solar eclipse makes setting new goals more important because their influence lasts for six months instead of four weeks. The conjunction to fixed star Regulus makes this a confident and adventurous eclipse phase.

Solar eclipse August 2017 trine Uranus adds more excitement and anticipation. Initiative and enthusiasm will bring positive change and success. Holding onto your gains could take more effort because of envious and jealous enemies.

The combined effects of Regulus and Uranus would suggest rapid bursts of interest and activity. Long term relationships and permanent change is possible, and in fact likely due to the aspect pattern formed by Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. This minor grand trine with Jupiter a the focal point is shown by the blue triangle in the solar eclipse August 2017 astrology chart shown rlie suggests long term growth and happiness due to determined and sustained effort.

The August 21 solar eclipse work in tandem with the August 7 lunar eclipse until the end of January 2018. Lunar Eclipse 7 August 2017 has the potential to make you greedy, selfish and ruthless on your way to the top. Positive aspects show that happiness and success that are possible if you play your cards right.

Solar eclipse August 2017 is also an eclipse about personal success but danger of ultimate failure. It does, however, give the self awareness and intuition to play your cards right and hold onto your winnings.
