The Law Of Abundance – Learning To Receive

Are you rich in love, prosperity and joy? Often when we hear about The Law of Abundance, it refers to money. While it certainly does include financial prosperity, it is much more than that. Abundance relates to the state of being consciously connected to our Source Energy.

By the universal laws that govern all of us, abundance is already given. By the grace of Source, it is already ours! However, our experience of abundance is dependent on our particular alignment with it.

Everything is energy, including us. We are always vibrating something. What we focus attention on determines how we are vibrating. By focusing attention on the heart of who we are, our whole being begins to vibrate more expansively.

Then, since like attracts like, we draw to ourselves any and all things that are in sync with this expansive heart energy. We experience an increase in love, light, joy, wellbeing, creativity, exuberance, prosperity, gratitude, and an ever-deepening, awe-filled awareness of who we are.

What Is The Law Of Abundance?

The Law of Abundance is an abiding principle within universal laws. It is the simple fact that there is an unlimited Source of everything we need or could ever want. This great abundance is already ours, infinitely available to all of us all the time.

This and all universes are made of Divine Energy. It is everywhere and in everything. Everything, including us, lives, moves and has its being in this Divine Energy. We are this Divine Energy. It is a live, infinite, sea of love, joy, creativity, and goodwill. Divine Energy is the source of all abundance. It fills all space. The Law of Abundance states that there is nowhere it is not, so there is no lack anywhere, any time. It is equally available to all aspects of itself, which includes you and me.

When we align ourself with the law of abundance then we move in oneness with it. In this oneness the only thing that limits you – beliefs in lack and limitation – fade away. What is left is you! Free, alive, joyful, creative and loving.

New Moon Abundance check writing is a ritual for manifesting, using the energy of the New Moon each month along with Astrology and the house the new moon touches on for you!  This ritual has been handed down through so many people that its origin has become unknown.

What are Abundance Checks?

Abundance checks are a tool we canAbundanceCk use to create more abundance in our lives. They are written within 24 hours after a New Moon.

Surprisingly, you really don’t even need to believe that the check will work when you write it. You will however be amazed at the results, as you will see increased abundance in your life, in some life area. It is not always financial, but certainly in an area that you need.

Abundance is so much more than ‘money’. Perhaps a friend invites you to lunch and pays. Perhaps you are at lunch with a friend and they offer their expert advice on some area of your life. These are simple examples of Abundance. Abundance comes in many forms. Be GRATEFUL for all that comes into your life.

There is a traditional manner, which has been handed down. If you do not have a checking account you can draw a check on a piece of paper and fill it out the same way – the results will be the same, more abundance for you.



The NEW MOON occurs on Wednesday, September 20, 2017, at 1:30 AM EDT.

Early Wednesday, the New Moon occurs as the Moon aligns with the Sun in the sign of Virgo.

A time of new beginnings, this New Moon presents an excellent opportunity for us to formulate some goals regarding “all things Virgo.”

We’d do well to concentrate on new ways to get our day-to-day life organized. We might think about the keywords for this particular and earthy sign — such things as analytical, intelligent, reserved, critical, helpful, conscientious — and consider ways to incorporate these traits into our personalities. The New Moon in Virgo is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Virgin. These include building our powers of healthy, constructive discrimination; rolling up our sleeves and getting down to some serious work; beginning a new project that requires attention to details; making lists, actively ticking off completed activities, and taking pride in our “little” accomplishments; starting a health regime, researching nutrition and nourishment, and paying attention to our diet; setting up specific routines that will help us manage our lives in constructive and mindful ways; and handling the finer details of our day-to-day life in an organized, step-by-step fashion so that we can free our minds of clutter.
Virgo new moon
This New Moon occurs as Jupiter and Uranus move towards an opposition — an atmosphere that is a little too risky, disorganized, or chaotic for Virgo’s tastes — and the quincunx from Uranus to the New Moon emphasizes this awkward relationship. This phase of the Moon occurs at 27 degrees and 27 minutes of Virgo conjunct the Sun, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 24 to 30 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.

Affectionate Venus entered practical, analytical Virgo yesterday, which did not create the most romantic environment. You know that sudden need to correct everything your partner (or a potential partner) does — or how you feel overly criticized for every little move you make? That’s Virgo’s influence! And, when you look for negatives instead of positives, it’s no wonder that love has a hard time thriving. The good news is, you can try to balance out that critical energy by expressing yourself through rational, helpful actions. Virgo loves to be useful, so by applying levelheadedness and detailed effort to your romantic gestures today, you’re bound to see better results than you’ve had in the past.

The FULL MOON occurs on Wednesday, September 6, 2017, at 3:03 AM EDT.

On Wednesday morning, a Full Moon occurs, when the Sun in Virgo forms an opposition to the Moon in Pisces. The Sun is at 13 degrees and 53 minutes of Virgo, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 11 to 17 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.

The Virgo-Pisces polarity is the service axis, and it deals with the balance between day-to-day functions and routines, physical health, and the need for order (Virgo) and vision, spiritual health, disorder, and the infinite (Pisces). Virgo rules our personal set of tools and techniques that we use to deal with day-to-day life, while Pisces rules the tools that we use to deal with our spirituality. The key to balance lies in identifying and expressing our spiritual needs while maintaining order in our everyday lives. Neglecting either end of the axis will surely backfire–we would either be living in chaos or in excessive order.

This Full Moon is tightly tied to Neptune and this can be a dreamy, inspired time but also one when we can be wrestling with expectations.

Ultimately, the Pisces Full Moon pits the Virgo Sun’s egoic drive for efficiency against the soul’s need for spiritual connection. It’s true that dreamy Pisces can be prophetic and intuitive, yet it can also be fearful and confusing. Nevertheless, we must also remain practical as the earthy Virgo Sun narrows our perspectives and bring us each back to the pressing matters in our individual lives.

Conflicting cosmic messages are strong during this Full Moon, as the detail-oriented Virgo Sun focuses our thoughts while the Pisces Moon joins nebulous Neptune to soften our resolve. Establishing healthy boundaries is hard work, yet our fuzzy thinking inspires us to imagine alternatives that previously seemed impossible. Luckily, action-hero Mars and clever Mercury are harmoniously trine to electric Uranus at the time of the Full Moon, shocking us into awareness. Intelligence is poised to overcome ignorance. Change is not only possible, it’s inevitable — and it’s going to happen fast!

The main themes of full moon September 2017 are spirituality, idealism, dreams, illusion, deception, weakness, confusion and vagueness. How will Neptune influence affect your mood and close relationships?

Moon conjunct Neptune increases your emotional sensitivity. Sensing the thoughts and feelings of others can make you feel very uneasy or physically sick. You may pick up the wrong signals so be cautious, you will be more vulnerable to deception and scandal. Dreams may turn into fantasies with a life of their own. Suspicion could spiral into paranoia, guilt or self-destructive habits such as drug addiction and eating disorders.

Full Moon September 2017 is like a double-edged sword. Conscious self-awareness will help you filter out the background noise so you can use your sensitivity for good. While some psychic impressions may inaccurate, your compassion and empathy will be genuine. You can be of great help to the victimized and outcast. Your emotional comfort will have a healing quality.

Hygiene and cleanliness will be important because this full moon is associated with weakness and illness. Higher susceptibility to germs and the effects of drugs, alcohol and anesthetics are likely. There will be an increased risk of exposure to poisons and infectious material.