DECEMBER 2018 FULL MOON: 0° Cancer

This Saturday, December 22, one day after the winter solstice (the first official day of winter), the moon will wax to fullness in the lively sign of Gemini before heading into homebody Cancer for the rest of its full phase. In other words, this weekend will encourage you to turn up then turn way down.

Traditionally known as the Cold Moon or the Long Nights Moon, December’s full moon is spiritually associated with rest, care, and self-evaluation. It’s meant to help you process the past 12 months, while preparing you for the new year to come. Not only is it good timing that this lunar phase arrives toward the end of the month, when 2019 is already on the brain, but its hosting Zodiac signs lend themselves perfectly to its energy, too.

To begin, the Gemini full moon will promote mental clarity and encourage you to speak your mind. So, first thing on Saturday, you may find the energy to wrap up old correspondences before the holidays. And you could feel compelled to reach out to your friends to tell them what they meant to you this year — or to just reminisce about 2018’s wildest moments.

Gemini is also the sign of the Twins, and therefore rules all matters of duality. This sign’s realm of influence lends itself nicely to a lunar phase that’s associated with both looking back and looking forward. Let yourself explore both the past and the days ahead. And, in true Gemini form, be playful with your reflections — celebrate your wins, find future solutions in your losses, and dream big for 2019.

Then, once the moon slides into Cancer (which is set to happen around midday on Saturday), you can focus on the “rest and care” parts of this full moon. This water sign is the sensitive caretaker of the Zodiac — and when it hosts the full moon, it prioritizes this lunar phase’s theme of culmination and conclusion.

Where some signs imbue full moon periods with a celebratory energy, Cancer’s idea of a celebration is cozy self-care, preferably in the privacy of your own home. And really, is there anything you’d rather do on December 22 besides watch your favorite show for the umpteenth time and then go to bed early? If you’ve been looking for a reason to stay in (or just have low-key night in with a few friends) let it be the Cancerian Long Nights Moon. You’ve got all of 2019 to go, go, go.

gemini   cancer full moon

Aries (March 21 – April 19)
It’s definitely chill-from-home (and work-from-home… and just never-leave-home…) type of weather out there — and this full moon’s vibes are only going to seal that deal for you, Aries. “Connect with family and friends from the comforts of home,” “No one will realize you are wearing your pajamas and slippers during conference calls.” Up the cozy factor and snuggle in for the longest night and the longest moon of the year.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Emotional healing is on the menu during this luminary, Taurus, so take advantage of the vibe and apply the energy to any relationship in your life that needs it. “Use your sweet words to kiss and make up with others who may have recently disappointed you,” Everything is being illuminated by this moon, especially when it comes to emotions, so allow yourself to forgive and heal as you close out the year.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
It’s way too easy to spend into an oblivion of debt while on holiday shopping binges. Like, we all feel you. But just be cautious, Gem, because this moon is highlighting some touchy money issues for you. “Watch your holiday spending, as this light sheds light on your personal finances, which may be at a lull,” While it’s easy for you to get carried away with excitement, this may not be the year for you to shower everyone you know with extravagant gifts. Channel the energy of this moon into getting your financial situation in check.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
If anyone is going to feel the emotional release of this moon, it’s you, Cancer, given that the moon is rising in your resident sun sign. “This may be an emotional time for you. “Under this Full Moon, which aligns with your Sun, you are driven to release and start fresh in many aspects of your life.” Full moons are all about release, so align yourself with its energy and let go of any heaviness that feels like baggage weighing you down. You deserve to swim freely.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)
It’s hard to step back and chill in the midst of holiday party season, especially for a fiery Leo, but try to channel your lunar-lit energy toward self-care during this full moon. “Take a break from the spotlight and use your powerful voice to heal yourself,. The emotional healing vibes are high, and the person who might need your love and support most right now is actually you. Do yourself the favor and spend this full moon having a party for one, self-care style.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
Full moon party! Your social life is a-buzzin’, Virgo, and the chance for synchronicity to sprinkle magic over your encounters during this light is high. “Connect with old friends under this Full Moon — who knows, you may even make some new friends and business contacts,” Seize this opportunity to connect with others, let your personality sparkle, and sync up with the abundant, energized vibe of this full moon.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
You’ve officially been busy Libra, and just because you thrive as a social butterfly doesn’t mean that being booked up 24/7 is your idea of fun! This moon brings good news: The stress-clouds are parting, and a rainbow is shinin’ on through. “This luminary puts an end to your seasonal work projects, allowing you to rest during the holidays,” Now’s your opportunity to chill, so allow this moon to help you release the stress of recent endeavors and give you a chance to relax and live it up during the holidays.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
Let’s get spiritual, spiritual. Use this full moon’s energy to open your mind and dive deep into your spiritual well of inner truth and feeling. “It’s a good time to meditate your stresses away, using the light of the Moon to guide the way,” Vibes are exceptionally high and energized during this moon, so align yourself with the buzz of its built-up energy and do some meditation and visualization work. Anything that allows you to journey inward to relieve your stress will be extra potent.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
With both the holidays and your birthday hitting all around the same time, you’ve been going hard — but during this moon, money should be on your mind. “This luminary is a good time to call up a financial advisor to gain insight and guidance on your finances,”. It’s easy to get carried away with holiday spending, but right now, you should use the moon’s energy to get your affairs in order and gain a clearer vision of where you’re at financially.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
Feels, feels, feels. I know you don’t always love to feel ’em, Cap, but the lunar floodgates have opened, and this moon is illuminating all the issues in your partnerships. “Personal relationships may be the cause of frustrations, as you are emotionally processing recent dramas,” Go with the water-ruled flow of this luminary and use your levelheadedness to resolve these issues with aplomb. Your rationality will serve you — just don’t forget to acknowledge that feelings matter as much as facts do in situations like this.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
You’ve been on a tear when it comes to getting things done lately,. But productive as you’ve been, this moon is highlighting the fact that you need to indulge in some serious rest and relaxation — for the body and soul. “Stop your workaholic tendencies and focus on restoring balance to your body,” “Use this moon as motivation to hit up a yoga class and stretch out.” The holidays are all to real for you, so use this moon to take a pause and release your recent stresses.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)
With the last full luminary of the year in a fellow water sign, you’ll definitely be feeling the emotional waves in spades, Pisces — and it’ll actually sail you deep into some serious romance, with a full-moon-charged cherry of creativity on top. “This Full Moon sets off the romance sector of your chart, forcing you to take a creative break with your partner,”. Spend the full moon with someone special, or channel its eccentric energy into a passion project to express your many feelings.

cancer full moon

The New Moon on Friday December 7, 2018 falls at 15° Sagittarius. The New Moon December 2018 astrology is mainly influenced by the alignment of Mars and Neptune at 13° Pisces. The testing square aspect between the New Moon and Mars Neptune brings out the worst of this alignment. The December 2018 new moon has a sinister influence.

Major themes of the December 7 new moon include anger, fear, deception, confusion, immorality and perversion. At 16° Sagittarius, a fixed star in Hercules Constellation will cause irritation from women and a ruthless drive to gain power. The keys to avoiding loss and disappointment from new moon December 2018 are honesty and integrity.

The effects of the December 7 new moon will last four weeks up to the Solar Eclipse on 5 January 2019. The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of this new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the Moon lasts from December 7 to the December 22 Full Moon.

The effects of the December 7 new moon will last four weeks up to the Solar Eclipse on 5 January 2019. The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of this new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the Moon lasts from December 7 to the December 22 Full Moon.

New Moon Square Mars

New Moon square Mars can lead to tests of character from your competitors or enemies. Superiors, authorities and men in general may be looking to assert their power, leading to ego conflicts. Remember you may already be irritable and impatience because of the full moon two weeks ago that was also square Mars. So you are more likely to react to any provocation or threats with aggression, nastiness or revenge.

Not only people, but challenging events may force you to defend your goals or desires. A defensive position  best. New Moon December 2018 is likely to cause a buildup of anger, resentment or sexual frustration. Such potentially destructive energies need to be channeled constructively so they do not result in conflict, accidents, muscle pain or exhaustion.

Burning up this hot energy will also lower the risk of being subject to aggression and threats from other people who don’t handle this new moon energy so well. Exercise, hard work, sex or masturbation are preferred so long as you don’t push too hard and strain something. Working on a pet project you are passionate about is another good idea but is probably best done alone.

New Moon Square Neptune

New Moon square Neptune can have a weakening effect on your vitality and make you more susceptible to some psychological and health issues. Events or other people can cause confusion and disappointment, forcing you to battle against the odds. The December 7 new moon has the potential to make you feel insecure, guilty and apologetic. Seeing only the best in people increases the chance of becoming disillusioned or worse.

To counter the deceptive influence of this new moon you must be above-board in all of your dealings. This is not the best time for high stress competitive things like business dealings or negotiations. Predators will easily hone in on your soft side and you could be at greater risk of being taken advantage of.

Hypochondria is another issue you may have to deal with. Problems might be difficult to diagnose or there may be a misdiagnosis. You will also be more sensitive to drugs and alcohol, especially if you already have mental health issues such as paranoia or depression. Personal relationships may be subject to dishonesty and deception. Secrets will be harder to keep and harder to uncover.

New Moon Summary

Mars in almost exact conjunction to Neptune is the main influence on the December 7 new moon. It is a sinister influence because it is square the new moon. Major themes of new moon December 2018 will be anger, fear, deception, confusion, treachery, scandal, revenge, immorality and perversion.

Fixed star Ras Algethi joins the new moon to cause irritation from women and a ruthless drive to gain power. The keys to avoiding loss, suffering and disappointment are honesty and integrity. The actions of others are likely to make you angry, mean and vengeful. The best option would be to ignore any provocation. If you must react then do so in a straight forward, direct and honest way. Don’t leave anything to the imagination.

In particular, the new moon square Mars Neptune increases the risk of being deceived by fraudsters, charlatans, cult leaders and sexual predators. Beware of charismatic people claiming to have the answers to your problems. Sexual abuse by priests is likely to make the news yet again.

However, new moon December 2018 will stimulate your creativity and imagination. So this a good moon phase for art, music, sculpture, dance and drama. Entertainment, charity work and fighting for social causes are excellent ways to use this ethereal energy safely.

The December 2018 new moon is the last new moon in the current eclipse phase which began with the July 2018 Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse. It is a good time to look back over the last five months to check how well you have progressed with your personal goals. That lunar eclipse was at 4° Aquarius. You can look back to the August 2018 solar eclipse at 18° Leo which might apply more to your professional goals.

Last month, the new moon in Scorpio asked us to plumb the depths of our feelings, which likely led us down some pretty profound paths of reflection, but kept our focus trained squarely on our inner development. Now, we’ll be well-served to adopt Sagittarius’ more outward- and forward-facing perspective instead.

When the new moon is in this expansive sign, the future doesn’t just look bright — it might as well be blinding. The sign of the Archer is famously optimistic. Even the most practical signs (Capricorn) may glance at the bright side this Friday. And, when you direct your newly hopeful gaze toward the future, as many are wont to do during the new moon, you could feel a sudden jolt of inspiration.

Maybe you’ve been mulling over a major decision or considering something that requires taking a major risk. If you give yourself enough time to reflect on Friday, you could come upon the solution you’ve been seeking. That said, the trick with Sagittarian energy is that it’s as passionate as it is impulsive — any ideas or plans that come to mind will be from your gut and not your logical side. Of course, sometimes we’re better off when we refer to what our instincts are telling us.

And, let’s not forget that the sun and Jupiter are currently hanging out in Sagittarius, too, and they’ll still be there this Friday. We’re positively swimming in this sign’s adventurous energy at the moment, so don’t be afraid to see where your inner explorer wishes to go. By the full moon on the 22nd, you could be feeling a lot more energized — and even fulfilled.

What Sag prizes above all else is wisdom—the kind that can only be gained from experience. Whether we’re traveling to distant lands, enjoying the great outdoors, or exploring the intellectual and spiritual universe, one thing’s for sure: at this December 2018 new moon, we need to be free to pursue new experiences that are meaningful to us.

But a word to the wise: Be careful not to overdo it! There’s a danger at this new moon of trying to do all the things, without a healthy or realistic sense of our own limitations. And as we “follow our bliss,” we can get overzealous and forget that “bliss” means different things to different people.

A better use of this new moon’s energy is to focus on the thing that lights your fire… and give others the freedom to blaze their own trail.

sag new moon



No doubt about it, Sag: you can do or be anything you set your mind to! But aiming in all directions at once is a surefire way to burn yourself out. At this new moon, you’re more likely to reach your highest potential if you set your sights on a specific target—ideally, one that “lights you up” from within.


You don’t mean to be a “Debbie Downer,” Capricorn—you’re just trying to be realistic. But some of your “realism” sounds a lot more like pessimism to us.  Don’t let limiting attitudes and beliefs keep you from living your best life; at this new moon, let your inner optimist come out to play. (We know they’re in there somewhere!)


“In a perfect world…” You know how you’d finish that sentence, Aquarius. And at this new moon, plenty of people will share your vision… they just might not agree with you on how to get there. For now, focus on the “what,” and let the “how” work itself out later—a big-tent movement is better than a one-person crusade!


Spiritual teachers come in many forms, Pisces—you don’t have to be a clergy person or self-help guru to help others find enlightenment.  You do it every day, in both the big and small ways you put your personal spirituality into practice. This new moon challenges you to embrace your true calling, and share your insights with a wider audience.


“Not all who wander are lost…” That may be true, Aries, but still, it’s good to have some idea where you’re headed. It can make all the difference between aimless wandering and an epic, Lord of the Rings-worthy adventure! At this new moon, you don’t need every step of the journey planned out—just a meaningful quest to pursue.


It’s a whole new world, Taurus! At this new moon, relationships can present opportunities beyond your wildest dreams. But some of these gifts may come at a cost… and if it’s your freedom or integrity, the price is too high. You can afford to be selective about which offers you accept—it’s what makes the difference between “abundance” and “excess.”


The world is your classroom, Gemini, and relationships are your teachers. What better way to learn about yourself than by encountering another person, whose experience and perspective may be wildly different from yours? At this new moon, though, remember they’re more than just a supporting character in your story—they’re also the hero of their own life’s journey.


It may be work, Cancer, but it doesn’t have to be a grind. With so much time spent on the job, you might as well find a way to enjoy it—even while you’re waiting for something bigger and better to come along. At this new moon, make happiness part of your routine, and look for meaning in even the smallest tasks.  


You’re not just the life of the party, Leo… you’re the very heart and soul! And at this new moon, it’s up to you to get the party started. Light up the night, and people will be happy to bask in your warmth—just make sure that everyone has room to shine. Sharing the spotlight is more fun, anyway!


Honoring your roots keeps you grounded, Virgo—but if you’re closed off to new experiences, it can also keep you small.  This new moon challenges you to branch out and learn more about a different culture. It can help you see your own heritage in a different light, or even reinterpret traditions in a more personally meaningful way.  


Tactful, but truthful. Opinionated, but open-minded. If anyone can pull off this balancing act, Libra, it’s definitely you! And at this new moon, your diplomatic approach can open up whole new channels of communication. Don’t hold back—take advantage of this opportunity to speak your truth and indulge your curiosity. Who knows? You might finally get your burning questions answered!


If you only had the money, Scorpio, there’s no end to what you could do. But why delay your pleasure and generosity, when there’s plenty you can do right now? After all, intangible resources like energy and time are the most valuable gifts you have to offer. At this new moon, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is!

astrology signs

The Law Of Abundance – Learning To Receive

What are Abundance Checks?

Abundance checks are a tool we can use to create more abundance in our lives.
They are written within 24 hours after a New Moon.

Surprisingly, you really don’t even need to believe that the check will work when you write it.
You will however be amazed at the results, as you will see increased abundance in your life, in some
life area. It is not always financial, but certainly in an area that you need.

Abundance is so much more than ‘money’. Perhaps a friend invites you to lunch and pays. Perhaps you are at lunch with a friend and they offer their expert advice on some area of your life. These are simple examples of Abundance. Abundance comes in many forms. Be GRATEFUL for all that comes into your life.

There is a traditional manner, which has been handed down. If you do not have a checking account you can draw a check on a piece of paper and fill it out the same way – the results will be the same, more abundance for you.

New Moon Abundance check writing is a ritual for manifesting, using the energy of the New Moon each month along with Astrology and the house the new moon touches on for you!  This ritual has been handed down through so many people that
its origin has become unknown.

Are you rich in love, prosperity and joy? Often when we hear about The Law of Abundance, it refers to money. While it certainly does include financial prosperity, it is much more than that. Abundance relates to the state of being consciously connected to our Source Energy.

By the universal laws that govern all of us, abundance is already given. By the grace of Source, it is already ours! However, our experience of abundance is dependent on our particular alignment with it.

Everything is energy, including us. We are always vibrating something. What we focus attention on determines how we are vibrating. By focusing attention on the heart of who we are, our whole being begins to vibrate more expansively.

Then, since like attracts like, we draw to ourselves any and all things that are in sync with this expansive heart energy. We experience an increase in love, light, joy, wellbeing, creativity, exuberance, prosperity, gratitude, and an ever-deepening, awe-filled awareness of who we are.

What Is The Law Of Abundance?

The Law of Abundance is an abiding principle within universal laws. It is the simple fact that there is an unlimited Source of everything we need or could ever want. This great abundance is already ours, infinitely available to all of us all the time.

This and all universes are made of Divine Energy. It is everywhere and in everything. Everything, including us, lives, moves and has its being in this Divine Energy. We are this Divine Energy. It is a live, infinite, sea of love, joy, creativity, and goodwill. Divine Energy is the source of all abundance. It fills all space. The Law of Abundance states that there is nowhere it is not, so there is no lack anywhere, any time. It is equally available to all aspects of itself, which includes you and me.

When we align ourselves with The Law of Abundance then we move in oneness with it. In this oneness the only thing that limits you – beliefs in lack and limitation – fade away. What is left is you! Free, alive, joyful, creative and loving.



 Three to four times a year, messenger Mercury, the planet of communication, spends three weeks in a special brand of upheaval—as most of the world now knows. As Mercury passes the Earth in its journey ’round the Sun, it appears to spin backward.

During its retrograde, everything under Mercury’s jurisdiction—conversation, simple instructions and plans, transportation and technology—gets muddled as well. People argue senselessly, flights are missed and trains are delayed, and electronic equipment fizzles out.

This go-round, mental Mercury was reverse-commuting through outspoken Sagittarius from November 16-December 1, before winding down his retrograde through the watery depths of secretive Scorpio. Fears of exposure could have bubbled up, creating a sudden urge to shut down entirely. But since that won’t do much good for relationships, this marked a fine week for getting back in tune with some of that trademark Scorpio intensity. 

Now, as Mercury corrects course on December 6, it settles into a horizon-broadening cosmic landscape as the life-giving Sun and philosophical Jupiter are traveling through expansive Sagittarius. Just shy of one week later on December 12, the messenger planet will join el Sol and the red spotted planet in Sagittarius until just  before the calendar turns.

Since Mercury rules the transfer and travel of information, hopefully your data has been password-protected and backed up to the cloud. But, we’re not out of the woods just yet…

Nope !  Mercury’s “shadow” is in effect until December 24, 2018.  This is retroshade (the 2-week “shadow” period that follows a Mercury Retrograde when the stars will still mess with your life”)

Don’t rush to launch your new podcast or book an instant weekend getaway. Mercury’s “shadow phase” is still in effect until December 24, 2018 (The shadow phase began October 28). It’s like a slow fade-in and fade-out, where we’ll feel lingering effects of the retrograde a couple weeks before and after. We call “retroshade,” since the trickster planet still seems to be throwing shade at us!

That said, the coast IS clearing for the standard post-Mercury retrograde activities: shopping for gadgets and a new set of wheels, signing contracts, getting tattoos, deciding whether or not your love interest is undateable. Move ahead at a gentle clip and give your good senses a chance to resume.

And just a friendly reminder…

One thing you should know is that EVERY planet goes retrograde. The word “retrograde” has become so ominous these days, and even oversaturated in the mainstream. And while we might find this annoying in some ways, these cosmic cycles are also key times to really review, refine and reconfigure. While Mars and Venus only go retrograde every other year, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are in reverse annually, for a good chunk of each year, giving us all ample time to fine tune our most cherished projects and goals.

that's all