As you probably know, the moon has different phases. A new moon happens when the earth lines up with the sun, making the moon look all but invisible from Earth. Typically, there are 12 new moons a year, with each new moon tied to a different astrological sign. But some years—like this one (of course)—have 13 new moons.
This particular new moon is in the sign of Leo, and there’s a really strong vibe of trying to adjust to a new-ish way of life. Maybe you’re still getting used to spending so much time at home, or you’re struggling to get in the end of summer mentality. But, let’s be real, it can be pretty tough to even think about doing what you want and having fun when you’re worried about big, scary things (pandemic, job security, healthcare, you get it).
This is a new beginning for sincere, passions, and focus on what you want to put your energy towards. It’s a remarkable time to lend the full force of your ardent vitality to plans and projects, with Mars in your sign injecting a heady, enthusiasm, will, and motivation that’s unstoppable! This moon will allow you to indulge your fun, playful side with great attention on your ability to create or conceive something, so that you’ve free reign to ignite that fire in your heart (dating, getting romantic, having sex, making a baby, starting that book, blog or art piece – or signing up to YouTube to showcase your talents!)
Focus on personal passions, hobbies, solo interests, sports and entertainment, humoring yourself with what you love. Give yourself today and tomorrow to brainstorm and be inspired and enthusiastic, with the capacity to enjoy life’s pleasures and all that makes you!
Here is a new beginning for home life. It’s a wonderful time to lend potent focus to family or your foundations, with progress in privatein your inner sanctum – also thanks to Mars driving ahead behind the scenes, bolstering your ability to withdraw a little, and tend to the more mysterious, sensitive subjects.
Here is a free reign to nurture, nest and practice self-care, with the spotlight on land and lineage; gravitate towards sources of comfort, and your domestic side, resetting the dial – pull back from the world to recharge and refuel in ways that nourish your soul and spirit. Make the most of your chance to examine what usually goes unmentioned, unexplored and is swept under the rug, claiming your intentions for future generations.
Turn a page with those around you: get curious, get clarity, reading, learning, and practicing communication skills with a friend, colleague, or sibling – think of the toolyou wish to add to your collection, the books you’re keen to read – the library or local club you want to join! The language or social media quips to master!
It’s a remarkable time to lend the full force of your attention to your inner circle – grab coffee with those you want to be looped in with. This moon offers you free reign to engage in small talk, affirm your voice and create impact in local groups, verbalizing thoughts to those in your surrounding environment. You could now be feeling enthusiastic, inspired, in the mood to enjoy news, dealings, gossip and even act as a reporter, articulate, plugged-in. Relish the head start you have – you’re a skilled silver-tongued magician, and interests could now fall into place, or make sense, with certain issues in focus– connect the dots and fill the air with friendly chatter.
It’s a remarkable time to lend attention towards finances, and your position, what you have in hand– you could be feeling inspired to build, develop, and tackle your salary, spending and what’s yours alone. Mars is advancing in your house of career, reputation, and outward image, with motivation around your path that’s unstoppable!
Take time to indulge in the subject of assets and personal wealth–the way you make a living, tend to the material realms, and the task of earning, contributing, taking pride in all you do. You’ve free reign to light up your ambitious, productive side. Work on a positive attitude towards money, possessions, earnings, your talents & efforts… Cash in! Give yourself today and tomorrow to brainstorm and be inspired, enthusiastic, and getting to work, capable and industrious!
Here is a new beginning just for you, lending full focus to your own projects, passions and ventures; bring attention to your body, vitality, and set goals for the months and years ahead!
It’s a remarkable time to think big, with Mars in your house of quests, travel, publishing, knowledge and global pursuits, injecting enthusiasm and motivation, helping you broaden your horizon and reach. Here is the potential to help put you in touch with ideas and people that can assist, so allow yourself to stand center stage, announcing your intentions with a true star quality.
This is the opportunity to make it all about you and your needs. Expect a flicker to burst into flames of enthusiasm!
It’s a time to find peace and address things long buried or avoided, or give yourself over to a selfless cause–helping a loved one with their troubles; to retreat, rest or work on the sidelines with relief found in solitude. The warm, generous Leo Sun, sensitive Moon, and the dramatically dressed communicator Mercury allow you to step back and practice self-care in the escapist house of gestation, scandals, and secrets, so that awareness lands on all there is to exhume and release. It’s a compelling time to draw inwards, letting go of the BS –and drama that holds you back.
Mars shining in your house of shared interests could be helping you address issues around commitment – enthusiastically taking unions to deeper levels of loyalty, and confidence for mutual gain. Trust and be trusted, Virgo.
This is a time for friendship, for the common hopes, dreams, and connection that brings warmth and camaraderie (in your industry, company, circle of peers, or another group or team setting).
It’s a remarkable time to lend the full force of your attention to what can be accomplished when you plant yourself at the very heart of a crowd or clan. The warm, generous Leo Sun, sensitive Moon, and the dramatic communicator Mercury encourage you to step into a pack, be aware of your place and presence within the greater collective, with a focus on all you pull together to get behind as a throng. It’s possible that networking opportunities present themselves now – talk to those online and acquaintances that cross your path to tease out your interest in others! Perhaps you’re considering a new job, organization, charity or scene!
There’s great emphasis on your notorious, success-oriented tenth house, Scorpio, readying you for a fresh start in matters of career or public image. Time for a new beginning for your career path and climbing the ladder, with the spotlight on your visible house in your horoscope.
It’s a remarkable time to lend attention to the pursuit of recognition, to be seen in your stride, rising up to take the mic, awarded a title, accolade or advancing – with sights set on goals and what’s next for you. The warm, generous Leo Sun, sensitive Moon, and the dramatically dressed communicator Mercury allow you to show up and shine in your position or outwards facing persona, with free reign to focus on the way you make a name for yourself, gaining praise, validation and a sense of accomplishment.
This is the time to take a positive step on your path, with awareness and, thanks to Mars driving ahead in your busy house of work and wellness; feel good about positive efforts made to serve & show up!
This is the time for a new beginning for the pursuit of knowledge, or the ability to engage with visionary ideas and thinking, and focus on what you want to learn, and enjoy – the direction you’re keen to move in. It’s a remarkable time to bolster (global) plans & projects, with ardent Mars in your passionate sector adding enthusiasm to your quest or journey.
Time to spotlight your naturally gregarious, philosophical nature, and allow you to venture out, to enjoy a slice of life outside your usual realms, and what you know– explore and pursue education and open up to discovering something wonderful and culturally different that inspires you! Time to connect to people overseas, to share your work, to journal, publish, teach, or to develop and grow. Give yourself today and tomorrow to brainstorm and be inspired and enthusiastic, with the capacity to broaden your horizons exponentially – and enjoy the process!
This is a new beginning for your investments, loyalties and joint interests, all you pool with another, or must pledge to sustain a working or romantic relationship. It’s a remarkable time to lend attention towards a collaborative approach, working with others – co-parenting, loaning or sharing space and resources; Mars in your emotional, domestic sector bolsters considerations around property, home life, and parenting, too. Focus on, and pursue a sense of closeness with those you trust, showing your vulnerable side, relying on others to unify and consolidate with you, as they come together in the zone of mergers and mutual gains.
This is the chance to examine where your energy, resources, & entanglements direct you, knowing that a fearless glance at what’s been created can lead to a new beginning that’s full of potential and great promise…
Aquarius, get ready for a fresh start in partnership. It’s a remarkable time to lend the full force of your attention towards intimate and personal relationships – platonic and romantic.
This moon will spotlight your opposite sign Leo in the wheel of the Zodiac giving you free reign to team up and negotiate, to enjoy the spirit of unions. Acknowledging individuals who mean something–from a spouse or business collaborator (your work wife), even a parent or therapist.
Make opportunities to engage, connect and communicate, thanks to Mars in your talkative house of local environments, neighbors and skills, bolstering the New Moon & its potential to usher in ties with potential to go the distance.
This new moon will help you start on a new beginning for your rituals and visualize improvements that can be made around your schedule to streamline and make your lifestyle and choices more simple, and your purpose aligned with a sense of usefulness.
It’s a remarkable time to lend attention towards feeling and identifying ways you’re helpful, as well as what works for you – what keeps you clear-headed, active, healthy and happy.
This sensitive Moon, and Mercury will allow you to uphold and maintain your position, duties and chores, tackling the tasks and what needs to be done, making efficiencies that prove you’re a talented commodity – and with Mars lending support from your lucrative house of rewards a financial angle might be in play too!
Make a commitment for a positive take on your constitution and consistency, motivated by the promise you’ll be paid or compensated for your input.