The Virgo full moon on Saturday, February 27, 2021, is linked to Saturn square Uranus. So the spiritual meaning of full moon February 2021 astrology relates to making or dealing with difficult changes.

But the February 2021 full moon makes positive change more likely and easier to implement. It is ideal for making changes that are long overdue. This is a good full moon for freeing yourself of burdens that are no longer your responsibility

Last month, the full moon’s message came in loud and clear: You deserve the best. This month, when the full moon arrives in the small hours of Saturday, February 27, it will be quieter, but it will reach us on a more personal level, as if whispering in our ear — and we might not love everything it has to say. 

With the full moon occurring in the practical (if somewhat stingy) earth sign Virgo, it will be difficult to feel like we are enough, let alone deserve our just rewards. 

The Full Snow Moon in Virgo will put leisure time on ice.

This month’s traditional spiritual associations are very similar to last month’s. In fact, depending on who you ask, they even have a name in common — the Snow Moon, in reference to the harsh winter weather that permeates most of February. Historically, as noted in the Old Farmer’s Almanac, resources were not in abundance during this time of year. That real-life concern might not be top-of-mind in modern times, but it can still translate into some uncaring behavior. 

When we live under a scarcity mindset, the stakes feel extremely high, even while addressing menial tasks and everyday needs. It can be difficult to see where there is space to share and time to rest. The challenge for us, then, is to remember the importance of generosity — with ourselves and with others — even when it feels like we’re just eking by. Yes, it’s important to stay focused on the tasks at hand, avoid procrastination, and work toward your personal goals, but those priorities can coexist with self-care and affection. Industriousness and ambition do not have to equal denial.

Resist the urge to nit-pick during the Virgo full moon.

When the bright full moon beams its way through a detail-oriented sign like Virgo, even the teeny tiniest flaws can come to light — and be perceived as glaringly fatal. Wielded gently, this influence can help you catch minor mistakes before they snowball into real issues, but it can very easily overtake your thoughts and undermine your confidence. Remember: Just because something isn’t perfect doesn’t mean you failed. And, just because you feel compelled to put everything else on hold in order to iron out the smallest kinks in your work doesn’t mean you actually should. If you take a closer look, you’ll likely realize that all that pressure is coming from within. 

Unless, for example, your boss is knocking down your door, demanding you present them with a polished presentation this very moment, you probably have more wiggle room to develop, fine-tune, and even revise whatever work you happen to have on your plate. When you allow yourself that time and space, you can reap the full benefits of Virgo’s hard-working spirit. This sign loves to create with care and conscientiousness, and it can do just that, providing it gets out of its own way when it comes to perfectionism. Keep this in mind as you gaze up at the full moon next weekend and reflect upon the month ahead.

Full Moon Meaning

Sun opposite Moon (0°00′) brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces such as work versus home, or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. So use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

Changing Rules

Saturn square Uranus (0°44′) creates a conflict between responsibility and independence, stability and change, duty and freedom, traditional and progressive, obedience and rebellion, routine and excitement, religion and science, conservative and liberal, sane and crazy, old and new, and the past and the future.

As a result, changes can occur that you don’t want or are challenging to cope with. Or it can be harder to make positive changes, the kind of changes you do want. Changes in government or corporation rules and laws could restrict your choices or curtail your freedom.

At the personal level, trying to be responsible and loyal while also being free to be yourself may be a constant battle. You may have difficulty obeying rules that you feel limit your freedom, creativity, and self-expression. Disagreements about your level of commitment or inability to change could lead to a sudden relationship breakup or career changes.

This can be a very frustrating time of rising tension and difficult changes. If you rebel too much you will lose support and the stability and security you need for success. But sticking to a routine and always toeing the line will block your creativity and increase your tension to boiling point.

It is best not to force change that you want but to adapt to changing conditions. With open-mindedness, patience, flexibility, cooperation, and compromise, crises can be turned into opportunities. You can find creative breakthroughs and rid yourself of negative and limiting conditions.

The February 27 full moon activates the major planetary aspect of 2021. Saturn square Uranus is a sign of difficult change, an inability or lack of will to change, and the restriction of freedom.

The full moon quincunx Saturn means an adjustment is needed in your duties or responsibilities. But the full Moon trine Uranus makes positive change more likely and easier to implement.

So full moon February 2021 is ideal for making changes that are long overdue. This is a good moon phase for freeing yourself of burdens that are no longer your responsibility. By doing so, you will make room for exciting opportunities, positive change, greater independence, and freedom of choice.

The effects of the February 27 full moon lasts for two weeks up to the March 10 new moon. Its influence is combined with that of the February 11 new moon. This was an excellent new moon for finding love but also for making yourself a nicer and happier person.

With the Virgo-Pisces service axis involved, this Full Moon presses us to find a balance between day-to-day functions and routines, physical health, and the need for order (Virgo) and vision, spiritual health, disorder, and the infinite (Pisces). Virgo rules the tools and techniques that we use to deal with day-to-day life, while Pisces rules the tools that we use to deal with our spiritual selves. Some sort of crisis (which can be a crisis of consciousness) or sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the Full Moon occurs in our natal charts.

This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between work and service, practicality and impracticality, criticism and acceptance. With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic “illumination” occurs in our own lives. However, these new feelings and revelations are emotional ones, as there is a sense of emotions bursting forth into our consciousness. It’s time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems. Over the next two weeks, we will discover what this means for us. For now, we can’t sit on our feelings. We need to express them. Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is not particularly rational as yet.

This is an eyes-wide-open time for our work, habits, health, and routines. We are likely to receive strong messages from our intuition.

This Full Moon harmonizes with Uranus, suggesting an easy acceptance of change and progress now.

This phase of the Moon occurs at 8 degrees and 57 minutes of Virgo, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 5 to 13 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.

Full Moon February 27, 2021 – Rule Change

The Virgo full moon on Saturday, February 27, 2021, is linked to Saturn square Uranus. So the spiritual meaning of full moon February 2021 astrology relates to making or dealing with difficult changes.

But the February 2021 full moon makes positive change more likely and easier to implement. It is ideal for making changes that are long overdue. This is a good full moon for freeing yourself of burdens that are no longer your responsibility

Last month, the full moon’s message came in loud and clear: You deserve the best. This month, when the full moon arrives in the small hours of Saturday, February 27, it will be quieter, but it will reach us on a more personal level, as if whispering in our ear — and we might not love everything it has to say. 

With the full moon occurring in the practical (if somewhat stingy) earth sign Virgo, it will be difficult to feel like we are enough, let alone deserve our just rewards. 

The Full Snow Moon in Virgo will put leisure time on ice.

This month’s traditional spiritual associations are very similar to last month’s. In fact, depending on who you ask, they even have a name in common — the Snow Moon, in reference to the harsh winter weather that permeates most of February. Historically, as noted in the Old Farmer’s Almanac, resources were not in abundance during this time of year. That real-life concern might not be top-of-mind in modern times, but it can still translate into some uncaring behavior. 

When we live under a scarcity mindset, the stakes feel extremely high, even while addressing menial tasks and everyday needs. It can be difficult to see where there is space to share and time to rest. The challenge for us, then, is to remember the importance of generosity — with ourselves and with others — even when it feels like we’re just eking by. Yes, it’s important to stay focused on the tasks at hand, avoid procrastination, and work toward your personal goals, but those priorities can coexist with self-care and affection. Industriousness and ambition do not have to equal denial.

Resist the urge to nit-pick during the Virgo full moon.

When the bright full moon beams its way through a detail-oriented sign like Virgo, even the teeny tiniest flaws can come to light — and be perceived as glaringly fatal. Wielded gently, this influence can help you catch minor mistakes before they snowball into real issues, but it can very easily overtake your thoughts and undermine your confidence. Remember: Just because something isn’t perfect doesn’t mean you failed. And, just because you feel compelled to put everything else on hold in order to iron out the smallest kinks in your work doesn’t mean you actually should. If you take a closer look, you’ll likely realize that all that pressure is coming from within. 

Unless, for example, your boss is knocking down your door, demanding you present them with a polished presentation this very moment, you probably have more wiggle room to develop, fine-tune, and even revise whatever work you happen to have on your plate. When you allow yourself that time and space, you can reap the full benefits of Virgo’s hard-working spirit. This sign loves to create with care and conscientiousness, and it can do just that, providing it gets out of its own way when it comes to perfectionism. Keep this in mind as you gaze up at the full moon next weekend and reflect upon the month ahead.

Full Moon Meaning

Sun opposite Moon (0°00′) brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces such as work versus home, or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. So use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

Changing Rules

Saturn square Uranus (0°44′) creates a conflict between responsibility and independence, stability and change, duty and freedom, traditional and progressive, obedience and rebellion, routine and excitement, religion and science, conservative and liberal, sane and crazy, old and new, and the past and the future.

As a result, changes can occur that you don’t want or are challenging to cope with. Or it can be harder to make positive changes, the kind of changes you do want. Changes in government or corporation rules and laws could restrict your choices or curtail your freedom.

At the personal level, trying to be responsible and loyal while also being free to be yourself may be a constant battle. You may have difficulty obeying rules that you feel limit your freedom, creativity, and self-expression. Disagreements about your level of commitment or inability to change could lead to a sudden relationship breakup or career changes.

This can be a very frustrating time of rising tension and difficult changes. If you rebel too much you will lose support and the stability and security you need for success. But sticking to a routine and always toeing the line will block your creativity and increase your tension to boiling point.

It is best not to force change that you want but to adapt to changing conditions. With open-mindedness, patience, flexibility, cooperation, and compromise, crises can be turned into opportunities. You can find creative breakthroughs and rid yourself of negative and limiting conditions.

The February 27 full moon activates the major planetary aspect of 2021. Saturn square Uranus is a sign of difficult change, an inability or lack of will to change, and the restriction of freedom.

The full moon quincunx Saturn means an adjustment is needed in your duties or responsibilities. But the full Moon trine Uranus makes positive change more likely and easier to implement.

So full moon February 2021 is ideal for making changes that are long overdue. This is a good moon phase for freeing yourself of burdens that are no longer your responsibility. By doing so, you will make room for exciting opportunities, positive change, greater independence, and freedom of choice.

The effects of the February 27 full moon lasts for two weeks up to the March 10 new moon. Its influence is combined with that of the February 11 new moon. This was an excellent new moon for finding love but also for making yourself a nicer and happier person.

With the Virgo-Pisces service axis involved, this Full Moon presses us to find a balance between day-to-day functions and routines, physical health, and the need for order (Virgo) and vision, spiritual health, disorder, and the infinite (Pisces). Virgo rules the tools and techniques that we use to deal with day-to-day life, while Pisces rules the tools that we use to deal with our spiritual selves. Some sort of crisis (which can be a crisis of consciousness) or sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the Full Moon occurs in our natal charts.

This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between work and service, practicality and impracticality, criticism and acceptance. With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic “illumination” occurs in our own lives. However, these new feelings and revelations are emotional ones, as there is a sense of emotions bursting forth into our consciousness. It’s time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems. Over the next two weeks, we will discover what this means for us. For now, we can’t sit on our feelings. We need to express them. Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is not particularly rational as yet.

This is an eyes-wide-open time for our work, habits, health, and routines. We are likely to receive strong messages from our intuition.

This Full Moon harmonizes with Uranus, suggesting an easy acceptance of change and progress now.

This phase of the Moon occurs at 8 degrees and 57 minutes of Virgo, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 5 to 13 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.

The Virgo full moon on Saturday, February 27, 2021, is linked to Saturn square Uranus. So the spiritual meaning of full moon February 2021 astrology relates to making or dealing with difficult changes.

But the February 2021 full moon makes positive change more likely and easier to implement. It is ideal for making changes that are long overdue. This is a good full moon for freeing yourself of burdens that are no longer your responsibility

Last month, the full moon’s message came in loud and clear: You deserve the best. This month, when the full moon arrives in the small hours of Saturday, February 27, it will be quieter, but it will reach us on a more personal level, as if whispering in our ear — and we might not love everything it has to say. 

With the full moon occurring in the practical (if somewhat stingy) earth sign Virgo, it will be difficult to feel like we are enough, let alone deserve our just rewards. 

The Full Snow Moon in Virgo will put leisure time on ice.

This month’s traditional spiritual associations are very similar to last month’s. In fact, depending on who you ask, they even have a name in common — the Snow Moon, in reference to the harsh winter weather that permeates most of February. Historically, as noted in the Old Farmer’s Almanac, resources were not in abundance during this time of year. That real-life concern might not be top-of-mind in modern times, but it can still translate into some uncaring behavior. 

When we live under a scarcity mindset, the stakes feel extremely high, even while addressing menial tasks and everyday needs. It can be difficult to see where there is space to share and time to rest. The challenge for us, then, is to remember the importance of generosity — with ourselves and with others — even when it feels like we’re just eking by. Yes, it’s important to stay focused on the tasks at hand, avoid procrastination, and work toward your personal goals, but those priorities can coexist with self-care and affection. Industriousness and ambition do not have to equal denial.

Resist the urge to nit-pick during the Virgo full moon.

When the bright full moon beams its way through a detail-oriented sign like Virgo, even the teeny tiniest flaws can come to light — and be perceived as glaringly fatal. Wielded gently, this influence can help you catch minor mistakes before they snowball into real issues, but it can very easily overtake your thoughts and undermine your confidence. Remember: Just because something isn’t perfect doesn’t mean you failed. And, just because you feel compelled to put everything else on hold in order to iron out the smallest kinks in your work doesn’t mean you actually should. If you take a closer look, you’ll likely realize that all that pressure is coming from within. 

Unless, for example, your boss is knocking down your door, demanding you present them with a polished presentation this very moment, you probably have more wiggle room to develop, fine-tune, and even revise whatever work you happen to have on your plate. When you allow yourself that time and space, you can reap the full benefits of Virgo’s hard-working spirit. This sign loves to create with care and conscientiousness, and it can do just that, providing it gets out of its own way when it comes to perfectionism. Keep this in mind as you gaze up at the full moon next weekend and reflect upon the month ahead.

Full Moon Meaning

Sun opposite Moon (0°00′) brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces such as work versus home, or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. So use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

Changing Rules

Saturn square Uranus (0°44′) creates a conflict between responsibility and independence, stability and change, duty and freedom, traditional and progressive, obedience and rebellion, routine and excitement, religion and science, conservative and liberal, sane and crazy, old and new, and the past and the future.

As a result, changes can occur that you don’t want or are challenging to cope with. Or it can be harder to make positive changes, the kind of changes you do want. Changes in government or corporation rules and laws could restrict your choices or curtail your freedom.

At the personal level, trying to be responsible and loyal while also being free to be yourself may be a constant battle. You may have difficulty obeying rules that you feel limit your freedom, creativity, and self-expression. Disagreements about your level of commitment or inability to change could lead to a sudden relationship breakup or career changes.

This can be a very frustrating time of rising tension and difficult changes. If you rebel too much you will lose support and the stability and security you need for success. But sticking to a routine and always toeing the line will block your creativity and increase your tension to boiling point.

It is best not to force change that you want but to adapt to changing conditions. With open-mindedness, patience, flexibility, cooperation, and compromise, crises can be turned into opportunities. You can find creative breakthroughs and rid yourself of negative and limiting conditions.

The February 27 full moon activates the major planetary aspect of 2021. Saturn square Uranus is a sign of difficult change, an inability or lack of will to change, and the restriction of freedom.

The full moon quincunx Saturn means an adjustment is needed in your duties or responsibilities. But the full Moon trine Uranus makes positive change more likely and easier to implement.

So full moon February 2021 is ideal for making changes that are long overdue. This is a good moon phase for freeing yourself of burdens that are no longer your responsibility. By doing so, you will make room for exciting opportunities, positive change, greater independence, and freedom of choice.

The effects of the February 27 full moon lasts for two weeks up to the March 10 new moon. Its influence is combined with that of the February 11 new moon. This was an excellent new moon for finding love but also for making yourself a nicer and happier person.

With the Virgo-Pisces service axis involved, this Full Moon presses us to find a balance between day-to-day functions and routines, physical health, and the need for order (Virgo) and vision, spiritual health, disorder, and the infinite (Pisces). Virgo rules the tools and techniques that we use to deal with day-to-day life, while Pisces rules the tools that we use to deal with our spiritual selves. Some sort of crisis (which can be a crisis of consciousness) or sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the Full Moon occurs in our natal charts.

This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between work and service, practicality and impracticality, criticism and acceptance. With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic “illumination” occurs in our own lives. However, these new feelings and revelations are emotional ones, as there is a sense of emotions bursting forth into our consciousness. It’s time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems. Over the next two weeks, we will discover what this means for us. For now, we can’t sit on our feelings. We need to express them. Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is not particularly rational as yet.

This is an eyes-wide-open time for our work, habits, health, and routines. We are likely to receive strong messages from our intuition.

This Full Moon harmonizes with Uranus, suggesting an easy acceptance of change and progress now.

This phase of the Moon occurs at 8 degrees and 57 minutes of Virgo, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 5 to 13 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.

Full Moon February 27, 2021 – Rule Change

The Virgo full moon on Saturday, February 27, 2021, is linked to Saturn square Uranus. So the spiritual meaning of full moon February 2021 astrology relates to making or dealing with difficult changes.

But the February 2021 full moon makes positive change more likely and easier to implement. It is ideal for making changes that are long overdue. This is a good full moon for freeing yourself of burdens that are no longer your responsibility

Last month, the full moon’s message came in loud and clear: You deserve the best. This month, when the full moon arrives in the small hours of Saturday, February 27, it will be quieter, but it will reach us on a more personal level, as if whispering in our ear — and we might not love everything it has to say. 

With the full moon occurring in the practical (if somewhat stingy) earth sign Virgo, it will be difficult to feel like we are enough, let alone deserve our just rewards. 

The Full Snow Moon in Virgo will put leisure time on ice.

This month’s traditional spiritual associations are very similar to last month’s. In fact, depending on who you ask, they even have a name in common — the Snow Moon, in reference to the harsh winter weather that permeates most of February. Historically, as noted in the Old Farmer’s Almanac, resources were not in abundance during this time of year. That real-life concern might not be top-of-mind in modern times, but it can still translate into some uncaring behavior. 

When we live under a scarcity mindset, the stakes feel extremely high, even while addressing menial tasks and everyday needs. It can be difficult to see where there is space to share and time to rest. The challenge for us, then, is to remember the importance of generosity — with ourselves and with others — even when it feels like we’re just eking by. Yes, it’s important to stay focused on the tasks at hand, avoid procrastination, and work toward your personal goals, but those priorities can coexist with self-care and affection. Industriousness and ambition do not have to equal denial.

Resist the urge to nit-pick during the Virgo full moon.

When the bright full moon beams its way through a detail-oriented sign like Virgo, even the teeny tiniest flaws can come to light — and be perceived as glaringly fatal. Wielded gently, this influence can help you catch minor mistakes before they snowball into real issues, but it can very easily overtake your thoughts and undermine your confidence. Remember: Just because something isn’t perfect doesn’t mean you failed. And, just because you feel compelled to put everything else on hold in order to iron out the smallest kinks in your work doesn’t mean you actually should. If you take a closer look, you’ll likely realize that all that pressure is coming from within. 

Unless, for example, your boss is knocking down your door, demanding you present them with a polished presentation this very moment, you probably have more wiggle room to develop, fine-tune, and even revise whatever work you happen to have on your plate. When you allow yourself that time and space, you can reap the full benefits of Virgo’s hard-working spirit. This sign loves to create with care and conscientiousness, and it can do just that, providing it gets out of its own way when it comes to perfectionism. Keep this in mind as you gaze up at the full moon next weekend and reflect upon the month ahead.

Full Moon Meaning

Sun opposite Moon (0°00′) brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces such as work versus home, or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. So use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

Changing Rules

Saturn square Uranus (0°44′) creates a conflict between responsibility and independence, stability and change, duty and freedom, traditional and progressive, obedience and rebellion, routine and excitement, religion and science, conservative and liberal, sane and crazy, old and new, and the past and the future.

As a result, changes can occur that you don’t want or are challenging to cope with. Or it can be harder to make positive changes, the kind of changes you do want. Changes in government or corporation rules and laws could restrict your choices or curtail your freedom.

At the personal level, trying to be responsible and loyal while also being free to be yourself may be a constant battle. You may have difficulty obeying rules that you feel limit your freedom, creativity, and self-expression. Disagreements about your level of commitment or inability to change could lead to a sudden relationship breakup or career changes.

This can be a very frustrating time of rising tension and difficult changes. If you rebel too much you will lose support and the stability and security you need for success. But sticking to a routine and always toeing the line will block your creativity and increase your tension to boiling point.

It is best not to force change that you want but to adapt to changing conditions. With open-mindedness, patience, flexibility, cooperation, and compromise, crises can be turned into opportunities. You can find creative breakthroughs and rid yourself of negative and limiting conditions.

The February 27 full moon activates the major planetary aspect of 2021. Saturn square Uranus is a sign of difficult change, an inability or lack of will to change, and the restriction of freedom.

The full moon quincunx Saturn means an adjustment is needed in your duties or responsibilities. But the full Moon trine Uranus makes positive change more likely and easier to implement.

So full moon February 2021 is ideal for making changes that are long overdue. This is a good moon phase for freeing yourself of burdens that are no longer your responsibility. By doing so, you will make room for exciting opportunities, positive change, greater independence, and freedom of choice.

The effects of the February 27 full moon lasts for two weeks up to the March 10 new moon. Its influence is combined with that of the February 11 new moon. This was an excellent new moon for finding love but also for making yourself a nicer and happier person.

With the Virgo-Pisces service axis involved, this Full Moon presses us to find a balance between day-to-day functions and routines, physical health, and the need for order (Virgo) and vision, spiritual health, disorder, and the infinite (Pisces). Virgo rules the tools and techniques that we use to deal with day-to-day life, while Pisces rules the tools that we use to deal with our spiritual selves. Some sort of crisis (which can be a crisis of consciousness) or sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the Full Moon occurs in our natal charts.

This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between work and service, practicality and impracticality, criticism and acceptance. With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic “illumination” occurs in our own lives. However, these new feelings and revelations are emotional ones, as there is a sense of emotions bursting forth into our consciousness. It’s time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems. Over the next two weeks, we will discover what this means for us. For now, we can’t sit on our feelings. We need to express them. Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is not particularly rational as yet.

This is an eyes-wide-open time for our work, habits, health, and routines. We are likely to receive strong messages from our intuition.

This Full Moon harmonizes with Uranus, suggesting an easy acceptance of change and progress now.

This phase of the Moon occurs at 8 degrees and 57 minutes of Virgo, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 5 to 13 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.

Perfect For A Spiritual Cleanse

It’s a good time to let go of baggage. There’s no denying that the astrology of February 2021 has felt hectic.  Should I get the vaccine, should I not?  Where is the vaccine…what do  you mean I’m not eligible?  I’m HUMAN @&#@&$.  Not to mention the continuing politics saga.  And the beat goes on……And now that song is stuck in your head right?

 But it’s all wrapping up with a cleansing full moon on Saturday, Feb. 27 that’ll give us a chance to clean up our acts. The February 2021 full moon is the last full moon of the winter season and the astrological year (both of which end at the spring equinox in March), so think of this as a final hoorah when it comes to prepping for the springtime vibes to come. Read on for your February 2021 full moon horoscopes so you know how to make the most of it.

This full moon is rising in the mutable earth sign of Virgo, which is known as a sign of health and healing. This makes it an auspicious time to let go of anything that’s standing in the way of your wellness — unhealthy habits, unchecked emotional baggage, or even clutter in your home. Use the illuminating power of the full moon to see exactly what needs to be cleansed out of your life to allow for fresh growth.

This full moon will help all of us to see the little details of our life more clearly so we can make the necessary adjustments — but you’ll still want to know how the 2021 full moon will affect your zodiac sign so you can make the most of it.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Have you fallen off the wagon when it comes to your wellness goals, Aries? If so, this lunation brings you an opportunity to get back on track. It’s a great time to check in and spot the areas in your wellness routine where you could use some changes. Whether it’s better meal planning or creating more work-life boundaries to allow time to rest, do what you need to do to thrive.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

This full moon asks you to get serious about your passions, Taurus. Take some of the self discipline you have around work and start applying it to your hobbies and leisure activities now, too. You deserve time to indulge in the most enjoyable and pleasurable parts of your life, so pencil in time for the fun stuff.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

It’s time to plan a garage sale or bring a few boxes of your stuff over to the nearest donation station, Gemini. This full moon is asking you to embrace a major spring cleaning and purge all the crap out of your living space that’s no longer serving you. If it’s broken, hasn’t been touched in ages, or falls into the “distracting clutter” category, toss it.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Use the full moon’s energy to clean up your communications, Cancer. Organize your email inbox folders, revamp your Google calendar, and unfollow any social media accounts that no longer add to your life. By tending to little details and clearing away mental distractions, you’ll be able to focus more energy on having meaningful interactions with the world around you.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

You’d probably benefit from taking a long, hard look at your finances under this lunation, Leo. Do some number crunching, make a budget, and conduct a detailed review of your current bank statements. Full moons have the power to illuminate, so you’ll be more likely to catch any faulty charges and see your spending habits more clearly — which could help boost your savings in the long run.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Happy full moon in your sign, Virgo! You’re feeling more outgoing and confident than usual, so capitalize on this feel-good energy and be as authentic as you can be. The special little details of your personal style and unique nuances of your personality quirks will make you stand out in the best way possible.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Check in with your spiritual side under this lunation, Libra. Is it feeling nurtured and well taken care of? If not, this full moon marks a great time to slow down and connect with your personal sense of mysticism. Creating some spiritual structure can help you honor this part of yourself more regularly. Schedule a time for daily meditations or commit to planning a ritual under every full moon.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Having lots of friends is great, Scorpio, but staying close with a large extended network is only beneficial if they’re supporting your goals and making you feel like you’re part of something important. Survey your current social scene and take stock of whether you’re part of a community that lifts you up. If not, then it might be time to distance yourself from certain cliques to make room for new connections.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

You’re absolutely shining when it comes to your work life right now, Sag, so this full moon marks an important chance to grab the reigns when it comes to your career trajectory. While you’re usually the spontaneous type, it’ll be helpful to be more meticulous as you plan the next steps of your professional life. This will ensure you get to exactly where you’re trying to end up.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

You have a voracious appetite for knowledge and growth right now, Cap, and you might feel overwhelmed by all the paths you can take to pursue your current interests more seriously. But before you eagerly enroll in a multi-year school program or splurge, take a moment to ground yourself and make a plan instead. As you know, conquering your loftiest goals step by step is usually the best method.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

It’s been a hectic month for you, Aquarius, thanks to the stellium of planets blowing up your sign throughout most of February — but this full moon marks a chance to get introspective and check in with your intimate side. Are there any energetic strings that are tugging at your heart right now? Perhaps a promise you haven’t kept or a truth you’ve never told? Now’s the time to open up and get things off your chest.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

The lunar spotlight is on your relationships during this full moon, Pisces, and it’s asking you take a break from your fantasies and get serious about your reality. Now’s a time to think long and hard about what (and who) you want to commit to. Whether it’s with someone special in your love life or a partnership at work, it’s important to look over the details now and make a decision about how you want to move forward.

Happy Mercury Direct — phew! I hope you were able to utilize that fabulous “realignment energy”, and are looking forward to the next few months with clarity and renewed purpose. AND…we are in Pisces season ! Time to learn something new? Or go back to a past hobby you’ve been “meaning” to restart?

What would your “favorite things” combination look like? Maybe it involves writing, photography, painting, dancing, baking, or sitting on the beach — you can choose two and then brainstorm some ways you could combine them to create a really special “self-love date”. And of course, you can always turn to Tarot for a little further inspiration!
It’s a fun way to reconnect with your joy and push your creativity to new heights.

The last few weeks of communication complications can now vanish, at least for the next few months until he hits again. We can now clear up those disputes with buddies and finally feel like we are on common ground again! MAYBE THE WEATHER WILL STOP DELAYING THE VACCINE DELIVERY ?  WHOOOHOOO !  OR MAYBE NOT….SIGH…

However, remember that Mercury has a shadow period, which is usually a week or two before he goes retrograde, and a week or two afterwards. Things can still feel hairy, so don’t jump the gun too fast with any major decision-making!

If you’ve spent the last three weeks or so feeling mentally scrambled, misunderstood or just plain indecisive, relief is near. That’s because Mercury, the planet that rules the mind, is turning direct on February 20, 2021, after having gone through another one of its retrograde phases. During retrograde, Mercury—the planet that rules speech, travel and communication—looks like he’s flipping around in the sky, changing his course. Yes, retrogrades can be easily explained by astronomers, but they are still believed to have a serious impact on people’s energy. There is magic in myth and symbolism, friends.

The energy of Mercury retrograde reflects what’s happening visually to Mercury; he’s getting all flipped around and moving backward, just like we do during this planetary transit. The vibe of Mercury retrograde throws a wrench into verbal and technological communication as well as travel and formal agreements (Think job offers and leases). When Mercury is not operating smoothly there can be plenty of mishaps related to anything ruled by Mercury — whether its transportation, commerce or communication. Now that Mercury has stationed direct, it will need a few days to regulate its orbit and then you’ll be good to go. Any delay, frustration or confusion surrounding Mercury-ruled matters will soon find resolution.

For the past few weeks, if you’ve noticed that you just can’t get your words in order, your laptop is breaking down, your car is stuck in the shop or your new landlord is leaving you on read, you know why. When Mercury is unhappy and in his acrobatic retrograde period, he has to tell everyone that he’s pissed off. He’s the planet of communication, after all.

So, what does it mean when Mercury goes direct?

A planet changing motion is a potent phenomenon. Remember, Mercury has been out of its usual forward orbit for three weeks, so turning direct again will not be as easy as declaring “On your mark, get set, go!” and watching Mercury zoom out. Ahhh, if only it were that simple.

What really happens when a planet moves from retrograde to direct motion is more akin to waking up from a deep slumber. Mercury will need time to drink some cosmic coffee and fully regain consciousness.

Full speed ahead

It won’t be until Mercury reaches the degree where it originally turned retrograde and then passes it that you’ll know Mercury truly has its full strength back. That tends to take a couple of weeks. But don’t stress — this time frame is nothing at all like the Mercury Retrograde cycle.

In fact, now you’ll be ready to apply whatever it is you’ve learned during the retrograde period into your current reality. It only takes a few days of Mercury being back on track for you to notice the difference. From here on out the planet will get stronger every day!

What’s interesting is that while Mercury will need time to regulate its orbit, the very day of its stationing direct can be a potent time. It’s like Merc will be jolted awake for a short time (remember Mom screaming at you to wake up or you’ll be late for school?). During this day or even the next, it’s likely you’ll experience incredible clarity about whatever issues you’ve been grappling with during Mercury Retrograde.

Be patient, though … it will take just a little more time before you’re ready to execute your newfound lucidity with success.

In the meantime, now that Mercury is direct, over the next few days you are free to sign contracts, schedule vital meetings, have a significant conversation and make important decisions or purchases. Remain confident as you push ahead with anything that requires cerebral muscle.

Mercury finally has its mojo back!

Oh and um…. post-retrograde shadow ends March 13.  This term sounds a lot scarier than it actually is, however, Mercury’s post-retrograde shadow is the wrap-up. Slowly implement the actions you want to take and integrate whatever lesson the retrograde brought up into your life moving forward. If we’re unwilling to let go of the things that need to be released, the post-shadow period will be difficult. Accepting the consequences of our actions leaves an empowering ripple effect. After acceptance is achieved, we can move forward wiser than we were the day before. This energy is all about tying up loose ends.

The retrograde energy may bleed into the shadow period, so maybe take the same measures you would during the retrograde itself. It’s not a cease and desist notice, just a warning to proceed with caution. Snap decisions made in post-retroshade haste might still garner unfavorable results.

The last few weeks of communication complications can now vanish, at least for the next few months until he hits again. We can now clear up those disputes with buddies and finally feel like we are on common ground again! MAYBE THE WEATHER WILL STOP DELAYING THE VACCINE DELIVERY ?  WHOOOHOOO !  OR MAYBE NOT….SIGH…

However, remember that Mercury has a shadow period, which is usually a week or two before he goes retrograde, and a week or two afterwards. Things can still feel hairy, so don’t jump the gun too fast with any major decision-making!

If you’ve spent the last three weeks or so feeling mentally scrambled, misunderstood or just plain indecisive, relief is near. That’s because Mercury, the planet that rules the mind, is turning direct on February 20, 2021, after having gone through another one of its retrograde phases. During retrograde, Mercury—the planet that rules speech, travel and communication—looks like he’s flipping around in the sky, changing his course. Yes, retrogrades can be easily explained by astronomers, but they are still believed to have a serious impact on people’s energy. There is magic in myth and symbolism, friends.

The energy of Mercury retrograde reflects what’s happening visually to Mercury; he’s getting all flipped around and moving backward, just like we do during this planetary transit. The vibe of Mercury retrograde throws a wrench into verbal and technological communication as well as travel and formal agreements (Think job offers and leases). When Mercury is not operating smoothly there can be plenty of mishaps related to anything ruled by Mercury — whether its transportation, commerce or communication. Now that Mercury has stationed direct, it will need a few days to regulate its orbit and then you’ll be good to go. Any delay, frustration or confusion surrounding Mercury-ruled matters will soon find resolution.

For the past few weeks, if you’ve noticed that you just can’t get your words in order, your laptop is breaking down, your car is stuck in the shop or your new landlord is leaving you on read, you know why. When Mercury is unhappy and in his acrobatic retrograde period, he has to tell everyone that he’s pissed off. He’s the planet of communication, after all.

So, what does it mean when Mercury goes direct?

A planet changing motion is a potent phenomenon. Remember, Mercury has been out of its usual forward orbit for three weeks, so turning direct again will not be as easy as declaring “On your mark, get set, go!” and watching Mercury zoom out. Ahhh, if only it were that simple.

What really happens when a planet moves from retrograde to direct motion is more akin to waking up from a deep slumber. Mercury will need time to drink some cosmic coffee and fully regain consciousness.

Full speed ahead

It won’t be until Mercury reaches the degree where it originally turned retrograde and then passes it that you’ll know Mercury truly has its full strength back. That tends to take a couple of weeks. But don’t stress — this time frame is nothing at all like the Mercury Retrograde cycle.

In fact, now you’ll be ready to apply whatever it is you’ve learned during the retrograde period into your current reality. It only takes a few days of Mercury being back on track for you to notice the difference. From here on out the planet will get stronger every day!

What’s interesting is that while Mercury will need time to regulate its orbit, the very day of its stationing direct can be a potent time. It’s like Merc will be jolted awake for a short time (remember Mom screaming at you to wake up or you’ll be late for school?). During this day or even the next, it’s likely you’ll experience incredible clarity about whatever issues you’ve been grappling with during Mercury Retrograde.

Be patient, though … it will take just a little more time before you’re ready to execute your newfound lucidity with success.

In the meantime, now that Mercury is direct, over the next few days you are free to sign contracts, schedule vital meetings, have a significant conversation and make important decisions or purchases. Remain confident as you push ahead with anything that requires cerebral muscle.

Mercury finally has its mojo back!

Oh and um…. post-retrograde shadow ends March 13.  This term sounds a lot scarier than it actually is, however, Mercury’s post-retrograde shadow is the wrap-up. Slowly implement the actions you want to take and integrate whatever lesson the retrograde brought up into your life moving forward. If we’re unwilling to let go of the things that need to be released, the post-shadow period will be difficult. Accepting the consequences of our actions leaves an empowering ripple effect. After acceptance is achieved, we can move forward wiser than we were the day before. This energy is all about tying up loose ends.

The retrograde energy may bleed into the shadow period, so maybe take the same measures you would during the retrograde itself. It’s not a cease and desist notice, just a warning to proceed with caution. Snap decisions made in post-retroshade haste might still garner unfavorable results.

As we move into the Pisces cycle (February 19th – March 20th) it’s time to harness the renewing energy of spring, and get back to actually enjoying things. The water signs relish an escape from reality. Follow your fish friends, and embrace your sensitive artistic side with music, movies, and museums. Get out there and get inspired to dream big.

Go with the flow. Make an effort to say YES to things and work on filling up your social calendar with cool events to give yourself something to look forward to until spring finally breaks.

The grimy end of winter can be a tough time of year; on top of that, as brilliant and invigorating as Aquarius season can be, it can be lonely, too. It can leave you feeling distant, cold, and drained. It can leave you with a desperate need for softness and feeling. So now, here is Pisces season, ready to offer you the depth and emotion you’ve been missing.

The sun is typically in Pisces from about February 18 to March 20, and while it’s there, you might feel guided by empathy, by intuition, by feelings more than logic or ambition. If Aquarius season activated the best and most sparkling part of your intellect, Pisces season activates a quieter, dreamier wisdom. If Aquarius season had you feeling like your mind was someplace bright and cold and far away, Pisces season can return you to your own heart, and remind you how deeply you’re connected to the whole world around you.

Pisces Dates: February 19 to March 20. Zodiac Symbol: The Two Fish. Pisces Element: Water.  Ruling Planet: Neptune. Ruling House: 12th. Quality: Mutable. Polarity: Negative. Power Color: Azure, Silver, Lilac.

Birthstones: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Jade, Rock Crystal, Sapphire. Flowers: Water Lily. Key Traits: Compassionate, Imaginative, Malleable. Desires: Connection, Self-Expression, Independence

Most Compatible Signs: Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio. Least Compatible Signs: Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius. Mantra: “I believe”

The Pisces sign is a dreamy and psychic one. This is due to the combined energies of the Water sign and the watery planet Neptune that rules over Pisces. They may not be the biggest doer of the zodiac, but they are definitely one of the most creative, and also one of the most psychic! Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac meaning that they are the oldest and wisest of all the signs.

As the mutable Water sign, you are also extremely flexible, and fill up the vessel of whatever environment you are in. However, a Pisces born is known for their emotions being a bit all over the map and are known to retreat if the emotions run too high. When they use their sensitivities as their superpower, they can create epic success.

The Pisces zodiac sign is an accepting, easy-going personality type that is able to get along with just about anyone. Their spirit reflects the virtues of empathy, care, and gentleness. Pisces is best symbolized by the Water element, meaning that they are able to flow with whatever life brings their way with an almost celestial sense of peace. They are compassionate, wise, and tend to find strength and meaning in the relationships that they form.

Pisces is represented by two fish swimming, usually captured by a string or unified band. They are portrayed as swimming in two different directions which represent the Piscean duality and their continuity as they round out the 12 sign cycle. The constellation of the two fish lies within the northern sky and in Roman mythology is known to represent Aphrodite and Eros as they transformed to escape the monster Typhon.

The Pisces astrology sign is known to be creative, which is usually due to their ability straddle between two worlds as they often swim deep into the depth of duality: live vs. death, dream vs. reality.

The emotional ocean that they call home allows them to feel things and connect to others in a way that can only be represented by two creatures linked together. Pisces love to keep close relationships and feel their way through the ocean deep. Beware the current dear Pisces, not everyone flows through as easily as you do.

Element: Water

The Water element reflects the internal well of emotions and feelings we carry within. Water is also a symbol for strong creativity and passion. Those who carry the Water sign are naturally attracted to bodies of water, and seek to find harmony in all aspects of their lives. Imbalance, or conflict, for any of the zodiac signs that carry the Water sign is a cause of concern and will become a top priority needed to be resolved.

Taking the time to process their thoughts and understand their feelings causes Water zodiac signs to seem a bit slower, although this contributes to their strong emotional intelligence. When looking for a friend that can sit for long conversations and offer empathy, you can find comfort in the zodiac signs that carry the Water sign: Cancer, Scorpio.

The Pisces sign is a mutable sign with a negative polarity in the zodiac. The Two Fish are flexible, adjustable, and open to change. If you have Pisces in your birth chart, you provide a calming personality and presence no matter what friend group, family or team they are a part of. Never eager to instigate change, Pisces will always be able to attach to any transition and see their way through. As with their Water sign counterparts, they hold a negative polarity in the zodiac that lives in strong emotions and is deeply connected to their internal feelings.

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, In ancient mythology, Neptune and Poseidon are known as the god of water and sea. The Two Fish symbol that represents this constellation rules the Pisces zodiac sign. Neptune rules Pisces and emotes the compassionate, creative energy that characterizes the Pisces personality type. Neptune is deep, vast and blue, reflecting the depth of emotion that the Pisces sign has in common with other water signs. They draw inspiration from Neptune not only in creativity but also draws the power to develop strong spirituality among those who carry this zodiac sign.

Their top traits include:

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Creativity
  • Easy-going
  • Likable

They are the most artistic and creative zodiac sign in all of astrology and is able to create powerful expressions of their own ideas, feelings, and emotions. Pisces signs are also malleable in the sense that they are one of the most flexible zodiac signs when change is introduced. The Two Fish are sociable and can be found as a solid friend or partner with almost every personality type.

One of the key traits for any Pisces is their ability to build bridges with the most varied, different kinds of personalities and still establish a genuine friendship with. Artistic creativity, emotional intuition, and the ability to go with the flow all define key traits of the Pisces zodiac sign. The Pisces zodiac sign can be overly trusting and susceptible to having their creative talents taken advantage of. Being too ‘go with the flow’ sets this sign back, creating an inherent weakness in their ability to take action when they should.

Pisces sometimes seem lazy as a result of this weakness, and fall into a victim mentality where criticism is not warmly welcomed. The Two fish are deeply optimistic and choose to see the best in all things, causing them to sometimes seem gullible and not realistic when objectivity would be more valuable to them

Pisces During Conflict

When facing conflict, the Pisces needs to focus on their responses and demeanor. The Pisces zodiac sign feels strongly, and also gets defensive quickly. Responding with sarcasm, quick slips out of control, or emotional responses all drive them into greater conflict because of their inability to control their own emotions during times of trouble.  The Pisces often gets involved in situation or others’ conflict when not necessary whatsoever. The key to success for navigating through conflict for the Pisces includes focusing on not letting emotions get too attached and avoiding putting oneself in situations that do not directly involve them.

Welcome to Pisces season! The last month of winter will bring reflective and emotional vibes our way. Translation? Get ready to feel the feels, if you aren’t feeling ’em already. In the month to come, we’ll be navigating our lives through our emotions. So, grab the box of Kleenex, dry your tears, and chat about the good ‘ol days with close friends and family. Prepare to get sentimental—that’s what Pisces season is here for.

Before getting into your horoscope and how Pisces will affect your sun sign, here’s a rundown of the key astrological events to come this month, including the luckiest day of February.

  • The Sun glides into Pisces on February 18th, heightening our intuition, creativity, and imagination.
  • Mercury ends its retrograde journey on February 21st in Aquarius. All the pesky miscommunications that started January 30th, when the retrograde began, will begin to abate. Phew!
  • Tender Venus enters dreamy Pisces on February 25th, adding romanticism to our feelings, glamour to our lives, and an inclination toward generosity and helping others.
  • Expansive planet Jupiter harmoniously connects with the Nodes of Destiny on February 26th, making this the luckiest and most abundant day of the month. If you’re thinking of getting a lottery ticket, do it on February 26.
  • The Full Snow Moon in Virgo occurs on February 27th. This lunar event will push us to trust our instincts.
  • Action planet Mars moves into Gemini. Be mindful of how you use your energy. Try not to overextend yourself with others or be verbally combative. Think before sending an impulsive text or email to ensure that you don’t burn bridges.
  • The New Moon in Pisces on March 13th encourages an escape from reality, so get ready to daydream.
  • Mercury enters Pisces on March 15th, allowing us to use intuition to find answers to the questions we’re asking. Let your inner voice be louder than logical explanations.


The gossip and drama in your social circle will hit a high on February 26th, when Jupiter and the Nodes of Destiny meet up in the cosmos. Luckily, the rumors will die down swiftly. However, the noise among your peers will send you into a self-imposed hibernation. Use this time to recover and heal from any unsavory stories or rumors. When Mars enters Gemini on March 3rd, you’ll be ready to shut down the whispers in your friend group once and for all.


All work and no play is not a good recipe for you, Taurus. This month, it’s essential you carve out time from your professional obligations to focus on your personal needs. Cash out your vacation days at work and plan a staycation on February 25th, when Venus enters Pisces. Use this time to catch up with friends on Zoom, read a good book, and rest. You’ll be grateful that you chose the route of relaxation during the Full Moon, as it will give you the inspiration to create and take on more at work when the New Moon occurs.


Your career is reaching new heights thanks to expansive Jupiter connecting with the Nodes of Destiny on February 26th. You crave professional recognition—but you’re realizing that there’s more to life than raises and promotions. The Full Moon urges you to reconsider your desire to shine bright in the spotlight, at least temporarily. You will regain balance when Mars begins its alignment with your Sun on March 3rd. You’ll want to discuss work projects during the New Moon and March 15th, when Mercury enters Pisces. This time around, all professional commitments and obligations will be on your terms.


It’s time to spread your wings, Cancer! Think big and make plans that will expand your horizons when the Sun swims into Pisces on February 18th. The moment you allow yourself to see your hopes on a grandiose scale, they’ll begin to take flight. Use the Full Moon’s energy on February 27th to let go of outdated views and the New Moon on March 13th for a boost of vitality, which will help manifest your desires. The great news is that an exciting new vision will have blossomed on the horizon by the time Pisces season ends, which will bring you closer toward achieving your dreams.


The past month allowed you to reassess relationships. Now, it’s time to decide who is in and out of your life. Seems intense? Well, it won’t be. As long as you make the tough decisions after Mercury turns direct on February 21st and use the nodal energy on the 26th to secure relationships that make the cut, you’ll feel confident in your choices. When action planet Mars enters Gemini on March 3rd, you’ll have a whole new group of best friends—all of whom will have proven their loyalty to you.


Aligning yourself with the right partnerships is important when it comes to business matters. An exciting professional opportunity that pushes you outside of your comfort zone will come your way on February 26th, when Jupiter connects with the Nodes of Destiny. While this opportunity could be financially lucrative, you’ll have to think about whether or not you are willing to join forces with some of the people attached to the project during the Full Moon on February 27th. Your decision will be made during March 13th’s New Moon, an advantageous time of negotiating to your advantage.


Your daily routine has been off-kilter this past month, affecting your sense of structure and security. The Sun and Venus’s entrances into Pisces on February 18th and 25th will motivate you to finally commit to a self-care schedule, like getting eight hours of beauty sleep every night. After all, if you don’t get ample rest and relaxation, you’ll start getting moody—especially during the Full and New Moons.


You’re never one to shy away from challenges in matters of love, but when Venus enters Pisces on February 25th, you’ll be even braver. This month, you’re taking a high-minded, deliberate approach to understanding your significant other or crush on a deeper level. This change will become apparent during the Full Moon, during which you’ll be willing to let go of old arguments. Mars’s ingress into Gemini on March 3rd offers you the chance to start anew in love—but only if you are completely committed to growth and transformation. The New Moon helps you attain your romantic goals and desires, as long as you look forward and not backwards.


Lately, romance has been a confusing topic for you. When Jupiter and the Nodes of Destiny link up on February 26th, you will feel the pressure to make a decision about the future of your relationship. Are you in or are you out? If you let go of the deep-rooted fear you have towards attachment and commitment, then your romantic situation will soar. Be aware of minor hiccups on March 3rd, as Mars’s movement into Gemini will lightly shake things up. Don’t worry: You’ll be able to build a strong foundation during the New Moon on March 13th.


Words can hurt and heal. Pisces season will make you rethink the way you express yourself, as well as how you receive and process information from others. Learning to effectively communicate your needs to your loved ones will be hard. However, you’ll want to make the effort to evolve during the Full Moon on February 27th. If you show your inner circle that you’re taking their critiques to heart by the time the New Moon rolls around on March 13th, then they’ll respect your efforts. All they want is for you to reflect. Congratulations: You’re doing just that.


Cue the classic song “For the Love of Money” by the O’Jays, because that is the cosmic theme of your month ahead. Unfortunately, the time has come for you to get your finances in order. Brace yourself: This will create a major headache for you during the Full Moon on February 27th. After all, going through old credit card bills and creating financial spreadsheets to monitor your spending doesn’t really fit your free spirited lifestyle. Fortunately, you’ll be able to get a grasp on your spending during March 13th’s New Moon—but only if you really commit to a budget this time.


As fate would have it, the opportunity of a lifetime is coming your way on February 26th when lucky Jupiter links up with the Nodes of Destiny. The caveat is that you will be unsure for the next few weeks as to how you should proceed, especially on March 3rd. Stop worrying about which path to take. Only do what feels right for you. The job will be worth the risk, but only if you believe in your choices. If you don’t second guess your decisions during the New Moon on March 13th, you will rake in success. Reach for the stars, Pisces! They’re yours this month.

On February 11th, 2021 we have a New Moon at 23° Aquarius which a activates the Aquarius Stellium .  With a record of 6 planets in Aquarius, this New Moon is as Aquarius as you can get! A Stellium is when we have a line up of planets in one sign of the zodiac. At the time of this New Moon, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will all be in Aquarius, creating a supercharged energy field.

From the end of January through February 2021, we have a string of planets lining up in the sign of Aquarius, including Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn.  Along with these planets, we will also have the Sun in Aquarius until the 18/19th, and from February 10-12th, the Moon will join in too.

Stelliums indicate a strong concentration of energy in one particular area of the sky, and in our lives. While each planet has its own unique energetic expression, when they come together in a stellium, the energy of the planets merge, creating a supercharged field of energy to tune in and work with. As stelliums are concentrated portals of energy, we may find our focus turning to one particular area of our life. 

Until December last year we had zero planets in Aquarius. Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto were all in Capricorn. However, with Jupiter and Saturn shifting into Aquarius at the end of 2020, the energy has completely shifted: from Earth, rules-driven Capricorn, to Air, innovation-humanitarian-social Aquarius.

Perhaps you have already noticed the shift… but you may still be unsure about what this Aquarius energy is all about, or how it is influencing you and your natal chart. One thing is for sure: at the New Moon you will find out. Actually with 6 of the 10 planets in Aquarius, there’s no possible way to NOT figure out what this new Aquarius agenda is all about. 6 planets in one single sign is a lot!

At the New Moon in Aquarius, there is an incredible emphasis on the Aquarius themes: social reform, innovation, groups and communities, freedom from constraining rules, open-mindedness, and humanitarianism.

Aquarius – Knowledge To The People

More than anything, Aquarius wants to bring the light of knowledge to as many people as possible. Groups of people unite forces to create better systems and better societies. Just like the water bearer pours forth the water of wisdom, in the Aquarian age, the truth can no longer be hidden and concealed. (Ex-President Trump Trial)?

Aquarius is a fixed sign, so it is a doer. If we want a better society, in the Aquarius age, we need to join forces and take concrete actions to make things happen. If in Capricorn, the state/government/big institutions were ‘in charge’ and had all the power. … in Aquarius, we the people have the power, with the opportunities and obligations that come with it.

If we don’t like a particular aspect of our society, we need to do something about it. Sometimes change comes when we rebel against the old rules, in an attempt to change them. Other times it means quietly doing small things that make our society a better place: reaching out to our neighbors in need, or not being wasteful, and buying only the food we eat.

New Moon In Aquarius – An “Aquarius” New Begining

Any New Moon is a new beginning, and a New Moon with 6 planets in Aquarius means a BIG Aquarius new beginning for you – depending on where the New Moon falls in your natal chart.

If it falls in the 2nd house, it can come with a new source of income, if in the 4th with a new home, if in the 6th, with a new job, if in the 7th, with a new relationship, etc. Another interesting thing about the New Moon is that on February 11th, 2021 we also have a triple conjunction between Mercury retrograde, Venus and Jupiter.

Venus conjunct Jupiter is an incredibly positive omen for a New Moon, because Venus-Jupiter conjunctions promote growth, positive feelings, and a sense of belonging.

The New Moon in Aquarius is your chance to find out what really matters to you in this new Aquarian age – and what role you want to play in this new society. One theme that we have all witnessed since the big 2020 shift from Earth to Air was the acceleration of online work, learning and every-day interactions. Many of these changes have come the hard way – with a lot of people losing their jobs, incomes, and even, people close to them. On a positive note, the pandemic has also given us the opportunities to find new avenues of growth and self-expression. Change, however uncomfortable, always leads to opportunities.

The question we all need to answer at the New Moon in Aquarius is: “What role do I want to play in this new Aquarius world?” Mercury (our skills, thinking communication). … Venus (our values, feelings and talents) … and Jupiter (society and groups of people), all come together to help you find the best possible ways and answers to move forward.

Mercury is retrograde – so look for answers inside. It doesn’t matter what other people do, or what opportunities they take. You will need to find your unique way going forward. The great thing about any new beginning is that it’s a blank canvas. You can literally seed anything you want, without being bound by the legacies of the past. And the New Moon in forward-looking Aquarius is your best opportunity to do that.

On February 11th, 2021 we have a New Moon at 23° Aquarius which a activates the Aquarius Stellium .  With a record of 6 planets in Aquarius, this New Moon is as Aquarius as you can get! A Stellium is when we have a line up of planets in one sign of the zodiac. At the time of this New Moon, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will all be in Aquarius, creating a supercharged energy field.

From the end of January through February 2021, we have a string of planets lining up in the sign of Aquarius, including Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn.  Along with these planets, we will also have the Sun in Aquarius until the 18/19th, and from February 10-12th, the Moon will join in too.

Stelliums indicate a strong concentration of energy in one particular area of the sky, and in our lives. While each planet has its own unique energetic expression, when they come together in a stellium, the energy of the planets merge, creating a supercharged field of energy to tune in and work with. As stelliums are concentrated portals of energy, we may find our focus turning to one particular area of our life. 

Until December last year we had zero planets in Aquarius. Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto were all in Capricorn. However, with Jupiter and Saturn shifting into Aquarius at the end of 2020, the energy has completely shifted: from Earth, rules-driven Capricorn, to Air, innovation-humanitarian-social Aquarius.

Perhaps you have already noticed the shift… but you may still be unsure about what this Aquarius energy is all about, or how it is influencing you and your natal chart. One thing is for sure: at the New Moon you will find out. Actually with 6 of the 10 planets in Aquarius, there’s no possible way to NOT figure out what this new Aquarius agenda is all about. 6 planets in one single sign is a lot!

At the New Moon in Aquarius, there is an incredible emphasis on the Aquarius themes: social reform, innovation, groups and communities, freedom from constraining rules, open-mindedness, and humanitarianism.

Aquarius – Knowledge To The People

More than anything, Aquarius wants to bring the light of knowledge to as many people as possible. Groups of people unite forces to create better systems and better societies. Just like the water bearer pours forth the water of wisdom, in the Aquarian age, the truth can no longer be hidden and concealed. (Ex-President Trump Trial)?

Aquarius is a fixed sign, so it is a doer. If we want a better society, in the Aquarius age, we need to join forces and take concrete actions to make things happen. If in Capricorn, the state/government/big institutions were ‘in charge’ and had all the power. … in Aquarius, we the people have the power, with the opportunities and obligations that come with it.

If we don’t like a particular aspect of our society, we need to do something about it. Sometimes change comes when we rebel against the old rules, in an attempt to change them. Other times it means quietly doing small things that make our society a better place: reaching out to our neighbors in need, or not being wasteful, and buying only the food we eat.

New Moon In Aquarius – An “Aquarius” New Begining

Any New Moon is a new beginning, and a New Moon with 6 planets in Aquarius means a BIG Aquarius new beginning for you – depending on where the New Moon falls in your natal chart.

If it falls in the 2nd house, it can come with a new source of income, if in the 4th with a new home, if in the 6th, with a new job, if in the 7th, with a new relationship, etc. Another interesting thing about the New Moon is that on February 11th, 2021 we also have a triple conjunction between Mercury retrograde, Venus and Jupiter.

Venus conjunct Jupiter is an incredibly positive omen for a New Moon, because Venus-Jupiter conjunctions promote growth, positive feelings, and a sense of belonging.

The New Moon in Aquarius is your chance to find out what really matters to you in this new Aquarian age – and what role you want to play in this new society. One theme that we have all witnessed since the big 2020 shift from Earth to Air was the acceleration of online work, learning and every-day interactions. Many of these changes have come the hard way – with a lot of people losing their jobs, incomes, and even, people close to them. On a positive note, the pandemic has also given us the opportunities to find new avenues of growth and self-expression. Change, however uncomfortable, always leads to opportunities.

The question we all need to answer at the New Moon in Aquarius is: “What role do I want to play in this new Aquarius world?” Mercury (our skills, thinking communication). … Venus (our values, feelings and talents) … and Jupiter (society and groups of people), all come together to help you find the best possible ways and answers to move forward.

Mercury is retrograde – so look for answers inside. It doesn’t matter what other people do, or what opportunities they take. You will need to find your unique way going forward. The great thing about any new beginning is that it’s a blank canvas. You can literally seed anything you want, without being bound by the legacies of the past. And the New Moon in forward-looking Aquarius is your best opportunity to do that.