The Last Mercury Retrograde of 2021 Is Here, & It’s Coming For Your Relationships. Mercury retrograde is a major player this year.

Here it is — the final Mercury retrograde of 2021. So far this year, we’ve made it through a mentally exhausting retrograde in Aquarius and a chaotic, gossip-loving retrograde in Gemini. But this time, we might be catching a bit of a break. From September 27 to October 18, the speedy planet will be doing its backwards dance in Libra, a sign known for being peaceful and harmonious — and relationship-oriented.

Libra is ruled by Venus, the Planet of Love and Affection, and as a result our social lives will be the star of this retrograde. This transit “will deepen the need to recalibrate our most important relationships, a theme that was started by the sun’s entrance into Libra. Retrogrades tend to be opportunities to reflect on certain areas of our life. “Since Libra is the sign of one-on-one partnerships, Mercury retrograde will have us revise, review, and rethink how we are relating to one another as a way to find more balance and fairness within our most important bonds,”. During this transit, we’ll be asked to consider how we relate to all of the people in our lives, including romantic partners, friends, family, and even our coworkers, and how we can make our communication more harmonious.

Right when Mercury enters its retrograde, it will be locked in a square with transformative Pluto. “This will expose a lot of existing relationship patterns that are up for renewal. “Suddenly, we will feel the need to reshape the way we interpret and communicate information, and therefore, transform how we express our needs with our partners, our bosses, and other important people in our lives.” For the next month, really take the time to think about how you’ve been communicating with the people in your life. Is it productive? Respectful? Efficient? Also think about how you want to be communicated with. Do you want your boss to give you straight-to-the-point constructive criticism, or would you rather receive feedback packaged in a compliment sandwich? Think on it, and then let them know — but maybe after Mercury stations direct, so your words won’t be misconstrued.

Popular DON’Ts during Mercury Rx: 

  • Do not sign contracts and submit important documents
  • Do not start a project that will take more than a day to complete
  • Do not purchase gadgets, electronics, vehicles and anything with moving parts
  • Do not renew your passport or apply for a visa
  • Do not trust your memory
  • Do not change your PINs and passwords
  • Do not undergo elective surgery
  • Do not get married

DO things that start with “RE”:  repair, research, recalculate, rethink rewrite, retake, repossess, recall and remember

  • Mercury Rx jolts us to review and REvise our life
  • Attend to accounting matters (REcount)
  • Look up an estranged lover and REunite
  • Write your account number clearly when you pay a bill
  • Secure your wallet in a vault
  • Put shackles on your day planner
  • Anchor your pen with a ball and chain
  • REpair a vehicle
  • Clean your house
  • REcycle and give away things you no longer need

Your memory will be like burnt toast during Mercury Rx.   Guidelines and requirements will keep changing.   Promises made will be ignored and appointments can be postponed.   These are definitely not the right conditions for doing business. Start a business after Mercury goes direct.  If you want to play safe, wait until Mercury exits its Post-Shadow period. Schedules will keep changing, traffic will snarl, and important documents could be misplaced.

For long trips, buy travelers checks, and carry-on important items and a set of clothing.  Do not rely on weather reports; weather patterns can run wild. This year, the third retrograde of the year syncs up almost exactly with Libra season, beginning officially on September 27 and lasting until October 18, and Mercury will be moving backward in the cardinal air sign. That said, you can expect this retrograde to have a distinctly Venusian vibe, potentially requiring that you go back to the drawing board and tend to old business and loose ends related to partnerships, beauty, art, earning money, and values.

But other months-long retrogrades will come to a close.

Libra season will see three outer planets going direct (aka ending their retrogrades). First up to bat is Pluto, the planet of transformation, which has been retrograde since April 27 in cardinal earth sign Capricorn. On October 6 — the same day as the Libra new moon, but more on that in a sec — it’ll go direct. As such, you’ll slowly (and finally) begin to act on any meditations you’ve had on toxic relationships, patterns, and behaviors over the past five-ish months.

Then, on October 10, Saturn, the taskmaster planet currently in fixed air sign Aquarius, will end its retrograde which began on May 23. Again, any inner work you’ve done since then can fuel the creation of future-minded structures, rules, and boundaries that promote your growth and success.

And on October 17-18 (depending on your time zone), buoyant, expansive Jupiter will end its retrograde, which began on June 20 in mutable water sign Pisces and is culminating in Aquarius. Jupiter retrograde asks you to consider if you’re truly comfortable with the ways in which you’ve expanded our lives since its last backward turn. And now that you’ve spent the past nearly four months in that headspace, the post-retrograde phase will allow you to put what you’ve learned into practice to boost your fortune and self-actualization.

The end of Jupiter’s retrograde could also prove exciting on a global scale, given that Jupiter’s forward movement means it’s on its way back to Pisces, where it spent time from May 13 to July 28, spurring a good deal of optimism around the end of the pandemic.

Welcome to Mercury Retrograde If you’re unfamiliar with this astrological event (lucky), Mercury is the planet that rules over communication, thinking, learning, and travel. And when it’s retrograde—aka when it *appears* to move backwards in its orbit from our POV here on Earth—those areas of life get a little bit, uh, chaotic. All this means that if you have any trips booked between September 27 at 1:11 AM EST until October 18 at 11:17 AM EST, I’d advise you to tread carefully. During Mercury Retrograde, you can definitely expect complications—sorry, it’s not my fault, it’s the planets’!

How Mercury Retrograde Affects Each Zodiac Sign

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Aries

You like to put your foot on the gas and move at warp speed toward your destination, so what happens when you can’t? When an Aries hits a sign that says “Road Closed,” their temper flares. You can get exasperated to the max to the point where you even want to hit something. But violence isn’t the answer during Mercury retrograde, patience is. With Mercury retrograde, this is one time when you can’t use your sheer force to get what you want. The more you push, the worse you fail.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Taurus

Being a Taurus, your steadfast attitude can be thrown for a loop during this time. Not only are things not going well, but now your typically calm attitude is off too. Frustrating, right? Usually careful and considered, you make impulsive decisions during Mercury retrograde which don’t jive with your rational way of being. One of the biggest bummers? You miss that close, personal communication with the people you care about. When planned get-togethers go awry, you may blame the wrong people or things. Avoid misplaced anger.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Gemini

Mercury is your ruler, Gemini, so when it goes retrograde your whole world is thrown off. On a positive note, you’re a mutable sign who sees change (even bad) as a chance to make improvements. When Mercury retrograde puts up a roadblock, you just find an alternate route to get where you need to go. When you’re not in too big of a hurry, you welcome the challenge. Prepare for your precious social media apps to be down, though. Ouch.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Cancer

Get ready for emotional overload, Cancer. The more information (or misinformation) you’re bombarded with, the more tempted you are to retreat into your shell—but that only prolongs the inevitable. Moody doesn’t even begin to describe how you’ll feel as you attempt to deal with the chaos that can be caused by Mercury retrograde. And when things in your beloved home break down, you may start to spin out. Your attempts to insulate yourself from the effects could backfire. You want to remain gentle, nurturing, and loving, but this is a trying time for you.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Leo

While it’s no secret that Leos love to be the center of attention, your worst fear is to be in front of a group of people and have something go wrong. Enter: Mercury retrograde. This can cause presentations to fizzle and meetings to get off track—all due to things that aren’t even within your control. The teleconferencing signal gets lost, or your phone decides to reboot for no reason whatsoever. Contacts may also be lost, causing embarrassment when you need to get in touch with friends or colleagues. Back everything up and think through your plans thoroughly.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Virgo

You hate disorder, so this can be an ugly scenario for you, Virgo. When your ruler, Mercury, is retrograde, it feels like a betrayal from within. The things you can normally count on to get you through your day—order, routine, etc.—are replaced with chaos and uncertainty. Without organization, reliability, and careful analysis, what are your options? Lean into your mutable sign’s adaptability and your earth sign’s knack for staying grounded.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Libra

Most Libras value their relationships above all else, but Mercury retrograde can cut you off from the people who are your lifelines. Now what?! The way you’re used to communicating (social media, text, phone, etc.) may be spotty, so you’ll have to find alternative ways to keep in touch. Since negotiations of all kinds can also be thrown off, pay close attention to contracts and agreements. All of the old friends, former coworkers, and exes appearing now can be good or bad news depending on how you ended things the first time.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Scorpio

As a fixed sign, you don’t really enjoy the ups and downs that life can throw your way. You’re not going to be first in line to ride the Mercury retrograde rollercoaster, but if you have no choice, you’re resourceful enough to take each curve as it comes. You’re also wise enough to know that even though it may be unpleasant, it has to end sometime. Patient Scorpio can endure almost anything (yes, even giving up that beloved sense of control) as long as you know it will stop eventually.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Sagittarius

This retrograde cycle gets you where it really hurts, Sagittarius: your ability to go, go, go. Mercury retrograde is notorious for messing with anything that helps get you where you need (or really want) to go. Bikes, buses, cars, planes, and trains can experience mechanical failures and other general difficulties, resulting in lost time and missed connections. Public transportation, traffic, and travel apps can be hit or miss, so make alternate plans and be prepared to slow down for once.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Capricorn

Uh oh, progress has slowed to a halt and your master plan has hit a snag. You’d rather do just about anything than sit there twiddling your thumbs when there’s real work to be done. Having to depend on other people (like the IT guy) to finish their job before you can restart yours is excruciating. Plus, as a cardinal sign, you’re used to taking the reins and doing it yourself, so not being in control of your own success or failure drives you nuts. Find some zen as you press reset, Capricorn.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Aquarius

As the high-tech junkie and gadget guru of astrology, this retrograde cycle is a particularly annoying time for you. When your go-to devices are on the fritz, you just might be forced to *gasp* find alternate ways to source your information. Luckily Aquarius, you’re an outgoing innovator who likes a challenge, so you may come out of Mercury retrograde with some excellent new contacts or skills to help you get ahead. Making adjustments and adapting is everything right now, and you excel at it.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Pisces

Your intuition is usually on point, Pisces, but during Mercury retrograde your guesses and “feelings” are just off. With your psychic and intuitive abilities out of whack, the mix-ups that can result leave you feeling confused and out of sorts. After all, if you can’t trust your gut, what can you trust? Escape, whether to your happiest of daydreams, favorite secluded beach, or beautifully curated Instagram feed, won’t be easy right now either. This troubling time will require all of your creative abilities to find real solutions.


UPRIGHT: Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening
REVERSED: Personal transformation, fear of change, averting disaster

The Tower shows a tall tower perched on the top of a rocky mountain. Lightning strikes set the building alight, and two people leap from the windows, head first and arms outstretched. It is a scene of chaos and destruction.
The Tower itself is a solid structure, but because it has been built on shaky foundations, it only takes one bolt of lightning to bring it down. It represents ambitions and goals made on false premises.

The lightning represents a sudden surge of energy and insight that leads to a break-through or revelation. It enters via the top of the building and knocks off the crown, symbolizing energy flowing down from the Universe, through the crown chakra. The people are desperate to escape from the burning building, not knowing what awaits them as they fall. Around them are 22 flames, representing the 12 signs of the zodiac and 10 points of the Tree of Life, suggesting that even in times of disaster, there is always divine intervention.

The Pisces Full Moon on September 20/21 is the dreamiest of the year. As it casts its spell, we may feel extra sensitive, extra creative, and even extra intuitive. Pisces is ruled by the element of water, and the Moon loves to be in water signs. It is under the ebb and flow of the waves that allows the Moon to express its full energetic potential.

You could say that the Pisces New Moon back in March was the beginning of the story that has now reached its peak. Are you able to create any links between what was unfolding in your life during March and now? Whatever manifests, it is likely that you are at the tail end of it now, and are perhaps able to really feel and connect to that culmination moment that is on offer. Full Moons are also a time of energetic release, so if there is something you wish to release from your life, this is the perfect point in the month to set some intentions. Think about what you no longer wish to hold onto. Send it love and gratitude, and then under the bright light of the Full Moon, breathe it all away.

Neptune, the planet of illusions, dreams, and intuition is very active under this Full Moon. This is due to the fact that it falls only 7 degrees away from the Full Moon. Whenever Neptune is active, it can create some foggy energy. We may feel like we are wading through a thick forest, unable to see what is ahead. It may be harder to make decisions or to think with a clear mind. Neptune can also evoke our emotions, allowing us to see what is bubbling beneath the surface. Under its presence, we may not be able to analyze what we feel, instead we may just find ourselves ebbing and flowing between one feeling space and the next.

Under a watery Full Moon like this one, it is best if we navigate it with our heart on our sleeve. Trying to understand things with our rational mind may just add to the confusion. But, if we let our thought processes go for a moment, and instead slip into a place of feeling, we may just be able to intuit the answers we are seeking. Intuition is often described as a feeling of knowing. Often, you don’t have any concrete proof or reason for feeling the way you do, it is just a strong sense of knowing.

In many ways, this place is where the September Full Moon is calling us to go. It’s calling us to step out of our rational mind and into our feeling space. It is calling for us to disconnect from seeking evidence and instead, allow ourselves to connect with our feelings. In fact, as you are reading this, let’s try a quick exercise to help you embody this space. Place your hand over your heart and close your eyes. In this moment, ask yourself- What are three words to describe how I am feeling right now?

After you ask yourself this question, pause. Don’t try to answer using your mind, instead drop into your heart and answer from a place of pure feeling. You may just be surprised what answers float up into your consciousness. Sometimes when we do this exercise, we are able to shift out of judgment and into a deeper and more connected space. Sometimes we are not even aware of how we are really feeling until we allow this sort of awareness. This small practice can instantly connect you with your emotional body, and it can even help you to understand yourself on a deeper level.

Our emotions are not always our truth, but they are always valid, and they can be guides as to what we may need to explore, look at, or dive deeper into. Emotions can be deceiving, so it is best not to label or judge them. Instead, allow them. Imagine them as visitors, coming and going, ebbing and flowing. Sometimes our emotions just want to be heard and seen. Sometimes when we allow them to rise, they can then so gracefully fall away.

Neptune is also strongly connected with water and the oceans. Spending time near the sea may be highly therapeutic at this time, as can running a warm bath or even staying extra hydrated. Programming your drinking water with crystals, intentions, and prayer is also a great way to utilize this energy. As is spending time on creative projects.

This Pisces Full Moon, along with the energies of Neptune, makes a fantastic combination for all artistic endeavors. If you work in a creative field or have a creative project you wish to get off the ground, this Full Moon energy is just divine and laden with support. While all this watery energy is good for connecting with your intuition and supporting creative dreams, there is a chance it can also feel overwhelming and push us into a place of emotional instability. This can also manifest as a feeling of needing to escape from reality or escape from the pressures of our life. While some forms of escapism can be healthy, there are other forms that can do us harm.

This is just something to be aware of under the energy of this Pisces Full Moon. If you feel the need to escape, try to give yourself healthy outlets such as meditation, journaling, curling up with a good book, or even getting immersed in a movie. Unfortunately in this life, we can only escape for so long before reality comes knocking at our door once again. Know you have the strength to deal with whatever is knocking at your door. Know that if you seek, you shall find the support you need to navigate through whatever is weighing heavy on your heart.

Full Moons are always a good time to put an end to unhealthy habits or lifestyle choices, so use this energy to your advantage. Trust your intuition, and use your sixth sense to navigate through any challenging obstacles that present themselves.

Emotional healing is a big theme when the Full Moon occurs in the sign of Pisces on 21st September. … That makes September an ideal month to harvest the results of all the creative seeds you’ve sown or projects you started at the time of the Pisces New Moon back in March.


Full Moon effect – What to Expect: This is a good time to take a break from life’s hustle and bustle, to sort out your overloaded mind. If you can’t physically get to somewhere far away then make time to create a space at home to unwind and recharge your mental and emotional batteries. Being close to water is therapeutic for you now, but also indulge in head massages, talking therapies or even counseling. These will help to clear out any worries or woes that may have been blocking your progress, as well as enable you to tune into your most creative instincts. If you’re always used to being the strong one, the leader, lean into your vulnerability now and let imagination overrule logic for a while, without losing touch with reality.


Full Moon Effect – What to Expect: You tend to be possessive about the things and the people you know and love, and it can be hard for you to let go of anything or anyone, even if they’ve outstayed their welcome or outlived their usefulness. A need to be more discerning and merge only with people who innately understand you – and vice-versa – is strong under these emotive moonbeams. With this month’s Full Moon you might want to celebrate the friends who surround you but also potentially cut ties with any  ho don’t fully ‘get’ you. It’s also time to check in on your hopes and dreams now too. Aim to fulfill a wish this month and work on how to bring your next beautiful dream to life.


Full Moon Effect – What to Expect: Don’t hide your light this month. You may find it impossible to keep a low profile anyway, with this Full Moon shining its high beams on you and making you the centre of attention, especially at work. You might decide to push yourself forward for promotion in your current role or, as Full Moons often signify completion, you might choose to cut loose and look elsewhere for more creative career fulfillment. Beware of overstepping boundaries or of letting others step on you in their own pursuit of power. Be cautious too of overindulging in anything that could make you loose-lipped enough to spill secrets or offer unwanted opinions or advice.  


Full Moon Effect – What to Expect: September’s Full Moon shows that you may be more wary these days about what’s ‘out there’ in the big wide world. You could feel overwhelmed or intimidated by the sudden lack of boundaries outside your door, and be super sensitive to the idea of viral nasties that may still be floating about in the ether. You’re not alone in this so don’t feel shipwrecked by the weight of news and media information coming through to mess with your mind. Tune into your own spirituality, with mindfulness or yoga to keep you balanced. If you’ve been creative lately, use this Full Moon to put the finishing touches to an artwork or memoir. A legal situation could draw to a close now too. The key thing for you is not to close down into your own blinkered comfort zone now but to gradually open up, and begin to learn, grow and evolve again. 


Full Moon Effect – What to Expect: You may find that you need to let go of something important this month.  It’s most likely to be in the realms of passion, intimacy, sex or power, where things have either become much too much and your boundaries have been crossed, or you may be feeling disempowered by the thought that there’s just not enough love or money in your life. This Full Moon could make it a super emotional time for you, but it’s also a good time to make peace with any situation that arises. If you lend  someone money now, be prepared for it not to be returned, and be wary of getting too far into debt  yourself now too, as overindulging to soothe your soul is all too tempting this month and it may take a  major effort to get off that slippery slope. 


Full Moon Effect – What to Expect: Your closest relationships are up for scrutiny under the light of this month’s Full Moon. Partnerships that are working well could reach a state where you not only complete each other’s sentences, but you feel like you complete one another. The increased emotional state that often accompanies a Full Moon could also show the cracks in a less than solid partnership now, and if that happens it might be time to go your separate ways. This applies to romantic and business connections, and may also highlight issues with frenemies, rivals or anyone who tends to invade your space or overstep boundaries. You might be surprised to find that you see things from their perspective now, rather than just from your own point of view, and you may be finally able to find a way forward with them based on mutual understanding.  


Full Moon Effect – What to Expect: It’s a good month to complete a wellness goal, break a bad habit, or  improve or change your work environment for something that’s a whole lot healthier for your mental and  physical wellbeing. This month’s Full Moon pinpoints your fitness and vitality, inviting you to shake things up if you’ve become a couch potato lately. Ease your way into any new health or work routines as they’ll have more chance of lasting that way than if you throw yourself into them with too much speed and not enough thought. Of course, you’ll want instant results, but that will be the Full Moon playing on all your  insecurities, so make ‘keep calm and carry on’ your motivational mantra now. If you have pets, lavish them  ith extra TLC now too.


Full Moon Effect – What to Expect: This month’s emotional Full Moon hits your zone of romance and creativity, potentially bringing extremes around love or enhancing your artistic desires and talents. A romance could bring you the highest of highs or the lowest of lows now, helping you to decide whether you should stick with this liaison or get the hell out of Dodge. You could reach a creative pinnacle now too or decide to transfer your interests and energy to a whole new artistic medium. It’s possible to go overboard so think twice before you make a clean sweep, issue ultimatums or make commitments that seemed right at the time but that you might regret when things simmer down. Keep things light and playful if you can, in all areas of life, and avoid being a drama queen no matter how tricky that might feel under this intense lunar energy.


Full Moon Effect – What to Expect: A situation at home could come to a conclusion this month thanks to the Full Moon bringing closure to what might have felt like an overwhelming experience. You might finally be escaping a ‘too crowded for comfort’ apartment, to find a corner of your own and make a sanctuary where you can luxuriate in a little therapeutic peace and quiet. There’s a healing energy around you now so that old family issues, bad habits or inherited but outdated beliefs can finally be dealt with. Things could get emotional, so you might actually enjoy a good cry to help get all that built-up tension out of your system. Picturing how you’d like your ‘new normal’ home-life – and life in general – to be, is likely now too.  Flashes of inspiration that occur could be clues to help you follow your destiny or karma, as they’ll lead  you towards where and how you’re meant to live.


Full Moon Effect – What to Expect: There may be too much going on this month with communication, short  journeys, neighbors, things to shoe or tell to others, and even with siblings (if you have them), thanks to  this month’s Full Moon.  Situations linked to one or more of these areas could finally bring you closure with  an ongoing issue, or offer a mutual understanding that lets you appreciate the other side’s point of view.  Information overload and an inability to make yourself heard are likely, and the ensuing frustration could be enough to make you weep. Try to tune out what’s not necessary now and, rather than being pulled in all directions, tune into the most important messages coming through for you at this time. 


Full Moon Effect – What to Expect: If you get the urge to splurge this month be careful that the Full Moon  doesn’t push you towards acts of lunacy where your money is concerned. Overspending is likely now, as are overestimating your resources and imagining that it will all be alright in the end. Others may come to  you to bail them out financially, but read between the lines of any sob stories as you might be taken for  granted and may not see the money returned to you any time soon, if at all. This is also a good time for a reality check about how you value yourself. Don’t judge yourself or pay attention to others who only rate you on how you look, act or what you have, as right now basic security, stability and comfort are your prime objectives. 


Full Moon Effect – What to Expect: Get the hankies ready. There could be a tsunami of tears this month t hanks to the Full Moon in your own sign. These could be happy tears as you might reach a personal goal, but since Full Moons are often linked to endings and closure there may be a situation specific to you that need to come to a peak so that you can move on. You might feel that you’re overburdened by responsibilities, or alternatively you may feel excluded from an important decision-making process. In  either case, aim to avoid over-dramatizing things or revealing your own or other people’s secrets. Think of this as an opportunity for an emotional clear-out, so that once the current intensity is over you can safely  move on and put this phase behind you. 

On September 10, Venus the Planet of Love and Affection will move from its spot in Libra to passionate, loyal Scorpio, which means things are about to get a little… heated. This it might just shed some light onto how our winter relationships will go this year.

On the one hand, Venus in Scorpio (where it will reside until October 7) can be the good kind of hot. ” She doesn’t take crap from anyone and wants to merge at a soul level. In short, Venus in Scorpio doesn’t mess around — she wants deep, real connection and she wants it now.”Venus’s time in Scorpio can stir up jealousy, obsession, and manipulation, which will be a big distraction in our love lives this month. We may attract difficult people and difficult situations — all tough stuff, but with the higher purpose of teaching us a lesson.

“This could be dealing with an obsession in your life, tackling some jealousy that’s leaked into your relationships, or just some good ol’ fashioned shadow work,”. “Venus represents our value systems and our vulnerability, so we really feel it during this transit.”Think of this as more of a lesson in tough love. ”

Although harsh now, in the end we’ll (hopefully) be grateful for what we’ve learned about ourselves and will be able to move forward in a productive manner. “Scorpio triggers us into discomfort so that we can look at what’s going on and begin to heal. “Healing leads to wholeness, which leads to liberation, which leads to owning your true power.”

On September 10, Venus the Planet of Love and Affection will move from its spot in Libra to passionate, loyal Scorpio, which means things are about to get a little… heated. This it might just shed some light onto how our winter relationships will go this year.

On the one hand, Venus in Scorpio (where it will reside until October 7) can be the good kind of hot. ” She doesn’t take crap from anyone and wants to merge at a soul level. In short, Venus in Scorpio doesn’t mess around — she wants deep, real connection and she wants it now.”Venus’s time in Scorpio can stir up jealousy, obsession, and manipulation, which will be a big distraction in our love lives this month. We may attract difficult people and difficult situations — all tough stuff, but with the higher purpose of teaching us a lesson.

“This could be dealing with an obsession in your life, tackling some jealousy that’s leaked into your relationships, or just some good ol’ fashioned shadow work,”. “Venus represents our value systems and our vulnerability, so we really feel it during this transit.”Think of this as more of a lesson in tough love. ”

Although harsh now, in the end we’ll (hopefully) be grateful for what we’ve learned about ourselves and will be able to move forward in a productive manner. “Scorpio triggers us into discomfort so that we can look at what’s going on and begin to heal. “Healing leads to wholeness, which leads to liberation, which leads to owning your true power.”

A new moon occurs in Virgo on September 8th, and with Mars (planet of action) still in Virgo, this can be a great time to get work done and start work projects, whether in your actual job or at home or personal. You can pay closer attention to the details, get organized, and figure out exactly what you need to do. The new moon in Virgo of 2021 is also an energetic cleansing bringing all of us a dose of much needed renewal and drive.

The New Moon in Virgo Packs Refresh-Oriented ‘Back-to-School’ Energy

New beginnings are exciting, but they also require work, and the upcoming new moon in Virgo of 2021, occurring on September 6th at 8:51 a.m., ET, will remind us of this. Providing the practical energy needed to move forward, Virgo energy supports dreams and wishes only materializing with the help of daily practice, repetition, and work. With that in mind, the Virgo new moon of 2021 aims to inspire more focus on the details of life, helping us to identify what should be tweaked in order to improve the larger picture in our lives.

In astrology, a new moon occurs when the moon and sun form an exact connection in the same sign, causing the appearance in the sky to look like the total absence of a moon. This cosmic event initiates a new lunar cycle, representing beginnings, fresh starts, and new perspectives.

With this new moon in Virgo of 2021, expect daily tasks and busy work to increase with a focus on health, aligning with back-to-school time. This particular new moon will form a close connection with the planet of action, drive, and ambition, Mars, anchored by Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, providing stability and a solid foundation for change. The new moon is also forming a realistic opposition with Neptune retrograde in Pisces. The need to get organized, or restructure certain habits or daily routines is also in order: Now’s the time to get down to business after a playful season in Leo.

Keep in mind that change creates an energetic space for growth and opportunity: The universe is clearing out what no longer is in alignment in order to attract what is, and we can expect sudden shifts and surprises over this two-week energetic window. This is sparked by the grand earth trine connection between the new moon, Mars in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus retrograde, and Pluto in Capricorn retrograde. This is a harmonious planetary alignment in astrology that provides a stable portal to easily manifest the harvest from past work. New decisions, contracts, and discussions surrounding financial value and worth can be a focus, too.

We can also expect improvements surrounding love, relationships, or business contracts. The planet ruling over love and agreements, Venus, will be comfortable at home in the sign of Libra and forming a beautiful connection with lucky Jupiter in Aquarius retrograde. Venus and Jupiter are the two positive planets in astrology, and when well-aspected, they can make our lives easier. Expect past opportunities to resurface, relationship breakthroughs, and expansive beginnings.

A new moon occurs in Virgo on September 8th, and with Mars (planet of action) still in Virgo, this can be a great time to get work done and start work projects, whether in your actual job or at home or personal. You can pay closer attention to the details, get organized, and figure out exactly what you need to do. The new moon in Virgo of 2021 is also an energetic cleansing bringing all of us a dose of much needed renewal and drive.

The New Moon in Virgo Packs Refresh-Oriented ‘Back-to-School’ Energy

New beginnings are exciting, but they also require work, and the upcoming new moon in Virgo of 2021, occurring on September 6th at 8:51 a.m., ET, will remind us of this. Providing the practical energy needed to move forward, Virgo energy supports dreams and wishes only materializing with the help of daily practice, repetition, and work. With that in mind, the Virgo new moon of 2021 aims to inspire more focus on the details of life, helping us to identify what should be tweaked in order to improve the larger picture in our lives.

In astrology, a new moon occurs when the moon and sun form an exact connection in the same sign, causing the appearance in the sky to look like the total absence of a moon. This cosmic event initiates a new lunar cycle, representing beginnings, fresh starts, and new perspectives.

With this new moon in Virgo of 2021, expect daily tasks and busy work to increase with a focus on health, aligning with back-to-school time. This particular new moon will form a close connection with the planet of action, drive, and ambition, Mars, anchored by Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, providing stability and a solid foundation for change. The new moon is also forming a realistic opposition with Neptune retrograde in Pisces. The need to get organized, or restructure certain habits or daily routines is also in order: Now’s the time to get down to business after a playful season in Leo.

Keep in mind that change creates an energetic space for growth and opportunity: The universe is clearing out what no longer is in alignment in order to attract what is, and we can expect sudden shifts and surprises over this two-week energetic window. This is sparked by the grand earth trine connection between the new moon, Mars in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus retrograde, and Pluto in Capricorn retrograde. This is a harmonious planetary alignment in astrology that provides a stable portal to easily manifest the harvest from past work. New decisions, contracts, and discussions surrounding financial value and worth can be a focus, too.

We can also expect improvements surrounding love, relationships, or business contracts. The planet ruling over love and agreements, Venus, will be comfortable at home in the sign of Libra and forming a beautiful connection with lucky Jupiter in Aquarius retrograde. Venus and Jupiter are the two positive planets in astrology, and when well-aspected, they can make our lives easier. Expect past opportunities to resurface, relationship breakthroughs, and expansive beginnings.

A new moon occurs in Virgo on September 8th, and with Mars still in Virgo, this can be a great time to get work done and start work projects, whether in your actual job or at home or personal. You can pay closer attention to the details, get organized, and figure out exactly what you need to do.

Here’s how the new moon in Virgo of 2021 stands to impact your sign

Aries Sun, Rising and Moon:

It’s time to organize and clear out the unnecessary clutter. The cosmos will encourage you to organize your work space, clear out clutter, focus on your health, and restructure your day. This is due to the lunar influence over the area of your work, health, and daily routine. You will be able to successfully decide where to dedicate your attention and energy. You will also experience improvements in the love and relationship department. If single, you can find someone new and promising, or if attached, a current partnership may improve. New contracts or opportunities to collaborate with others can come about around this time, as well, adding to your workload. Team collaborations can feel fruitful. Your new moon affirmations: I find joy in my daily routine. Each detail that comes my way is shifting me towards abundance.

Taurus Sun, Rising and Moon:

New creative ideas and opportunities are in order, and you can start to benefit from the work you’ve put in. The new moon in Virgo of 2021 is empowering your sense of self-expression, and clearing blocks that were in your path, delaying you pursuing your passion. A new writing project, or idea in the realm of communication, could also pop up for you at this time. Embrace the discomfort and do you!

This time is also bringing synergy and harmony to your relationships. A new love opportunity could come around, or you can find joy with your current partnership. For others, this could manifest in terms of a new and positive contract or agreement involving business. Expect meetings, communication, and negotiations to fill up your daily routine at this time.

Your new moon affirmations: My creativity and passion is valuable. I express myself fully and the universe rewards me each time.

Gemini Sun, Rising and Moon:

Travel, expansion, and a fulfillment of your future visions is a theme for you during the new moon. You could be traveling to visit family, business, or simply for pleasure. This can be an expansive time, bringing in new realizations, and influential people during your travels.

On the other hand, this new moon in Virgo of 2021 can also encourage you to expand your knowledge and solidify your expertise. This includes signing up for a certification course, or teaching to share your wisdom with others. Another facet of this time is reaping the rewards of past investments, like property or stocks.

Your new moon affirmations: The knowledge, vision, and wisdom I bring to the collective is acknowledged, honored, and seen.

Cancer Sun, Rising and Moon:

Expect meetings, discussions, and communication to increase during the new moon in Virgo of 2021. This is bringing analytical and focused energy to your communication. Prepare for additions to your task list, but know that the cosmos are providing grounded and positive energy needed to navigate it. You can experience negotiations over new contracts, and it’s advisable to look at all details.

Investing in home improvements, apartment beautification, or moving to a better environment can also come about for some Cancers at this time. This will only bring positive growth and increase the value of your space. You can also reap the rewards of a past investment, long-term project or financial gains through a partnership.

Your new moon affirmations: All of my bills are paid, and money endlessly flows towards me. I indulge in abundance, and treat myself to what makes me feel good.

Leo Sun, Rising and Moon:

It’s time to restructure and organize your money, finances, and budget. The new moon in Virgo of 2021 is giving you a fresh perspective when it comes to this area of your life. This new mindset helps to clear limiting beliefs and doubts you’ve held surrounding your income. You can feel inspired to ask for more, or negotiate a higher rate if you are looking at new work-related contracts.

Career changes are also coming your way. The new moon is sparking shifts in this area of your life, removing what no longer is in alignment and bringing in tangible opportunities. While this will require your time, effort, and dedication, it’s more in alignment with your future vision and dreams. Take it a day at a time, and roll with the changes ahead—they are all for your positive growth.

Your new moon affirmations: The universe brings everything I need, and I am always taken care of. Limitless opportunities always flow towards me.

Virgo Sun, Rising and Moon:

The new moon is in your sign and is empowering you to shift and change what has held you back. As a more reserved sign, this time is revealing what or who deserves to stay and go. This could be moving away from work or love partnerships that no longer personally serve you. As a result, this leaves room for a positive and more beneficial collaboration to come your way. Use your Virgo superpower of discernment, and make the right decisions for you.

This is also a positive time for finances and earning an income. You have put in the time, dear Virgo, and now you deserve to reap the benefits of it. This could be through a creative work collaboration or team effort. Remember to take the practical approach when it comes to managing and organizing this newfound income.

Your new moon affirmations: The right collaborators and partners are always attracted to me. I only move in the direction of balance and truth in my relationships.

Libra Sun, Rising and Moon:

It’s time to get real and clear out health, work, and daily habits that no longer serve you, Libra. The new moon is uncovering where you have poured too much of your energy, encouraging you to channel your focus in a healthier direction. This might look like making through a change in your wellness routine, or making more time for rest in your work schedule. The key is balance and putting yourself first; health is wealth, after all.

Now is also a lucky time for you in terms of creative projects, big investments, or matters regarding children. This depends on your own individual situation, but breakthroughs are underway in those areas. If you have children or are working through fertility issues, there can also be progress in this area, too.

Your new moon affirmations: I focus on what feels right to me, and I place boundaries when I feel at ease.

Scorpio Sun, Rising and Moon:

Now’s a time to make your dreams come true, but not without a bit of practical work and elbow grease first. The new moon is providing productive energy, activating your future vision, and giving you the grounding energy to make them happen. A new creative project or idea could fall into your lap through an important contact from your network. Sudden changes through contracts or agreements can also occur at this time, so ensure that you are reading the fine print.

Now is also a time of emotional relief, and seeing an improvement in your health and work schedule. Balance is key, and taking a step back when you are feeling burned out or exhausted. A new daily routine can breathe new life into your work—especially the relationships you have with colleagues and those that you work with.

Your new moon affirmations: The universe is opening the doors to my dreams and wishes. I set my intentions on the highest timeline.

Sagittarius Sun, Rising and Moon:

It’s time to focus on the details of your career and life path. The new moon in Virgo of 2021 is activating this area of your life, bringing much-needed change and focus. If you have been working on an original work project or idea, now is when you can feel a breakthrough and the motivation to complete it. Expect sudden changes in your schedule or how your day is structured—this is needed to accommodate the professional elevation coming your way.

This is also a beneficial time to tap into your network; others can help your big ideas come to fruition, too. New meetings, discussions, and conversations can develop with influential past contacts, making now a great time to land on solid decisions. Remember to listen to what resonates with you and move in this direction.

Your new moon affirmations: My career is elevating, and the universe is granting me with abundance for my efforts.

Capricorn Sun, Rising and Moon:

The new moon in Virgo of 2021 is encouraging you to seek knowledge and expand your consciousness. You can be influenced to seek a certification course, or enter a continuing education program in order to solidify and widen the breadth of your skills. On the other hand, you can feel called to share your wisdom and knowledge by teaching or facilitating training yourself. Either way, this is a time of positive growth and solid focus.

The opportunity to travel (potentially for a work-related reason) can also present itself for some Capricorns. Expect sudden changes to pop up during your travels, but nothing that can’t be handled with patience. Your career is flourishing, and the cosmos are helping you to influence others. A promotion or leveling up in status in your life path is also in the stars. You’ve put in the work, and deserve it.

Your new moon affirmations: As I lay the sturdy foundation for my work, opportunity and abundance easily flows towards me. All of my bills are always paid.

Aquarius Sun, Rising and Moon:

Practical matters will come to the forefront, and the devil is in the details. If you have been handling legal matters, shared resources, or setting debts, the universe is giving you focused energy. The good news is that the new moon is resolving what has been outstanding and providing you with movement. Remember to analyze and use discernment—you will make out well.

This is also an expansive time for you in love and creativity. Perhaps an endeavor you’ve been working on now receives a wider audience. The key is to tap into your unique flair, and creative truth. People will be receptive to what you have to offer, thanks to the magic from Venus and Jupiter. If traveling, some Aquarians could meet a love prospect abroad, while others can make new friends and indulge.

Your new moon affirmations: Love always flows towards me. I attract positive projects and ideas that help transform and change the collective.

Pisces Sun, Rising and Moon:

Relationships are in the energetic spotlight for you, Pisces. You typically go with the flow, but the new moon is providing you with clarity and rational decision making in relationships. A new opportunity can suddenly come up to move towards a relationship or contract that feels in alignment with you. This could be in work or romantic relationships. If single, this time can also change your mind surrounding what you need to feel fulfilled in a bond.

Improvements in finances can also develop during this time. Debt relief, receiving money back on an investment, legal matters, or marriage can all be themes for you. While this is a sudden turn of events, it’s providing you with forward momentum. Remember to give the details a look before making new decisions.

Your new moon affirmations: I always advocate for my needs in every relationship. Balanced and harmonious bonds only come my way.