On April 19, 2019, we have the second Libra Full Moon of the year. The first Libra Full Moon was back in March, and opened a portal of possibilities and change.

This portal has been guiding us to get back to our center and to find our state of zero, and now, on this second Libra Full Moon in April, this portal of energy is coming to a close.

Since March 20, this energy has been lifting and shifting us in different ways. It has been guiding us to find balance in our lives and to think about ways to elevate and lift ourselves higher.

This portal of energy has been beckoning us to make some changes so we can feel more aligned and more at one with ourselves. It has been guiding us to merge with the flow and rhythm of the Universe so we can unlock the field of possibilities that rest within.

Now that the portal is coming to a close, we have to turn to the relationships in our lives and figure out what we need to let go of and what needs to shift.

While the first Libra Full Moon was about finding balance within, this second Libra Full Moon is about finding balance with others and with our relationships.

In order to achieve this, we first have to understand and realize our self-worth.

You are worthy of being loved just as you are. You are worthy of respect. You are worthy of forgiveness. You are worthy to be heard and listened to. Your feelings matter. You are important. And you deserve all of the relationships in your life to be aligned with this truth.

The more you love yourself, the more you value yourself, the less likely you are to tolerate relationships that throw you off course and out of balance.

Love is a tricky thing, can sometimes be even harder, but without love, without unconditional love for the self, life can be too challenging, too painful, and too much of a burden to bare.

We have to learn to love ourselves. We have to learn to know our worth. And when we do, our relationships will have a way of automatically following.

Under the energy of this potent Libra Full Moon, ask yourself where you can love yourself more? Ask yourself what relationships are no longer bringing out the best in you?

This relationship can be with another person, but it can also be a relationship you have with an object or an idea, such as money, your job, a belief, or a set of values.

The time has come to shift and pivot, and relationships are the focus. The Universe wants us to clear the way and to let go of relationships that are no longer necessary in order for us to keep continuing forward.

The Universe wants us to speak our truth and have those difficult conversations with those that need to hear it. The Universe wants us to make changes so our relationships become a source of love, strength, and hope as they guide us on our way.

Allow the Moon to be your guide, as it will show you the cracks, the gaps, and what needs to be cleared so the new can arrive.

This Moon will shine a light on what needs to be repaired and fixed or it will let us know that the time has come to say goodbye.

There is some tense energy circling this Full Moon, but it is only there to help us take action and cut the cords with certain relationships once and for all.

While this tense energy may feel heavy, we can use it to our advantage by finding the strength and confidence we need to know our worth and to put ourselves first.

Of course, we also have to be mindful of what we say to others, and ensure we are coming from a place of love. While tensions may be high around this Full Moon, we still have to keep ourselves in balance and remember that a little kindness can go a long way.

We deserve to surround ourselves with people who love us and want to see us lifted higher.

While this Full Moon will shine a light on the relationships that need an upgrade or need to be let go of, we can also use it as a reminder to let those we love know how much they mean to us.

Use this Libra Full Moon energy as a reminder to pay gratitude for your loved ones, and to thank the more challenging relationships in your life too, for they have also shaped who you have become.

The future is bright, and this Full Moon will be helping us to cut the cords, clear the way, and surround ourselves with those who lift us higher.



On April 19, 2019, we have the second Libra Full Moon of the year. The first Libra Full Moon was back in March, and opened a portal of possibilities and change.

This portal has been guiding us to get back to our center and to find our state of zero, and now, on this second Libra Full Moon in April, this portal of energy is coming to a close.

Since March 20, this energy has been lifting and shifting us in different ways. It has been guiding us to find balance in our lives and to think about ways to elevate and lift ourselves higher.

This portal of energy has been beckoning us to make some changes so we can feel more aligned and more at one with ourselves. It has been guiding us to merge with the flow and rhythm of the Universe so we can unlock the field of possibilities that rest within.

Now that the portal is coming to a close, we have to turn to the relationships in our lives and figure out what we need to let go of and what needs to shift.

While the first Libra Full Moon was about finding balance within, this second Libra Full Moon is about finding balance with others and with our relationships.

In order to achieve this, we first have to understand and realize our self-worth.

You are worthy of being loved just as you are. You are worthy of respect. You are worthy of forgiveness. You are worthy to be heard and listened to. Your feelings matter. You are important. And you deserve all of the relationships in your life to be aligned with this truth.

The more you love yourself, the more you value yourself, the less likely you are to tolerate relationships that throw you off course and out of balance.

Love is a tricky thing, can sometimes be even harder, but without love, without unconditional love for the self, life can be too challenging, too painful, and too much of a burden to bare.

We have to learn to love ourselves. We have to learn to know our worth. And when we do, our relationships will have a way of automatically following.

Under the energy of this potent Libra Full Moon, ask yourself where you can love yourself more? Ask yourself what relationships are no longer bringing out the best in you?

This relationship can be with another person, but it can also be a relationship you have with an object or an idea, such as money, your job, a belief, or a set of values.

The time has come to shift and pivot, and relationships are the focus. The Universe wants us to clear the way and to let go of relationships that are no longer necessary in order for us to keep continuing forward.

The Universe wants us to speak our truth and have those difficult conversations with those that need to hear it. The Universe wants us to make changes so our relationships become a source of love, strength, and hope as they guide us on our way.

Allow the Moon to be your guide, as it will show you the cracks, the gaps, and what needs to be cleared so the new can arrive.

This Moon will shine a light on what needs to be repaired and fixed or it will let us know that the time has come to say goodbye.

There is some tense energy circling this Full Moon, but it is only there to help us take action and cut the cords with certain relationships once and for all.

While this tense energy may feel heavy, we can use it to our advantage by finding the strength and confidence we need to know our worth and to put ourselves first.

Of course, we also have to be mindful of what we say to others, and ensure we are coming from a place of love. While tensions may be high around this Full Moon, we still have to keep ourselves in balance and remember that a little kindness can go a long way.

We deserve to surround ourselves with people who love us and want to see us lifted higher.

While this Full Moon will shine a light on the relationships that need an upgrade or need to be let go of, we can also use it as a reminder to let those we love know how much they mean to us.

Use this Libra Full Moon energy as a reminder to pay gratitude for your loved ones, and to thank the more challenging relationships in your life too, for they have also shaped who you have become.

The future is bright, and this Full Moon will be helping us to cut the cords, clear the way, and surround ourselves with those who lift us higher.



Aries –

Unexpected change and freedom is gonna be in your zone this full moon. Your need for answers might make things slightly sticky—defining the terms of our existence is, after all, part of the human condition—but ultimately, enjoying the moment and being present for the next season of your life will give you more satisfaction than any neat label or definition.

Taurus –

With Uranus and the Moon in polarity, your restlessness may reach an all-time high. Figuring out healthy ways to deal with nervous tension or anxiety is the only way to reach the next phase of your life. It’s so easy to assign goals to mental health—”when I finish this final, I’ll start working out again,” etc. But true growth happens when we focus on our internal lives.

Gemini –

I know you hate being told what to do, but authority is an inflexible part of life. If it’s not your boss, it’s your dad or your roommate or someone who wants you to go home when the bars close and not throw a temper tantrum when you want a street hot dog at 2 A.M. This full moon, recognize that sometimes you have to eat shit and just go with it.

Cancer –

Impulsive reactions don’t always serve your highest good, Cancer. Your compassion and empathy make it hard for you to say what you need when you don’t want to offend others. Take extra care this April to not let small problems escalate by being direct and engaging in supportive self-talk.

Leo –

A newfound (or renewed need) for independence will rear its head this full moon. Whether you’re single, in a relationship, or dancing on the razor’s edge of either, listen to that little voice that tells you that you can do it on your own. It’s OK if you do it wrong or scared or a little messy. You are your own person, full stop.

Virgo –

Does it ever feel like you’ll always be hungry for love and affection and your organs are screaming? Cool, me too. That will only increase this full moon. Make sure you’re in balance by reflecting on your current relationships. Are you receiving as much love as you are giving? Do you know your love languages? It’s OK to be hungry. It’s when you’re starving that something has to change.


Libra –

One of the hardest things to do in this life is reconcile ourselves to our actions without excuses or pretense. It’s a psychological phenomenon that people judge themselves by their intentions, but other people by their actions. In reality, this serves neither party and makes for really great reality TV drama. All this to say—Libra, are your actions and intentions fully aligned? This full moon, readjust as needed.

Scorpio –

Self-care is such a nebulous term. Make sure this full moon that you know the difference because self-medicating and self-care. The difference between is but a silken threat. By identifying unhealthy coping mechanisms, you are investing in your future happiness.

Sagittarius –

Remember April 5? Because all that situational life-stuff is hanging around for a reason. This full moon, fine-tune your path and intentions from the last new moon. It’s all connected. History repeats itself until we make a conscious effort to fuck it up.

Capricorn –

Unresolved issues may boil up this full moon. When this happens, you’ve got two choices: Deal with it, or let it go. Sometimes plucking at threads makes a bigger mess, you know? Resolve the challenges as best you can and let go of the rest. But like, ACTUALLY let it go. Let this full moon teach you how to unclench your fists, sweet Capricorn.

Aquarius –

This full moon has your head full of poetry and your heart full of songs. Follow inspiration without the need for a finished project. Not everything has to be finished or for sale—especially not your creativity and unique way of looking at the world. Make something and show no one.

Pisces –

Transformation is never easy. And with all the stress of this full moon, honey-sweet-one, it probably is reaching an all-time AHHHHHH. But hang in there. . But it is worth it. Do what you need to survive, OK?

astrology signs

Aries –

Unexpected change and freedom is gonna be in your zone this full moon. Your need for answers might make things slightly sticky—defining the terms of our existence is, after all, part of the human condition—but ultimately, enjoying the moment and being present for the next season of your life will give you more satisfaction than any neat label or definition.

Taurus –

With Uranus and the Moon in polarity, your restlessness may reach an all-time high. Figuring out healthy ways to deal with nervous tension or anxiety is the only way to reach the next phase of your life. It’s so easy to assign goals to mental health—”when I finish this final, I’ll start working out again,” etc. But true growth happens when we focus on our internal lives.

Gemini –

I know you hate being told what to do, but authority is an inflexible part of life. If it’s not your boss, it’s your dad or your roommate or someone who wants you to go home when the bars close and not throw a temper tantrum when you want a street hot dog at 2 A.M. This full moon, recognize that sometimes you have to eat shit and just go with it.

Cancer –

Impulsive reactions don’t always serve your highest good, Cancer. Your compassion and empathy make it hard for you to say what you need when you don’t want to offend others. Take extra care this April to not let small problems escalate by being direct and engaging in supportive self-talk.

Leo –

A newfound (or renewed need) for independence will rear its head this full moon. Whether you’re single, in a relationship, or dancing on the razor’s edge of either, listen to that little voice that tells you that you can do it on your own. It’s OK if you do it wrong or scared or a little messy. You are your own person, full stop.

Virgo –

Does it ever feel like you’ll always be hungry for love and affection and your organs are screaming? Cool, me too. That will only increase this full moon. Make sure you’re in balance by reflecting on your current relationships. Are you receiving as much love as you are giving? Do you know your love languages? It’s OK to be hungry. It’s when you’re starving that something has to change.


Libra –

One of the hardest things to do in this life is reconcile ourselves to our actions without excuses or pretense. It’s a psychological phenomenon that people judge themselves by their intentions, but other people by their actions. In reality, this serves neither party and makes for really great reality TV drama. All this to say—Libra, are your actions and intentions fully aligned? This full moon, readjust as needed.

Scorpio –

Self-care is such a nebulous term. Make sure this full moon that you know the difference because self-medicating and self-care. The difference between is but a silken threat. By identifying unhealthy coping mechanisms, you are investing in your future happiness.

Sagittarius –

Remember April 5? Because all that situational life-stuff is hanging around for a reason. This full moon, fine-tune your path and intentions from the last new moon. It’s all connected. History repeats itself until we make a conscious effort to fuck it up.

Capricorn –

Unresolved issues may boil up this full moon. When this happens, you’ve got two choices: Deal with it, or let it go. Sometimes plucking at threads makes a bigger mess, you know? Resolve the challenges as best you can and let go of the rest. But like, ACTUALLY let it go. Let this full moon teach you how to unclench your fists, sweet Capricorn.

Aquarius –

This full moon has your head full of poetry and your heart full of songs. Follow inspiration without the need for a finished project. Not everything has to be finished or for sale—especially not your creativity and unique way of looking at the world. Make something and show no one.

Pisces –

Transformation is never easy. And with all the stress of this full moon, honey-sweet-one, it probably is reaching an all-time AHHHHHH. But hang in there. . But it is worth it. Do what you need to survive, OK?

astrology signs

Pluto will turn retrograde on April 24th at 23 degrees Capricorn. Think about falling back, for real and deeply.

That sentence is awkward on purpose. Here you are slogging through the mud, you may even be stuck in something more like into a sewer. There is nothing comfortable about it.

Less than a week later, on April 29th, Saturn will turn retrograde at 20 degrees Capricorn. If you thought you were going to be able to stand your ground, this will be the “two” in the one-two punch. Many people will be knocked down.

Saturn will turn retrograde on April 17th, 2018 at nine degrees Capricorn. The planet will remain retrograde for nearly five months, turning direct at two degrees Capricorn on September 7th, 2018.

If you have planets at the mid-degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), you’re probably feeling pressure at this point. That pressure will fall back at this time.  It’s like getting a deferment.

But if you have planets at the early degrees of the Cardinal signs, it’s time to check your work! 

There is no better analogy for Saturn but to think of a mountain one must climb. If you’ve never climbed a mountain, let me tell you how it works…

It’s a big mountain, visualize it. It’s entirely possible to come to a point on that mountain when you realize there’s an easier way. You might have gone off the trail.

When this happens, it may give a tactical advantage to backtrack until you find the path that will ultimately lead you to success.

In another case, you may have underestimated the mountain or overestimated yourself and your abilities. Basically, you see that you’re not going to make it unless you go back for something foundational. Food. Another canteen. A blanket.  So basically you’ve got to retreat in order to progress.

That’s sounds simple because it is simple but it does not mean this period will be easy.  You’re probably tired. No one wants to backtrack. However if your ultimate success depends on it, then there is no use arguing.

Actually, you can dig your heals in but then what? Saturn is slow-moving as it is. Compare that to not moving at all! Just think of the people you know who are like that. Stuck! Life moves on and leaves people like that behind. Still smokin’ crack, huh? Well, okay!

If you want to get somewhere with this, stick to Saturn principles. Do the right thing. Be responsible. Act like an adult, assuming you’re an adult. 🙂

saturn retrograde   pluto capricorn

Pluto will turn retrograde on April 24th at 23 degrees Capricorn. Think about falling back, for real and deeply.

That sentence is awkward on purpose. Here you are slogging through the mud, you may even be stuck in something more like into a sewer. There is nothing comfortable about it.

Less than a week later, on April 29th, Saturn will turn retrograde at 20 degrees Capricorn. If you thought you were going to be able to stand your ground, this will be the “two” in the one-two punch. Many people will be knocked down.

Saturn will turn retrograde on April 17th, 2018 at nine degrees Capricorn. The planet will remain retrograde for nearly five months, turning direct at two degrees Capricorn on September 7th, 2018.

If you have planets at the mid-degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), you’re probably feeling pressure at this point. That pressure will fall back at this time.  It’s like getting a deferment.

But if you have planets at the early degrees of the Cardinal signs, it’s time to check your work! 

There is no better analogy for Saturn but to think of a mountain one must climb. If you’ve never climbed a mountain, let me tell you how it works…

It’s a big mountain, visualize it. It’s entirely possible to come to a point on that mountain when you realize there’s an easier way. You might have gone off the trail.

When this happens, it may give a tactical advantage to backtrack until you find the path that will ultimately lead you to success.

In another case, you may have underestimated the mountain or overestimated yourself and your abilities. Basically, you see that you’re not going to make it unless you go back for something foundational. Food. Another canteen. A blanket.  So basically you’ve got to retreat in order to progress.

That’s sounds simple because it is simple but it does not mean this period will be easy.  You’re probably tired. No one wants to backtrack. However if your ultimate success depends on it, then there is no use arguing.

Actually, you can dig your heals in but then what? Saturn is slow-moving as it is. Compare that to not moving at all! Just think of the people you know who are like that. Stuck! Life moves on and leaves people like that behind. Still smokin’ crack, huh? Well, okay!

If you want to get somewhere with this, stick to Saturn principles. Do the right thing. Be responsible. Act like an adult, assuming you’re an adult. 🙂

saturn retrograde   pluto capricorn

The New Moon in Aries is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Ram. It’s time to take action – try something new and innovative, and go at it with gusto and confidence; be assertive without being abrasive; take charge of our lives; start a brand new project, and discover our own personal courage.

This is a strong cycle under which to re-evaluate our relationship to ourselves. With this potent Aries energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It’s time to make some solid yet realistic plans, and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings, as little or big as they may be, in approximately two weeks’ time after the Full Moon occurs.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and thus a New Moon in Aries is especially ripe with opportunity for new beginnings. We might consider acting on a constructive impulse and following a hunch or taking a risk. Aries learns through experience and action, so we might treat ourselves to a little adventure now. It’s also a good cycle under which to discover the benefits of expressing ourselves with authenticity – expressing ourselves as we are, without putting on airs. We might also find ways to learn how to rely on ourselves and to be happy about doing so – it will go a long way towards finding inner happiness when we know that we can be self-sufficient without blaming others for not helping us out. It’s a time to revitalize ourselves through experiences that break the routine and that involve doing something new and fresh.

However, the New Moon forms a square to Saturn, suggesting some blocks surrounding our new beginnings. Something may not get off the ground as quickly as we’d like now. Even so, we’re in a rare window when none of the major planets/bodies are retrograde, and things may very well swim along after this check-in with reality.
This phase of the Moon occurs at 15 degrees and 17 minutes of Aries, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 11 to 19 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, and Libra, and Capricorn) most significantly.

If you feel like the last few weeks have been all about a time of major changes, plenty of new beginnings, and lots of goodbyes, you aren’t wrong: between the Spring Equinox and the beginning of Aries season, things have definitely been shaken up for everyone lately. It doesn’t seem like that’s ending any time soon, either. On Apr. 5, the Aries New Moon will rise, and it brings about some change and fresh starts as well – along with the confidence you need for these types of challenges. While it will affect everyone, it will be slightly different for each zodiac sign, and some won’t be affected as much as others.

The Aries New Moon will push us all to change our core beliefs. We may be met with resistance, but with perseverance we can grow into the best version of ourselves.” Because the New Moon is the beginning of a new lunar cycle, it will always inspire us to do something new – but that kind of energy is even more intense with the Aries influence. That’s because Aries is a bold, fiery sign with all of the confidence you could need, and it’s going to rub off on pretty much everyone. Aries is a sign that knows what it wants, and doesn’t want to wait for it. They go after things, and you’ll find that you may want to do that as well during this New Moon.

Aries is a sign that is known for courage, impulsiveness, and outgoing energy. An Aries is not timid or meek, or scared to go out on a limb and try something totally different. We’re all going to feel motivated to make a change… but at the same time, that intensity will be different for everyone, and that can depend on your zodiac sign. Every sign will feel something, of course (it’s almost impossible not to during a powerful moon cycle!), but some will have things a little more chill, and that’s not always a bad thing.

new moon aries moon

Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Miss current sun and moon, your empire awaits you. “This moon will make you more focused on work matters, allowing you to build your own personal brand. It’s your season to shine, so bring your fire energy to the table when it comes to your career goals and you can bet you’ll be seeing a whole new batch of successes come your way.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Light a candle, throw some tarot spreads, and commune with your spirit guides, cause you’re feelin’ the unseen energies. You’re now drawn to higher minded pursuits, much of which is based on your own spiritual beliefs,. This new moon definitely calls for a ritual, so grab the coven and make it happen.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
You know what’s fun? Being a wild n’ crazy Gemini. You know what’s more fun? Being a wild n’ crazy Gemini with healthy boundaries. Yeah, that’s right. “You are implementing boundaries with friends, setting limits around who and what manipulates and controls you. Be wary of anyone who tries to dim your light or put a damper on your power.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
It’s not just full moon drama we have to worry about, Cancer — when you’re ruled by the moon, as Cancers are, even a new moon can be chaos-inducing. “Frenemies at work will cause conflicts around the office,. “Try to get along with them to create a positive work environment.” Kill conflict with kindness — you’ve got it under your shell.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)
So like, don’t kill the messenger, but it might be time for you take a little chill pill, Leo. “A coworker will inspire you to pursue mediation,” shares Stardust. “Take a class and see if you enjoy these mindful relaxation tools.” If you hate it, blame them — then try something new!

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
We can only put up with so much when we’ve got a bullsh*t detector that’s this high-functioning, right Virgo? This moon makes it clear that you’re pretty over the games. “You’ve thrown the hammer down on your crush, which will give them the opportunity to change. “Their ability to grow with you is essential now.” Don’t settle for less than the best.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
Doors close, new ones open — you know the drill, girl. Balance is your jam, so dive on into that jelly and sweeten up your game. “A partnership may go sour, allowing you to find your ultimate match,” “Keep your eyes open for a new romantic or business partnership under this moon.” Magic is a-brewin’, so keep your eyes (and heart!) wide open.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
Feeling a little tense? Not to worry — you can rely on your own skill set to relieve the pressure that’s on ya, if you’re willing to develop it, that is. “You may want to pep up your energy with light stretches throughout the day. “Learning new skills to alleviate tensions will prove to be beneficial now.” Put time into yourself, Scorpio, and it’ll pay off.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
Creative vibes are high, Sag! But so is your chance to run into some financial drama. “Dealing with an artistic endeavor may leave your pockets empty. Budget and demand half of the payment before starting the task.” Mercury may have stationed direct, but you’ll still need to double check your deets like it’s retrograde.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
Your surroundings are a reflection of you, Cap, so spruce your place up — just not at all costs, OK? “Updating your home will be extra costly, but will serve as inspiration. “Try to renovate on a budget.” Some fresh color palettes, furniture arrangements, and maybe a few shiny new toys will give you a lil’ extra springtime pep in your step.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
You’re feelin’ all up in your head — but remember, sometimes our self-consciousness plays mind games with us. “You may be a little paranoid now, thinking people are gossiping about you. “Relax and rethink facts. Maybe there’s a miscommunication somewhere in the game of telephone.” Do what you do best and outsmart your feelings.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)
Time to spring clean your social life — cause you have too much good happening to leave any room in your life for energy vampires. “You only have room now for those in your life who treat you well,. “Take back your power and kick false friends to the curb.” This new moon is asking you to thank u, next anyone who resembles toxic baggage. Byeeeee.

new moon   aries moon