Hi everyone.  My business partner and friend Darlene LaPenna and I have been doing a series of YouTube videos.  Our channel is called Psychic Inspiration.  Check us out and subscribe to our channel please?

Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, to be exact, and that’s the way Virgos like it: exacting. Those born under this horoscope sign are forever the butt of jokes for being so picky and critical (and they can be), but their ‘attention to detail’ is for a reason: to help others. Virgos, more than any other zodiac sign, were born to serve, and it gives them great joy. They are also tailor-made for the job, since common Virgo traits are being industrious, methodical and efficient. The sense of duty borne by these folks is considerable, and it ensures that they will always work for the greater good.

This Super Full Moon is potent as it falls at zero degrees of Virgo. Zero is the number of potential and limitless opportunities. Zero is the blank canvas of all creation, signaling that this Full Moon is really going to offer infinite potential.

February’s Full Moon is going to help us realize our potential and also the potential around us, it is also going to open us, broaden our horizons, and encourage us to open our minds and hearts to something beyond our current reality.

Since the January Eclipses, things have been shaken for many people. Perhaps your path suddenly changed or perhaps you simply started seeing things in a different light, causing you to change your attitude, beliefs, or life direction.
Life always has a way of pulling us in different directions. These directions may not always be rosy, but somewhere deep inside, we have to trust that whatever we experience is here to lift us higher, to open our hearts, and to help us to grow.

What the human mind may perceive as terrible or annoying, our soul may be rejoicing at the lessons we get to learn, the emotional range we get to experience, and the life changing wisdom we get to acquire.

Looking at the world through our higher mind definitely gives us a new perspective, and allows us to see beyond our own egos.

The light of this Full Moon is going to be so strong, and the pull of its energy is going to be intense that we will have no other choice but to open up.

The contents of our lives will be released and exposed, we will be cut open, and free to see what is really brewing on the inside.

This exposure and release can happen on a mind, body, spirit level or on a combination of all three.

On a mental level, this Full Moon is going to be exposing all that we need to release and let go of. While this is typical for most Full Moons, on this Virgo Moon we are specifically going to be encouraged to let go of repetitive thoughts, over-thinking, worries, and fears of the future.

To help us with this, the Universe may stir some of our core fears, or agitate some of our beliefs in order to help bring awareness and exposure to them.

Most of us have fear lurking in the corner of our minds and hearts and, while this is part of our human experience, the more conscious we can become of our fear, the more it helps us to know when it is driving our decisions or when it is simply in the background as a way to protect us.

Fear can be healthy in reasonable doses, but most of us are over-driven with fear, which keeps us stuck in repetitive patterns and in a lower vibrational state.

The Universe is saying to you- release the fears that hold you back and bond you to these earthly illusions. On the other side of your fear is everything you have ever wanted, everything you have ever dreamed of. Your fears are not to be ignored, but rather they are to be challenged. Rise up to them, for you are strong enough, and the power of this Moon will be helping you.

On a physical level, this Full Moon may also put a spotlight on your health. If you have not been looking after yourself, or if you have been ignoring any lingering symptoms, it is going to be important to take action around this Full Moon.
Self-care is always so important, but on this Full Moon we really have to pay attention and look after our physical bodies as much as possible. A huge part of this is also practicing self-love, and accepting our bodies no matter what, even if we are faced with illness or disease.

Our bodies are the vessel that we have chosen to carry our soul through this earthly journey. The shape of our body, the state of our body is the perfect vessel for the lessons and growth that our soul is here to do. Honor your body, honor any perceived flaws, and know that you are perfect.

Allow the light of the Moon to shine down on your face and soak up the healing vibes it emits. Allow the light of the Moon to beam straight into your core, so it can recharge your energy centers, awaken your soul, and revitalize your body.

On the deepest soul level, this Full Moon is helping to awaken our potential within. This Full Moon is helping to crack us open so we can see beyond our beliefs and into a new reality.
We perceive our reality to be a solid, three-dimensional world, but for those who have expanded their mind and awareness, it is easy to see that there are dimensions beyond this, life beyond this, and realms beyond this.

Life is not only what we see, there is an unseen world too, and if you open to the Moon’s energy, if you allow its light to shine straight through your soul, you will be able to awaken this awareness and see that life can be imagined and lived in far more detail, in far more vivid color, and with far more magic.


On February 4th, 2019 we have a New Moon at  15° Aquarius. If you live in Australia, New Zealand or parts of Asia the New Moon is one day later, on February 5th.  “This New Moon is a lucky time to embrace growth and change,”. “Move towards the new version of yourself and opportunities that present themselves — you won’t be disappointed!” I know we’re all feeling a little shaky after the intensity of that last full moon, but we should sure-footedly move forward in seizing opportunities and setting fresh goals, because the vibes of this luminary are flowin’ in to support us.


This New Moon is conjunct Mercury and sextile Jupiter. The New Moon only forms positive, supporting aspects, making it one of the most auspicious New Moons of the year.

If you plan a big project for 2019, this is your New Moon! If you start something now, you will have a higher likelihood to succeed.

How exactly this New Moon will influence you depends of course, on your natal chart and on how ‘used’ you are to the Aquarian energy.

This New Moon is very Aquarius-like because it is at 15° Aquarius (15° is half-way through 30° and is the strongest manifestation of the energy).

Moreover, the New Moon is sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the 11th sign from Aquarius, and an 11th house aspect carries the energy of Aquarius.

If your chart has strong Aquarius or 11th house or a prominent Saturn and Uranus, you will likely go with the flow and embrace the energy.

However, if you don’t have any planet in Aquarius, or if you have too much Leo energy for example (Leo is Aquarius’ opposite sign) you will likely resist it, at least at the beginning.

But because this is a well-aspected New Moon, this time you will be more curious and open than usual to embrace the Aquarius energy. No matter your natal chart, this New Moon is your chance to tap into your Aquarius side.

But what does Aquarius stand for?

Aquarius is a fixed, air, masculine sign. Aquarius speaks about what is stable (fixed) yet invisible to the eye (Air). The unwritten rules of society. Camaraderie and what keeps people connected. Mental energy. The world wide web.

Aquarius is the opposite of Leo. If Leo is the heart, Aquarius is the mind.

Leo is the Self, Aquarius is what’s beyond the Self. With Aquarius, we dissociate from the sense of the Ego (Leo). That’s the reason why Aquarian energy is known to be humanitarian and selfless.

Leo is the leader, Aquarius is the team player. Leo is one, Aquarius is ‘many’.

Interestingly, in the past, kings and queens (a symbol for Leo) referred to themselves with the royal “we”.

That’s because the monarch was speaking not only in his or her personal capacity but also in an official capacity as leader of a nation. The monarch was the nation itself, the sum of all the individuals. This is a good example of how the Leo-Aquarius polarity plays out. What’s when Aquarius contains all the individual Leo ‘selves’.

The opposite is also possible. The individual can also be completely stripped of the sense of Self. They are everywhere and nowhere.

If a Leo looks in the mirror and says “that’s me”, Aquarius looks in the mirror and wonders “Who am I?”.

Leo is the Self, Aquarius is what’s beyond the Self. With Aquarius, we dissociate from the sense of the Ego (Leo). That’s the reason why Aquarian energy is known to be humanitarian and selfless.

Leo is the leader, Aquarius is the team player. Leo is one, Aquarius is ‘many’.

Interestingly, in the past, kings and queens (a symbol for Leo) referred to themselves with the royal “we”.

That’s because the monarch was speaking not only in his or her personal capacity but also in an official capacity as leader of a nation. The monarch was the nation itself, the sum of all the individuals. This is a good example of how the Leo-Aquarius polarity plays out. What’s when Aquarius contains all the individual Leo ‘selves’.

The opposite is also possible. The individual can also be completely stripped of the sense of Self. They are everywhere and nowhere.

If a Leo looks in the mirror and says “that’s me”, Aquarius looks in the mirror and wonders “Who am I?”.

New Moon In Aquarius – Opening Up To New Ways Of Being

The New Moon in Aquarius is an invitation to expand the identification of the Self and open up to new ways of being.

Aquarius is the sign of friends and groups of people. Friends help us enrich the sense of the Self. Other people help us understand that we are not alone in the world, and that the world doesn’t revolve around us. Without this constant interaction with others, we would stagnate.

We are shaped by our interactions with others. Let’s say you’re always on time. Your friend always runs late. At the beginning you are annoyed, but with time you start to understand your friend. Even more, you discover that there is a part of you who enjoys being late, too.

And you wonder: “Wait a minute: how can I be both punctual and tardy?”

That’s Aquarius. Aquarius or Uranus transits can bring either confusion, or breakthroughs related to the sense of Self.

People with strong Aquarius or Uranus in their chart often feel they have multiple personalities.

When we experience an Aquarius transit (like this New Moon), we oftentimes discover something new about who we are.

The body, the Self can become too constricting for the expanded sense of Self. Let’s say you’re a woman and you discover your masculine side. Or you’re a man and you discover your feminine side.

You can either integrate this information and enrich the Self, or you dissociate from these aspects of the Self that may be too complex, too difficult to reconcile.

Depending on how we react to this process of Self-expansion, an Aquarius transit can trigger resistance, or can bring liberation. Is this new insight too much to handle? You resist it. Do you allow it in your consciousness, even if it doesn’t make too much sense? It will liberate you.

New Moon In Aquarius – Mercury And Jupiter

Thankfully, this New Moon in Aquarius is conjunct Mercury. Mercury (the mind) will facilitate the process, by translating the higher Aquarian frequencies into messages that the human mind (Mercury) can make sense of.

Moreover, the New Moon in Aquarius in sextile Jupiter, which will further facilitate the process. Jupiter’s message is “Believe”. You know you act from Jupiter when you believe without questioning, when you trust that a higher power (Jupiter) works in your favor.

You may think it’s easy to believe without questioning, but in fact, it doesn’t come naturally at all. What comes natural, especially in our society, is exactly the opposite.

Think about fake news (Mercury). Most people believe what they see in social media (even if it’s so easy to manipulate things like photos with Photoshop) while dismissing concepts like God, the Universe, or the law of cause and effect.

But thanks to the supporting aspect between Jupiter and the New Moon in Aquarius, we will now see what otherwise we are blind to.

New Moon In Aquarius – The Opera Is In Me

The Sabian symbol of the New Moon is “A big businessman at his desk”.

A businessman, like a conductor, makes sure the whole (the business) works together seamlessly.

Managing a business is not an easy task. Each business has three main areas: the business itself / the operations, the employees, and the customers. Only when all these three components work together coherently, value is created, which within our economic environment equates profit.

Profit, in a normal, uncorrupted economic environment is a sign of health, it’s a proof that value is created. A business cannot exist without profit. Systems are doomed to fail if they stop creating value.

Conducting an orchestra means bringing together lots of brains, hearts, and instruments.

Each person plays a different role, yet together, through the magic wand of the conductor, the orchestra is much more than the sum of its parts.

To become a conductor, you need to expand your sense of Self, just like the kings and queens did, back in the time.

Not to gain power, not to inflate yourself.

But to understand that if you want to make great things happen, you need to allow yourSelf to expand and then allow yourselves to work coherently so that you can create true value in this world.




Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You’re pretty good at focusing on you, Aries, and that’s amazing. But during this moon, you’re probably going to find yourself spending more of your energy on strengthening bonds with your friends and colleagues. Embrace leaning toward a more collaborative (and very Aquarian-influenced) attitude in all your new moon endeavors. “Your relationship with your peers is becoming more important than ever — as you are focused on helping the collective grow, rather than your own needs.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

If you’ve been getting bored at work, this luminary is begging you to make a move — cause staying in your comfort zone is never worth feeling uninspired and unchallenged, Taurus! “This new moon has you looking to shake things up in your career. Its a great time get a little unconventional in the office or send out your resume to companies that excite you.” Don’t be afraid to mix things up! Use this new beginning to start planting seeds for bagging your dream job or tailoring your current job to better suit your interests.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

You’re still on that spiritual self-care kick, Gemini, so keep ridin’ the magical train to your own personal enlightenment — cause it’s not everyday that something stirs you like your recent explorations have. “This luminary opens your consciousness to pursue higher minded endeavors such as yoga and meditation..”Embrace your new spiritual goals — move towards inner fulfillment.” Having the new moon in a fellow air sign will only further inspire you to embrace your new ideas and keep journeying inward. Enjoy the ride!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

New moon ritual time! The vibes from this luminary are begging you to embrace your inner witch. “This new moon has you inspired to take your knowledge of the occult into an immersive practice. “Take the information you’ve collected over the years and craft a new ritual or meditation!” Whether you invite over your coven of girlfriends to do some new moon manifesting or just light a candle for a simple solo practice, you’ll be feeling supercharged and spiritually connected under this luminary. Step into your power.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Under this new moon, it’s out with the old and in with the new, Leo — meaning it’s time to say “Thank U, Next” to some of your partnerships. “You’re retaliating relationships — deciding which ones will stand the test of time and which need to fall by the wayside to keep the ones that bring you joy and happiness. Try to use the luminary to work on the others, to create a new understanding.” No time to cry over spilled milk now. You’re a lion, after all, and it’s time for some fresh blood.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

You’ll be happy to know that this new moon will offer you the kick in the butt you need to get your currently messy day-to-day schedule cleaned up, spic n’ span — just how you like it. “You’ll be itching to become more organized in your daily routine.”Time to bust out the planner and apply more structure to your daily life.” Nothin’ to see here, just Virgos doing what Virgos do best: Organizing. But you love it, so carpe diem on these lunar vibes and Marie Kondo the heck out of your affairs to get them in perfect order.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Libras? Drama? Who, me? Yes, you, Libra sister —but honestly, it looks cute on you, so be your unapologetically attention-lovin’ self under this new moon. “Your flair for drama and romance is high, allowing you to take center stage in your relationships,” With the new moon rising in a fellow air sign, you’re actually feeling more deeply connected to yourself than you have in recent months — and you’ll have an extra pep in your step because of it. Embrace your power and use it to express yourself in your relationships without being afraid to upset the balance.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Time to elevate your bad self, Scorpio, and start thinking about who you are as well as who you want to be. “As the sign of rebirth, you’re no stranger to reinventing yourself,”. “Use the new moon energy to step into your highest potential.” The vibes under this luminary are asking you to set some lofty personal goals and dig deep to find your authenticity. Don’t be afraid to try something different, whether it’s just sporting a slightly new look or going for a job in a totally fresh field. It’s time for a change — a change that makes you feel even more like you.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Look at you, Miss Popular! Attention is dandy, but under this new moon, all the chatter might start to feel a little overwhelming. And who can blame you? You’ve had a lot on your plate lately. “Your phone will be buzzing non-stop, forcing you to put your foot in your mouth,”. “Think before you bluntly respond and don’t feel rushed to get back to people.” Your fans can wait, Sag, so avoid an awkward exchange by allowing yourself to recharge (and respond!) at your own pace.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Let’s talk about money, honey, cause we know that’s always on a Capricorn’s mind (OK, fine, maybe only 85 percent of the time). “This new moon will have you re-evaluating your finances and money making skills. “Be sure to make a list of financial goals for the year as you’re sure to hit them!” The eclipse had you feeling wonky, but this new moon is the perfect time to manifest (and prepare to conquer) some new goals when it comes to money. You’ll find you have a little extra clarity and motivation, so take advantage of it.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Woo hoo, Aqua, the sun and moon are in your sign during this luminary, so pump up the jams and have some fun, cause this new beginning feels good. “Put your best foot forward under this luminary and embrace all your gifts. “Be brave and show the world your fabulous self!” We like you, we love you, and we want some more of you, Aquarius. Share the gift of you being your authentic self with everyone, and they’ll be grateful. We could all use a little of your airy energy after the intensity of the past moons.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

Oh, you’ll be so happy to hear what this new moon has in store for you, Pisces: Staying in. Taking a hot bath. Pampering yourself to your heart’s content. Told you you’d love it! “You may be overdue for some self-care, little fish,” advises Watt. “Take this new moon to draw yourself a yummy bath and let your cares slip away!” The world is makin’ you weary lately, and I don’t blame you — eclipse season was a hot mess. So it’s time to spiritually recharge and refuel, and using this fresh lunar phase to do so is the best plan.
