The Last Mercury Retrograde of 2021 Is Here, & It’s Coming For Your Relationships. Mercury retrograde is a major player this year.
Here it is — the final Mercury retrograde of 2021. So far this year, we’ve made it through a mentally exhausting retrograde in Aquarius and a chaotic, gossip-loving retrograde in Gemini. But this time, we might be catching a bit of a break. From September 27 to October 18, the speedy planet will be doing its backwards dance in Libra, a sign known for being peaceful and harmonious — and relationship-oriented.
Libra is ruled by Venus, the Planet of Love and Affection, and as a result our social lives will be the star of this retrograde. This transit “will deepen the need to recalibrate our most important relationships, a theme that was started by the sun’s entrance into Libra. Retrogrades tend to be opportunities to reflect on certain areas of our life. “Since Libra is the sign of one-on-one partnerships, Mercury retrograde will have us revise, review, and rethink how we are relating to one another as a way to find more balance and fairness within our most important bonds,”. During this transit, we’ll be asked to consider how we relate to all of the people in our lives, including romantic partners, friends, family, and even our coworkers, and how we can make our communication more harmonious.
Right when Mercury enters its retrograde, it will be locked in a square with transformative Pluto. “This will expose a lot of existing relationship patterns that are up for renewal. “Suddenly, we will feel the need to reshape the way we interpret and communicate information, and therefore, transform how we express our needs with our partners, our bosses, and other important people in our lives.” For the next month, really take the time to think about how you’ve been communicating with the people in your life. Is it productive? Respectful? Efficient? Also think about how you want to be communicated with. Do you want your boss to give you straight-to-the-point constructive criticism, or would you rather receive feedback packaged in a compliment sandwich? Think on it, and then let them know — but maybe after Mercury stations direct, so your words won’t be misconstrued.
Popular DON’Ts during Mercury Rx:
- Do not sign contracts and submit important documents
- Do not start a project that will take more than a day to complete
- Do not purchase gadgets, electronics, vehicles and anything with moving parts
- Do not renew your passport or apply for a visa
- Do not trust your memory
- Do not change your PINs and passwords
- Do not undergo elective surgery
- Do not get married
DO things that start with “RE”: repair, research, recalculate, rethink rewrite, retake, repossess, recall and remember
- Mercury Rx jolts us to review and REvise our life
- Attend to accounting matters (REcount)
- Look up an estranged lover and REunite
- Write your account number clearly when you pay a bill
- Secure your wallet in a vault
- Put shackles on your day planner
- Anchor your pen with a ball and chain
- REpair a vehicle
- Clean your house
- REcycle and give away things you no longer need
Your memory will be like burnt toast during Mercury Rx. Guidelines and requirements will keep changing. Promises made will be ignored and appointments can be postponed. These are definitely not the right conditions for doing business. Start a business after Mercury goes direct. If you want to play safe, wait until Mercury exits its Post-Shadow period. Schedules will keep changing, traffic will snarl, and important documents could be misplaced.
For long trips, buy travelers checks, and carry-on important items and a set of clothing. Do not rely on weather reports; weather patterns can run wild. This year, the third retrograde of the year syncs up almost exactly with Libra season, beginning officially on September 27 and lasting until October 18, and Mercury will be moving backward in the cardinal air sign. That said, you can expect this retrograde to have a distinctly Venusian vibe, potentially requiring that you go back to the drawing board and tend to old business and loose ends related to partnerships, beauty, art, earning money, and values.
But other months-long retrogrades will come to a close.
Libra season will see three outer planets going direct (aka ending their retrogrades). First up to bat is Pluto, the planet of transformation, which has been retrograde since April 27 in cardinal earth sign Capricorn. On October 6 — the same day as the Libra new moon, but more on that in a sec — it’ll go direct. As such, you’ll slowly (and finally) begin to act on any meditations you’ve had on toxic relationships, patterns, and behaviors over the past five-ish months.
Then, on October 10, Saturn, the taskmaster planet currently in fixed air sign Aquarius, will end its retrograde which began on May 23. Again, any inner work you’ve done since then can fuel the creation of future-minded structures, rules, and boundaries that promote your growth and success.
And on October 17-18 (depending on your time zone), buoyant, expansive Jupiter will end its retrograde, which began on June 20 in mutable water sign Pisces and is culminating in Aquarius. Jupiter retrograde asks you to consider if you’re truly comfortable with the ways in which you’ve expanded our lives since its last backward turn. And now that you’ve spent the past nearly four months in that headspace, the post-retrograde phase will allow you to put what you’ve learned into practice to boost your fortune and self-actualization.
The end of Jupiter’s retrograde could also prove exciting on a global scale, given that Jupiter’s forward movement means it’s on its way back to Pisces, where it spent time from May 13 to July 28, spurring a good deal of optimism around the end of the pandemic.