Lunar Eclipse June 5, 2020 – Love and Hate
The Full Moon on Friday, June 5, 2020, at 15 degrees Sagittarius, is a lunar eclipse. The lunar eclipse June 2020 astrology is impulsive and angry because the Moon is square Mars. The Moon is also opposite Venus retrograde which not a good omen for love relationships. Strong relationships will withstand the test through patience and unconditional love.
Like a regular full moon only stronger, the Sun opposite Moon of a lunar eclipse brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus. Opposing forces such as work versus home, or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.
The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a lunar eclipse. So use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony. A lunar eclipse represents a resetting of your emotions, clearing away the emotional baggage of the previous six months.
However, lunar eclipse June 2020 poses a real threat to strained relationships. Impatience, sexual frustration, and lack of self-control could turn love to hate, resulting in impulsive actions and hostility. The June 5 lunar eclipse also brings the danger of war between enemies, as well as earthquakes.
The Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on June 5, will be guiding us to stand our ground, claim our power, and allow the voice of our inner self to speak.
It is the first in a trio of Eclipses, and as we walk this Eclipse Gateway over the coming weeks, we will discover a new path emerging, one that is very different from the path we were walking before.
Lunar Eclipses are like heightened Full Moons that bring shift, change, and breakthroughs.
For clues on what this new Eclipse cycle may stir in your life, think back to 2010-2013 and see what significant, life-changing events happened during this period.
It’s not that you will be repeating these events, but you may very well find yourself leveling up or transcending what you learned at this time and replacing it with some newer and more advanced wisdom.
But now, let’s take a deep dive into this June Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse to see what it may bring…
A Lunar Eclipse has ten times the potential of Full Moon, and often clears a path that helps accelerate our soul journey.
We may receive some news that something in our life is coming to an end. Or, we may find that we are called to release and let go of something that we truly thought was serving us.
We may have thought we were going one way, but often an Eclipse comes along to reveal a whole new path.
As this Eclipse falls in Sagittarius, we are likely going to find ourselves clearing thoughts, beliefs, and ideas in order to prepare for this new journey that is yet to unfold.
Under this Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse, the planet Mars will also be very active.
Mars is the warrior, which is why this Eclipse very much plays into this idea of finding our inner warrior and inner flame, and allowing it to shine. And our country right now is in a state of turmoil
Emotions may be heated, but we have to learn to listen to ourselves. We have to learn to listen to our anger and frustration for there is wisdom to gain. And our country right now is in a state of turmoil
If we allow ourselves to sit in our emotions, we are likely to have a breakthrough. If we allow ourselves to feel our anger or feel the intensity of our emotions, we are likely to find the truth of what is bubbling underneath the surface. And our country right now is in a state of turmoil
All the voices you carry within you deserve to be heard. Sometimes we work so hard to silence the voice of shame or guilt or anger, but there is also a power in learning to stop and listen to what it’s saying.
If we constantly dismiss the harder or more abrasive thoughts and feelings when they arise, we never really get to understand them.
It’s not that we want to sit in our anger forever or allow our inner voice to become drowned by negative talk, but we also don’t want to ignore these voices and push them away.
We want to listen to them and discover what they really mean. We want to hug each and every one of them, and see the value in what they have to share and offer.
When we listen to ourselves; when we really take the time to go within and listen, we catch things we may have otherwise missed. We learn things about ourselves, and we open to a new truth.
It is not just our love and light that can teach us, but our pain, anger, jealousy, and resentment too. And again, I repeat: And our country right now is in a state of turmoil
These emotions are uncomfortable, and no one wants to feel this way, but it is so much a part of our human experience, and we can no longer ignore them or wish them away with false thinking.
We have to listen, find the jewels of wisdom that they offer, and then let them go.
We cannot rush this process. We cannot just let it go because it’s uncomfortable. We have to sit with it first. We have to own all of it. Claim all of it. And allow ourselves to rise with it so we can understand what is fanning our flames.
What ignites you? What gets you mad and angry? What fires you up is a clue to your power and your purpose.
This June Eclipse may also be stirring things in our relationships as Retrograde Venus is very active too.
If you have been having doubts about a relationship or feeling uncertain, this Eclipse may start answering your questions. There is an illuminating factor to this Eclipse, so if you do have questions, if you have been feeling confused, set an intention and allow this Eclipse to show you the way.
Allow it to illuminate and bring you to the path that is best for your soul. This Sagittarius Eclipse will work in harmony with the next two Eclipses, so there is more to the journey that will unfold.
By the time we have finished walking through this gateway of Eclipses, we are going to feel reborn. We may enter this gateway feeling confused, overwhelmed, and unsure, but we will leave it with a clearer knowing, a stronger sense of our destiny, and more connected to our personal power.
Lunar Eclipse Mars
Lunar eclipse square Mars with the tiny orb of 0°18′ is easily the strongest influence on the lunar eclipse June 2020 astrology. It brings simmering anger to the surface so care is required to avoid being hurt or causing harm. You could lose your temper with a loved one or face emotional attacks from others. There is a danger when taking risks or acting impulsively. But holding onto anger and frustration is not advised, so some degree of emotional discomfort is to be expected.
The key to handling this quick anger is to release your frustrations in a controlled way. Avoid being overly defensive or mean if someone shares their feelings with you. Courage is needed to face what is making you feel threatened.
Lunar Eclipse Venus
Lunar eclipse opposite Venus brings the potential for laziness, gluttony, carelessness with money, and indiscretion in love. You will likely want more love and affection but have trouble giving it. If dating, you may have a tendency to lower your standards just to be with someone.
If already attached, tension may arise due to different moods or needs. If your emotional needs are not fulfilled through human contact you may feel an urge to substitute with sweet food, drink, drugs, or spending money.
Venus retrograde also makes giving and receiving love and affection more difficult and can indicate financial stress. Old friends or lovers may reappear or you may relive past life experiences in order to sort out karmic issues. But pleasant destiny encounters are possible and you could find your soul mate, and experience a feeling of inevitability or familiarity.
Love and Hate
Venus square Mars increases your sex drive but sexual or competitive tension can cause a lack of self-control, impulsiveness, anger, and conflict. Compromise will help avoid hostility, but a tendency to agree to anything just to get your way could lead to buried anger, frustration, loss, and regret.
If dating, sexy action is possible but take care not to lower your standards or put yourself at risk because of your impatient lust. In a healthy relationship, tension can be relieved through more exhilarating sexual activity. But in a difficult relationship, a buildup of sexual frustration could be expressed as hate, aggression, or an affair.
Frustration and physical tension can be released more safely through sport, exercise, or masturbation. You could also channel this dynamic energy into hard work, or creativity like sculpture or dance.
Threat of War
Both Mars and Venus retrograde are portents of war. So this lunar eclipse definitely increases the risk of war. Venus also rises before the Sun as the morning star, another portent of war.
A Lunar Eclipse has ten times the potential of Full Moon, and often clears a path that helps accelerate our soul journey.
We may receive some news that something in our life is coming to an end. Or, we may find that we are called to release and let go of something that we truly thought was serving us.
We may have thought we were going one way, but often an Eclipse comes along to reveal a whole new path.
As this Eclipse falls in Sagittarius, we are likely going to find ourselves clearing thoughts, beliefs, and ideas in order to prepare for this new journey that is yet to unfold.
Under this Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse, the planet Mars will also be very active.
Mars is the warrior, which is why this Eclipse very much plays into this idea of finding our inner warrior and inner flame, and allowing it to shine.
Emotions may be heated, but we have to learn to listen to ourselves. We have to learn to listen to our anger and frustration for there is wisdom to gain.
If we allow ourselves to sit in our emotions, we are likely to have a breakthrough. If we allow ourselves to feel our anger or feel the intensity of our emotions, we are likely to find the truth of what is bubbling underneath the surface.