The August 30 new moon in Virgo is conjunct Mars by one degree. This alone makes for a very strong moon phase because Mars rules strength, conjunctions are the strongest of planetary aspects, and the aspect orb of one degree is very strong.

Mars is generally considered an aggressive, combative and destructive. But this is a friendly new moon because of the loving influence of Venus and the communicative influence of Mercury. Plus, the strongest aspect to the new moon is the harmonious trine aspect to Uranus, bringing welcome change and excitement. There are no major fixed stars close to this new moon.

New Moon Aspects

New Moon conjunct Mars brings an abundance of energy and initiative which must be used in a safe way. If this hot energy were to build up in your body, it could be released spontaneously in an uncontrolled and destructive way, hurting yourself or others.

Thankfully, Venus turns the aggression of Mars into passion and creativity, while adding love and patience. Mercury helps you think before acting and helps you express any anger through your words. A Mars new moon is good for physical activity like sport, sex, and war. Venus adds creativity like art, sculpture, and dance. Mercury brings intellectual creativity, incisive wit and debating skill.

High levels of assertiveness, initiative, and goal-directed energy make this a great new moon for starting new projects. While a Mars new moon alone would cause over assertiveness and impulsiveness, the addition of Mercury and Venus promotes harmony and cooperation. This is particularly helpful for business ventures and personal relationships.

Sun trine Uranus brings positive change and exciting opportunities. Increased freedom and self-confidence allow you to express the more flamboyant, or kinky side of your personality. This is an excellent time to leave your comfort zone and widen your social circle with some extraordinary people. A reliable intuition and flashes of insight can lead to increased self-awareness, creative breakthroughs, and new discoveries,

Mars trine Uranus brings a sense of adventure, curiosity and initiative. You can break free from previous restriction or boring routines with a burst of daring energy. Taking risks will lead to unique opportunities to experience new activities, feelings, and relationships. Follow your instinct and be confident about making changes and starting new projects. Your love life will benefit from increased sex drive, physical attractiveness, and open-mindedness. Internet dating could bring an exciting new romance.

New Moon August 2019 Summary

The August 30 new moon is strong and sexy because it is only one degree from Mars. Venus adds affection and tenderness to the raw, primal sex drive of Mars. This perfect blend of love and sex is well suited to finding your soul mate. Mercury is also close to the new moon which helps you understand and share your most passionate feelings and desires.

That said, the Virgo new moon at the end of this month is going to be an ideal time to put our structured organization skills to the test and get our affairs in perfect order — or as close to perfect as we can possibly get, anyway. “This Virgo new moon is a celestial green light that says it’s time to plant the seeds of new beginnings in the areas of your work, health, and service to othersWe’re getting our acts together, and we’re doing it right.

“The Virgo New Moon is a time of pragmatic and structured growth. “We will be motivated to transcend into the best versions of ourselves, with a little help from Mercury, Venus, and Mars.” We’re dealing with a powerhouse of astrological hard-hitters under this moon.

Mercury, Venus, and Mars will be offering their help during this moon, it’s because this new moon is going to be forming a conjunction aspect with all three of these planets on Aug. 30 — meaning they’ll all be linking up in the same astrological area of the same sign. When the moon is conjunct Mars, it can make us feel emotionally fired up, energized, and sexual – but thankfully, the gentle and loving influence of Venus and the clear-communication-lovin’ influence of Mercury helps to temper the blazin’ hot aggro side of Mars, making it an overall exciting conjunction to take place under this dark moon.

The new moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars are all trine Uranus. This makes it even easier to express yourself like never before. You can confidently show the world the real you and tell people what you care about, what you love and what you really want. New moon August 2019 is excellent for making changes and starting something new. Follow your intuition and step outside your comfort zone with confidence. Decide what you really want and go for it.

The effects of the August 30 new moon lasts four weeks up to the September 28 new moon. The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of this new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the Moon lasts from August 30 to the September 14 full moon.


Are you rich in love, prosperity and joy? Often when we hear about The Law of Abundance, it refers to money. While it certainly does include financial prosperity, it is much more than that. Abundance relates to the state of being consciously connected to our Source Energy.

By the universal laws that govern all of us, abundance is already given. By the grace of Source, it is already ours! However, our experience of abundance is dependent on our particular alignment with it.

Everything is energy, including us. We are always vibrating something. What we focus attention on determines how we are vibrating. By focusing attention on the heart of who we are, our whole being begins to vibrate more expansively.

Then, since like attracts like, we draw to ourselves any and all things that are in sync with this expansive heart energy. We experience an increase in love, light, joy, wellbeing, creativity, exuberance, prosperity, gratitude, and an ever-deepening, awe-filled awareness of who we are.

What Is The Law Of Abundance?

The Law of Abundance is an abiding principle within universal laws. It is the simple fact that there is an unlimited Source of everything we need or could ever want. This great abundance is already ours, infinitely available to all of us all the time.

This and all universes are made of Divine Energy. It is everywhere and in everything. Everything, including us, lives, moves and has its being in this Divine Energy. We are this Divine Energy. It is a live, infinite, sea of love, joy, creativity, and goodwill. Divine Energy is the source of all abundance. It fills all space. The Law of Abundance states that there is nowhere it is not, so there is no lack anywhere, any time. It is equally available to all aspects of itself, which includes you and me.

When we align ourselves with The Law of Abundance then we move in oneness with it. In this oneness the only thing that limits you – beliefs in lack and limitation – fade away. What is left is you! Free, alive, joyful, creative and loving.

New Moon Abundance check writing is a ritual for manifesting, using the energy of the New Moon each month along with Astrology and the house the new moon touches on for you!  This ritual has been handed down through so many people that
its origin has become unknown.

What are Abundance Checks?

Abundance checks are a tool we can use to create more abundance in our lives. They are written within 24 hours after a New Moon.

Surprisingly, you really don’t even need to believe that the check will work when you write it.

You will however be amazed at the results, as you will see increased abundance in your life, in some life area. It is not always financial, but certainly in an area that you need.

Abundance is so much more than ‘money’. Perhaps a friend invites you to lunch and pays.

Perhaps you are at lunch with a friend and they offer their expert advice on some area of your life.

These are simple examples of Abundance. Abundance comes in many forms.
Be GRATEFUL for all that comes into your life.

There is a traditional manner, which has been handed down. If you do not have a checking account you can draw a check on a piece of paper and fill it out the same way – the results will be the same, more abundance for you.



Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Fire signs were living it TF up during Leo season under the blazin’ summer sunshine — but with this new moon, you’ll want to re-energize yourself by getting more organized, Virgo-style. Rev up your daily routine by implementing structure in your activities,. A little structure will go a long way in freeing you up for fresh starts.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Ah, with Venus linking up with the moon in fellow earth sign Virgo territory, you’re going to be feelin’ the romance in the air. This New Moon is forcing you to whisper sweet nothings in your lovers ear. Convince your lover to stay in bed with you for the duration of this new moon. Order takeout. No need to get up.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
You’re more than ready to switch up your energy with this new moon/new beginning, and it’ll be helpful to manifest that physically by changing things up with your living space. You’re spending time redecorating your home, livening it up with new energy. Move around the furniture, pick up a new trinket, and enjoy.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Something about this new moon feels safe to you, Cancer, and it’s opening you up in ways that are usually outside your comfort zone. That said, get out and enjoy the burst of social energy! You’re chattier than ever, even sharing summer memories with your crew. This is the perfect time to gather your squad for drinks or dinner.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)
Money’s on your mind, Leo, and now’s an ideal time to get your financial life under control after a balled-out summer. Revamp your spending and make a budget under this New Moon, . This Virgo dark moon energy is giving you not only clarity in your decision making, but also the motivation you need to make it happen.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
It’s the new moon of your season now, Virgo, so the fresh start is yours for the taking. That said, don’t overload yourself with tasks and goals. You’re busier than ever — which is why it’s important for you to find balance under this moon. You need to time to not only clear your mind, but also enjoy yourself! Don’t be afraid to stop and smell the flowers.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
The whirlwind of work, your social life, and your creative endeavors combined have blown a bit of a beautiful-but-messy tornado through your life — so you’re welcoming the obsessively organized Virgo vibe with open arms. It’s time to tune out and get some R & R, ‘Nuff said. Take some time out to relax and clean house.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
The energy of this new moon is making you feel light and bouyant, which is great because you’ve been on an ultra-focused kick with work lately. Loosen up and allow yourself some easy socialization under this moon. Connect with your crew for some laughs and fun. It’s OK to let your hair down and relax. You’ve earned it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Magic is all around us, and you’re feeling extra powerful in your ability to manifest opportunities under this luminary. A new job or position at work is starting now, so let the electric energy of this moon keep you on your toes, ready to pounce at the next opportunity that presents itself to you. You’ll get what you want.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
The hustle n’ bustle of a Capricorn’s lifestyle was real this summer, and, you probably didn’t have much down time to soak in the summer sun. With the new moon in a fellow earth sign’s territory this month, you should take a deep breath and allow yourself a lil’ vacation. Take a trip out of town to rejuvenate and relax. You need it!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
Virgo new moons are a ~get sh*t together time~ — and for you, Aqua, it’s no joke. You’re feelin’ ready to put on your accountant glasses and take care of business. It’s time to reorganize your finances and pay off loans, . This new moon is blessing you with both the motivation and inspiration to tackle this project efficiently.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)
~Luv is in the air~ for you, Pisces, and you’ll either be renewing your proverbial vows with your current lover or meeting a new one under the influential vibe of this Virgo moon. A new partnership will send your heart soaring under this moon. Embrace the heart-eyes; your rose-colored glasses are showing you real life now.

astrology signs

The full moon on Thursday, August 15, 2019, at 22° Aquarius is opposite Venus. While your need for love and affection grows stronger, any underlying relationship tension is likely to worsen, increasing stress levels and causing drama. At 5:29 a.m. on August 15, 2019, the full moon will be in Aquarius.

There’s no such thing as a “typical” full moon in Aquarius, but this one is unusual even by the standards of this most eccentric sign.

But with this full moon opposite a whole stellium of planets in heart-centered Leo, there’s nothing detached about it! Mercury, the sun, Venus, Juno, and Mars are all in the fixed fire sign, making us feel like everything is an expression of who we are at the deepest, most essential level. Everything feels extremely personal—and no matter how much we try to stay neutral, we’re likely to take things personally too.

Full moons tend to bring out the more emotional, instinctual—you might even say, irrational—side of our nature. And although Aquarius can be quite intuitive in its own way, it tends to favor the head rather than the heart. As a result, even full moons in this fixed air sign can have an emotionally detached kind of vibe.

Uranus, the ruler of this lunation, is also retrograde in Taurus, bringing strokes of genius and flashes of insight that can feel like lightbulbs going off over our heads. We may not know how we know things—we just do. And in Taurus, this special knowledge is likely to come through our bodies, the energy in objects, or the natural world.

But with Uranus square Mercury in Leo at this full moon, there’s some conflict between the higher mind and the lower mind. Which should we trust: our own reason and intellect, or the intuition that hits us like a lightning bolt from above?

For karmic reasons, someone may come into your life, cause drama and then leave. Are you drawn to certain people just to fulfill some hidden emotional need? You could also form relationships with people who try to control you, invade your privacy and take away your freedom.

The August 2019 full moon also brings the potential for anger, jealousy, intimidation, and impulsive actions. You may already be experiencing stress, anxiety and unexpected changes in your love life from the July 31 new moon. This highlights the need for patience, understanding, and unconditional love over the coming two weeks.

Full Moon Meaning

Sun opposite Moon brings your home, family and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces such as work versus home, or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. So use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

he August 15 full moon at 22°24′ Aquarius is most affected by Venus, the planet of love. The chart below shows the full moon is opposite Venus by only 0°20′ orb which is very strong. While Venus has a soft, loving influence, the opposition makes this a challenging moon phase.

Mars adds some anger to the love story while Pluto gives this full moon a darker theme involving control and power imbalances of a karmic nature. The full moon is in a fortunate area of the sky for fixed stars. However, a stronger influence comes from more destructive stars joining the Sun, Venus, and Mars.

Full Moon Opposite Venus

Sun conjunct Venus focuses attention on your love life, creativity, and finances. On its own, this is a peaceful, harmonious, affectionate, and sociable influence, a good omen for friendship and romance. But the polarity created by the full moon can bring relationship tension and financial pressures.

Moon opposite Venus increases your need for love and affection regardless of the consequences. If single, you may be tempted to lower your standards just to avoid loneliness. You may miss character flaws in potential partners that are obvious to others. And you may not cope well if you don’t receive true love in return.

If you have a partner, friction may arise due to different moods or needs. In a troubled relationship, this could increase the risk of conflict and crises. But in a healthy relationship, this full moon would more likely expose any simmering relationships tensions so they can be successfully resolved.

If your emotional needs are not fulfilled through human contact, there is potential for substitution through sweet foods, retail therapy, or substance abuse. This may be fine in moderation but problematic for your credit rating, waistline, and emotional well being. Some time alone may be needed to work on your own self-love and self-acceptance.

Mars and Pluto

Moon opposite Mars can make you moody and short-tempered. Anger and a tendency to act without thinking increase the risk of minor irritations turning into arguments or fights. Intimate relationships may suffer from impulsive actions and aggressive instincts.

Channeling your energy toward hard work and competition will help avoid hostilities. You can chase your own passionate desires but will have a better chance of success by compromising and considering the needs of others.

Sun quincunx Pluto can cause a mini-crisis or threat that represents a turning point in your life. Pressure can build to an intense level and cause neurotic, obsessive or destructive behavior. An event or person may trigger this tipping point by taking away your personal power.

In relationships, you might react by trying to control and manipulate the other person which would result in conflict and bruised egos. This is an evolutionary process with karmic causes and implications. Compromise is needed as there are no yes or no answers only gray areas.

Venus quincunx Pluto brings complications and complexities in your friendships and love life like obsessions, possessiveness, jealousy or affairs. You may become involved with someone who is difficult to get along with but hard to get away from.

Full Moon August 2019 Summary

The August 15 full moon opposite Venus brings your love life and finances into focus for the next two weeks. While your need for love and affection is strong, it is likely that differences between you and loved ones will cause tension and disagreement.

Difficult aspects from Mars and Pluto bring anger, jealousy, intimidation, and impulsive actions. Furthermore, challenging fixed stars with the Sun, Venus, and Mars brings the potential for cruelty, heartlessness, affairs, and scandal. So patience, understanding, and unconditional love are needed to overcome the “evil” influences faced by star-crossed lovers, to access the good fortune and success held within the star Nashira.

A full moon has a relationship to the previous new moon. Like the August 15 full moon, the July 31 new moon brought stress, anxiety and the potential for unexpected changes to your love life and finances. An aggressive and impatience influence stressed the importance of being patient and cooperative during this challenging month. The August 15 full moon lasts for two weeks up to the August 30 new moon.




Headstrong, or heart-centered? When it comes to leadership styles, Aries, those are your options—and by now, you probably know which one is more effective. Most likely, the ego’s agenda isn’t the real heart of the matter here. So why not put it on the back burner for now?


We all want to make our families proud, Taurus, but that in itself just isn’t enough. Real motivation comes from pursuing a goal that’s personally meaningful to you. If you’ve been following the fast track to someone else’s idea of success, it may be time to go back to square one.


Learning should be fun, Gemini. But even social learners like you need to buckle down and hit the books once in a while. A solitary deep dive into the subject of your choice could make you a bona fide expert—and even better, help you understand your own mind.


Your cup overfloweth, Cancer! And with more blessings than you know what to do with, it’s natural to want to share the wealth. Just make sure you’re not totally detached from your own wants and needs—and remember to save some of the good stuff for yourself.


You were born to stand out, Leo! Concerns about how other people might perceive you often have an undue influence on the way you “show up” in public. It’s time to cut the crowd-pleasing antics and start playing to the most important audience: Yourself.


You’ve never cared much about being in the starting lineup, Virgo—just being on the winning team. Still, it’s hard to ignore the fact that in a current work situation, you’re the real MVP. Go ahead and take the credit, but remember: You’re all playing for the same side.


Not fit for public consumption? We get it, Libra—sometimes socializing feels too much like a performance. And there’s a whole other person you get to be when no one is watching. Maybe skip the party this time and hang out with that person instead!


Haters gonna hate, Scorpio—intellectually, you get this. But as a project of yours nears completion and you prepare to put it out there, you can’t help worrying how it’ll be received. Try not to get too emotionally invested: No matter what, you know it’s an inspired creation.


Lighten up, Sag! Everyone already knows you’re a genius—but the more you belabor that point, the less inspired your ideas will seem. Instead of trying to prove you’re the smartest person in the room, adopt a spirit of inquiry and ask what others might have to teach you.


What’s your secret weapon, Capricorn? Hard work and self-discipline get most of the credit for your success, but rest and recreation are equally important. Take a break to celebrate your successes now—it may ensure you’ll have more to celebrate in the future!


No drama, Aquarius! You usually try to stay above the fray, but that probably won’t work for you this time. A family situation is challenging you to cultivate your emotional intelligence—and the only way out is in. Try to understand what they’re feeling, even if you disagree intellectually.


What affects one affects all, Pisces, and that’s something you understand better than anyone. But being so tuned in to the world’s suffering can get overwhelming, and it’s tempting to check out. Rise to the occasion anyway: Sensitive souls like you are humanity’s best hope to make things better.

astrology signs