The Aries New Moon arrives as we leave behind the month of March and head into April. The new moon in April is on the 1st at 11 degrees in the cardinal sign of Aries the ram. This is a firestarter of a new moon. Changing circumstances and situations lead to minor and major changes. These changes over the new moon propel us forward into the future. The spiritual meaning for the April new moon is one of clarity. Have a clear train of thought for your intentions to be pure. Know what you’re aiming for and in which direction you’re facing. Many pieces of your puzzle are now ready to fall into place.

Allow yourself to succeed, give yourself the mercy to be imperfect. Find the humor buried in the melancholy of life. Aligning with the planet Mercury the new moon this April is full of surprises that capture the world and movement on peace and trust. New beginnings and fortunate outcomes come into play. Be prepared to act quickly on opportunities in front of you.

To work with the magic of this New Moon, no matter where in the world you live, the night of March 31st and April 1st will bring the peak of these energies. Thursday’s New Moon in Aries is the first one after the vernal equinox and welcomes us to new beginnings. This renewing lunation wants us to be brave enough to be the first. It’s the initial spark. Don’t hesitate; what you’re after is right here in this moment.

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries energy is all about new beginnings. As the New Moon brings the start of a new lunar cycle, it is also about beginnings. This combination of energy makes the Aries New Moon one of the best opportunities in the year for thinking about what new beginnings or new chapter we wish to start in our lives. Under the energies of the Aries New Moon, think about what you want to start, what seeds you want to plant, and set your intentions for the months to come. Know that the opportunity for a do-over, for a fresh new slate is on offer if you want it.

Whenever the cosmic skies present us with opportunities to begin a new chapter, the creative energies run high, allowing us to use them to morph and bring our dreams and desires to life. Think about what you wish to manifest in your life, hold this vision clear in your mind, and then send those vibrations out into the Universe under the dark night of the New Moon. Remember your power and role in this Universe as a co-creator. Know you are magical and know you deserve to put your dreams out into the ethers so they can begin materializing in your life.

Keep in mind that the energy of Aries is all about action too, so while it is powerful to dream and allow your wishes to be heard by the Universe, be sure you follow up with taking action steps in the days and weeks that follow.

Along with the beautiful creative manifestation energies that this New Moon provides, there is another energy that is rippling through the cosmic skies at this time thanks to the asteroid Chiron.

Chiron is known as both the wounded healer and the rainbow bridge. As the wounded healer, Chiron is able to take its wounds and struggles and use them as powerful portals of healing and wisdom. It is Chiron’s wounds that allow him to work his magic, heal others, and be a source of psychic knowledge.

As the rainbow bridge, Chiron helps us to shift to a higher state of consciousness, allowing us to move from one state of awareness to the next.

With Chiron energy strong under this New Moon, we all have the power to take our wounds and find the beauty in them. We all have the power to acknowledge how our wounds, even though painful, have shaped us into better and more compassionate people. Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to fix our wounds, bury them, or pretend they didn’t happen, when really sometimes all we need to do is allow our wounds to show us a new way forward.

Discovering this state of being for yourself is what Chiron’s energy can help us to do. It reminds us that some wounds will never heal, and rather than being buried by this idea or overwhelmed by it, we instead, accept it as a part of who we are.

Don’t forget to do your new moon abundance checks !  Also….

New Moon In April Ritual:

What do you want the rest of 2022 to feel like? Take a moment to reflect on 3 feeling words that will carry you through the year. For example- I want the remainder of 2022 to feel loving, healing, and productive. Then, find three objects from around the home or outside that encapsulate these three feeling words, for example, rose petals for loving, a crystal for healing, and a paperclip for productive. Be creative and let your intuition be your guide!

Once you have your three objects, light your candle. Hold each object and affirm-

“This (whatever the object is) aligns me with the feeling of (your feeling).”

Then, place your objects in a triangle configuration with your candle in the middle.

Put your hand on your heart and recite the following or feel free to write your own-

“The days, weeks, and months ahead are going to be filled with opportunities for (insert your three words here). Connect me now to my inner Divinity, so I may feel these feelings when they arise and allow me to seek them out with ease whenever I am in need. Remind me of my power and remind me to see the positive light in all opportunities that come my way. I hold the feelings of (insert your words here) close to my heart. Guide me to always feel (insert words here) in every possible moment. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Next write on a piece of paper:

  • I am manifesting…………………………….
  • My next chapter looks like………………….
  • I am creating………………………………..
  • My energy is sending out…………………..

6.) Snuff out the candle before going to bed, but leave everything where it is overnight. In the morning, you can take your objects and place them on your altar or near your bedside for the next 9 days so they can remind you of your feeling words.

April Begins With a New Moon on Steroids

When it comes to getting ahead, bold fire sign Aries does not mess around. IT IS HUGE!!!

From Thursday, March 31 into Friday, April 1, exact at 2:24 a.m./ET/11:24 p.m. PT, the Aries new moon is a chance to act boldly, courageously, and dive into a new undertaking with pioneering spiritedness. 

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is the most excitable — and the most innocent. And when you think of how the early days of springtime make you feel — beyond ready to, maybe even impulsively, leap into something fresh, new, unexpected — it’s no wonder that the first day of Aries season is aligned with the spring equinox. As we move into the heart of the Ram’s annual moment, we get a moon event tailored perfectly to this tone: an initiative-spurring new moon in the cardinal fire sign. 

The new moon in Aries lays the groundwork for a passionately fresh start.

New moons — which happen when the confident sun pairs up with the intuitive moon — always present a monthly opportunity to get clear on which new chapter you want to write over the course of the next two weeks (up until the next full moon) and next six months (when the corresponding full moon occurs). While most new moons are considered opportune times to kick off a bold new chapter, this Aries new moon offers up that feeling on steroids. That’s owed, in great part, to the fact that the Ram — ruled by Mars, the planet of energy — is so dynamic, action-oriented, and always raring to go. 

In turn, you could be feeling more fired up, self-reliant, playful, impulsive, and driven to get after your most ambitious dreams. 

Mercury’s involvement makes this moment about action and talk. 

One of the main planetary aspects of this new moon is a close conjunction between the moon and Mercury. The planet of communication moved into Aries on Sunday, March 27, bringing a more straightforward, unfussy, and heated — possibly even combative — tone to the way we deliver our thoughts. And on the day of the new moon, cerebral Mercury will pair up with the moon, combining emotion and self-expression in a fearless, direct Aries way. 

It’ll be easier to own your voice and share a bold game plan with friends and colleagues or to speak right from the heart with a loved one. At the same time, there may be a tendency to steer a bit too far into argumentative territory, as Aries is innately competitive, has a penchant for debate — and, occasionally, fierce verbal aggression. (I mean, did you see the Oscars?) 

Mars and Saturn push for a commitment to hard work.

On the day of the new moon, the planet that’s basically the showrunner of the whole operation — Mars — will be coming up on a conjunction to taskmaster Saturn in future-minded, fixed (aka stubborn) Aquarius. (It’s exact on April 4.) Together, these power players send the message to not only initiate courageous action (Mars) but commit to it (Saturn). 

Ruling the first house of self, Aries tends to be most concerned with what’s best for, well, themselves. Aquarius, on the other hand, defaults to what they can do for the greater good — community above all else. Because those energies are especially highlighted now, this new moon could present a push-pull between pursuing your own desires versus showing up for others.

Either way, Mars and Saturn reward hard work, so once you’ve set your new moon intention, the impending conjunction can inspire you to put your nose to the grindstone to see it through.   

Here, how this Aries new moon will affect you, based on your sign. (Pro-tip: Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign, if you know it.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your annual new moon has you all fired up to pave a bold new path. Because the moon will pair up with communicative Mercury, researching and talking through your ideas can make them a reality even faster. 

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Falling in your twelfth house of spirituality, the new moon could be sleepier for you than for most people, but it’s also an incredibly productive time for rest and healing. Pay special attention to your dreams and any emotional issues that come up while zeroing in on self-reflection.  

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Landing in your eleventh house of networking and pairing up with messenger Mercury, your ruler, this is a super-social new moon for you, Gem. Kick off a group project or new approach to an ongoing team effort. 

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

With the new moon falling in your tenth house of career, Cancer, you have the opportunity to step into — and command — the spotlight. With Jupiter and Neptune pairing up in your ninth house of adventure, you’re ready to take a chance to make your mark.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

The new moon falls in your ninth house of adventure and higher learning, Leo, and with messenger Mercury there as well, you could be pumped to research — and possibly even book — a long-distance trip. Embrace any impulsivity — if only for the sake of broadening your horizons. 

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

With the new moon — and your ruler, messenger Mercury — falling in your eighth house of intimacy, consider setting a bold intention related to your nearest and dearest bonds. Voice your sexual needs or discuss a shared financial goal. 

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Falling in your seventh house of partnership, the new moon presents the chance to start a new chapter in your one-on-one relationships. Consider reciprocity, and if you’re experiencing a problematic imbalance, now’s the time to talk it through. 

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

This month’s new moon is occurring in your sixth house of daily routine, so this moment lends itself to pinpointing a spirited wellness goal, boosting work-life balance — or simply checking a lot of nagging to-dos off your list. 

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

With the new moon in your fifth house of romance, you may finally begin to experience that magical, spontaneous, playful vibe you’ve been wishing for in your love life. In the midst of more spur-of-the-moment date nights and flirty banter, be sure to get clear on what you truly want — and express it in that signature Sag unfiltered way.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

With the new moon in your fourth house of home life, you can begin a new cycle in your inner world, which includes your family and living arrangement. You could be considering — or actually in the midst of — a big move or kicking off a new phase of emotional growth. 

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

With the new moon falling in your third house of communication and forming a conjunction to your ruler, messenger Mercury, your curiosity is soaring now. It’s time to embrace a whole new vision for satiating your appetite for more knowledge. 

Pisces (February 19-March 20) 

The new moon — and messenger Mercury — are in your second house of income, so discuss your financial goals with friends and colleagues and gather information that could lead to an even more impressive resume and job apps. 

Psychic and Mediumship Development Class Every Wednesday (7-9) pm on Microsoft Teams. Each class is $15.  Learn from the comfort of your home. The class is recorded and the documents can be downloaded. Message me on Facebook or text me at 716 481 2799 for the link to join class.

Wednesday March 30, 2022: Lesson: Karma, how to find yours by your birth date, what is your karmic debt, how to clear it and if we have enough time we will do past life regression. If not, then we will do it next week but you should learn about karma, karmic debt and karmic relationships first. My students have worked very hard and they continue to both work and learn.  Come learn with us and you might even get a reading !

Do you have premonitions (like knowing who is calling or knowing when something is going to happen)? Do you have premonition dreams (dreams that come true)? Do you have activity in your home (lights going on and off, feeling a presence, etc ) after a loved one has crossed over into spirit? Do you dream of loved ones? Take this class to find out where your strengths are and how to work with them.

Psychic and Mediumship Development Class March 30. This class takes place on Microsoft Teams from 7-9p so that you can learn from the comfort of your home. The class is recorded and the documents can be downloaded. Message me on Facebook or text me at 716 481 2799 for the link to join class. Lesson: Past Life Regression.  

Tarot card for this week is the Sun Reversed

The Sun Keywords: UPRIGHT: Positivity, fun, warmth, success, vitality, REVERSED: Inner child, feeling down, overly optimistic

The Sun Description
The Sun Tarot card radiates with optimism and positivity. A large, bright sun shines in the sky, representing the source of all life on Earth. Underneath, four sunflowers grow tall above a brick wall, representing the four suits of the Minor Arcana and the four elements. In the foreground, a young, naked child is sitting on top of a calm white horse. The child represents the joy of being connected with your inner spirit, and his nakedness is a sign he has nothing to hide and has all the innocence and purity of childhood. The white horse is also a sign of purity and strength.

The Sun Upright
The Sun represents success, radiance and abundance. The Sun gives you strength and tells you that no matter where you go or what you do, your positive and radiant energy will follow you and bring you happiness and joy. People are drawn to you because you can always see the bright side and bring such warmth into other people’s lives. This beautiful, warm energy is what will get you through the tough times and help you succeed. You are also in a position where you can share your highest qualities and achievements with others. Radiate who you are and what you stand for; shine your love on those you care about.

If you are going through a difficult time, The Sun brings you the message you have been waiting for: that things will get better, a lot better! Through the challenges along your path, you discovered who you are and why you’re here. Now you are full of energy and zeal for the future and can already perceive success and abundance flowing to you. You are brimming with confidence because you know everything will work out – it always does! Life is good!

The Sun connects you to your power base – not fear-driven, egotistical power, but the abundant, inner energy radiating through you right now. You’ll sense it in your Solar Plexus chakra, calling you to express yourself authentically and be fully present in the world around you. You have what others want and are being asked to radiate your energy and your gifts out into the world in a big way. Tap into your power and use your Divine will to express that power in positive ways.

The Sun is also an energetic card. It reflects a time when you can expect to experience an increase in physical energy, vitality and general positivity. You are bursting with enthusiasm, invigorated and enjoying a wonderful sense of good health.

The Sun Reversed

The Sun Reversed is calling to your inner child to come out and play! As adults, we get so lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we forget how to have fun. But spend just a few minutes watching a kid play, and you realize how wonderful and carefree life can be when you learn to let go of your worries and concerns. When you see The Sun Reversed in your Tarot reading, see it as your permission slip to leave behind your work and responsibilities, even just for a moment, and play. Dance like no-one is watching, sing like no-one is listening, and let your heart and soul fly free.

The Sun Reversed can mean you are struggling to see the bright side of life. You may have experienced setbacks that damaged your enthusiasm and optimism and perhaps led you to question whether you can achieve what you set out to do. You may feel depressed or left out and are no longer enjoying what you are doing. Your direction and path ahead may appear clouded or distorted. Nonetheless, The Sun is never a negative card, so this is only temporary. The obstacles you see can be easily removed if you put your mind to it. It may just take a bit more effort than usual.

On the other hand, you may be too confident or overly optimistic. While you are confident, you may have become egotistical and out of touch with what you can achieve. Are you truthful to yourself and others? Or, are you trying to talk yourself up when you know you cannot deliver? If this resonates with you, then ask others for feedback and a reality check. Are you unrealistic? Is what you have set out to achieve achievable? Are you really as good as you think you are?

See Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium for a Reading @ The 4th Annual Love, Light, & Healing Psychic Fair atAmbassador Banquet & Conference Center 7794 Peach St (I-90 Exit 24 ) Erie, PA , SATURDAY, March 26 (10 AM – 9 PM). Past Life Regression Lecture and Session will be held at 11 am.  Tickets for either or both can be purchased at

Welcome to Aries Season and the Spring Equinox ! We are slowly emerging out of the dormant vibes of winter before becoming energized with summer’s vibrant energy. Take the time to remind yourself of your goals and intentions you set at the start of the year. Are they still relevant now? What next steps can you take to work on achieving them?

A psychic reading may help to clarify some decisions or relationships in your life. Information from your past life may show up to help with the challenge of your present life relationships, decisions and friendships. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. We’ve come through a year of hard lessons, including a lot of personal loss but also a year of clarity and personal awakening. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side.


What is the zodiac for spring equinox? Aries of course !

This year’s Spring Equinox occurs on March 20 at 11:33 AM Eastern Time. On this day, we’ll have equal hours of sunshine and moonlight, heralding the beginning of longer days. On the same day, the Sun moves into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, and the astrological new year begins. The spring equinox, or vernal equinox, has been celebrated for centuries. Historically, the spring equinox has represented more than just the first day of spring or when the flowers begin to bloom. It has become a symbol for rebirth, fertility, and new beginnings. How does the Spring Equinox affect us?

So, the first day of the year always kicks off with the vernal equinox. It’s a celebration of new beginnings: wishing prosperity and welcoming the future while shedding away the past. That’s why families use this time to deep clean their homes and closets and buy fresh clothing. Equinoxes are a part of ‘The Wheel of the Year’, an annual cycle of eight events which all fall during seasonal shifts and energetically potent intervals. The festivals fall around the sun’s movement and celebrate its yearly cycle. During these times it is said that the veil between the spiritual and physical world becomes thinner. This results in us being able to connect and tune into the other side, and tap into the potency of spiritual practices such as Akashic Records, Reiki and Tarot readings.

In the Northern Hemisphere…

In the Northern Hemisphere, the March equinox is called the Spring Equinox or Ostara Equinox. It means that there are earlier sunrises, later sunsets and nature starts to wake up from the winter. Spiritually the spring equinox symbolizes rebirth and fertility. It’s the time to plant the seeds and start consciously creating the intentions you set. You may start to find clarity in your life. This is a powerful time for growth as we transition from the dormant restful state of winter. You may feel like you have more internal energy and feel pulled to explore different options. With this clarity and new energy, this is the time to start creating abundance and manifest your desires.

Activities to connect with the Ostara Equinox:

Spring Cleaning: This is the time where we nourish ourselves and restore the balance in our physical and spiritual spaces. Spring cleaning is a physical practice that deeply affects our spiritual well-being. Cleaning, tidying up, and decluttering not only allows us to breathe, but it helps us to get clarity on what we devote energy to daily. We have the choice to maintain lots of things or fewer things. When we have lots of things in our lives, the physical clutter is a direct reflection of internal clutter that we may have.

Create clarity in your goals and intentions: in Spring we are slowly emerging out of the dormant vibes of winter before becoming energized with summer’s vibrant energy. Take the time to remind yourself of your goals and intentions you set at the start of the year. Are they still relevant now? What next steps can you take to work on achieving them?

The celestial energy is very potent during the equinox, as the sun and moon’s energy are in direct alignment. If you are looking for a spiritual ritual, create a circle with candles in every direction (north, east, south, and west) while meditating on what to create in your life.

Southern Hemisphere

In the Southern Hemisphere, the March equinox is called the Autumn Equinox or Mabon Equinox. This equinox is the opposite effect of the Northern Hemisphere; it creates for the day later sunrises, earlier sunsets and nature starts preparing to hibernate in the winter. This energy is asking us to pause before the darkness of winter (#winteriscoming). Mabon equinox is known as a time of rest after the intense energy of summer. It is the time to reap what we have sowed and to look at what we have manifested. It is the time to finalize projects and remove anything you no longer need, as we prepare for a peaceful and restorative winter.

Like the spring equinox, the veil between the physical and spiritual world will become thinner. Meditating is important during this time to allow you to connect to other planes. Mabon is also reminding us that our relationships with the earth and the universe are reciprocal. If we don’t give back to them, how can we expect them to give back to us? As we manifest our desires, how can we give back?

Activities to connect with the Mabon Equinox:

Celebrate with your friends and family: either in person or via Zoom, dress up in your favorite outfit that you love. Share what you are grateful for, how much you care for one another and connect with your favorite meal.

Gratitude journal: take stock of everything you have created during the warmer months. Studies suggest that writing in a gratitude journal three times per week might have a greater impact on our happiness than regular journaling every day. There’s no specific way to gratitude journal, but we suggest simply starting each day listing 5 things you feel grateful for. The goal of gratitude journaling is to remember an experience, person, or aspect of you like that is associated with good emotions.

Aries season always seems to bring out the fire in all of us (but that might be my Aries moon talking). The weather is turning warmer, and there’s a special electricity in the air as the new astrological year begins once again. This season, our drive and determination will skyrocket, and we’ll feel as though we can to do anything we set our minds to. Get creative, make a to-do list, ask for that promotion — things will be happening, so you’d better be prepared for them. Sure, we set resolutions (or not) in January. But to me, the start of Aries season on March 20 — the same day as the Spring Equinox — marks the year’s actual clean slate. “It’s the astrological new year, which means it’s time to make a fresh start in our lives.

For those of you thinking of looking for a new job….out with the old, in with the new so get moving !

Another reason the season of the Ram is such a big deal is that the sun is exalted (i.e. right at home) in Aries. “This means that there is a renewal of solar energy in all of us, regardless of our sun sign. For the next month, we get the chance to re-explore what it means for each one of us to be a Gemini, a Leo, or even a Capricorn sun.” It’s an exciting time, one that’s strongly oriented toward self-discovery.

While Pisces season put us more in tune with those around us, Aries season is all about being in tune with ourselves. When the sun moves from Pisces into Aries, we come back to what our own desires and needs are and how to go about meeting them. Aries is a strong, bold sign, and in true Aries fashion, this season is pushing us to be confident and to chase our goals. The sign of the Ram can be interpreted as competitive or carrying a me-first vibe — but that’s not always a bad thing. A little selfishness can come in handy when going after our dreams. So let things be all about you for once; put your needs, your desires, and your goals first. The charismatic aura of the Ram is behind you. “At its best, Aries energy is warm, fun, and characteristic of a true leader.

Our Aries season (March 21-April 19) this year is truly one of the more hectic months of the year, with three prominent, multi-planet aspects unfolding. These are likely going to be both harsh and blissful, and it will take some wherewithal to stay on point within the haze and craze.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac (March 21 to April 20), and its mascot is the Ram. As a fire sign ruled by the planet Mars, Aries) energy is individualistic, bold, and brave. his Aries season is all about loving the spring weather and going after what you want. Aries season will impact all zodiac signs, but Aries and Libra will feel it the most.

We’ve left Pisces season (so you can stop crying) ! But we are on the cusp of Pisces/Aries so the energy is still going up and down !  Compassionate then pissed, then compassionate then pissed…… you get the picture?

If there’s one thing we’re sure of in the astrology world, it’s that Aries is the go-getter of the zodiac. This sign takes charge, likes to do things first, and isn’t afraid to take the lead, so it’s no surprise that this is the energy that propels us into the astrological new year. On March 20 — the same day as the Spring Equinox — the Sun will officially enter into the sign of the ram. We’ll all be feeling the energetic, upbeat, can-do vibes of Aries until the sun’s departure from the sign on April 19.

Aries season often gives us a cosmic fresh start — think New Year’s mixed with some spring cleaning. “The astrological new year is a reset button that will rejuvenate our lives for the better. Being that Aries is the first sign of the zodiac who sparks up our desires, it’s important to move towards the vision we want to create.” With the weather getting warmer and daylight savings time behind us, Aries season is the season to get shit done.


HBD! The world is all yours right now, Aries! Even better, everyone is vibing on the same level as you, and they’re appreciating your extroverted nature. Whatever you want, you can have this Aries season—you’re the star of the show!


Your life feels like it’s taking place behind the scenes right now. Even though it’s easy to feel invisible, think of this as chance for some much-needed alone time so you can work on what you want to work on, without interruptions. Once Taurus season rolls around, you’ll be ready for a fabulous birthday month!


As one of the most social signs in the zodiac, you’ll be delighted to hear that Aries season is the best month of the year for hanging out with your squad and making new friends. You’re feeling especially charismatic and popular, to the point that you might even be a tad overwhelmed with how booked and busy your social life is. No worries—this is going to be a fun month!


Stay on your best behavior, Cancer, especially on the job. This is an amazing time of year for getting a promotion, a raise, or even a new job, but only if you work your butt off! All eyes are on you at the office, so when you do well, you’ll be rewarded greatly…but if you slack off, your shortcomings will have some consequences. Good luck!


Life is an adventure this Aries season! Whether you’re physically traveling somewhere new or just broadening your mental horizons, this month is all about becoming a more well-rounded person. Whether you’re taking a vacation, signing up for a class, or just cooking a new recipe, everything is a learning experience this Aries season. Plus, your good mood and optimistic outlook makes these fun experiences.


Boundaries: You need to set them. Pisces season’s vibe helped you focus on your relationships, but now you need to learn how to concentrate on yourself as an individual. Remember, you’re not responsible for “fixing” other people, and you can’t do a great job of taking care of yourself when you’re so busy bothering with others. Focus on you for a change.


Aries season = cuffing season for your sign! You’re the sign of relationships, so whether it’s with your boo, your bestie, or even your favorite coworker, you thrive when you’re spending time with others. If you’re single and ready to mingle, you could meet your next special someone now, and if you’re already boo’d up, this month is all about strengthening your relationship.


You’re constantly busy right now, your to-do list is a million miles long, and finding time to take a break is nearly impossible. Think of this as a month to work it out, clean up your act, tidy up your life, and take care of business. That way, once Taurus season (which is your sign’s version


Romance, sex, and fun, is being lit up this Aries season. Translation: You have an exciting month ahead! Whether you’re hooking up, speed dating, or just spending tons of time with your boo, your love life (in and out of bed) is getting a major glow up. This is also one of the best months for flexing your artistic side, so grab those paints/pen/needle and thread/ring light/whatever and get to it!


Life at home is your biggest focus right now, Capricorn. If you live with roomies or family, your relationship with them will be highlighted a ton, and even if you live alone, you’re finding that there’s lots to be done around the house. Clean up, redecorate, and host a little get-together! You’re starting to feel bored, and Aries season is here to help you to breathe new life into your home.


You’ve got a busy month ahead! Not busy like, work-is-kicking-your-ass busy, but you’re spending tons of time running around town and hanging out with people. Your phone is off the hook, your DMs are full, and it feels like everybody wants to get with you. Have fun!


If you work hard now, you can play even harder later! This month, a little extra work goes a long way. You can get a raise or bonus if you’re doing your best on the job, and you’re also more likely to find some extra cash now anywhere—whether it’s an unexpected side gig or $5 on the sidewalk. Try to avoid impulsive spending!

Psychic and Mediumship Development Class Tonight March 16. This class takes place on Microsoft Teams from 7-9p so that you can learn from the comfort of your home. The class is recorded and the documents can be downloaded. Message me on Facebook or text me at 716 481 2799 for the link to join class.

Tonight: Learning to Read Karmically With Astrology. Full Moon in Virgo on March 18, how will it affect you?

Also: I will be offering psychic readings this week at Painted Love, 145 Belmont, Tonawanda, NY. Saturday March 19 from 1-4pm. Come on down for a reading.  Text me at 716 481 2799 for an appointment !

Full Moon In Virgo: March 18, 2022

Welcome to the final Full Moon of the astrological year.  The Virgo Full Moon on the 18th of March marks the culmination of an 18 month period of incubation. Right before we get to the Equinox (the start of the astrological year) on the 20th-21st of March, we have the Virgo Full Moon. This is a Full Moon that is calling for us to fill our own cups, to care for ourselves and to serve others from this place. On the opposing end, the Sun is in Pisces, giving this full moon a giant blast of power. The resonate energy of this full moon is one of clearing out what is not working in your life. And focusing on what does.

The full moon opposite Neptune offers up a mental haze blocking senses and creating emotional disturbances. All this does allow us to see what is holding us back, and what we need to work on. Important, not to make any rash decisions until this energy passes.

Some may find the full moon this month passive-aggressive and the energy a little hard to deal with.  But this in turn helps us react to the things which are not working in our lives. On a spiritual level were asked to focus our energy on what is positive and true. By doing this the negative becomes weaker in our lives.

The Full Worm Moon coming up this Friday signifies rebirth, new beginnings, and finding balance so you can step into your power and share your light with the world. It’s a powerful one!

  1. What can I offer to my family and friends to be of the highest service?
  2. Which areas of my life might benefit from creating order?
  3. How might I benefit from working hard in the next six months?
  4. How can I limit clutter in my physical space?
  5. What can I do to better support my mental clarity?
  6. How can I best support healthy emotional expression?

 If you can think back to the 17th of September 2020, there was something brewing around this time that is now being called to light. Full Moons are an opportunity for the universe to manifest, to birth and to bring into the physical realm that which we are ready to acknowledge. In the case of this Full Moon this is all about the way in which we serve ourselves and the world around us.  Hint: the world around us ! 

Time to manifest world wide healing from the Pandemic and also time to manifest healing for Ukraine. So even though there are some challenging aspects with this Full Moon, it’s a great excuse to celebrate. This is a time of acknowledging and releasing all that you have been through over the past 12 months. To take stock of all you’ve been through – who would have thought you’d live through a pandemic!!!!!!  You can take a moment to pat yourself on the back, and to find gratitude in your heart for all that you have done for you.


In astrology Virgo represents the Maiden that is in continual service to the world around her. She lives to maintain the wellbeing of all life. When she’s healed she comes from a place of selflessly serving others – which isn’t what you think it is. Selfless service involves the realization that there is only one of us here. That when you serve someone else, you are in fact serving yourself. Now that might sound easy, but requires a change in mindset.

Very often we push ourselves to be selfless and end up becoming martyrs (and totally burnt out). This Full Moon is encouraging you to see that selfless service is about intention. It requires you to give in a way where there is no expectation or attachment to the results of this giving. To give in a way where your cup is still full. So if you’re feeling depleted or exhausted, stop and take a moment to care for you before you move further. When you give you also share your energy. No one wants to receive when the energy they will be given is one of being depleted.

This Full Moon is calling for us to look after ourselves physically.

The Full Moon will be oppose Neptune + Jupiter in Pisces, which is can at first feel like a battle between the rational and intuitive mind. This is a Full Moon to listen to your body and it’s intelligence. It knows when it’s tired (even when the mind wants to keep going). It knows when you need to rest (even when the alarm might be telling you to get up). The fact is you cannot serve the world around you, while you are not serving yourself. This Full Moon is calling for you to bring into fruition new ways in which you care and love yourself. Think of the moments in your life when you feel full – that might be a massage, reading a book, time spent in the water etc – then start to plan how you want to incorporate more of that into your life (without it being a task). It is the ego that pushes you to be more, do more and ultimately end up empty – it is the soul that says ‘hey it’s ok if you need to rest I’ll make time for you to do that’.

Psychic and Mediumship Development Class Tonight March 16. This class takes place on Microsoft Teams from 7-9p so that you can learn from the comfort of your home. The class is recorded and the documents can be downloaded. Message me on Facebook or text me at 716 481 2799 for the link to join class.

Tonight: Learning to Read Karmically With Astrology. Full Moon in Virgo on March 18, how will it affect you?

Also: I will be offering psychic readings this week at Painted Love, 145 Belmont, Tonawanda, NY. Saturday March 19 from 1-4pm. Come on down for a reading.  Text me at 716 481 2799 for an appointment !

How The Full ‘Snow’ Moon In Virgo Affects Each Zodiac Sign Starting March 18, 2022

Virgo.  Can be misunderstood and underestimated. And when we have a Full Moon in Virgo, we can expect more of the same. Still, Virgo is a vibrant sign, and no matter what we think of it, there’s so much more to Virgo than “perfectionism and judgmental behavior.” With the Full Moon in place, we will get to experience the full gamut of Virgo’s colors.

The Full Moon traditionally represents the fulfillment of our intentions. If we make wishes during the New Moon, we intend for them to come through during the Full Moon. It’s easy to understand if we see it that way. The Full Moon is the culmination of our thoughts. This is also why so many of us experience extreme discomfort or outright lunacy during this particular transit: the Full Moon is us, on steroids, so to speak.

With the Full Moon in Virgo, we will be experiencing everything that we’d ordinarily be living through, but with a touch of Virgo in the mix. This means that we will see things more analytically depending on who WE are. The need to make sense of things will be at a fever pitch, and because the power of the Full Moon supports all things, Virgo, in nature, we should expect the unexpected.

Here’s how the Full ‘Snow’ Moon in Virgo affects each zodiac sign starting March 18, 2022, according to astrology. To find out more, search for your horoscope below.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

What you want is not going to come through. Not today at least. You’ve been thinking about vengeance, but you know that won’t work out well, so you’ve convinced yourself that justice is just as good. Your Full Moon in Virgo is going to give you exactly what you didn’t want: more time to think. More time to wait. It seems like it never ends, but it will, Aries, it will.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

The Full Moon in Virgo brings you an insatiable appetite. That’s the keyword there: insatiable. And with that word comes disappointment, as you cannot be sated no matter what you do. This will cover your home life. You want more, and you put in efforts to get more, but the people, or rather, the person you live with, well, they’re just ‘not into it.’ Hmmm.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Time for big changes. You’ve figured something out. Full Moon in Virgo does that — it helps to clear the path so that you can think with a sober mind. What you’ll come to realize is that you’ve been stagnant, non-creative…a lump on a log. You also know that you’re the only one who can change that. This transit will refresh your conviction and get you on your feet again.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You are about to be rejected by someone who holds the purse strings. You detest having to be at someone else’s mercy when it comes to money, yet here you are, resenting the living heck out of this person. It’s a power play that’s going on, and you can’t do anything about it. Full Moon in mutable, earthy Virgo brings frustration and anxiety for you, though you can rely on the fact that it won’t last.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You, on the other hand, are going to experience the fullest Full Moon in Virgo there is because the sky is the limit today, and you’re on a manifesting journey of success. Whatever you decide upon today will be fulfilled. You are pure magic, and your ability to get things done is outstanding. Make a wish, Leo, and watch your desires manifest right before your very eyes.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

The Full Moon in Virgo brings out everything in you that is Virgo, and that means that you’ll be spending this day alone, with an attitude of retrospection. This is a good day for you but not an ideal Virgo experience. You need this time to think, and it’s doing you good, but you would always prefer to spend time with friends, as thinking can be a little ‘too’ revealing for you after a while.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Lucky you. You get to feel the best part of the Full Moon in Virgo. You will be throwing yourself into an activity that completely takes you over and leaves very little room for anything of a depressed nature. In other words, today is for playing and losing your inhibitions. No thinking, just being involved. This makes you happy, and in a way, it’s well deserved. You needed this mindless downtime.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

The Full Moon in Virgo will have you analyzing everything in your life for its worth, and sadly, you’ll come up with the conclusion that everything must go. You are tired of trying to save everyone, and it’s really getting on your nerves the way no one seems to learn. You could back off and let them find their own way, but then you’d lose your control over them…what a quandary, Scorpio.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You will find yourself seeing the world from a different perspective than everyone else, on this day, during the Full Moon in Virgo. You like to analyze and judge things; you don’t push your opinion on others, so you feel you have a right to think whatever you want. The thought police do not exist in your world, and so this day goes to you spending a ton of time judging others.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

This is the day when you kick yourself for making a wrong move in business. The Full Moon in Virgo is not a good day to make investments, and even worse for thinking they might pay off at this time. You’re in it for the long-term benefits, so don’t worry yourself about what’s going on right now. This day will bring up the topic of patience. Do you have it, or do you not? Patience is required here, today, Capricorn. Heed to the message of the stars.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

You’re about to have one of the better days of the year, Aquarius. This is your big money day, and you can expect to open your mailbox and receive a payload. It’s happening. The Full Moon in Virgo brings together your efforts and patience; you did it. You did the right thing once upon a time, and now it’s paying off for you. Today. Yes, today!

Pisces (February 19 – March 10)

The Full Moon in Virgo doesn’t always act as a family counselor, and you’ll come to know that too well. Today, someone in your family seems uppity and aggressive. Naturally, it falls on you to be the peacekeeper, and while you’ll do what you need to do, you’ll feel oppressed and burdened throughout it all. You really don’t like having to be the one who keeps the family sane. Alas, it will never be any other way.


Psychic and Mediumship Development Class Tonight March 16. This class takes place on Microsoft Teams from 7-9p so that you can learn from the comfort of your home. The class is recorded and the documents can be downloaded. Message me on Facebook or text me at 716 481 2799 for the link to join class.

Tonight: Learning to Read Karmically With Astrology. Full Moon in Virgo on March 18, how will it affect you?

Also: I will be offering psychic readings this week at Painted Love, 145 Belmont, Tonawanda, NY. Saturday March 19 from 1-4pm. Come on down for a reading.  Text me at 716 481 2799 for an appointment !

Tarot card for this week is the Seven of Swords.

Who’s being sneaky?    The Seven of Swords indicates theft, betrayal, deception, and trickery. You may be trying to get away with something and are sneaking around behind other people’s backs, hoping to go undetected. If you are lucky, you might get away with your secret intact. But if you are unlucky, others will soon find out what you have done, causing you shame and embarrassment. 

Be aware that any time you use cunning or deception to gain an advantage over someone or something else, you are at risk of being found out. If it’s not you, then you may be the victim of someone else’s betrayal. Others are not being candid with you, and you may be unaware of their lies and deception. You may trust someone who then turns out to be running their own agenda, leaving you high and dry. 

Look out for any sneaky behavior and listen to your intuition when something doesn’t feel right or seems too good to be true. Ask your Tarot cards: Who do I trust? Who don’t I trust?

Seven of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Seven of Swords Keywords
UPRIGHT: Betrayal, deception, getting away with something, acting strategically
REVERSED: Imposter syndrome, self-deceit, keeping secrets

Seven of Swords Description

The Seven of Swords shows a man sneaking away from a military camp with five swords in his arms. He looks over his shoulder at the two upright swords he has left behind. The smile on his face suggests that he is proud of himself for having slipped away without being noticed.

Seven of Swords Upright

Traditionally, the Seven of Swords indicates theft, betrayal, deception and trickery. You may be trying to get away with something and are sneaking around behind other people’s backs, hoping to go undetected. If you are lucky, you might get away with your secret intact. But if you are unlucky, others will soon find out what you have done, causing you shame and embarrassment. Be aware that any time you use cunning or deception to gain an advantage over someone or something else, you are at risk of being found out. And even if you are not, the cover-up will require a tremendous amount of effort, and it may not be worth it.

Alternatively, you may be the victim of someone else’s betrayal. Others are not being candid with you, and you may be unaware of their lies and deception. You may trust someone who then turns out to be running their own agenda, leaving you high and dry. Look out for any sneaky behavior and listen to your intuition when something does not feel right or seems too good to be true.

On a more positive note, the Seven of Swords points out that you need to be strategic in what you do. You know you cannot do everything at once – nor should you. Instead, you must prioritize what’s important to you and direct your focus and attention on the few tasks that will move you closer to your goals. It’s the 80-20 rule: 20% of your work will account for 80% of your results, so focus on the 20%. You may be able to accept some responsibilities or duties, but not all of them. Or you may say ‘yes’ to some projects at the expense of others.

The Seven of Swords also suggests that you may need to use shortcuts or the ‘backdoor’ to get what you want. Rather than dutifully following the process, you may need to find ways to resolve your problem quickly so you can move towards your goals. For example, if you missed out getting into your preferred course, you might write a letter to the Dean or draw on your networks to get a mid-year entry. You may need to think on your feet and act in a way that isn’t exactly all ‘above board.’

At times the Seven of Swords suggests that you may need to put yourself first to get what you want, even if it means letting others down or putting others off-side. For example, you may be asked to travel for work to attend a high-profile event, but it would mean missing your child’s birthday, so you decline the travel opportunity, even though you know it will upset your boss. Here’s the thing: you can’t be everything to everyone, and sometimes you need to put your own needs and priorities first, even if others may not agree with you or understand where you are coming from.

The Seven of Swords could also imply that you are trying to escape from a situation that is not working for you anymore rather than dealing with it head-on. You may attempt to run away from commitment, responsibility, hard work or love. You may procrastinate, letting problems slip and become worse because you do not want to deal with them. Sometimes you just have to face what has to be faced.

Seven of Swords Reversed

The Seven of Swords often appears reversed when you feel like a fraud and are suffering from ‘imposter syndrome’. You may doubt yourself and your abilities. For example, if you have started a new business, you may ask yourself, ‘Who am I to be doing this?’ Know that this is fear talking. Get out of your head and trust that you have everything you need to make your new venture a success.

Similarly, the Seven of Swords reversed can suggest that you are deceiving yourself, trying to trick yourself into believing something even though it is out of integrity with your true self. You may attempt to fool yourself that everything is okay when it is not. Now is the time to get real with where you are and confront your situation head-on.

As a card of inner deceit, the reversed Seven of Swords represents keeping secrets hidden from others. You may be harboring a dark secret that you hope will never be revealed. Keeping this secret may bring you stress and tension, along with deeper feelings of guilt and shame. While the thought of confessing may be horrifying, it will free you from the negative emotions you are experiencing. First forgive yourself, then confide in someone you trust. You will no doubt feel much lighter as a result.

If you are involved in an affair or extra-marital relationship, the reversed Seven of Swords shows a growing reluctance to keep up the charade. You or your partner may feel increasingly uncomfortable with this relationship and would much rather come out in the open