There’s so much going on, I have to post them all separately ! (but at least I did it on time and my computer is cooperating so viva la Mercury retrograde ) just sayin…

happy face

Six Planets & Chiron, All Retrograde At Once: Summer 2018 so Brace Yourself for a  Summer Of Retrogrades

Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto will all be retrograde between June 26, 2018 and July 10th, 2018.

Jupiter turns direct, July 10th, leaving four planets retrograde.

July 26, 2018, Mercury reverses and we’re back to five planets retrograde.

August 7, 2018, Uranus turns retrograde and at that point we have six planets Rx, seven if you want to count, Chiron.

Summer 2018 will see seven planetary retrogrades in total, although the most planets that will be retrograde at one time is six. If you aren’t familiar with retrogrades, they’re periods of time when a planet appears to be moving in reverse. While that backward movement is just an optical illusion, it carries major astrological implications. Regardless of the planet, a retrograde usually signals a period of delayed progress or disruption. Where we experience that stalling effect, however, depends on which planet happens to be retrograde. The planets start turning direct with Mercury, on August 19th. This will be something to watch!

Each planet rules a different area of our lives (Mercury oversees communications, Venus handles our love lives, Mars touches all things related to action and conflict). So, if Mercury is retrograde (which it will be in about a month), we’ll feel its effects most clearly when we’re trying to coordinate social plans or discuss touchy subjects with our partners.

With so many planets hitting their backspins at once, it can feel like your hands are tied and all you can do is wait for the retrogrades to end. Never fear, you can still go about your daily life with relative ease, though the heavens would appreciate it if you did so with a little more care for the next few months. Because, believe it or not, retrogrades don’t solely occur to drive us nuts. They can actually teach us to slow down and act more thoughtfully — as long as we’re ready to learn that lesson.

You may not want to break new ground at this time but that’s not the worst thing. Take the time this summer, to mull things over.  This way, when you head out you’re likely to feel more solid about who you are and what you’re doing.

Starts: July 26, 2018
Ends: August 19, 2018

Mercury is the annoying sitcom neighbor of the retrograde world. It comes by way too often (about three times a year) and leaves a trail of awkwardness and frustration in its wake. Be careful what you send to your group chats and which projects you take on during Mercury’s backspin — communications and commitments are equally hazardous when the messenger planet is retrograde. The signs that will be most affected: Cancer, Libra

Starts: June 26, 2018
Ends: August 27, 2018

If this retrograde had a motto, it’d be, “Don’t force it.” You don’t have to completely take your hands off the steering wheel, but it will be in your interest to take the scenic route during this Mars retrograde. Don’t act impulsively and try not to lose it when you don’t get your way. Besides, going with the flow is way more of a summer vibe than charging ahead.

The signs that will be most affected: Aries, Scorpio

Starts: March 8, 2018
Ends: July 10, 2018

We’ll only see the tail end of this retrograde during the summer, which is sort of a shame given its overall pleasant influence. In general, Jupiter rewards those who chase knowledge. When it’s retrograde, those rewards may be slow to come, but trust that they will eventually arrive. This retrograde is all about dwelling in uncertainty then seeking to learn from it — ultra-cautious signs will likely bristle the most at the cosmic challenge.

The signs that will be most affected: Taurus, Capricorn

Starts: April 17, 2018
Ends: September 6, 2018

We’ve been dealing with the stern effects of this retrograde for months now — and they’ll continue until after Labor Day. Since the ringed planet is currently in hardworking Capricorn, this backspin will hit our professional lives and ambitions the hardest. You may have to view how you use your time, money, and skills more critically than you usually would in order to reallocate and restructure your life for long-term success. This planet-sign combo isn’t messing around.

The signs that will be most affected: Gemini, Sagittarius

Starts: August 7, 2018
Ends: January 6, 2018

We have more than a month to prepare for this retrograde’s arrival. And, given the mind trip that Uranus retrogrades can be, this advance notice is for the best. Known as the planet of immense change and invention, Uranus turns those effects inward when it starts its retrograde, reminding us that before we can see major shifts in the world around us, we may need to make some changes within ourselves first.

The signs that will be most affected: Aquarius

Starts: June 18, 2018
Ends: November 24, 2018

Does it feel like you’ve been swimming in your feelings, distracted and unfocused due to the whirlpool in your soul, lately? Blame Neptune (for your feels and for that metaphor). When the planet of dreams is retrograde, our emotions, creativity and spirituality demand more attention. On one hand, this is your chance to get back in touch with your inner self. On the other, this could prompt you to lose touch with the outside world. If you have some Neptunian reflections planned, do them outdoors!

The sign that will be most affected: Pisces

Starts: April 22, 2018
Ends: September 30, 2018

Pluto might be the most distant (dwarf) planet from our home world, but that doesn’t mean we’ll dodge the effects of its retrograde. This period asks us to dig deep into our relationship with power and control — then potentially make adjustments. Can you ease up on the demands you make of your family and friends? Can you step up and ask for more at work? Take your time and, like with any retrograde, don’t rush your reflections.

The signs that will be most affected: Virgo, Leo




As with all Mercury retrograde transits, including this latest one starting on July 26, 2018, you can expect setbacks, mishaps, and miscommunications, as well as running into old contacts, colleagues, and crushes (yikes).

Mercury in Leo is loud and proud. If Mercury normally deals best when in rational, objective signs, when in Leo, Mercury is instead entangled deep into our hearts, begging to express that which beats from within.

Mercury is clever and full of tricks.  Mercury in your Natal Chart embodies the ways we think, speak and write, as well as the ways in which we use our cunning to bend the truth and sidestep responsibility.

Planet Mercury’s themes: the manner of our minds, the ways in which we learn, our brand of intelligence, our rational processes, the speed with which we integrate new information, the ways we write, communicate, or speak, a natural place of play or discovery, our powers of persuasiveness, our connection to curiosity, a place of play and changeability, an area of cunning, transactions, trade and negotiations, skills of the hands, travel and journeys, divination, magic, and astrology.

Typically, Mercury retrograde is not the ideal time to launch new ventures or sign with new clients; later, you may come to realize that you did not have all the information needed to make the best decision possible. If you must interview for a job or rent an apartment, your best bet is to return to people, places, and companies you already know and trust.

This is definitely a classic case of the old saying an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Translation: take an extra beat before you speak or act if you don’t want to spend the next few weeks apologizing. Mercury retrograde… comes with an increased risk of arguments, conflict, and accidents,” “Use common sense, caution, and patience to avoid rash actions, over reactions, and risk taking. Be ready for the unexpected by staying open-minded and flexible.”

Obviously, this is easier said than done, especially with four other retrograde planets influencing your thoughts and behavior. If you’re wondering how Mercury’s latest backspin will affect your sign, it largely depends on how you react to Mercury’s dark and twisty energy.

For these reasons, the classic advice during Mercury retrograde is to re-do, re-think, and review instead of simply doing.

There is also the matter of the Mercury retrograde shadow. Mercury’s retrograde transit lasts almost exactly twenty-two days, but there are 10-20 days either side of this period where Mercury is moving sluggishly and not at his best. This is known as Mercury’s ‘shadow’ period. During this time, we may feel as if Mercury is already (or still) in retrograde and experience the same types of miscommunications and frustration. The safest bet is to wait until Mercury is both out of retrograde and its shadow before undertaking important decisions.

Although the most obvious effects of Mercury in retrograde happen externally, the most important work manifests when we undertake deep internal reviews.

Mercury’s retrograde cycles, however disruptive they may be at times, offer us the ability to gain greater objectivity in a particular area of life. In normal waking consciousness, and in an increasingly over-scheduled, distracted world, we have left ourselves precious little time for reflection. For many, once we are on a given path, we can end up myopically married to it, losing all perspective; viewed in the right light, Mercury retrograde becomes an opportunity to re-approach important aspects of our lives with renewed vision.


Re-do, re-think, review

Check and double-check travel plans and schedules

Leverage old contacts

Revisit leads that had previously fizzled out

Approach previous clients for business

Repair old items

Search your closet for forgotten goodies

Back up your computer, phone, etc.

Tie up loose ends

Leave for Later:

Final negotiations, especially with new/unknown partners

Starting a new job

Launching a new venture

Purchasing electronics or big-ticket items

Sending or receiving shipments (buy insurance!)

Last-minute travel

Highly-detailed tasks, especially numerical/mathematical ones



Aries, if an ex or old friend you haven’t spoken to in five years suddenly texts you, it’s because Mercury retrograde is notorious for bringing unresolved issues to the surface. Be prepared to deal with long-suppressed emotions, as well as some people you thought you’d left in the rearview mirror a long time ago.

“With the messenger planet reversing through your house of love, an ex-flame could reappear on the scene, with tempting promises or a repentant mea culpa,” “Remember, Aries: There’s a reason it didn’t work out the first time. You need solid proof that you won’t have to go through the same chaotic drama again.”


Taurus, while the totality of this summer’s retrograde energy has you moving forward like a boss, Mercury retrograde is here to remind you to slow your roll. While your normal stance is to make a list and check it twice, and you subscribe to more of a wait-and-see mantra than a fly-by-the-seat-of-your pants motto, once you get going it’s hard for you to put on the breaks.

However, if you ignore the stop signs from Mercury retrograde, you might regret it later after you come to your senses. “Attention to home and family matters increases towards the end of July, and any imbalances between personal and professional pursuits become glaring, demanding that a balance is found,”If you focus on slowing yourself down, this can be a very rewarding month.”


Gemini, if you’ve been having a particularly rough summer-retrograde season, I have good news. This particular Mercury retrograde is going to be your new best friend. While everyone else is mired in myriad misunderstandings, for you, everything will finally come into focus. “You can absorb a lot of information so this is a good time for studies and exams

What’s more, aside from you not getting bogged down in miscommunications with others, people will totally understand where you’re coming from. It’s kind of like you’re wearing a shield of teflon that deflects all of the dark and twisty retrograde energy. “You can express yourself strongly and clearly without upsetting anyone. This is the best time of the month to buy and sell, apply for a new job, and ask for favors.”


Cancer, you’ve had a pretty easy summer retrograde season so for, and all good things must come to an end. For you, the July 2018 Mercury retrograde is going to be an exercise in frustration, which is why being prepared is mandatory. Adopt the motto “hope for the best and prepare for the worst” because this Mercury retrograde will throw up roadblocks for you at every turn.

“Watch for misunderstandings with clients and coworkers, budget snafus, and computer crashes at the job,”. “Early in the month, take precautions by backing up your data to the cloud and deleting any questionable emails, especially ones sent on the company server. A promising financial lead could ghost you, or a key meeting could be delayed.” Try to weather the storm the best you can, and hold onto the knowledge that this drama will only last three weeks.


Leo, because Mercury is retrograde in your sign, you can use its energy to your advantage if you pay attention. During the pre-retrograde shadow period, others will seek you out for advice and be eager to listen to what you have to say. If anything is weighing heavily on your mind, get it off your chest before Mercury turns retrograde July 26 because after this others might not be as receptive and could become immune to your charms.

“Mercury turns retrograde, the day before the [lunar] eclipse. This indicates that you might have to play a longer waiting game with regard to love or partnership until Mercury is back up to speed mid-August. This could feel unbearable if you’re dealing with strong emotions but rein in your Leo appetite for leaping into action.”


Virgo, the July 2018 Mercury retrograde cycle is going to require a lot of self awareness on your part if you don’t want to alienate everyone around you. It’s no secret that you love to be in control, and when Mercury is retrograde this is next to impossible. Accept the fact that you might be late, electronics will malfunction, and others won’t bend to your will. Take an extra beat before saying or doing something you’ll surely regret later.

“Mercury will be retrograde in Leo and your foggy twelfth house, potentially creating a minefield of confusion and passive-aggressive behavior. Trying to get a straight answer out of anyone will be an exercise in futility. “You could also reach a breaking point — probably a necessary one — wherever you’ve made sacrifices that aren’t in your own best interest or tried to control a situation in vain. Enough!”


Libra, you already spend way too much time dwelling on what you should have said or done because you want to make everyone happy. Unfortunately, the July 2018 Mercury retrograde cycle is going to bring you even deeper into the well of dwell hell. Try not to beat yourself up. You can’t make everyone happy. After all, you’re not pizza. When you start to feel dark and twisty, close your eyes focus on your breath.

“You might dwell on things, reminisce about the past, or unexpectedly meet up with people from your past. “Business negotiations will be in a state of flux. Some important details may not yet be available or other parties won’t be reliable or honest.” Keep in mind that it’s not you, it’s Mercury. Everything should resolve itself when Mercury goes direct.


Scorpio, the July 2018 Mercury retrograde is going to force you to resign yourself to the fact that no matter how hard you try, little can be accomplished. It might feel like you’re pushing a rock up a hill every day only to have it roll back to the bottom every night. For you, Mercury’s backspin is going to be  frustrating so make sure you take some extra time for self care.

“Clients and bosses may be royal pains, changing their minds or delaying decisions with bureaucracy. If you’re thinking of investing in a new laptop, phone, printer, or email or website host, wait until after the retrograde. “If you can, spend the few extra bucks for the insurance and full warranty. Back up all your files, and always review before hitting ‘send’ or ‘publish.'”


Sagittarius, your go-with-the-flow nature means that you’ll adjust to the changeable energy of Mercury retrograde more quickly than other signs. However, you’ll still want to trust your gut and exercise a little bit more patience than normal. Anything you try to push through during Mercury retrograde will likely fall apart later. Use this time to relax and recharge so you can resume your regular pace once Mercury goes direct.

“You’re naturally inclined to adjust, build, and observe in July. “The trick now is to avoid pushing things that need some more time. Brand-new endeavors may not get off the ground, but work in progress can benefit significantly from your attention now.”


Capricorn, if you have unused personal days or vacation time, Mercury retrograde is the perfect time to take a break. However, instead of going on a trip you might want to hole up at home with your favorite Netflix series. If this isn’t an option for you, exercise extreme caution and try to fly under the radar as much as possible because this one’s going to be rough.

“You really might want to hang the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign starting July 26, when Mercury — the planet of technology, communication, and travel — turns retrograde in Leo and scrambles signals with your closest people. “Back up any sensitive data, from racy photos to classified documents. Increase your privacy settings, strengthen passwords, and guard against identity theft while tech-titan Mercury’s awry.”


Aquarius, the July 2018 Mercury retrograde cycle could have you getting in your own way to the point that you unintentionally sabotage a project or relationship that’s near and dear to your heart. While you might feel compelled to shoot first and ask questions later, this tactic will definitely backfire. If you just can’t stop yourself, consider taking a break from projects and spending more time alone until Mercury goes direct.

“You may very well reach an impasse with a significant someone or experience other forms of misunderstandings or delays. “Watch for impatient communications and a self-destructive way of shooting yourself in the foot. Also this month, you could be wrestling with something from the past or insecurities that undermine your performance, which results in occasional choppiness.”


Pisces, Mercury retrograde is here to remind you that it’s important to slow down and do one thing at a time. If you don’t stay grounded and pay attention to what you’re doing, you’re likely to send an inappropriate (and highly embarrassing) text or email to the wrong person. Try to get more sleep and engage in physical activities that both ground your esoteric energy and help prevent you from getting sick.

“Back up electronic data and cut down on multitasking because this signal-scrambling retrograde can wreak havoc on your workflow. “Watch your stress levels and boost your immune system, as you could be prone to catching a summer cold or virus during this powered-down time.”

Overall, the July 2018 Mercury retrograde cycle is going to be a huge pain in the butt for almost everyone. However, if you surrender to the fact that things are going to wrong no matter what, and you let go of control, you’ll get through it just fine.

mercury retrograde  leo


There is a full moon July 27th, 2018 in the sign of Aquarius. This full moon is the biggest and most important full moon of 2018 because it also takes place on a full solar eclipse, which also happens to be the longest eclipse of the 21st century. Energy is at an all time high by also having both Mars and Mercury in retrograde, and also due to the fact that we are moving into Leo season.

This full moon has a lot of pieces that play into it and affect it to the degree that it does.

First of all, solar eclipses resemble new beginnings. Everything is absolutely about to change, so you allow it to. Full moons also are a time of not only harvesting intentions, but really planting and nourishing the seeds you need in order to have the garden of your dreams.

Second of all, due to Mars being in retrograde and Mars being the source of anger, emotions are already going to be shifted towards focusing on what is bothering us and what is NOT working.

Are your belief systems really working?

Do you have the friends you want?

Are the things you tell yourself of your benefit?

Did you go back to a relationship out of comfort and hope every time when you know you shouldn’t?

Are you ready to just quit that job?

Are you living based on who you think you are or who you actually are?

Think about what is NOT working.

Thirdly Leo is the time of all things emotion, which will deeply enhance this experience. You may find yourself extra sensitive, really in search of closure, and experiencing a lot of epiphanies or urges to really change the life that you live.

You are being called to move through this transition and come out ready to live a life of your own authenticity.

Now is the time to get yourself together.

Now is the time to really focus on your health, the relationships that unconditionally honor you, make choices that reflect the future you truly desire, and really transform + lift yourself.

Now is a time of rising. This is when you elevate yourself to the next level.

This is the time where you put your anxiety to rest in order to fearlessly be exactly who you want to be. This is the time where you close all of the doors that hold you back from your best life. This is the time where you align yourself with a thought process, belief system, and mindset that opens you up to your best self.

It’s okay if things have been rocky, you have been tired, or felt more emotional – changes are coming your way.


Nourish your body AND your mind.

Give off healthy and positive vibrations + thoughts.

Put everything into action.

Cosmically, a lot is going on right now. Nevertheless, you are endlessly supported. You are supported through this emotional breakthrough, through this rocky and unfamiliar transition, and through the discomfort of it all. You are being called to your absolute best life. You are being asked to truly be who you are meant to be.

 FullMoonAquarius    solar eclipse 2018

The new moon on the 12th will mean Cancers can look forward to some heavy emotions. You may find your thoughts turning toward the women in your life or the people who share your home (in a literal or figurative sense) — follow that current and take the time to show those souls some gratitude. That said, Cancers shouldn’t let their feelings get the better of them, and should try to turn their emotions into actions. “Avoid going through an entire box of tissues by journaling your heartfelt reflections or channeling your feelings into a to-do list of gestures: write your mom a letter just because, check in with your coworker who had a hard week.

During a new moon, the sun and the moon are in the same sign. This means the sign most affected in the case of July 12 is Cancer, with the moon moving into Leo. (The moon stays in a sign for two days at a time.) For Cancer, it will be a particularly “charged time with concentrated energies of that sign

The New Moon on Thursday July 12, 2018 at 20° Cancer is a partial solar eclipse. The Solar Eclipse July 2018 astrology is influenced by a powerful opposition to minor planet Pluto. This indicates some sort of crisis with your self-esteem, a relationship or an event. An equally intense fixed star brings the potential for neurotic distress triggered by a deeply buried subconscious fear of disaster.

The July 2018 Solar Eclipse signals the right time to transform something in your life holding you back from happiness and success. A fortunate Grand Trine configuration allows you to apply this transformation to your love life, finances or creative work. Hard work and determination will unleash the potential and opportunity held within the grand trine to help avert a personal crisis.

Every aspect of July’s cosmic chaos is vibrating with intense emotional energy, and the July 12 new moon in Cancer is no exception. How the July 2018 new moon will affect your zodiac sign largely depends on how flexible you are. Signs that have a hard time going with the flow will have a tough time. The new moon is also a partial solar eclipse that “is influenced by a powerful opposition to minor planet Pluto,” Astrology King noted on its website.

“This indicates some sort of crisis with your self-esteem, a relationship, or an event. An equally intense fixed star brings the potential for neurotic distress triggered by a deeply buried subconscious fear of disaster.” Seriously, if you have the option of just sleeping through July altogether, that might be your best bet. If four planetary retrogrades — Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, and Mars — during the new moon solar eclipse weren’t bad enough, the new moon is in the fixed-star Castor, which could increase your chances of misfortune.

Additionally, your self-esteem could take a hit as a result of the solar eclipse. “Even though you may experience a bruised ego from the solar eclipse, there is also great potential for positives if you are open to change. Change may be forced upon you, or better still, you may instigate it and this solar eclipse will be less disruptive.” While the July 2018 new moon will affect every sign, you actually have the power to determine whether your experience will be positive or negative.

Let those feelings flow. The Cancer new moon,  powerful partial solar eclipse, offers a healing moment to open our hearts and be more demonstrative with our loved ones. The zodiac’s Crab is all about security, and this new moon asks us all to examine: What does “home” mean to you?

This new moon is especially vital because it kicks off a two-year series of eclipses on the Cancer–Capricorn axis, which will touch down between now and July 2020. These family- and goal-oriented eclipses will recalibrate our work-life balance. Falling in the “masculine” sign of Capricorn and the “feminine” sign of Cancer, they’re sure to bring even more awareness to issues of gender, families, and nationalism that are making headlines now.

This year, the Cancer new moon also falls in direct opposition to powermonger Pluto (retrograde) in Capricorn, the sign that rules big business, the economy, and government. This eclipse could give rise to yet another social justice movement, or a “people versus the patriarchy” uprising. More than anything, it’s a reminder that we need to “return to love.” But that path to get there could be loaded with intense reactions! Teaming up with a powerful female or female-identified ally could pay dividends by the corresponding full moon in Cancer in six months’ time.

With Cancer season in full swing until July 22, home and family will be highlighted under this lunar spell, as the new moon helps us start a fresh chapter with the ones we love most. Heart-centered Cancer is the star sign that nourishes us all, brings us together in caring circles, and keeps us feeling safe and secure in our homes.

So, whether you plan to write down your aspirations or are just going to keep going about your business as usual, now you know what the deal is with the upcoming partial solar eclipse super new moon.

How The July 2018 New Moon Will Affect You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Aries, if you’ve been feeling stuck or bored lately, the July 2018 new moon and partial solar eclipse begins a two-year cycle in which you could see your home, career, and family changing in unexpected ways, according to the Astro Twins: “Whatever happens, get ready for some plot twists in both your personal and professional lives, Aries. This singular Cancer eclipse of 2018 is a preview of changes that will really take off in 2019.”


For stalled Taurus-born people, the July 2018 new moon is going to open up communication channels so you can take advantage of new opportunities, . “Your mind is curious, excited, and hungry, and opportunities to feed it are likely to pop up when you need them most.” While you usually like to spend a lot of time hemming and hawing to make 100-percent sure you’re making the right decision, the new moon will help you let your instincts guide the way. Remember, sometimes control is counterproductive.


Gemini, if you’re so broke you’ve been considering selling fruit at intersections to make some extra cash, the July 2018 new moon is going to turn things around. While things might not happen right away, work you do around the new moon could have a nice return by the end of the year, if you can exercise a little more patience. “Is it time for a new source of income, a different working style or some affirming habits? Solar eclipses mark bold beginnings and can set us on a whole new (and unexpected) path.. “Efforts you undertake now could really pay off in the coming six months.”


It’s not often you get a do-over in life. However, because the new moon is in your sign, Cancer, you’re going to get an opportunity to wipe the slate clean. Whether it be a work gaffe, relationship faux pas, or fractured friendship, if there’s something you’d like to fix, the July 2018 new moon is the time to do it. If you just want to leave everything behind and start over instead, you can. “Something new begins, and it can feel much like a new chapter in your life story.”You are ready to kick bad habits, start fresh, and present a more self-assured ‘you’ to the world.” The bottom line? It’s time for crabs to find a bigger shell.


Leo, it can be hard when things feel out of control. However, during the July 2018 new moon you’re going to have to surrender to win. This new moon could mark the end of something significant in your life. While it might be painful, it’s actually happening to make room for something new. Trying to fight this transition will only make things more difficult. “When you stop trying to force a situation, a real ‘divine intervention’ can occur,” the Astro Twins revealed. “This eclipse will oppose power-tripping Pluto in your micromanaging sixth house, so don’t be surprised if your inner control freak makes a showing.”


While the July 2018 new moon will bring you a burst of energy, Virgo, you could also have conflicting feelings about a person, project, or social situation, which could leave you feeling guilty and confused. It might sound dark and twisty, but the underlying message is that you need to reevaluate your commitments and ask for assistance where you need it. “Some of you may have been pursuing a project on your own, and this month, you may realize that you’d benefit most either by giving up a current project or goal, or accepting that you’d be better off enlisting help. “The change is likely to be an empowering one, even if there is some resistance at first.”


Libra, if it feels like you’ve done nothing but work your butt off this year, and you’re still waiting to see the fruits of your labor, the energy of the July 2018 new moon and partial solar eclipse is going to deliver in a big way. “Solar eclipses mark bold beginnings and can set us on a whole new (and unexpected) path . “You could be tapped for a high-profile position or receive a surprise job offer. If you’ve been searching for your true calling, you could have quite an epiphany today.”


Scorpio, your mysterious aura draws people into your orbit. However, you often release them without taking the opportunity to develop relationships. The energy of July 2018 new moon will encourage you to branch out, drop your mask, and actually make some new friends. “Move out and about, particularly on mental levels, but also through new experiences, people, and places. Jupiter’s direct motion just two days earlier reinforces your confidence to do so. Friendships are in particularly good fortune this month, with opportunities to enjoy yourself more plentiful than usual.”


It’s all happening, Sagittarius, but you could miss myriad opportunities brought about by the July 2018 new moon if you don’t get out of your own way. “The sun will make its annual opposition to power-tripping Pluto in Capricorn and your second house of money, daily routines, and self-worth,” the Astro Twins revealed. “You could catch a startling glimpse of how YOU push away prosperity because of some deeply rooted insecurities and fears.” If you take a beat and look around, you’ll see that the universe is ready to support you if you let it.


Capricorn, the July 2018 new moon and partial solar eclipse are going to shake things up in every area of your life in the best way possible. You might discover that what you’ve been looking for has been right in front of you all along, or you might decide that you want to wipe your slate clean. Either way, you have the chance to focus on what really matters most to you. Make sure you’re clear about what that is. “Sorting out problems and enjoying special moments with people in your life are satisfying activities in their own right, but can positively impact many different life departments as well.


Aquarius, if you’ve been ignoring your own needs, the July 2018 new moon is a reminder that you’re due for some much needed self care. It’s time to stop burning the candle at both ends and to start bringing some balance to you professional and private life. “This can be about reorganizing your life, eating and exercising better, managing your time more productively, and working on the details of work, projects, and plans,. The biggest takeaway from the July 2018 new moon and partial solar eclipse is that you need to learn to listen to your intuition because your first instinct is usually right.


Pisces, for you the July 2018 new moon and partial solar eclipse will bring the love. If you’re single, or you’re in a less-than-satisfying relationship, this mid-month cosmic energy is going to have you feeling passionate and purposeful. “A partial solar (new moon) eclipse will land in Cancer, sparking a confident new chapter in your fifth house of lust, passion, and self-expression,” the Astro Twins revealed. “Eclipses sweep in four to six times a year and turn ‘normal’ upside-down, removing anything that’s past its expiration date and flinging open the doors for a fresh start.”

For anyone who feels like they’ve been living in the upside-down world lately, the July 2018 new moon should put things right-side-up again, if you’re willing to let the universe take the lead. Let go of the wheel, take a deep breath, and chill out. Resistance is futile.


Are you rich in love, prosperity and joy? Often when we hear about The Law of Abundance, it refers to money. While it certainly does include financial prosperity, it is much more than that. Abundance relates to the state of being consciously connected to our Source Energy.

By the universal laws that govern all of us, abundance is already given. By the grace of Source, it is already ours! However, our experience of abundance is dependent on our particular alignment with it.

Everything is energy, including us. We are always vibrating something. What we focus attention on determines how we are vibrating. By focusing attention on the heart of who we are, our whole being begins to vibrate more expansively.

Then, since like attracts like, we draw to ourselves any and all things that are in sync with this expansive heart energy. We experience an increase in love, light, joy, wellbeing, creativity, exuberance, prosperity, gratitude, and an ever-deepening, awe-filled awareness of who we are.

What Is The Law Of Abundance?
The Law of Abundance is an abiding principle within universal laws. It is the simple fact that there is an unlimited Source of everything we need or could ever want. This great abundance is already ours, infinitely available to all of us all the time.
This and all universes are made of Divine Energy.

It is everywhere and in everything. Everything, including us, lives, moves and has its being in this Divine Energy. We are this Divine Energy. It is a live, infinite, sea of love, joy, creativity, and goodwill. Divine Energy is the source of all abundance. It fills all space. The Law of Abundance states that there is nowhere it is not, so there is no lack anywhere, any time. It is equally available to all aspects of itself, which includes you and me.

When we align ourselves with The Law of Abundance then we move in oneness with it. In this oneness the only thing that limits you – beliefs in lack and limitation – fade away. What is left is you! Free, alive, joyful, creative and loving.

New Moon Abundance check writing is a ritual for manifesting, using the energy of the New Moon each month along with Astrology and the house the new moon touches on for you! This ritual has been handed down through so many people that
its origin has become unknown.

What are Abundance Checks?
Abundance checks are a tool we can use to create more abundance in our lives.
They are written within 24 hours after a New Moon. Surprisingly, you really don’t even need to believe that the check will work when you write it. You will however be amazed at the results, as you will see increased abundance in your life, in some
life area. It is not always financial, but certainly in an area that you need.

Abundance is so much more than ‘money’. Perhaps a friend invites you to lunch and pays.
Perhaps you are at lunch with a friend and they offer their expert advice on some area of your life. These are simple examples of Abundance. Abundance comes in many forms.
Be GRATEFUL for all that comes into your life.

There is a traditional manner, which has been handed down. If you do not have a checking account you can draw a check on a piece of paper and fill it out the same way – the results will be the same, more abundance for you.


Six Planets & Chiron, All Retrograde At Once: Summer 2018 so Brace Yourself for a  Summer Of Retrogrades

Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto will all be retrograde between June 26, 2018 and July 10th, 2018.

Jupiter turns direct, July 10th, leaving four planets retrograde.

July 26, 2018, Mercury reverses and we’re back to five planets retrograde.

August 7, 2018, Uranus turns retrograde and at that point we have six planets Rx, seven if you want to count, Chiron.

Summer 2018 will see seven planetary retrogrades in total, although the most planets that will be retrograde at one time is six. If you aren’t familiar with retrogrades, they’re periods of time when a planet appears to be moving in reverse. While that backward movement is just an optical illusion, it carries major astrological implications. Regardless of the planet, a retrograde usually signals a period of delayed progress or disruption. Where we experience that stalling effect, however, depends on which planet happens to be retrograde. The planets start turning direct with Mercury, on August 19th. This will be something to watch!

Each planet rules a different area of our lives (Mercury oversees communications, Venus handles our love lives, Mars touches all things related to action and conflict). So, if Mercury is retrograde (which it will be in about a month), we’ll feel its effects most clearly when we’re trying to coordinate social plans or discuss touchy subjects with our partners.

With so many planets hitting their backspins at once, it can feel like your hands are tied and all you can do is wait for the retrogrades to end. Never fear, you can still go about your daily life with relative ease, though the heavens would appreciate it if you did so with a little more care for the next few months. Because, believe it or not, retrogrades don’t solely occur to drive us nuts. They can actually teach us to slow down and act more thoughtfully — as long as we’re ready to learn that lesson.

You may not want to break new ground at this time but that’s not the worst thing. Take the time this summer, to mull things over.  This way, when you head out you’re likely to feel more solid about who you are and what you’re doing.

Mercury Starts: July 26, 2018
Ends: August 19, 2018

Mercury is the annoying sitcom neighbor of the retrograde world. It comes by way too often (about three times a year) and leaves a trail of awkwardness and frustration in its wake. Be careful what you send to your group chats and which projects you take on during Mercury’s backspin — communications and commitments are equally hazardous when the messenger planet is retrograde. The signs that will be most affected: Cancer, Libra

Mars Starts: June 26, 2018 
Ends: August 27, 2018

If this retrograde had a motto, it’d be, “Don’t force it.” You don’t have to completely take your hands off the steering wheel, but it will be in your interest to take the scenic route during this Mars retrograde. Don’t act impulsively and try not to lose it when you don’t get your way. Besides, going with the flow is way more of a summer vibe than charging ahead.

The signs that will be most affected: Aries, Scorpio

Jupiter Starts: March 8, 2018
Ends: July 10, 2018

We’ll only see the tail end of this retrograde during the summer, which is sort of a shame given its overall pleasant influence. In general, Jupiter rewards those who chase knowledge. When it’s retrograde, those rewards may be slow to come, but trust that they will eventually arrive. This retrograde is all about dwelling in uncertainty then seeking to learn from it — ultra-cautious signs will likely bristle the most at the cosmic challenge.

The signs that will be most affected: Taurus, Capricorn

Saturn Starts: April 17, 2018
Ends: September 6, 2018

We’ve been dealing with the stern effects of this retrograde for months now — and they’ll continue until after Labor Day. Since the ringed planet is currently in hardworking Capricorn, this backspin will hit our professional lives and ambitions the hardest. You may have to view how you use your time, money, and skills more critically than you usually would in order to reallocate and restructure your life for long-term success. This planet-sign combo isn’t messing around.

The signs that will be most affected: Gemini, Sagittarius

Uranus Starts: August 7, 2018
Ends: January 6, 2018

We have more than a month to prepare for this retrograde’s arrival. And, given the mind trip that Uranus retrogrades can be, this advance notice is for the best. Known as the planet of immense change and invention, Uranus turns those effects inward when it starts its retrograde, reminding us that before we can see major shifts in the world around us, we may need to make some changes within ourselves first.

The signs that will be most affected: Aquarius

Neptune Starts: June 18, 2018
Ends: November 24, 2018

Does it feel like you’ve been swimming in your feelings, distracted and unfocused due to the whirlpool in your soul, lately? Blame Neptune (for your feels and for that metaphor). When the planet of dreams is retrograde, our emotions, creativity and spirituality demand more attention. On one hand, this is your chance to get back in touch with your inner self. On the other, this could prompt you to lose touch with the outside world. If you have some Neptunian reflections planned, do them outdoors!

The signs that will be most affected: Pisces

Pluto Starts: April 22, 2018
Ends: September 30, 2018

Pluto might be the most distant (dwarf) planet from our home world, but that doesn’t mean we’ll dodge the effects of its retrograde. This period asks us to dig deep into our relationship with power and control — then potentially make adjustments. Can you ease up on the demands you make of your family and friends? Can you step up and ask for more at work? Take your time and, like with any retrograde, don’t rush your reflections.

The signs that will be most affected: Virgo, Leo