I am holding virtual classes for the foreseeable (excuse the pun) future. Right now it’s Psychic and Mediumship Development but look forward to Intuitive Tarot and chats in the future !  Learn to increase your own intuition. Stop saying “I wish I’d listened to myself, I KNEW better ! Stay tuned and friend me on Facebook !

Classes by Theressa Johnson

 Every Tuesday:

PSYCHIC AND MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT CLASS: with Psychic Medium Theressa Johnson, are being held online for the present every Tuesday 7-9 pm on Microsoft Office Teams. Class is $15.  Each week we learn something different and we also practice our reading skills. NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. If you think you have the ability, YOU DO. Please bring your cards or whatever tools you want to use just your intuition. Contact me at 716481 2799 or Facebook, start practicing and start learning!

Myself and some talented teachers are happy and excited to assist you along your journey in developing Psychic and Mediumship abilities. Chances are good that you’re already having “insightful conversations” with people, maybe even total strangers. You don’t think about it, you just give from your heart, to theirs. It ends up as a healing experience.

I teach it all ! I teach you how to tune into spirit, to deliver both psychic messages, and messages from spirit. Ongoing practice is available to you, by sitting in the weekly circles in class, to give messages. Classes are taught by Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium, unless otherwise stated.

My advice is to stay open to Spirit, open to self awareness, and that opens you to spirit. Those in Spirit know what they are doing, so let them assist you in giving you direction on your journey. At the end of the day, once you reach your final destination in this journey, you will look back with a sense of wonderment and realize that in spite of all the surprising twists and turns in your development, you have arrived in the perfect place and have all the tools you need.

My job is to support you, and to make sure that you reach your potential. I look forward to working with you.

I teach these classes using a variety of different tools, and methods to make you a well rounded Psychic, and Medium. I teach these classes because I remember how scary it was to open myself, and my heart to deliver messages. I’ve experienced the gamut of emotions you are struggling with, and I always work with you, to honor those emotions and learn from them.


In the early hours of September 2, the full moon will arrive in the intuitive and imaginative water sign Pisces, setting the month off on a dreamy note. (It will reach its peak illumination at 1:23 EST.) Where last month’s full moon urged us to break free of external structures placed upon us, this month’s will ask us to look more closely at our own inner workings,  As a result, we can expect to feel more creative and in tune with our feelings, but absentmindedness and sensitivity will loom, as well.

Tensions will ease as we head towards the full moon in Pisces which is divine love and connection. That’s the high side. The low side is delusion, illusion, and undoing. In the middle we have vulnerability. Watch your spiritual and mundane hygiene.

Tuesday, the Moon moves to Pisces and toward opposition to the Sun in Virgo and sextile to Uranus in Venus-ruled Taurus. We can really feel it approaching now, and for many this is when the AHA bit kicks in. Or we can lean into the delusion. Relax if you can. That will help. Keep an open mind, but not so open your brain falls out.

Overnight into Wednesday, the Pisces Moon opposes the Sun exactly (the full moon) and both close aspects to Uranus soon after. Wake up! What do you feel? The Moon moves through the fog of Neptune; this time we’re going with our eyes wide open (but only if we choose).

People born under this sign feel a lot — for themselves, loved ones, even total strangers. With such an empathetic sign hosting the already emotion-heightening full moon this month, it’s safe to assume that we’ll all be quite affected. Where we might normally withdraw from others, we’ll be more likely to show our hand and express ourselves.

While this newfound willingness to wear our hearts on our sleeves will almost certainly affect our personal lives (intimate secrets and untold desires could be shared), it could also have an effect elsewhere. The creative process might come more easily as we allow greater freedom of expression — and it may even be easier to resolve issues in the workplace if we’re all a little more open to hearing each other’s thoughts.

But, even with emotions, too much of a good thing can rapidly turn things rotten — and this is the downside of a Pisces full moon. While it’s totally possible to ride the currents of our feelings, it’s easy to get pulled beneath the waves and wind up stuck in a mood that’s too mucky and murky to shake. Not only will you wind up feeling foul, but you may also lose track of work, plans, or other tasks for the night. Perspective is key: If you catch yourself starting to ruminate on something, remember Pisces’ capacity for empathy and direct your energy toward caring for others, in addition to yourself.

The Full Corn Moon is a natural checkpoint for your year’s progress.

2020 has undoubtedly been marked by uncertainty, instability, and stagnancy. If you’re stunned to find that it’s already September, you’re not alone — so much of this year has felt frozen in time, trapped in a holding pattern until some unknown force gives out and allows us to move forward. All the while, however, time has been slipping by. And, if you take a moment to examine the events of the past months a little more closely, you’ll likely find that you weren’t stuck in a rut the whole time.

In the same way that autumn corn grows to unparalleled heights, so, too, does the work you put in all year long amount to stunning, rewarding results. So, in honor of this full moon, named for the crop that demands plenty of time and effort in order to thrive, check in with yourself and consider where you’ve directed your efforts this year. Whether you’ve been grinding at your job, nurturing and developing your relationship, or just managing to keep your houseplants alive, you haven’t spent this year sitting idly by. The least you deserve is a pat on the back, if not a night to celebrate all you’ve done so far.

Traditionally known as the Full Corn Moon, this moon phase will be powerful, it will be challenging, and, ultimately, it will remind us of the passage of time in a year that may have led us to forget. (ummm….yuck)? Or not……?

This is one of the positive Full Moons of the year because it is sextile (A sextile is a friendly and flirty aspect between signs that are 60 degrees apart. Usually they occur between fire and air signs, and earth and water signs. With a sextile, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the situations at hand are happy ones.) to Uranus in Taurus. This is a highly feminine, receptive, and manifesting Full Moon – an opportunity to turn your brilliance into something real that can benefit the world in a tangible way.

You will be especially influenced by this Full Moon if you have planets or angles around 10° in Pisces, Virgo or Taurus.

When Virgo and Pisces work well in tandem, we have facts and compassion grasping hands to heal, love, and nurture – in all ways possible. Science and the woo work together and can co-exist. In fact, they must in order to work at peak capacity.

The quincunxes, (aspect formed between planets that are roughly 150 degrees apart. … When we express one of the planets or points involved in an opposition, the other planet or point feels “left out”.) Sun-Chiron and Mercury-Mars point (indirectly) to an inauthentic self, its understanding and expression missing the point, missing the target. What stands between the us and understanding, acknowledging, and balancing these is denial or inability to SEE it. Neptune.

You can’t drive from the back seat. Have you ever had that dream? It’s a nudge to return to your true self. If this “problem” resonates for you consciously, you’ll likely experience it as issues with availability, vulnerability, and getting your needs met. If it doesn’t resonate, you’re balancing well or you’re so deep in it you can’t see it.

If your relationships with yourself and others are strong, this full moon can be the divine spark to send you into bliss. If you’re like the rest of us and struggling, this can be the divine assistance needed to clear up the fog around your path. Want to feel better? Get out of the fog and look within for your own part in the problem.

Looking back on the path you’ve taken to get to where you are will have a grounding effect, allowing you to circumvent some of the flakiness that Pisces could inspire. In short, this is a full moon that will empower you to delve deeply, but if you don’t know the way, you’re likely to get lost.

For some it’s gentle, for others a storm.

Want to know how it will affect your sign? Read my previous post.

pisces full moon

We’re officially in the midst of Virgo season 2020 which is a productive time to wrap up our summer fun and start buckling down on our 2020 goals. This full moon kicks off the month with a bang, rising late night on September 1 (or in the small hours of the morning on September 2, if you’re on Eastern time). With the full moon in the dreamy water sign of Pisces, we’re going to be deep in our feelings — and this full moon will affect each zodiac sign in a unique way.

While having the moon in Pisces will shine a spotlight on our dreams and emotions, we’ll also be thrown some wildcards and inspirational bursts of insight thanks the eccentric (and sometimes erratic) planet Uranus, which is forming some powerful planetary aspects with the Sun and the full moon simultaneously. The unpredictable energy will make us more open-minded and experimental. We’re being asked to trust this moons unexpected twists and turns — because listening to our intuition and following whatever new path is being opened could lead us all to exciting opportunities.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You usually wear your feelings on your sleeve, but this full moon will inspire you to pull your emotions inward and embrace some quality time with yourself. If you’re able to quiet down the outside forces in your life (as well as the chatter within your own mind), you’ll be able to hear your higher self with more ease and clarity.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

This full moon is asking you to connect with close friends — as you’re likely to find support and inspiration within your community. If you’ve been working on your goals in a solitary fashion and keeping your feelings to yourself, now’s a great time to branch out and seek collaboration when it comes to your to-do list.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

You’re able to revitalize your work life under the light of this full moon — and it’s probably one of the best moments of the year to get inspired about your path and your calling. Instead of throwing yourself into work, try to open your heart and your mind to inspiration and allow your feelings to lead you toward the parts of your work life that resonate deepest.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

The new moon in a fellow water sign is asking you to dig deep when it comes to your philosophies on life and spirituality. There’s no need to hold on to past ideas — you’re an ever-shifting, ever-evolving being. Try to make room for free-flowing explorations, changes, and paradigm shifts ahead.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Stepping into your power on a surface level comes easily to a confident Leo like you — but acknowledging your power on a deeper, more vulnerable level takes more work. Under this full moon, put your emotional efforts into finding strength in your shadow side. If you never dig deep and dissect the darkness under the surface, it’ll keep you from stepping into the most evolved version of you.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

This is your season’s full moon, Virgo, and it’s asking you to take a break from your personal quest for self-improvement to channel some energy into your closest partnerships. Our relationships can serve as a mirror for our own issues and offer a chance to learn about ourselves, so get in touch with what you want and need out of your own partnerships — and make adjustments as needed.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

You’re being called to make more space in your life for spiritual exploration and restful downtime, Libra, so allow this full moon to inspire you to make your day-to-day tasks more intentional and beneficial. Once you’ve cleared your calendar of clutter, you have the chance to build it back up in a way that supports your healing, growth, and balance. Structure your days around your wellness, not just your friends.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

With the full moon in a fellow water sign, now’s the time to lean into your deep well of emotions with full force — but this moon is simply about having fun and embracing what brings you pleasure. It’s an especially good time to open up your mind to creative inspiration and pour your energy into painting, music, or any other form of artistic self-expression.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Full moons can make us feel extra social, but you may be more inspired by the comfort and peace of your own company, in your own private space. Prioritize some downtime and connect with your longtime friends or family members. Seeking inspiration from the people who know you on the deepest, most intimate levels will energize your creative side.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

If there’s been an emotional build-up inside of you, this full moon may just be the catalyst you need to inspire a release. While speaking about your emotions isn’t always easy for you, the words will flow easily and your thoughts will be clearer. Journal out your thoughts, have heart-to-heart conversations with friends, and don’t sleep on this important chance to express yourself.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Take stock of what really matters to you right now under this moon. It’s easy to get caught up in spending money, time, and resources on things that don’t actually mean all that much to you — but if you listen to your gut reactions to the choices you make, you can get to know yourself on a whole new level and start building the life you want.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

Happy full moon in your sign, Pisces! This is a great time to embrace your naturally-emotional self and find ways to express your feelings to others. Whether through experimenting with your outfits or through creative arts, you’ll find that you’re bursting with inspiration — and it’d be a shame not to use your vision to connect with others under this luminary.

astrology signs


This is the form to register your block club.   If you have not done this in 3 yrs.  you need to reregister.  Click here to download the form.

Psychic and Mediumship Online Development Class: Every Tuesday @ 7 PM. Each week we practice reading someone.  Each week is a different lesson and practice session.

Please private message me on here or text me at 716 481 2799  to be included in the class as this will be run in a Microsoft Teams classroom. Also please include your email address. OF COURSE YOU DON’T HAVE TO TAKE EVERY CLASS! Take only the ones you want and opt out and back in at any time.  This class is as much about reading for others as the self awareness of your ability.

Let’s work on our Mediumship ability.  Each week we will practice working with our Spirit Guides and our loved ones in Spirit by opening up our clairs with different exercises (clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc)

Let’s figure out your own reading style.  Tips to increase your abilities to read.  Practice readings.

Have you ever felt a pull to avoid something or someone and you went against that gut feeling, only to have really bad results? Have you had contact with those who passed over into spirit, and you can’t quite believe it. Are others always coming to you for advice?
—OR you do believe it, but you don’t know what to do about it.

—OR you hope to have communication with your loved one in spirit, but don’t know how to go about it.

—OR would you like to be able to increase your intuitive and psychic abilities?

This course will teach you to increase your intuitive powers so that you will know when to avoid something or someone that’s bad for you, AND how to see and feel the path that is RIGHT for you. And to connect with your loved one or others who have crossed over.

Each class is $15, payable at https://www.etsy.com/listing/789365605/psychic-mediumship-development-class?ref=shop_home_active_3&crt=1


The new moon in Leo might shake your confidence to its core. This new moon will make you rethink your emotional well-being! This month’s new moon arrives on Tuesday, August 18 in the highly self-assured sign of Leo, it could bring with it a newfound sense of self-doubt and self-consciousness.

So, you’ll have a super-strong craving for comfort during this time. Think: layering a cozy oversized sweater over your tee when it cools off in the evening, cuddling under the covers with your S.O., watching a TV show you loved as a kid, just to name a few options.

Safety is a big part of all of this, too. You’ll have a solid rethink on how safe you feel in all areas of your life, including your home and at work. Maybe it’s time for a few big changes, like looking for a new place and a job where you feel more appreciated.

Make time for your close buddies in all of this. Surround yourself (virtually) with people who support you. Then, actually listen to the advice they offer up—it’ll be huge for you. The new moon will impact all signs, but Leo and Capricorn will feel it the most.

The new moon in Leo turns the spotlight inward.

Leo is the headlining star of the Zodiac. Warm and generous, dignified and dramatic, this fire sign was made for the marquee. When the full moon occurs in Leo, the world takes on a cinematic sheen, encouraging all of us to project our inner diva — those who are normally happy to play supporting roles may suddenly ache for the amount of attention granted to a leading role. However, when the darker, quieter new moon lands in Leo, that desire for praise and attention turns to self-awareness and scrutiny.

They might not act like it, but Leos care very deeply about their public-facing persona and overall reputation. When this sign channels the new moon, which urges reflection, introspection, and self-interrogation, the Leo’s instinct is to question, even agonize over, all the choices we make that contribute to how we are perceived. What message does our style send? What kind of conversations do we start? How do we behave when the focus is on us? We’re only human, so it’s fair to assume that we don’t always hit the mark when leaving a first impression — but it might be difficult to forgive these misses under the new moon in Leo, whose message can be easily twisted to suggest that perfection isn’t just attainable, but a requirement for success.

This new moon is actually an opportunity for inner growth.

Even though feelings of self-doubt and self-consciousness may arise, we should view this lunar phase as a chance to improve, not beat ourselves up. Don’t ruminate over whether you said the wrong thing or impressed the right people. Instead, use the evening of the 18th to decide how you want to be perceived in the future – then craft a plan for how you can work to become that person you hope others see.

When faced with our so-called shortcomings, it’s naturally tempting to get stuck in a rut of negative self-talk. But, no matter what it dredges up within us, the new moon is ultimately about the future. Turn your thoughts toward how you hope to grow — and how your reputation will evolve in kind. By letting yourself sit with an uncomfortable truth about yourself, you could very well discover a new path forward.


As you probably know, the moon has different phases. A new moon happens when the earth lines up with the sun, making the moon look all but invisible from Earth. Typically, there are 12 new moons a year, with each new moon tied to a different astrological sign. But some years—like this one (of course)—have 13 new moons.

This particular new moon is in the sign of Leo, and there’s a really strong vibe of trying to adjust to a new-ish way of life. Maybe you’re still getting used to spending so much time at home, or you’re struggling to get in the end of summer mentality. But, let’s be real, it can be pretty tough to even think about doing what you want and having fun when you’re worried about big, scary things (pandemic, job security, healthcare, you get it).


This is a new beginning for sincere, passions, and focus on what you want to put your energy towards. It’s a remarkable time to lend the full force of your ardent vitality to plans and projects, with Mars in your sign injecting a heady, enthusiasm, will, and motivation that’s unstoppable! This moon will allow you to indulge your fun, playful side with great attention on your ability to create or conceive something, so that you’ve free reign to ignite that fire in your heart (dating, getting romantic, having sex, making a baby, starting that book, blog or art piece – or signing up to YouTube to showcase your talents!)

Focus on personal passions, hobbies, solo interests, sports and entertainment, humoring yourself with what you love. Give yourself today and tomorrow to brainstorm and be inspired and enthusiastic, with the capacity to enjoy life’s pleasures and all that makes you!


Here is a new beginning for home life. It’s a wonderful time to lend potent focus to family or your foundations, with progress in privatein your inner sanctum – also thanks to Mars driving ahead behind the scenes, bolstering your ability to withdraw a little, and tend to the more mysterious, sensitive subjects.

Here is a free reign to nurture, nest and practice self-care, with the spotlight on land and lineage; gravitate towards sources of comfort, and your domestic side, resetting the dial – pull back from the world to recharge and refuel in ways that nourish your soul and spirit. Make the most of your  chance to examine what usually goes unmentioned, unexplored and is swept under the rug, claiming your intentions for future generations.


Turn a page with those around you: get curious, get clarity, reading, learning, and practicing communication skills with a friend, colleague, or sibling – think of the  toolyou wish to add to your collection, the books you’re keen to read – the library or local club you want to join! The language or social media quips to master!

It’s a remarkable time to lend the full force of your attention to your inner circle – grab coffee with those you want to be looped in with. This moon offers you free reign to engage in small talk, affirm your voice and create impact in local groups, verbalizing thoughts to those in your surrounding environment. You could now be feeling enthusiastic, inspired, in the mood to enjoy news, dealings, gossip and even act as a reporter, articulate, plugged-in. Relish the head start you have – you’re a skilled silver-tongued magician, and interests could now fall into place, or make sense, with certain issues in focus– connect the dots and fill the air with friendly chatter.


It’s a remarkable time to lend attention towards finances, and your position, what you have in hand– you could be feeling inspired to build, develop, and tackle your salary, spending and what’s yours alone. Mars is advancing in your house of career, reputation, and outward image, with motivation around your path that’s unstoppable!

Take time to indulge in the subject of assets and personal wealth–the way you make a living, tend to the material realms, and the task of earning, contributing, taking pride in all you do. You’ve free reign to light up your ambitious, productive side. Work on a positive attitude towards money, possessions, earnings, your talents & efforts… Cash in! Give yourself today and tomorrow to brainstorm and be inspired, enthusiastic, and getting to work, capable and industrious!


Here is a new beginning just for you, lending full focus to your own projects, passions and ventures; bring attention to your body, vitality, and set goals for the months and years ahead!

It’s a remarkable time to think big, with Mars in your house of quests, travel, publishing, knowledge and global pursuits, injecting enthusiasm and motivation, helping you broaden your horizon and reach. Here is the potential to help put you in touch with ideas and people that can assist, so allow yourself to stand center stage, announcing your intentions with a true star quality.

This is the opportunity to make it all about you and your needs. Expect a flicker to burst into flames of enthusiasm!


It’s a time to find peace and address things long buried or avoided, or give yourself over to a selfless cause–helping a loved one with their troubles; to retreat, rest or work on the sidelines with relief found in solitude. The warm, generous Leo Sun, sensitive Moon, and the dramatically dressed communicator Mercury allow you to step back and practice self-care in the escapist house of gestation, scandals, and secrets, so that awareness lands on all there is to exhume and release. It’s a compelling time to draw inwards, letting go of the BS –and drama that holds you back.

Mars shining in your house of shared interests could be helping you address issues around commitment – enthusiastically taking unions to deeper levels of loyalty, and confidence for mutual gain. Trust and be trusted, Virgo.


This is a time for friendship, for the common hopes, dreams, and connection that brings warmth and camaraderie (in your industry, company, circle of peers, or another group or team setting).

It’s a remarkable time to lend the full force of your attention to what can be accomplished when you plant yourself at the very heart of a crowd or clan. The warm, generous Leo Sun, sensitive Moon, and the dramatic communicator Mercury encourage you to step into a pack, be aware of your place and presence within the greater collective, with a focus on all you pull together to get behind as a throng. It’s possible that networking opportunities present themselves now – talk to those online and acquaintances that cross your path to tease out your interest in others! Perhaps you’re considering a new job, organization, charity or scene!


There’s great emphasis on your notorious, success-oriented tenth house, Scorpio, readying you for a fresh start in matters of career or public image. Time for a new beginning for your career path and climbing the ladder, with the spotlight on your visible house in your horoscope.

It’s a remarkable time to lend attention to the pursuit of recognition, to be seen in your stride, rising up to take the mic, awarded a title, accolade or advancing – with sights set on goals and what’s next for you. The warm, generous Leo Sun, sensitive Moon, and the dramatically dressed communicator Mercury allow you to show up and shine in your position or outwards facing persona, with free reign to focus on the way you make a name for yourself, gaining praise, validation and a sense of accomplishment.

This is the time to take a positive step on your path, with awareness and, thanks to Mars driving ahead in your busy house of work and wellness; feel good about positive efforts made to serve & show up!


This is the time for a new beginning for the pursuit of knowledge, or the ability to engage with visionary ideas and thinking, and focus on what you want to learn, and enjoy – the direction you’re keen to move in. It’s a remarkable time to bolster (global) plans & projects, with ardent Mars in your passionate sector adding enthusiasm to your quest or journey.

Time to spotlight your naturally gregarious, philosophical nature, and allow you to venture out, to enjoy a slice of life outside your usual realms, and what you know– explore and pursue education and open up to discovering something wonderful and culturally different that inspires you! Time to connect to people overseas, to share your work, to journal, publish, teach, or to develop and grow. Give yourself today and tomorrow to brainstorm and be inspired and enthusiastic, with the capacity to broaden your horizons exponentially – and enjoy the process!


This is a new beginning for your investments, loyalties and joint interests, all you pool with another, or must pledge to sustain a working or romantic relationship. It’s a remarkable time to lend attention towards a collaborative approach, working with others – co-parenting, loaning or sharing space and resources; Mars in your emotional, domestic sector bolsters considerations around property, home life, and parenting, too. Focus on, and pursue a sense of closeness with those you trust, showing your vulnerable side, relying on others to unify and consolidate with you, as they come together in the zone of mergers and mutual gains.

This is the chance to examine where your energy, resources, & entanglements direct you, knowing that a fearless glance at what’s been created can lead to a new beginning that’s full of potential and great promise…


Aquarius, get ready for a fresh start in partnership. It’s a remarkable time to lend the full force of your attention towards intimate and personal relationships – platonic and romantic.

This moon will spotlight your opposite sign Leo in the wheel of the Zodiac giving you free reign to team up and negotiate, to enjoy the spirit of unions. Acknowledging individuals who mean something–from a spouse or business collaborator (your work wife), even a parent or therapist.

Make opportunities to engage, connect and communicate, thanks to Mars in your talkative house of local environments, neighbors and skills, bolstering the New Moon & its potential to usher in ties with potential to go the distance.


This new moon will help you start on a new beginning for your rituals and visualize improvements that can be made around your schedule to streamline and make your lifestyle and choices more simple, and your purpose aligned with a sense of usefulness.

It’s a remarkable time to lend attention towards feeling and identifying ways you’re helpful, as well as what works for you – what keeps you clear-headed, active, healthy and happy.

This sensitive Moon, and Mercury will allow you to uphold and maintain your position, duties and chores, tackling the tasks and what needs to be done, making efficiencies that prove you’re a talented commodity – and with Mars lending support from your lucrative house of rewards a financial angle might be in play too!

Make a commitment for a positive take on your constitution and consistency, motivated by the promise you’ll be paid or compensated for your input.



Are you rich in love, prosperity and joy? Often when we hear about The Law of Abundance, it refers to money. While it certainly does include financial prosperity, it is much more than that. Abundance relates to the state of being consciously connected to our Source Energy.

By the universal laws that govern all of us, abundance is already given. By the grace of Source, it is already ours! However, our experience of abundance is dependent on our particular alignment with it.

Everything is energy, including us. We are always vibrating something. What we focus attention on determines how we are vibrating. By focusing attention on the heart of who we are, our whole being begins to vibrate more expansively.

Then, since like attracts like, we draw to ourselves any and all things that are in sync with this expansive heart energy. We experience an increase in love, light, joy, wellbeing, creativity, exuberance, prosperity, gratitude, and an ever-deepening, awe-filled awareness of who we are.

What Is The Law Of Abundance?

The Law of Abundance is an abiding principle within universal laws. It is the simple fact that there is an unlimited Source of everything we need or could ever want. This great abundance is already ours, infinitely available to all of us all the time.

This and all universes are made of Divine Energy. It is everywhere and in everything. Everything, including us, lives, moves and has its being in this Divine Energy. We are this Divine Energy. It is a live, infinite, sea of love, joy, creativity, and goodwill. Divine Energy is the source of all abundance. It fills all space. The Law of Abundance states that there is nowhere it is not, so there is no lack anywhere, any time. It is equally available to all aspects of itself, which includes you and me.

When we align ourselves with The Law of Abundance then we move in oneness with it. In this oneness the only thing that limits you – beliefs in lack and limitation – fade away. What is left is you! Free, alive, joyful, creative and loving.

New Moon Abundance check writing is a ritual for manifesting, using the energy of the New Moon each month along with Astrology and the house the new moon touches on for you!  This ritual has been handed down through so many people that
its origin has become unknown.

What are Abundance Checks?

Abundance checks are a tool we can use to create more abundance in our lives. They are written within 24 hours after a New Moon.

Surprisingly, you really don’t even need to believe that the check will work when you write it.

You will however be amazed at the results, as you will see increased abundance in your life, in some life area. It is not always financial, but certainly in an area that you need.

Abundance is so much more than ‘money’. Perhaps a friend invites you to lunch and pays.

Perhaps you are at lunch with a friend and they offer their expert advice on some area of your life.

These are simple examples of Abundance. Abundance comes in many forms.
Be GRATEFUL for all that comes into your life.

There is a traditional manner, which has been handed down. If you do not have a checking account you can draw a check on a piece of paper and fill it out the same way – the results will be the same, more abundance for you.





The Aquarius Full Moon lights up the sky on August 3-4th, 2020, welcoming us to the month and the building energies of the Lionsgate Portal. Full Moons are always illuminating things, helping us to see a bigger truth and to expand our way of thinking. If things have felt foggy or unclear, this Full Moon calls for us to look again, for perhaps this time, we will receive the answers we are looking for.
The planet of awakening and change, Uranus, is very active under this Full Moon. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, but it is also making a square or 90-degree alignment with the Sun at the time of the Full Moon. This alignment with Uranus triggers things in our lives to feel shaky and unsteady.
We may notice things moving and shifting around us, causing us to feel uncertain and unstable. It may be hard to know what to trust and what direction to choose.
When this level of shaky uncertainty enters our life, it allows us to see what is weak and needs to fall, and what is strong. Whatever withstands the shaking remains, whatever was already weak will fall away.
This energy is not there to upset our lives, rather it is there to help us remove and let go of the things no longer meant for us. Most of us know when it’s time to let go of something or someone, but sometimes it can be hard to do so.
The shake-up from this Full Moon will help us to gently let go of these things, and to remind us that we need not hold on in fear.
What are you holding on to out of fear? What thoughts, beliefs, people, circumstances are you gripping onto?
This Full Moon asks you to clear the way. It asks you to shake up your beliefs, your ideas, your circumstances, so you can see what needs to remain.
Under this Aquarius Full Moon energy, it is better to let things shake and fall where they may, rather than trying to control.
If we surrender and go with the flow, we can allow the Universe to show us the way with grace in our hearts. This shaky energy from Uranus also serves another purpose – awakening our soul energy.
When things shake and rattle us, it causes us to see things in a new light and to feel differently about ourselves and the world we live in. This can trigger an awakening, and a coming into new knowledge and wisdom.
Uranus shakes us to awaken us, and to show us a new and higher path.
Uranus also rules over Kundalini energy, which is seen as a serpent that lives at the base of our spine.
When our Kundalini energy rises, as it does when we are under the presence of Uranus, the snake uncoils itself, traveling up the energy centers of the body, all the way to the top of our head and beyond.
When the snake awakens, we can learn new things, see new things, and experience life at a different frequency. We can all activate our own Kundalini awakening under this energy by setting an intention and tuning in. This is not something we can force, but something we can allow and welcome if we feel it right to do so.
This awakening and activating energy will also be supported by the opening of the Lionsgate Portal.
The Lionsgate Portal opens every year and peaks by August 8th, however the energy will already be brewing at the time of this Full Moon. As the Sun reaches the peak of Leo Season and we have Sirius, our Spiritual Sun high in the sky, Lionsgate is activated, sending messages, downloads, and insights to Earth.
The August Full Moon will help to illuminate these energies as they grow, and if we tune in, we may start receiving downloads, intuitive wisdom, or even new ideas and inspirations to guide us on our way.
This is beautiful energy to tap into, and one that can advance us further on our path. If you have questions, if you are looking for new wisdom, if you want to stretch your mind to new heights, reach higher under the light of this Full Moon. Open yourself to the energy and allow information to flood in. Very often on a Full Moon, we like to dictate what we wish to release or call in, but this energy calls for us to get still and enter a place of allowing.
If we quiet our mind, and reach beyond our knowing, we may find new information and downloads easier to receive. We all have the power to receive these downloads, so go out under the light of the Moon. Look at it shining bright in the sky. Ask for it to bring you wisdom; ask for it to send its ancient messages straight into your being.
Open to the downloads you receive, trust your abilities, and be patient if things start to move and shake. As we shake, we let go of the things no longer meant for us, we clear out things that were weak and crumbling. After the pieces have landed where they may, we will feel renewed, restored, and awakened with a greater knowing of who we are and where we need to be.
Read full moon “horro”scopes  on my last post
The Aquarius Full Moon lights up the sky on August 3-4th, 2020, welcoming us to the month and the building energies of the Lionsgate Portal. Full Moons are always illuminating things, helping us to see a bigger truth and to expand our way of thinking. If things have felt foggy or unclear, this Full Moon calls for us to look again, for perhaps this time, we will receive the answers we are looking for.
The planet of awakening and change, Uranus, is very active under this Full Moon. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, but it is also making a square or 90-degree alignment with the Sun at the time of the Full Moon. This alignment with Uranus triggers things in our lives to feel shaky and unsteady.
We may notice things moving and shifting around us, causing us to feel uncertain and unstable. It may be hard to know what to trust and what direction to choose.
When this level of shaky uncertainty enters our life, it allows us to see what is weak and needs to fall, and what is strong. Whatever withstands the shaking remains, whatever was already weak will fall away.
This energy is not there to upset our lives, rather it is there to help us remove and let go of the things no longer meant for us. Most of us know when it’s time to let go of something or someone, but sometimes it can be hard to do so.
The shake-up from this Full Moon will help us to gently let go of these things, and to remind us that we need not hold on in fear.
What are you holding on to out of fear? What thoughts, beliefs, people, circumstances are you gripping onto?
This Full Moon asks you to clear the way. It asks you to shake up your beliefs, your ideas, your circumstances, so you can see what needs to remain.
Under this Aquarius Full Moon energy, it is better to let things shake and fall where they may, rather than trying to control.
If we surrender and go with the flow, we can allow the Universe to show us the way with grace in our hearts. This shaky energy from Uranus also serves another purpose – awakening our soul energy.
When things shake and rattle us, it causes us to see things in a new light and to feel differently about ourselves and the world we live in. This can trigger an awakening, and a coming into new knowledge and wisdom.
Uranus shakes us to awaken us, and to show us a new and higher path.
Uranus also rules over Kundalini energy, which is seen as a serpent that lives at the base of our spine.
When our Kundalini energy rises, as it does when we are under the presence of Uranus, the snake uncoils itself, traveling up the energy centers of the body, all the way to the top of our head and beyond.
When the snake awakens, we can learn new things, see new things, and experience life at a different frequency. We can all activate our own Kundalini awakening under this energy by setting an intention and tuning in. This is not something we can force, but something we can allow and welcome if we feel it right to do so.
This awakening and activating energy will also be supported by the opening of the Lionsgate Portal.
The Lionsgate Portal opens every year and peaks by August 8th, however the energy will already be brewing at the time of this Full Moon. As the Sun reaches the peak of Leo Season and we have Sirius, our Spiritual Sun high in the sky, Lionsgate is activated, sending messages, downloads, and insights to Earth.
The August Full Moon will help to illuminate these energies as they grow, and if we tune in, we may start receiving downloads, intuitive wisdom, or even new ideas and inspirations to guide us on our way.
This is beautiful energy to tap into, and one that can advance us further on our path. If you have questions, if you are looking for new wisdom, if you want to stretch your mind to new heights, reach higher under the light of this Full Moon. Open yourself to the energy and allow information to flood in. Very often on a Full Moon, we like to dictate what we wish to release or call in, but this energy calls for us to get still and enter a place of allowing.
If we quiet our mind, and reach beyond our knowing, we may find new information and downloads easier to receive. We all have the power to receive these downloads, so go out under the light of the Moon. Look at it shining bright in the sky. Ask for it to bring you wisdom; ask for it to send its ancient messages straight into your being.
Open to the downloads you receive, trust your abilities, and be patient if things start to move and shake. As we shake, we let go of the things no longer meant for us, we clear out things that were weak and crumbling. After the pieces have landed where they may, we will feel renewed, restored, and awakened with a greater knowing of who we are and where we need to be.
Read full moon “horro”scopes  on my last post