Imagine this:

The Game of Life: Reality Creation Website

Imagine that you are about to participate in an interactive roll-playing game. There are rules in this game that everyone agrees to: what goes up must come down, day is followed by night, if you touch a flame it will burn you, etc. etc. You get to choose the character you play beforehand; shall I be black or white, Australian or American, male or female? You might even choose to meet up with others in the game, which is tricky because you won’t necessarily remember them when you see them.

To enter the game, you must be “born” and become completely helpless. You must forget everything you know and start all over again. You are given sets of rules by the “older” players that you learn as you go along. After a given time, you are declared an “adult” by the other players and are sent out on your own.

The thing is, you become so involved in this character that you are playing in this game, that you forget who you really are. Then you forget that you’re even in a game, and you think the game is all there is. Now, you still get to decide everything that happens to this character, which you do constantly, but as a player you think everything is happening by “chance” or “fate”.

When the character you play goes to sleep, you return to your real self. This is when you get the chance to plan ahead and manifest his/her desires and wishes; the character later wakes up and thinks he/she was “dreaming”.

Some players, realizing that there has to be more than just this game will start searching for answers. Some conclude that someone must have invented this game, and probably all the players in it. They begin to worship this mysterious “someone” who obviously must be much smarter than they are, and invent more rules that they insist were made by the original game creator.

The only way to leave this game is called dying. You remember who you really are and you meet up with your other friends – some of whom were in the game with you, some who were involved with other games – and share your experiences. The game, you conclude was fun, adventurous and a great learning experience and you decide you’d like to play again; this time in a different setting.


Imagine this:

The Game of Life: Reality Creation Website

Imagine that you are about to participate in an interactive roll-playing game. There are rules in this game that everyone agrees to: what goes up must come down, day is followed by night, if you touch a flame it will burn you, etc. etc. You get to choose the character you play beforehand; shall I be black or white, Australian or American, male or female? You might even choose to meet up with others in the game, which is tricky because you won’t necessarily remember them when you see them.

To enter the game, you must be “born” and become completely helpless. You must forget everything you know and start all over again. You are given sets of rules by the “older” players that you learn as you go along. After a given time, you are declared an “adult” by the other players and are sent out on your own.

The thing is, you become so involved in this character that you are playing in this game, that you forget who you really are. Then you forget that you’re even in a game, and you think the game is all there is. Now, you still get to decide everything that happens to this character, which you do constantly, but as a player you think everything is happening by “chance” or “fate”.

When the character you play goes to sleep, you return to your real self. This is when you get the chance to plan ahead and manifest his/her desires and wishes; the character later wakes up and thinks he/she was “dreaming”.

Some players, realizing that there has to be more than just this game will start searching for answers. Some conclude that someone must have invented this game, and probably all the players in it. They begin to worship this mysterious “someone” who obviously must be much smarter than they are, and invent more rules that they insist were made by the original game creator.

The only way to leave this game is called dying. You remember who you really are and you meet up with your other friends – some of whom were in the game with you, some who were involved with other games – and share your experiences. The game, you conclude was fun, adventurous and a great learning experience and you decide you’d like to play again; this time in a different setting.


When you can put everyone in your life into one of these three categories, then you will understand why they are in your life. 


People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty; to provide you with guidance and support; to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be.

Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it. It is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Author Unknown

Perhaps this will shed some light on things for you Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium

We have a Mercury retrograde commencing March 22 2018 in Aries (16º to 4º Aries decan 1, Aries decan 2). to April 15 ~ Mercury enters the retrograde zone on March 8, 2018 at 04°46′ Aries. Now until Mercury stationary retrograde is called the first shadow period. During this time you will get an idea of the thinking, communication or transport issues that will arise during the retrograde phase.

Mercury stationary retrograde on March 22, 2018 at 16°54′ Aries. It means you will be thinking more about love and companionships and be wanting to talk more about it. It puts you in touch with what you love about a person but Mercury retrograde March 2018 conjunct Venus makes it harder to actually tell that person how you feel.

This is a good time for making new friends because there should be more social interaction in your daily life. Mercury retrograde usually brings you into contact with old friends so Mercury retrograde March 2018 conjunct Venus increases the chance of meeting ex partners. New friends or lovers may trigger feelings of déjà vu because of your past life memories.

The traditional advice is “Don’t travel, Don’t sign contracts. Don’t marry. Don’t touch electrics!” However, the whole Mercury retrograde cycle actually lasts eight weeks and happens three times, sometimes even four times in a year! That’s a long time to hide under the duvet and a real waste of a truly magical time. Mercury generally zips between two worlds, or rather, the two hemispheres of our brain. During the Mercury retrograde period, it feels like Mercury has gone down into the underworld. In this realm, closer to spirit, we become more right-brain orientated. It is dark, so other senses are heightened. We will feel extra sensitive here, psychic even. Everything will seem hyper-real… you will notice things you had overlooked before.

This will prompt you to re-evaluate, renovate, re-form, and re-invent. It’s true you might have to redo things because Mercury will hit the same degree three times, but this transit won’t let you go into autopilot. There are danger spots though.

The Aries Mercury retrograde 2018 shall be one of intense debates and quicksilver brainstorming. Check out your monthly horoscopes for the meaning of Mercury retrograde in your star sign.  At this Mercury Retrograde, there is the tendency to jump into things head first.

Mercury Retrograde Meaning

When Mercury retrograde is stationing (Changing directions) we are at a wobbly stage where we are likely to slip-up, make mistakes, and misread another’s communications. Once we are over the threshold and into the Underworld, we can safely go about our business, knowing that we are in another realm. The same goes for when Mercury is stationing direct, just make sure you give your brain a few days to adjust back to solar thinking.

The house in your natal chart that the Mercury retrograde falls in will be your Underworld zone. There you will question everything. It will make you jittery about signing contracts because you will be constantly thinking, “Is this what I really want?”. Before the retrograde is a good time to finish off those Solar left-brain projects and gather information to bring down with you into your retrograde cave. Then you can slow things down, let yourself be taken into other dimensions, try on different filters, experiment, shine a light on your demons, then recharge and reboot.

The Meaning of Retrograde Planets

Retrograde planets are a popular topic in astrology and there is some controversy about the general meaning. For example, Vedic astrologers see retrograde motion as a beneficial influence, while Western astrologers focus on the negatives, such as lost baggage or missing mail when Mercury is retrograde.

‘Retrograde’ literally means opposite or reverse, so a planet in retrograde motion appears to be moving in reverse. Planets do not, of course, move backward, and the apparent reverse motion is due to the elliptical orbits of the earth and planets. Regardless of the astronomy, the main point is that from where we stand, planets DO appear to move backward from time to time so we should expect this to have some astrological effect on our lives. Generally, we feel the energy of retrograde planets in a more introspective or reserved manner than usual, and there may be a karmic theme or feeling of deja vu depending on the nature of the planet.

The feeling of deja vu may also be because the retrograde planet will go over a certain degree three times over. People who experience this feeling strongest will be those who have a key planet or angle at this spot. For example; Ones IC is hit three times and you are looking to move home. Hit 1 you may see the house you want to buy. Hit 2 (Retrograde) may be when you have to go through surveys and making sure everything is fine to buy it, this will mean re-evaluating finances, whatever you have to do you are always double checking. Hit 3 maybe when you finally get the go-ahead to move and the issue is resolved.

Retrogrades give us the chance to really get our teeth onto a matter because we are forced to go over old ground again and again. This may get frustrating and tedious, but ultimately it is very useful, for tackling something karmic we may have been avoiding and that we have to address once and for all.

mercury retrograde



The new moon March 17, 2018, falls at 26º Pisces decan 3. This new moon March 2018 astrology shows us we are just about to regenerate into something new. For this reason, it is a very unstable time where everything feels like it’s in flux. We are on the verge of spring, but it not quite there yet!

Unstable weather patterns persist and we might see our poor daffodils and croci blanketed in snow. The square from the Moon to Mars brings in even more instability. Mercury is also slowing down to turn direction for Mercury Retrograde on March 22. This might not be the best time to make any life-changing decisions or commitments. Keep all options open.

New Moon conjunct Chiron means the crisis, anger or conflict resulting from this new moon will expose a very painful wound in your soul. It could be an event from your childhood like bullying, or a physical wound, illness or disability. It could be a broken heart that never healed or the death of a loved one. Your deepest wound could have damaged your self-esteem and lead to depression, feelings of victimization or and inferiority complex.

The wild mood-changes in this decan are bound to keep us on our toes. Because of fluctuating emotions, we might well find it hard to keep hold of relationships at this time or stick to any project. We are apt to lash out for no apparent reason, so this decan is typical of the temperament that is often described being “artistic ” Interestingly in my research, I actually found very few actual artists with their Moon in this decan, but there are certainly those who have a finger on the pulse of what is popular in the collective.

This decan is very sensitive to what its peers (or the public) perceive them to be. If they can’t be loved then Pisces decan 3 might go out of their way to be unpopular and delight in being controversial. Moon in Pisces 3 loves being the subject of gossip, and they seem to lap-up any attention, even if it is negative. Bad press doesn’t exist as long as this person is being talked about; So at this time, we will see many prominent people feeding off drama in the collective. The Moon here can be quite “bratty” also. Infantile rages can emerge due to unresolved childhood trauma.

At first glance, this New moon March 2018 astrology does not look easy, with some sacrifices having to be made. It also will feel volatile. Like Pegasus, we may want to reach for the stars, but the cosmic weather will feel too blustery to set sail. Patience and deferred gratification are called for. Rash decisions may end in an embarrassing fall from grace. Trusting in the justice of natural law will be a challenge, but there is a good chance that a savior will step in at the 11th hour and rectify any mistakes.

New Moon square Mars suggests that the crisis involves a challenge from an angry man, your competitors or enemies. Someone may try to assert their power over you, leading to ego conflicts. You may already be irritable and impatience, and likely to react to any provocation or threats with aggression.

This aspect can lead to a buildup of anger, resentment or sexual frustration. Such potentially destructive energies must be channeled constructively so they do not result in conflict, accidents, muscle pain or exhaustion. Exercise, masturbation or hard work will work so long as you don’t over extend yourself and strain something. It is not a position that pro-active Mars really likes, but there will be some action just in the nick of time. Kind of like bidding for an item on eBay. It is all about timing and sensing the mood of the players around you.

 cancer full moon





Full Moon in Virgo

The full moon in Virgo on the 1st of the month puts us to work and puts us in a position to integrate and process what has piled up. What feelings need to be understood so that they can be digested? So that their wisdom can be integrated? So that their meanings can be organized and your life can run with greater efficiency?

Virgo motivates us to clear up what has been left in disarray. Sitting across from the full moon is a bevy of planets creating captivating chaos in Pisces fashion.

The sun, Mercury, Venus, Neptune and Chiron are all currently in the magical, messy waters of the fishes. Mayhem is no stranger to Pisces. Chaos is creative. Creativity is chaotic. But at some point this energy needs to be held. Directed. Clarified so that it can be put to use.

The full moon is here to help us do just this.

Allow some time around the full moon to cleanse your system. Detoxify. Remember that boundaries help you to articulate the emotional energy that Pisces pours forth so that it can express the wisdom that it holds.

Honoring both the dream and the plan to make it a reality is the Virgo/Pisces polarity and this full moon reminds us that believing in our ability to make our vision into a reality is a power we must put to use. Daily.

The day of the full moon also features a trine from Venus in Pisces to Jupiter in Scorpio. There are few other astrological signatures that are so abundant. Venus builds bonds. Jupiter creates abundance. Together they create an unstoppable, generative and generous energy. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, and Venus is exalted here. The trine between the two is therefore strengthened as the two share wealth from the same source.

This adds a luxury to a usually austere Virgoan situation. Look for the abundance that your efforts have produced and will in the future.

The ruler of the full moon, Mercury, also makes a trine to Jupiter. Mercury might not have clarity of thought in Pisces, but luck is on its side now.

With conjunctions between the sun and Neptune, and Venus, Mercury and Chiron, all in Pisces on March 4th, a mere three days after the full moon, emotional tides stay on the rise even when the full moon wanes. Pisces energy is elevated. With both Neptune and Chiron in the mix, healing infusions will need to be worked with consciously. Neptune intoxicates, but Chiron clarifies the nature of our wounds.

Don’t try to drown them, deny them, or let them fester. This is the season to address them, cleanse them and allow them the air, understanding and thoughtfulness that they need to heal.