The Aries New Moon arrives as we leave behind the month of March and head into April. The new moon in April is on the 1st at 11 degrees in the cardinal sign of Aries the ram. This is a firestarter of a new moon. Changing circumstances and situations lead to minor and major changes. These changes over the new moon propel us forward into the future. The spiritual meaning for the April new moon is one of clarity. Have a clear train of thought for your intentions to be pure. Know what you’re aiming for and in which direction you’re facing. Many pieces of your puzzle are now ready to fall into place.
Allow yourself to succeed, give yourself the mercy to be imperfect. Find the humor buried in the melancholy of life. Aligning with the planet Mercury the new moon this April is full of surprises that capture the world and movement on peace and trust. New beginnings and fortunate outcomes come into play. Be prepared to act quickly on opportunities in front of you.
To work with the magic of this New Moon, no matter where in the world you live, the night of March 31st and April 1st will bring the peak of these energies. Thursday’s New Moon in Aries is the first one after the vernal equinox and welcomes us to new beginnings. This renewing lunation wants us to be brave enough to be the first. It’s the initial spark. Don’t hesitate; what you’re after is right here in this moment.
As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries energy is all about new beginnings. As the New Moon brings the start of a new lunar cycle, it is also about beginnings. This combination of energy makes the Aries New Moon one of the best opportunities in the year for thinking about what new beginnings or new chapter we wish to start in our lives. Under the energies of the Aries New Moon, think about what you want to start, what seeds you want to plant, and set your intentions for the months to come. Know that the opportunity for a do-over, for a fresh new slate is on offer if you want it.
Whenever the cosmic skies present us with opportunities to begin a new chapter, the creative energies run high, allowing us to use them to morph and bring our dreams and desires to life. Think about what you wish to manifest in your life, hold this vision clear in your mind, and then send those vibrations out into the Universe under the dark night of the New Moon. Remember your power and role in this Universe as a co-creator. Know you are magical and know you deserve to put your dreams out into the ethers so they can begin materializing in your life.
Keep in mind that the energy of Aries is all about action too, so while it is powerful to dream and allow your wishes to be heard by the Universe, be sure you follow up with taking action steps in the days and weeks that follow.
Along with the beautiful creative manifestation energies that this New Moon provides, there is another energy that is rippling through the cosmic skies at this time thanks to the asteroid Chiron.
Chiron is known as both the wounded healer and the rainbow bridge. As the wounded healer, Chiron is able to take its wounds and struggles and use them as powerful portals of healing and wisdom. It is Chiron’s wounds that allow him to work his magic, heal others, and be a source of psychic knowledge.
As the rainbow bridge, Chiron helps us to shift to a higher state of consciousness, allowing us to move from one state of awareness to the next.
With Chiron energy strong under this New Moon, we all have the power to take our wounds and find the beauty in them. We all have the power to acknowledge how our wounds, even though painful, have shaped us into better and more compassionate people. Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to fix our wounds, bury them, or pretend they didn’t happen, when really sometimes all we need to do is allow our wounds to show us a new way forward.
Discovering this state of being for yourself is what Chiron’s energy can help us to do. It reminds us that some wounds will never heal, and rather than being buried by this idea or overwhelmed by it, we instead, accept it as a part of who we are.
Don’t forget to do your new moon abundance checks ! Also….
New Moon In April Ritual:
What do you want the rest of 2022 to feel like? Take a moment to reflect on 3 feeling words that will carry you through the year. For example- I want the remainder of 2022 to feel loving, healing, and productive. Then, find three objects from around the home or outside that encapsulate these three feeling words, for example, rose petals for loving, a crystal for healing, and a paperclip for productive. Be creative and let your intuition be your guide!
Once you have your three objects, light your candle. Hold each object and affirm-
“This (whatever the object is) aligns me with the feeling of (your feeling).”
Then, place your objects in a triangle configuration with your candle in the middle.
Put your hand on your heart and recite the following or feel free to write your own-
“The days, weeks, and months ahead are going to be filled with opportunities for (insert your three words here). Connect me now to my inner Divinity, so I may feel these feelings when they arise and allow me to seek them out with ease whenever I am in need. Remind me of my power and remind me to see the positive light in all opportunities that come my way. I hold the feelings of (insert your words here) close to my heart. Guide me to always feel (insert words here) in every possible moment. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
Next write on a piece of paper:
- I am manifesting…………………………….
- My next chapter looks like………………….
- I am creating………………………………..
- My energy is sending out…………………..
6.) Snuff out the candle before going to bed, but leave everything where it is overnight. In the morning, you can take your objects and place them on your altar or near your bedside for the next 9 days so they can remind you of your feeling words.