The New Moon in Aries is a great time for starting new ventures.  You must though follow through with what you start during this new moon.  Its great for starting ventures involving financial and medical.  The moon is about; the
self, ego, sharp items, strength, daring, courage and lust.  It is a moon that is impulsive, since Aries is an impulsive sign that acts before it thinks.  If you want quick results, this is the moon to do it with.

Aries rules the head, muscles, and circulatory system. Pay extra attention to these parts of the body around the time of this New Moon

During this New Moon in  you can do one or more of the following:

  • The abundance check is a great way of manifesting income in.   This should be done on a monthly basis.
  • Planting seeds through manifesting (healing the earth)
  • Wishes during a New Moon
  • Make a manifestation board of the things that you want in your life.  Be creative how you want things and how design it.  
  • New Moon ~ Your Solar Year Manifesting
  • Make a list of what you would like to learn that would make your life easier.
  • During this Lunar phase is a perfect time to plant mental seeds for what you want to create in the future, and to have grow and increase in your life. Write your intentions on a 7-day candle, and light it each day up to the full Moon. Take small actions each day that signal to your Self that you are committed to your goals.

    Make wishes on this New Moon related to: self expression, imitative, courage, passion, leadership, enthusiasm, daring.

    Affirmations for this New Moon:

  • I choose to consciously remember that I carry a spark of the Divine within me.
  • I know that my purpose will be revealed to me as I honor this.
  • I hear and respond to the Call, knowing that only I can fulfill my part.
  • I know that my True authority is Spirit and choose to hear and respond to the Divine Impulse within.
  • I use my impatience and anger constructively, to make positive changes in my life.
  • I respect the power behind my passions and desires and use this energy wisely.
  • I use my self-assertion to build, manage, and support the conditions I want in my life.
  • I offer bold, affirmative leadership to myself and others with my choices and actions.

law of abundance check

Weekday: Tuesday – Mars Day,. Element: Fire, Moon’s Ruler: Mars. This New Moon feels promising. Sun and Moon join together at 4º12′ of the first sign in the astrological cycle: Aries (NEW BEGINNINGS)! This zodiac sign carries with it a force powerful enough to announce spring, and an energy that annually breaks through the barrier of winter to begin again, starting afresh with endless enthusiasm.

This is a lot of energy to move through in just a few short days, so we may be feeling a range of emotions that are hard to pin down.

At the time of this New Moon, the asteroid Chiron, known as the wounded healer, will also be very active. We will be drawn to think about ways to heal, ourselves, each other, and the planet. (Quarantine…..self care….taking care of others…..ya know)? LIKE: We may find ourselves having to care for a loved one or we may find that we have to nurture and look after our own mind, body, and soul. Yeah………


Whatever we have been neglecting or ignoring when it comes to our wellbeing, Chiron will guide us there and ask us to sit with it until we can feel whole again.

The ruler of the Aries Moon is Mars (now at 25º31′ Capricorn), and while there’s no tension between the signs and their governing planet, there is a T-Square in the skies formed with the Nodal Axis, and the New Moon. (T-Square: 3 Planets Square To Each Other. A T-Square occurs when three planets lock into tense, 90-degree angles (squares) with each other. This because a three-way battle of wills, with one planet wedged in the center of the other two, attempting frantically to negotiate a peace treaty.

When a T-Square intensifies the skies, we are forced to make a decision, get off the fence and stop procrastinating. Unpleasant scenarios we’ve been avoiding may demand our attention, like chickens coming home to roost. T-Square energy can be forceful and unstoppable—a bit ruthless.

In a T-Square, all the planets involved share the same “quality”—either a cardinal, mutable or fixed sign. Since there are four zodiac signs in each of these qualities, one way to resolve the T-square is to look to the missing fourth zodiac sign for balance.

This speaks to leaving the past behind, (South Node in Capricorn – the old ways of yesteryear,) and birthing something totally different (the clash against the Cancer North Node)…Uranus (4º45′ Taurus) and Mercury (6º27′ Pisces) both align with Nodes, with the New Moon exactly at their Midpoint. Venus (20º12′ Taurus) and Neptune (18º59 Pisces) reflect the same pattern, and both align with (the stellium) in Capricorn: Jupiter (plus Pluto and Mars).

The Aries New Moon is at the heart of this ‘buffer’ of water and earth, softening its drive; Venus adds beauty and grace, while Uranus says “change is possible”; Mercury and Neptune allow for hope and selfless thinking. Although there are no planets in Fire, and only one in Air (Saturn), the sense of direction and momentum is poised!

Spring Equinox is March 20th, 2020, the Friday before this New Moon in Aries, suggesting change, change, change !! AND: Most importantly, Saturn has just moved into Aquarius, now at the critical 00º09′ point.

Although Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn, this is his first taste of Aquarius territory for some time, and his presence is emphasized on this New Moon – here we have the New Moon sextile this strong point of entry.

This New Moon is about acknowledging the act of breaking away from Capricorn and realizing the potential that lies with Aquarius. I can’t emphasize this enough as the world is being given the chance to step back and reevaluate and heal Mother Earth.

So many of us have had to change our ways these last few weeks and perhaps adopt a new routine or schedule. As we move through this transition, it is really important that we find ways to make our new routine productive and healthy.

!!!! WOW !!!!

Chiron’s presence will guide us to take care of ourselves, to set routines that inspire, and to think about how we can use any weaknesses or setbacks in our lives in order to find new strengths.

Chiron is the wounded healer, but it has the gift of being able to take its wounds and make them powerful portals of healing. How can we embrace the same?

Under all of this fiery Aries energy, we may feel wound up or extra emotional if we don’t give ourselves a healthy outlet to express it.

Be mindful of allowing your emotions to boil over and try to act from a place of calm and ease. Take your time, think things through, and don’t be impulsive.

Interestingly, this New Moon falls at 4 degrees of Aries, which has been a trend. Back in February, the New Moon was at 4 degrees Pisces, in January the New Moon was at 4 degrees of Aquarius, in December, the New Moon Eclipse was at 4 degrees of Capricorn. In 2020, we are also in a number 4 year according to numerology.

In a number 4 year, we are called to return to the self and to find ways to create safety, comfort, and purpose from within. 4 represents feeling at home within ourselves, and it definitely seems this is a trend for the universe right now.

In astrology, 4 degrees of Aries is actually a very spiritually sensitive degree of the zodiac. It indicates advanced psychic energies and the ability to ascend to higher realms while remaining grounded.

!!!! WOW !!!!

At this time we can all deepen our connection with Spirit and use it as a tool to connect with who we are and what we can do to feel more at home within ourselves.

The Aries New Moon is always a wonderful time to set intentions for the year ahead but rather than telling Spirit and the Universe what you want, why not instead, open your heart to receive what Spirit and the Universe want from you?

How can you become a vessel for Spirit? How can you allow Spirit to take the lead in your life and show you the way forward?

Sometimes one of the most powerful intentions we can set is to surrender to the Universe, or whatever we want to call it, and just allow it to show us the way to the perfect new beginnings for our soul.

I REPEAT: !!!! WOW !!!!

aries moon





A fresh start could really do us good right now. The new moon in March 2020 may not be able to solve the world’s problems, but it can offer a beautiful and prosperous new start for anyone who wants to work with their energy and start healing their wounds.

With a peak on March 24, this new moon in Aries will darken the sky, serving a giant explosion of the energy of the Aries season which can give us the motivation we need to start our goals and plant seeds for a fresh much-needed start – yes, even if we get away from society and spend more time at home.

As the first zodiac sign, the fire cardinal sign Aries is the great beginner of the zodiac. In astrology, the first day of the Aries season marks the start of a new astrological year and a new journey through the zodiac – so it’s more than just a new moon: it’s the first great light in the Astro new year of 2020, and it starts the first lunar cycle since this change too.

Obviously, given the global health crisis we face, the world is different now than it was at the same time last year – or even this time last week, for many of us. It is therefore not surprising that there are cosmic struggles here too.

The Moon in Aries will be in conjunction with comet Chiron, which represents deep wounds as well as deep healing. The alignment of these astrological energies brings transformational intensity to this light, giving us the feeling that we have to go through the flames to get where we are going.

But if we believe in it as a chance to start something and call on Aries’ patented bravery to guide us, we can move forward. “This new moon will make us all decide whether to take the low or high road. We will be confronted with our shadow self and the person we want to be. Be sure to implement changes in your mood and get inspired to evolve to the best version of you.


The new moon offers you a new vision of your personality. Bringing this newfound confidence to your love life will inspire a more authentic connection with your partner – or if you are single, it will attract people who love you for being you. Despite the many changes that are taking place, the ball is actually in your career’s court – and the opportunity is on your side. The goal of this luminary is to decide what your next step is. Choose the path that suits you!

Staying true to yourself will always lead you in the right direction for friendships too. It’s your season, so vibrate with people who support your energy and your evolution.


You might feel some of your deepest emotional wounds come to the surface under this moon – which can result in temporarily rocky waters in your romantic relationships. As long as you prepare to face this storm and face the fight, you will come out with an even clearer vision of what you need in love.

Everything is in motion, but you can trust your higher self to guide you on your career path now, Taurus. Pay attention to your visions. They hold the key to your future. Social distancing shouldn’t be too difficult for you under this new moon, because you’re feeling deeply introspective right now anyway. Give yourself time to explore solo – which will ultimately deepen your friendships.


Breathe new life into your romantic relationship by connecting with the outside world – even if it’s virtual. Connect to a live Skype training class with friends to bring new energy to your unit.

Social distancing can be difficult here, as you are currently thirsty for creativity that accompanies a socially collaborative work environment. Spread your ideas with numerous text messages and video chats with inspiring colleagues or friends. Your reassessment of friendship is now and see who is golden and who is not. Times of crisis can really show people’s true colors – but it can also show you the gems you know you can count on, no matter what. Celebrate them.


The new moon helps you focus on your personal goals, Cancer, so let your lover get in the process. Now is a good time to connect with your dreams and aspirations and come up with a plan on how to best support each other – especially in these tumultuous times. Take advantage of the lunar energy to start preparing for a new start to work. Use this time at home to edit your CV. Update your LinkedIn account and all of your social media accounts to reflect your professional interests.

Focus on friendships that make you want to conquer your goals. This is not the time to step down to the dumpsites – this is the time to get up and earn your trust! Call on your closest confidants to boost your ego with words of support.


If you feel worried about being locked up with your lover (or locked away from him), find imaginative ways to add a little adventure to the romance. Play board games or take part in fun quizzes to pass the time, or join a virtual book club to connect also on this level.

If you have downtime, this new moon is a great opportunity to spend time learning a new skill that can help you on your career path in the future. Take an online course, watch free YouTube videos and practice, practice, practice. You will have something new to add to your resume in no time. You embrace more ambitious pursuits and a more “woke” lifestyle. You have been developing and changing regularly as a person lately, and this new moon reinforces this fact. Make sure your friendships reflect your ideals.


All this time inside brings you closer to your lover and is more willing to deepen romantic perspectives. Increase your level of privacy to connect. It’s easy to get carried away by your professional responsibilities, but don’t let that overshadow the great need to take care of yourself under this moon. Setting limits is important right now, put your needs first.

You’re ready to bounce deep and intense ideas from your friends, so don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and spend a few hours diving into all the taboo subjects you can think of.


You have felt the tides of change forming in your love life – but don’t be afraid, because change is often a good thing. A new foundation is blooming between you and your partner or crush. Adapt to the changes.

Be careful, as you could find a significant spark of creative connection between you and one of your friends or colleagues under this moon. You may be planting the seeds of a beneficial professional relationship.

With all that is happening, step back from your role as a social butterfly under this light and focus your energy on building a solid base with your closest friends. Tighten your inner circle.


Understanding how to navigate a new normal in love is never easy, but the new moon helps things fall into place. Remember, bringing routine into romance doesn’t have to be boring – sometimes it’s a useful way to help you and your partners feel more stable in the midst of chaotic times.

Work can stress you out, so prioritize personal care and take breaks when you need to. Try a little light stretch to activate your muscles and your mind if you can’t walk outside. Ask yourself what you can offer your friends in terms of healthy moral support right now. This moon gives you renewed energy when it comes to helping others, so share your advice with your social circle in all the safe and loving ways you can.


Your romantic senses are perfect. Flirt with your crush. Sending a sexy text or two to start a flirtatious conversation is a great way to capitalize on the sexy energy that this light is raining on you.

Being locked up is currently stimulating your creativity, so don’t let your ideas get lost! Now is the time to put some energy into making one of your exciting projects happen – and hopefully make it happen full time! Your optimism and your cheerful energy are some of your best qualities, so offer these beautiful facets of yourself to your friends. Your mischievousness in the midst of a difficult situation has the ability to make even the most frowning faces smile.


Opening emotionally is never easy, but this new moon presents a truly daring opportunity for you to develop new deep chains with your romantic perspectives. Putting your vulnerabilities on the table can help build a much more solid foundation in a relationship now.

Whether you’re working from home or just spending more time away from work, you might feel a little crazy – so make sure your space inspires and calms you down. Beautify your home by rearranging the furniture and spring cleaning. This is the perfect time to get in touch with your family members and the people you also live with. Spending more time at home means getting together and bonding with everyone in your household, so take the opportunity!


Whether or not you are physical with your lover or crush under this new moon, this is the right time to increase communication. Have a daily check-in – even if it’s by SMS! – and be sure to communicate your thoughts and feelings so you can stay close.

If you have extra time, try to deal with the annoying little details at work so that you don’t have to worry about them later. Catching up on emails and rearranging your to-do list may not be exciting, but it will take your stress out later. Spending more time on social media can certainly increase the gossip factor for some people, so limit your time there and skip any low conversations now. Stay above the drama in your social circle and avoid gossip.


It’s amazing what a little physical pleasure can do to soothe a stressed mind, so if you’re with your partner during this new moon, make it very sensual! If you are not, you can still be pampered with the same sensuality, which will also bring a feeling of pleasure and calm to your romantic relationships.

You may not be a big fan of calculating numbers, but this new moon is a wonderful time for you to do some planning in the finance department. Use this extra time to budget and prepare for any change in your income. You are building something new in what you value and you can only be close with friends if they are there to support your development. It’s time to focus on building a deeper sense of self through self-help and reflection. Don’t be left behind by the needs of others.

This is Aries, people. You’re not supposed to curl up in a ball. Where does the new moon fall in your chart?  How will you channel this energy? We set intentions under new moons. Here are some ideas based on the house in your chart where the new moon falls.

  • New Moon in the 1st house –  You’re first. You’re the lead. Act with courage.
  • New Moon in the 2nd house – Calculated financial risk that pays off.  Act as if you have self esteem… to gain self esteem!
  • New Moon in the 3rd house – Neighborhood hero.  Initiate conversation.
  • New Moon in the 4th house –  Fire in the belly, the family, the home front.  Lead your family!
  • New Moon in the 5th house – Daring creativity. Get pregnant or get someone pregnant!
  • New Moon in the 6th house – Work efficiently. Take charge of your health!
  • New Moon in the 7th house – Hunting love or other partnerships.  Also, confronting open enemies.
  • New Moon in the 8th house – Courage to face and defeat your inner demons. Also, courage to assist someone in a bad spot.
  • New Moon in the 9th house – Push the limits, hard. Enlarge your perspective, now!
  • New Moon  the 10th house –  Project leader. Man/Woman in charge!
  • New Moon in the 11th house –  Make a new friend. Push to manifest your wishes hopes and dreams.
  • New Moon in the 12th house – Fight for God. Sacrifice to assist people in need.

astrology signs

Let anger lead you to passion.

Be honest… what pisses you off to no end? Anger in and of itself is not a negative—it’s how we use it (constructively or destructively) that determines everything. The 2020 new moon in Aries calls forth our inner warriors. The things that make us fume are often pointers to our passions. This new moon can awaken your slumbering activism. Founding feminist Gloria Steinem was born under the sign of the Ram, as was civil rights and labor activist Cesar Chavez. Their confident, courageous world-changing impact is an example of harnessing Aries ire to start a revolutionary fire. We all have the power within us to shape the world. Rather than raging randomly when you’re feeling frustrated, we can create constructive change, fighting the good fight for our beliefs. Maybe we won’t go undercover as Playboy bunnies or organize farm workers this week, but in some small way, we can stand up for our beliefs. In some cases, this can be as basic as saying “no” to a degrading offer or daring to express an unpopular (but enlightened) idea in the face of extreme opposition.

Find your fight.

Sometimes, it’s smart to throw in the towel. You’re done, and the energy you expend is never gonna pay off. In that case, it might be quitting time. But other times, fear of the unknown is why you suddenly have that migraine, cancel plans, pick a fight with loved ones, crave another candy bar/ cigarette/ drink. Take inventory and see where you’ve given up too soon. Then hoist yourself up and get back on the mat.

Be selfish…for a cause.

Nakedly honest and unapologetic, Aries energy can stun us with its entitlement. It can also inspire us. Aries is unafraid to want more, to desire—and this can be the basis for prosperity. In our amateur Kabbalah studies, we learned an interesting principle; Kabbalah teaches that there are two kinds of desire: the desire to receive in order to share, or the desire to receive for the self, alone. When we want just for ourselves, we burn out fast. When we desire an abundant crop to feed the village, the universe is happy to give us more and more.

Tune your passion-o-meter to E (for excitement).

When was the last time you felt genuine excitement or joy about something? The 2020 Aries new moon prompts us to awaken that molecule-swirling, spine-tingling feeling. Let the hot blood pump through your veins, springing you into action. As it turns out, passion is an essential element of living a fulfilled life, and the Aries new moon serves up a reminder. As we’ve heard it said, emotions are E-motion—energy in motion. When we can FEEL something, we can move it. So let joy and passion help you get unstuck.

Embrace your inner fame monster.

Daring, in-your-face Aries is the zodiac’s superstar, so under the lunar spell of this new moon, we could all shine in the spotlight. Commit to developing a talent this week; one that could potentially catapult you into the public eye. Singing, dancing, acting, writing, design, photography, debate, engineering, urban farming: what’s your poison? This new moon wants us to pursue our passions and awaken our gifts. Who knows? We could see our names in lights near the Aries full moon six months from now, in October. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so take it now… whether a teensy baby step or a confident stride in precariously high heels.

But don’t let it go to your head…

With all the daring Aries energy swirling around, there’s bound to be a good deal of stress that accompanies it. Hello, migraines—ouch! As the “head” of the zodiac, Aries rules the cranium and this new moon turns our healing focus there. Pro tip: Dehydration is often a major cause of headaches. Keep a pitcher of filtered H2O (with decadent slices of lemon or cucumber perhaps?) close at hand. Refill your glass regularly while you plan the New World Order.

Go for a scalp massage or a rubdown of your neck and shoulders, which are often the cause of cranial agony. You could also try this home reflexology remedy: use one thumb to rub the fleshy part of your hand between your forefinger and thumb. Want to get a little more ethereal? Nurture your noggin with a ritual that balances your crown chakra energy. This will ensure that you don’t fall prey to tension headaches—or ego trips—both signs of a crown chakra gone awry.

aries moon


March 9’s upcoming super moon will not only be an event to marvel at — it’s the second-closest moon of 2020 — but it’ll also be a time to embody the Virgo spirit of working hard, being patient, and thinking critically. This full moon is called the Worm Moon, which signals the official start of spring. This spectacle is also known as a luminary, which means that it’s in close proximity to the Earth. “As the first of three super full moons in a row, its effects will be highly felt due to its closer proximity to Earth.

And, news flash: This full moon in particular is occurring the same day that Mercury ends its retrograde journey. “This will be extremely energetically challenging for us all as the moon will be in Virgo, a sign ruled by the planet Mercury. There are two ways that this moon might affect us: We may be the victims of gaslighting or indiscretions will be revealed. This is due to the Moon’s opposition to illusive Neptune and the Sun’s alignment to deceptive Neptune.

The real truth will come out at the end of the month, when Mercury leaves its retro-shade zone. In the meantime, trust your gut and lean into your intuition. “We can really use this full moon to our advantage as long as we embody Virgo’s practicality and attention to detail.

This moon will also form a trine aspect with all the planets that are currently in Capricorn — Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto — bringing the culmination of a project or situation that began back in August of 2019 under the new moon in Virgo

“Because the trine is a favorable aspect, we can not only expect these endings to be positive, we can also make a lot of progress, especially concerning projects and situations that have been delayed or stalled.

Here’s Some Ways to Clean up Your Life Under Monday’s Virgo Full Supermoon

Speaking of getting rooted, Virgo is the sign of salubrious systems. Not living your best life? This analytical full moon can also help you integrate all the changes stirred up during the Full Leo Snow Moon a month again. What came roaring in with Leo will get sorted and smoothed by Virgo…one methodical step at a time.

Become a clean, green machine!

It’s going to be hard to ignore messy piles and overstuffed closets. And that’s a good thing! Seize the opportunity to bring some much-needed order to your life.

Whenever possible, use environmentally-friendly cleaning products. Not only are you protecting the Earth and our waterways from the chemical effects, you’re safeguarding yourself from absorbing harsh toxins through your pores. Upcycle it!

Waste not, want not: that’s one of Virgo’s favorite expressions. While you pull those rarely used numbers from your closets some will fall into an obvious donation pile. But a few might leave you wondering: could this be used in a different way? Try a repurposing project this week. A lot like recycling, upcycling gives an object a new use. Our crafty crew of friends are masters of the upcycle.

Break out of analysis-paralysis.

Procrastination is the enemy of progress! Yet, there’s always a valid emotional experience going on underneath it all. Virgo’s analytical powers can help you pierce the veil. Write down anything in your life you’ve been putting off. (This zodiac sign loves a list.) What’s REALLY stopping you? Maybe your heart isn’t in it and you need to save the project for another time. Or maybe you simply don’t know where to start. Try to identify the first steps, like mapping out a budget—and figuring out where to find the funds—or reading over some paperwork. Commit to moving the needle with this full moon. Try to make this “discovery process” as comfortable as possible. Bring a notebook to a favorite café and write your master list while you nibble on a nourishing snack.

Try journaling about your internal resistance if you feel truly blocked. Getting your emotions out of your head and onto paper can help you identify where you might need additional support. A few ideas: Book a session with a coach, ping a friend to be your “accountabilibuddy” with daily calls for the rest of the month, or sign up for a fun workshop that will teach you some basic skills in this area of struggle.

Ignite your digestive fire.

Each sign is associated with a body part and Virgo rules the lower stomach and digestive system. Chew on this: Turning up your digestive fire can help you sleep better, prevent disease and help your body use food as the fuel it is intended to be. Digestion begins in the mouth, but with our on-the-go lifestyles, many of us inhale our food instead of mindfully breaking it down with our teeth. Use those molars and incisors: they are there for a purpose.

Another trick for helping with digestion is to lie on your left side, which compresses the C-shaped tummy and facilitates a self-massage. The advanced ritualists among us might even try doing a short-term juice cleanse (or a soup cleanse, if the weather is still cold in your area). The Virgo full moon loves everything pure and earthy. Bring that straight to your plate and see how alive you feel. Read up food combining principles or add more fresh juice to your daily regimen. Read up on gut health, too, and learn about why the gut is being called “the second brain” by doctors and scientists alike.

The key with the routine-loving Virgo full moon is to repeat any chosen practice daily so that you can really feel its impact. This sign is ruled by mobile Mercury, so check out app-based workouts to start your mornings. Since nervous Virgo energy can ramp up stress, swap the bottomless refills at the coffeepot for an afternoon moccha latte, or try a turmeric golden milk at night. Holistic treatments like massage and acupuncture can also realign your systems. Has it been a while since you saw your MD? Get those routine checkups on the calendar if only to quell the rumblings of your inner hypochondriac. 

Give the world service (with a smile).

Random acts of kindness, no matter how small when the service-oriented Virgo full moon lights the skies. It’s little surprise that Mother Teresa was born under this benevolent star sign. In her words, “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.” This is a wonderful reminder that there are plenty of ways to give that don’t cost money or require copious amounts of time.

Let this full moon inspire a sense of neighborly kindness as you flow through your days. Take a moment to thank people who are serving you, from the barista to the drugstore cashier. Make sure anything you toss winds up in the proper trash receptacle (and not on the floor). Hold the door for the person coming in behind you. Offer to help someone struggling with bags to carry them up the steps. Let friends know the little things you a

Virgofull moon happy end of mercury rx





(Four of Wands, Knight of Wands, Knight of Swords)
Aries have always got a goal in your sights. This March, as we move into Aries season, the Knights of Wands and Swords bring you extra power, courage, resilience and wisdom. The Four of Wands is a ‘success card’, revealing you will enjoy a great achievement in whatever you focus this potent energy on- don’t waste it, aim high. You can move mountains in the weeks ahead, so pick the right ones.

(Eight of Swords, Two of Wands, Ten of Wands)
Taurus, you’re overdoing it, and it’s time to clear the decks, have a spring clean of your obligations and commitments, and tidy up your schedule. The Ten of Wands shows you’re overwhelmed and overworked, but the Two of Wands also shows that you’re reluctant to make changes, you can’t see the wood for the trees. The Eight of Swords reveals this is a mindset ~thang~. Be clear, in your own head, what your priorities are and let them guide your lifestyle audit. Focus on what is important. Ditch, delegate and delay most other stuff. Breathe easier.

(Four of Cups, Strength, The Fool)
A new beginning, a clean slate and a fresh start are just what you need this spring. The Four of Cups shows you heading towards the ~doldrums~ (a humdrum place of routine and, eventually, boredom). Shake it up! The Fool is the patron saint of new beginnings. A project, job, hobby or relationship which inspires you- invest 100% in it. Strength shows this is all necessary and important regarding your personal development. Seek a new pathway, change your routine, look for fresh landscape.

(The Star, The Emperor, The Lovers)
A trio of major arcana cards this month, makes a dream will come true, a long-held wish will manifest in your world. Wonderful! The Lovers shows it may be related to love, or to something emotionally stirring, which perhaps you’ve felt conflicted about. The Emperor reveals the fog will lift at last, you’ll feel clear and confident about what you want… and, as a result, you’re gonna get it!

(Two of Cups, Ten of Cups, Page of Cups)
It’s all Cups cards for you this month, and that means one thing: Love!. Seriously, Cupid has got you in his sights and that arrow will be flying in on target. Who’s the lucky object of affection? Maybe a Water sign (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio)? The Two and Ten of Cups reveal this romance has got lasting potential, and will meet all of your passionate and intense expectations. A dream lover is on the cards.

(Seven of Cups, Six of Cups, Two of Coins)
The Six of Cups is always a hint that something, or someone, from your past is going to stroll back into your life, and mix it all up. The ex with a lingering crush? The frenemy you ~cancelled~ who’s found a new attitude? One thing’s for sure, the Seven of Cups means it’ll get you thinking, if not doing some classic Virgo-style overthinking. The Two of Coins says: don’t panic. Just carry on being you, and see what unfolds. Don’t try to control the situation. Let it flow. Who knows… might be a good thing in the end?

(King of Wands, Eight of Wands, King of Coins)
Two Kings this month (Wands and Coins) which means you, Libra, are going to be getting on top of your career ambitions and making some serious progress. #boss. The Eight of wands reveals the enabler of this is your network and communications. So, invest time in sprucing up your Linkedin, catching up with old colleagues and bosses, moseying around the ‘positions vacant’ pages, putting yourself in opportunity’s way. Something good is going to happen, and it comes from WHO (not WHAT) you know.

(Eight of Coins, Seven of Coins, Ten of Coins)
Spring is often a catalyst for new ideas and changes in direction. This trio of Coins cards, headed by the Eight of Coins, reveal that you’re rethinking your long-term career path. More specifically, you’re wondering about returning to education, in some way, to learn (or brush up on) new skills and knowledge. We all change course, along the way, and it’s never too late. Follow this thread, research your options, zoom in on what interests and inspires you. School’s in.

(Five of Coins, Four of Coins, The Devil)
Some really powerful cards this month, and tough ones too. Don’t scream! They just indicate this can be a turning point for you in a situation you’ve carried for too long, and which has become painful. Ready? Okay. The Five of Coins sees you nursing an old wound. The event has long passed, but you still have regrets/anger/guilt/shame. The Four of Coins shows this emotional echo has gone on long enough, time to process it and move on. The Devil brings you the necessary willpower, determination and self-awareness to see it for what it is, and release these ~sticky~ emotions finally. Time to turn the page. No more self-recriminations.

(Six of Swords, Two of Swords, Three of Wands)
Your friends and family, as shown by the team-playing Three of Wands, are going to help you have the confidence and self-belief to make a big decision and take a leap of faith. The Two of Swords sweeps into our life when we’ve procrastinated about something, and it’s time to make that choice and get on with it. No fear because the Six of Swords shows you’re ready to move on, to pursue something new, to let go of the old. Lean on your loved ones for support, but don’t delay this vital next step any longer. It’s time…

(Eight of Cups, The Hierophant, Nine of Cups)
Sometimes it’s important to review our disappointments because, with hindsight, we can see things differently and even extract valuable insight and life lessons from them. Like now. The Hierophant sees Aquarius in a philosophical mood, ready to return to something which was too painful to look back over before. The Eight of Cups reveals that it’s a disappointment, an emotionally charged one. But, hey, it happened for a reason and you can see that now. The Nine of Cups promises all that hardship was actually preparation for something (or someone…) even better. Have hope, have faith, look ahead with optimism. Better is on the way.

(The Sun, Six of Wands, The High Priestess)
What a beaut trio of cards, Pisces! The Sun is the most positive card of the tarot, promising success, joy, prosperity and fulfilment. The Six of Wands reinforces this happy vibe, as it is the tarot’s ‘victory card’. Something B-I-G is going to happen and you deserve it, you’ve worked for this. The final step is to have the confidence to reach out for the rewards, so put yourself in the spotlight and show them what you can do. The High Priestess hints that it’s something creative, maybe even a bit esoteric or spiritual. You ARE a bit of a High Priestess, Pisces. Go show them your magic!

astrology signs