Astrologically Speaking:

The big theme for this week is DIVINE NUDGES – Just before we hit Eclipse Season at the end of the week, we’re entering a week all about messages from the divine. This is a week that is calling for us to tune up our listening skills, and spend time fostering that soul whisper within us that is often overpowered by the ego.

So what’s happening this week:

Sunday 24th April: Mercury Conjunct North Node + Square Saturn; The positive thing about this aspect is that it gives people intelligence and good life orientation. They enjoy searching for the background of their motives and they are able to critically and creatively deal with their personality. They are open towards others. They accept criticism easily and they do not avoid conflicts. They manage life challenges with the help of their analytical and logical thinking. The negative side of this aspect is that these people may have poor focus on their life path. Their intellect always finds “good reasons” that stop them from focusing on a set goal. This is the reason why these people are often stubborn, have defensive attitudes and why they cling to things that put them at disadvantage.

Monday 25th April: Mercury Sextile Neptune; This transit represents an opportunity to communicate or negotiate between personal or social ideals and day-to-day reality. It may be that the ideals are more available now or that the everyday environment is more receptive, but shrinking the gap between the ideal and real is possible.

Tuesday 26th April: Venus Sextile North Node; Natal Venus- North Node aspects show relationship between your emotions and conscious motivations. Thus, the South Node represents subconscious motivations that stem from the past and to which there is an inner inclination to cling although they may no longer be relevant or appropriate to the individual’s situation and prospects, while the North Node represents conscious motivations relevant to the present and future, characterized by a desire for the changes in personal psychology.

Wednesday 27th April Mercury Sextile Jupiter; Mercury sextile Jupiter transit favors thinking about and planning your future. A broad outlook and excellent decision-making skills allow you to clearly visualize the preferred path ahead. The positive thinking associated with this transit is another reason why looking ahead is ideal at the moment.

Thursday 28th April: Mercury Trine Pluto; Mercury trine Pluto natal gives a deep and inquisitive intellect. Your powerfully penetrating mind, focus, and determination allow you to hone a particular skill and become an expert in your chosen field. You may be very competitive about serious matters but this does not affect your social life. Friends are important to you but you may prefer fewer true friends who appreciate your depth of thinking.

You love to get to the bottom of things and would make an excellent researcher, spy, or investigator.

The new moon in Taurus on April 30, 2022, is a partial solar eclipse. With positive links to Mars and Uranus, the spiritual meaning of the solar eclipse April 2022 astrology relates to initiating positive change and following your passionate desires.

The alignment of Venus and Jupiter less than one hour after the Taurus solar eclipse 2022 is an excellent omen for love and money. It adds sensual love to the unbridled passions of Mars-Uranus. Finally, this eclipse aligns with asteroid Eros to leave no doubt you will be chasing your passionate desires.

The best way to to work with this week is to spend time fostering that inner soul voice. That can be spending time each day talking to it, and trying to hear its response (not getting frustrated when the voice is so quiet it can’t be heard). Think of it like a seedling, that just needs your love + attention to be heard.


Psychic and Mediumship Development Class April 27. This class takes place on Microsoft Teams from 7-9p so that you can learn from the comfort of your home. The class is recorded and the documents can be downloaded. Message me on Facebook or text me at 716 481 2799 for the link to join class. Lesson: Intuitive Tarot.  How many of you have a tarot deck and can’t read them because the cards have soooo many meanings to memorize?  Stop memorizing them and learn to read intuitively.

Tarot card for this week is  Ten Of Cups Reversed

Ten of Cups Keywords

UPRIGHT: Divine love, blissful relationships, harmony, alignment.
REVERSED: Disconnection, misaligned values, struggling relationships.

Ten of Cups Description

On the Ten of Cups, a loving couple stands together, arms outstretched, as their two children play nearby. They look towards their home on the hill and a beautiful rainbow in the sky filled with ten cups. These two have true, everlasting love and have everything they could ever wish for – the home, the kids, and most importantly, fulfilling love – and they share this bond with the people around them.

The family home symbolizes stability and comfort, while the grassy hills signify fertility and the river marks the flow of emotion. The rainbow signals the end of difficult times and is a sign from the Divine that everything will be okay. The idyllic scene is one of true emotional fulfillment and Divine love.

Ten of Cups Upright

The Ten of Cups embodies happiness, joy, and emotional contentment, particularly in your relationships and family. You have created an abundance of love and happiness in your life, and you now share this love with others, expanding your heart even more. This card often appears when you are surrounded by your loved ones with whom you share a powerful and deep connection. You appreciate and support one another, and together, you help each other reach your highest potential. It brings you so much joy to see your loved ones succeed and live happy lives.

The Ten of Cups is the ‘happy family’ card, suggesting that your family relationships are harmonious and loving right now. No one is fighting or causing any tension; all family members are getting along with each other and sharing in the love and happiness that surrounds you. This card may appear in a reading when you are spending more time with family, perhaps on a holiday, reunion or event, where you can rest and relax together, creating fun and happy family memories and strong bonds.

The Ten of Cups is a positive card for romantic relationships and may indicate either a new and blissful relationship or a long-term commitment, such as engagement, marriage or starting a family together. You share an everlasting love and may believe that you are soul mates destined to be with one another.

When the Ten of Cups pops up in a Tarot reading, you have a sense of wholeness, completion, and alignment in your relationships with others. You are experiencing an idyllic state of peace, harmony and love where your dreams and wishes have come true. Take a moment to step back and appreciate everything you accomplished. You created a life of connection and bliss by following your heart and trusting your intuition.

The Ten of Cups encourages you to follow your heart and trust your intuition to lead you to the opportunities aligned with your Highest Good. Your feelings and emotions will guide you. When something feels fantastic, do more of it; and when something doesn’t feel right, do less of it. Allow your inner guidance to lead the way. Seek out opportunities that fulfill you and align with your personal values instead of following the path that others expect you to take.

Are you feeling disconnected and disengaged in your relationships?

It may seem as if something is missing, and you’re struggling to communicate, and connect with one another. Revisit your expectations of the relationship and make sure they are realistic. 

Seek out common ground with your loved ones and rebuild the relationship from there. Open the lines of communication and be ready to hold space for one another so you can reconnect on a deeper level.

Focus your attention inward and gain clarity around what you want from a relationship. Explore how you can bring more of this energy into your future relationships. 

Look at your existing relationships and check in to see how these relationships align with your desires. Let go of any that no longer bring you fulfillment and happiness, and welcome in new relationships in alignment with your Highest Good.

Ten of Cups Reversed

When the reversed Ten of Cups card appears in a Tarot reading, you are seeking greater harmony and connection in your relationships. In your mind, you had wished for a beautiful, harmonious relationship, but in reality, you feel disconnected and disengaged from your loved one. It may seem as if something is missing, and you’re struggling to communicate honestly, empathize, and engage with one another. Each time you try to connect, something goes wrong, and you end up with even more distance between you. You may have unrealistic expectations of the relationship: that everything will be perfect and rosy every minute you are together. If this resonates, then realign your expectations and realize that every relationship has its ups and downs. Or, you may no longer be a fit for each other, in which case you may consider leaving.

The Ten of Cups invites you to seek out common ground with your loved ones and rebuild the relationship from there. See the other person as a Divine Being worthy of your love; and equally, see yourself as a Divine Being worthy of theirs. Love and be loved. Open the lines of communication and be ready to hold space for one another so you can reconnect on a deeper, more loving level. Be compassionate, understanding, and respectful, and seek harmony with one another.

The reversed Ten of Cups can also appear when you are contemplating what a loving relationship means for you. Rather than building relationships with others, you are focusing your attention inward so you can gain clarity around what you want from a relationship. Ask yourself what an ideal relationship looks like to you and how you want to give and receive love. Consider how you can bring more of this energy into your future relationships. You may look at your existing relationships and check in to see how these relationships align with your desires. Let go of any that no longer bring you fulfillment and happiness, and welcome in new relationships in alignment with your Highest Good.

The Ten of Cups reversed can reveal a misalignment of personal values. You are not living by your own values, nor are you being true to yourself. Instead, you are allowing others to decide what will and will not make you happy when you know you should determine that for yourself. As a result, you are questioning whether you believe in what you are doing. Bring your focus back to what truly makes you happy even if it differs from what others expect.

Finally, the reversed Ten of Cups may suggest that you are neglecting your family while you pursue more material goals such as progressing your career or making more money. Your work-life balance is out of whack, and you are spending less and less quality time with your family. If you continue to neglect your family, you’ll find that relationships will suffer and you may not achieve an overall sense of contentment and happiness as planned.

Ask your Tarot cards: How can I achieve greater harmony and connection in my relationships?

Psychic Saturday At Painted Love

See Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium for a Psychic Reading @ Painted Love, 145 Belmont Ave., Suite 2, Tonawanda, NY for Psychic Saturday. Call 481 2799 to schedule a reading. I have a few spots left.

Saturday April 23, 1-4 pm

Welcome to Taurus Season ! The big theme for this week is SELF WORTH – This is a week all about delving into self-worth and the relationship you have with yourself as well as every other person in your life. Now that the Sun is in Taurus we’re being called to shed light upon the places where we deny our value. The places where we believe that we aren’t deserving of unconditional love and positive regard. Do you know your own values, and are you willing to assert boundaries around yourself to help you uphold those values? Do you feel worthy of your needs and desires?

A psychic reading may help to clarify some of these questions, decisions or relationships in your life.  Sometimes a past life will show up in your reading. A past life is the challenge of a present life with relationships, decisions and friendships.  And sometimes you just may want to hear from a loved one on the other side. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones over on the other side.

Between blossoming flowers and longer days, you might be extra eager to jump into all of your spring festivities — but Taurus season, which arrives on April 19, is here to teach us the value of having patience. Just like tulips and daffodils that require a ton of patience, so too do our goals and objectives. You’ve planted the seeds during the hustle and bustle of Aries season, now it’s time to stand back and let the universe work its magic — and knowing how Taurus season 2022 will affect your zodiac sign is a must.

Taurus season will usher in a period of grounding and focus. The next four weeks will be all about incremental change, patience, and focus. “With Taurus influencing both romantic communication and our finances, expect an increased focus on saving money and recommitting to the people in life who matter most — including ourselves!”

Taurus season is all about comfort and stability, which is a much-needed change of pace after the chaotic rush of Aries season. The earth sign rules the second house of values and finances, and while the urge to splurge will run wild, it’s also a good time to reflect on the things that matter most to you and attract more of what brings value to your life. As a fixed sign, the bull is a great motivator to get things done, making it an ideal time to finish up any projects left on the backburner. Taurus season is a great time to connect with the earth as well as yourself, so you want to make sure you don’t skip out on your self-care routine.

Not only will we be having an intense lunar eclipse on April 30 in enigmatic Scorpio, bringing dramatic changes and energetic shifts to the collective, but we’ll also be facing Mercury retrograde, too. “We’ll experience our second of four Mercury retrogrades for the year from May 10 to June 12. “While Mercury retrograde usually gets a bad reputation for skewing communication, many signs will find this retrograde energy bringing unexpected career and love opportunities their way.”

But don’t let that scare you — there’s plenty of cosmic blessings to go around during Taurus season. “After spending some time in dreamy and optimistic Pisces, Jupiter enters cardinal fire sign Aries on May 11, bringing an energetic surge of authority, passion, and independence your way.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Time to get real about your finances, Aries. Have you gotten a little too comfortable with splurging lately? It’s probably a good idea to review your spending and budget where needed right now. “Last season, the focus was on your sense of self-identity. Now it’s time to buckle down and get back on your grind in terms of money and material goods. “While the desire to spend, spend, spend will be at an all-time high during Taurus season, it’s best to focus on building security and saving your pennies for a rainy day.”

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

These past few months have seen a lot of soul searching, Taurus, but now it’s time to get out of your head and focus on yourself. You may find yourself reinventing your image or creating new boundaries. Allow yourself to experiment outside of your comfort zone. “You’ve been working toward some major changes in your life the last few months and the astrology of Taurus season will have you making some big choices. “You’ve been trying to be a little bit of everything for everyone lately — this month is about putting yourself first again.”

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Get ready to tap into your spiritual side, Gemini. This season is all about exploring otherworldly matters like your subconscious and your dreams. Keep a dream journal, prioritize shadow work, and pay attention to the cues the universe is sending. “Expect some revelations around topics that have been on your mind the last few months and stay open as the universe sends downloads your way. “You may receive clarity around relationships via your dreams and subconscious. This is a good month to ground, meditate, and focus on your spiritual practice.”

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer, this month is all about pouring your love and care into the collective. How are your friendships right now? This season is showing you how you can show up better for others. “Last month marked a major shift in your career and this month that energy will shift toward your connection to society. “The spotlight may not be your favorite place, but there’s some potential to make new connections amongst your peers. Embrace the social butterfly life and keep your heart open to new opportunities.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

You’ve had your fun, Leo, but now it’s time to get to work. This month will be helping you shape your public image and what professional path you’re on right now, so it’s a good idea to reflect on whether you’re satisfied with the direction you’re headed. “You can expect to be very busy at work and the potential for switching careers or receiving that well deserved promotion is at an all-time high. “Stay focused on producing quality work and don’t be afraid to take credit for the things you create.”

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Ready for a little eat, pray love, Virgo? This season is about taking a journey — literally. Don’t be afraid to get a little lost or wander off the beaten path while you explore new cultures and practices. “Relationships have been on your mind the last few months, it’s time to get to know yourself again. This month is an ideal time to travel to parts unknown on a solo trip of self discovery. “You’ve been making major strides in how you connect with others. Now, it’s time to reflect on all the ways you’ve grown and where you’re headed next.”

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Brace yourself, Libra, because this season is about catharsis. What do you need to let go in order to grow? It’s a good idea to take stock of your life, specifically your relationships, and get realistic with what your needs are. “You may find yourself needing to lean on others more than usual. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from those you hold dear and keep an eye out for the people who don’t seem to have the time for you when you need them most. Relationships are changing for you this month, some for better, some for worse.”

 Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Got love on the brain? Vulnerability may sound like a scary word, but it’s necessary for the intimacy you seek. Open your heart to others, Scorpio, as this season is focused on your relationships. “You might find yourself making some serious commitments this month. If you have a long-term partner, now might be the time to take the next step in your relationship. “You’ll be feeling more romantic and open with your emotions during this time, so embrace the vulnerability and speak your mind this month.”

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Your burning desire for novelty is coming to a halt this season, Sagittarius. This time is about doubling down on your objectives and goals. Incorporate new habits in your daily routine to keep things spicy and entertaining. “It’s time to focus on getting back into the swing of things. Although you’re known for your fun and flirty side, people underestimate your savvy and skills,. “This month is about aligning your daily habits with your long-term goals and shifting your focus on the future.”

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

You’ve been feeling sentimental last month as life was centered around your home and family. But Taurus season is all about letting loose and exploring your pleasure. Try new things or pick up forgotten hobbies and realign with your creative self. “You’ll be feeling less of the burden of responsibility this month as the energy brings a carefree note to your life. Take a break from your work, and let your inner child take the lead this month. “If you’ve been kicking around the idea of starting a new hobby or reconnecting with old friends, this is the ideal time to do so.”

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Taurus season is all about connecting with your roots, Aquarius. You may feel extra nostalgic as you’re reminded of your home life. It’s a good time to bond with your family or reconstruct what an ideal family should be like. “Don’t be afraid to set some boundaries with loved ones and focus on turning your home into a safe haven. Tough conversations make for stronger bonds, so be sure to speak your mind and work toward building the home life of your dreams this month.

 Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

If you’ve felt stifled lately, plan on having those communication blocks removed soon, Pisces. This season is about opening up your mind and verbal skills, making it a powerful time for your self-expression. “You’ll find it easier than ever to communicate your thoughts and dreams with others. Taurus season is bringing a sense of dreamy and grounded energy your way. “Don’t spread yourself too thin, however, focus this inspiration on a few projects you’re hoping to nurture this year.”

Between blossoming flowers and longer days, you might be extra eager to jump into all of your spring festivities — but Taurus season, which arrives on April 19, is here to teach us the value of having patience. Just like tulips and daffodils that require a ton of patience, so too do our goals and objectives. You’ve planted the seeds during the hustle and bustle of Aries season, now it’s time to stand back and let the universe work its magic — and knowing how Taurus season 2022 will affect your zodiac sign is a must.

Taurus season will usher in a period of grounding and focus. The next four weeks will be all about incremental change, patience, and focus. “With Taurus influencing both romantic communication and our finances, expect an increased focus on saving money and recommitting to the people in life who matter most — including ourselves!”

Taurus season is all about comfort and stability, which is a much-needed change of pace after the chaotic rush of Aries season. The earth sign rules the second house of values and finances, and while the urge to splurge will run wild, it’s also a good time to reflect on the things that matter most to you and attract more of what brings value to your life. As a fixed sign, the bull is a great motivator to get things done, making it an ideal time to finish up any projects left on the backburner. Taurus season is a great time to connect with the earth as well as yourself, so you want to make sure you don’t skip out on your self-care routine.

Not only will we be having an intense lunar eclipse on April 30 in enigmatic Scorpio, bringing dramatic changes and energetic shifts to the collective, but we’ll also be facing Mercury retrograde, too. “We’ll experience our second of four Mercury retrogrades for the year from May 10 to June 12. “While Mercury retrograde usually gets a bad reputation for skewing communication, many signs will find this retrograde energy bringing unexpected career and love opportunities their way.”

But don’t let that scare you — there’s plenty of cosmic blessings to go around during Taurus season. “After spending some time in dreamy and optimistic Pisces, Jupiter enters cardinal fire sign Aries on May 11, bringing an energetic surge of authority, passion, and independence your way.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Time to get real about your finances, Aries. Have you gotten a little too comfortable with splurging lately? It’s probably a good idea to review your spending and budget where needed right now. “Last season, the focus was on your sense of self-identity. Now it’s time to buckle down and get back on your grind in terms of money and material goods. “While the desire to spend, spend, spend will be at an all-time high during Taurus season, it’s best to focus on building security and saving your pennies for a rainy day.”

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

These past few months have seen a lot of soul searching, Taurus, but now it’s time to get out of your head and focus on yourself. You may find yourself reinventing your image or creating new boundaries. Allow yourself to experiment outside of your comfort zone. “You’ve been working toward some major changes in your life the last few months and the astrology of Taurus season will have you making some big choices. “You’ve been trying to be a little bit of everything for everyone lately — this month is about putting yourself first again.”

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Get ready to tap into your spiritual side, Gemini. This season is all about exploring otherworldly matters like your subconscious and your dreams. Keep a dream journal, prioritize shadow work, and pay attention to the cues the universe is sending. “Expect some revelations around topics that have been on your mind the last few months and stay open as the universe sends downloads your way. “You may receive clarity around relationships via your dreams and subconscious. This is a good month to ground, meditate, and focus on your spiritual practice.”

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer, this month is all about pouring your love and care into the collective. How are your friendships right now? This season is showing you how you can show up better for others. “Last month marked a major shift in your career and this month that energy will shift toward your connection to society. “The spotlight may not be your favorite place, but there’s some potential to make new connections amongst your peers. Embrace the social butterfly life and keep your heart open to new opportunities.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

You’ve had your fun, Leo, but now it’s time to get to work. This month will be helping you shape your public image and what professional path you’re on right now, so it’s a good idea to reflect on whether you’re satisfied with the direction you’re headed. “You can expect to be very busy at work and the potential for switching careers or receiving that well deserved promotion is at an all-time high. “Stay focused on producing quality work and don’t be afraid to take credit for the things you create.”

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Ready for a little eat, pray love, Virgo? This season is about taking a journey — literally. Don’t be afraid to get a little lost or wander off the beaten path while you explore new cultures and practices. “Relationships have been on your mind the last few months, it’s time to get to know yourself again. This month is an ideal time to travel to parts unknown on a solo trip of self discovery. “You’ve been making major strides in how you connect with others. Now, it’s time to reflect on all the ways you’ve grown and where you’re headed next.”

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Brace yourself, Libra, because this season is about catharsis. What do you need to let go in order to grow? It’s a good idea to take stock of your life, specifically your relationships, and get realistic with what your needs are. “You may find yourself needing to lean on others more than usual. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from those you hold dear and keep an eye out for the people who don’t seem to have the time for you when you need them most. Relationships are changing for you this month, some for better, some for worse.”

 Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Got love on the brain? Vulnerability may sound like a scary word, but it’s necessary for the intimacy you seek. Open your heart to others, Scorpio, as this season is focused on your relationships. “You might find yourself making some serious commitments this month. If you have a long-term partner, now might be the time to take the next step in your relationship. “You’ll be feeling more romantic and open with your emotions during this time, so embrace the vulnerability and speak your mind this month.”

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Your burning desire for novelty is coming to a halt this season, Sagittarius. This time is about doubling down on your objectives and goals. Incorporate new habits in your daily routine to keep things spicy and entertaining. “It’s time to focus on getting back into the swing of things. Although you’re known for your fun and flirty side, people underestimate your savvy and skills,. “This month is about aligning your daily habits with your long-term goals and shifting your focus on the future.”

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

You’ve been feeling sentimental last month as life was centered around your home and family. But Taurus season is all about letting loose and exploring your pleasure. Try new things or pick up forgotten hobbies and realign with your creative self. “You’ll be feeling less of the burden of responsibility this month as the energy brings a carefree note to your life. Take a break from your work, and let your inner child take the lead this month. “If you’ve been kicking around the idea of starting a new hobby or reconnecting with old friends, this is the ideal time to do so.”

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Taurus season is all about connecting with your roots, Aquarius. You may feel extra nostalgic as you’re reminded of your home life. It’s a good time to bond with your family or reconstruct what an ideal family should be like. “Don’t be afraid to set some boundaries with loved ones and focus on turning your home into a safe haven. Tough conversations make for stronger bonds, so be sure to speak your mind and work toward building the home life of your dreams this month.

 Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

If you’ve felt stifled lately, plan on having those communication blocks removed soon, Pisces. This season is about opening up your mind and verbal skills, making it a powerful time for your self-expression. “You’ll find it easier than ever to communicate your thoughts and dreams with others. Taurus season is bringing a sense of dreamy and grounded energy your way. “Don’t spread yourself too thin, however, focus this inspiration on a few projects you’re hoping to nurture this year.”

Psychic and Mediumship Development Class Every Wednesday (7-9) pm on Microsoft Teams. Each class is $15.  Learn from the comfort of your home. The class is recorded and the documents can be downloaded. Message me on Facebook or text me at 716 481 2799 for the link to join class.

Lesson: Intuitive Tarot.  How many of you have a tarot deck and can’t read them because the cards have soooo many meanings to memorize?  Stop memorizing them and learn to read intuitively.

 My students have worked very hard and they continue to both work and learn.  Come learn with us and you might even get a reading !

Do you have premonitions (like knowing who is calling or knowing when something is going to happen)? Do you have premonition dreams (dreams that come true)? Do you have activity in your home (lights going on and off, feeling a presence, etc ) after a loved one has crossed over into spirit? Do you dream of loved ones? Take this class to find out where your strengths are and how to work with them.

Psychic and Mediumship Development Class Every Wednesday (7-9) pm on Microsoft Teams. Each class is $15.  Learn from the comfort of your home. The class is recorded and the documents can be downloaded. Message me on Facebook or text me at 716 481 2799 for the link to join class.

Lesson: Intuitive Tarot.  How many of you have a tarot deck and can’t read them because the cards have soooo many meanings to memorize?  Stop memorizing them and learn to read intuitively.

 My students have worked very hard and they continue to both work and learn.  Come learn with us and you might even get a reading !

Do you have premonitions (like knowing who is calling or knowing when something is going to happen)? Do you have premonition dreams (dreams that come true)? Do you have activity in your home (lights going on and off, feeling a presence, etc ) after a loved one has crossed over into spirit? Do you dream of loved ones? Take this class to find out where your strengths are and how to work with them.

Somewhere between approximately April 20 and May 20, the sun enters in the strong willed and grounded earth sign Taurus. This transition kicks off the beginning of Taurus season, bestowing a sense of safety and comfort to the collective. The next four weeks will be all about patience, determination, and keeping a steady hand on love, career, and friendships. Expect to feel connected to your romantic side and especially expressive in love, especially when it comes to self-love. Taurus season can help open your heart, but its earthy influence can also help you stick to the goals you’ve been working toward during Aries season, so you’ll want to know how to work with bull’s energy

After the intensity of Aries season, and after those bright, blissful first warm days of spring, Taurus season — which usually runs from around April 20 to May 20 — offers us a chance to stabilize, to get comfortable, and to come back down to earth.

Understanding the vibe of Taurus season requires some context of Taurus zodiac traits. For starters, Taurus is an earth sign, which makes these little bull babies extra practical and down-to-earth. But unlike the other earth signs, Taureans appreciate a little bit of luxury and indulgence, because they’re governed by Venus, which rules things like beauty, money, and romance. They also have their second house ruler to thank for being the financiers of the zodiac. Their Venusian influence is also why Taureans are hopeless romantics at heart. Are you noticing you’re splurging online or ordering way too much takeout lately? You may be able to pin the blame on Taurus season, which takes comfort to a whole other level.

Your zodiac sign doesn’t need to be a Taurus for you to be impacted by the strong force of Taurus season — everyone will experience the bull’s vitality in their own way. Keep reading for the scoop on Taurus season and how you can take advantage of the earth sign’s energy.

When Does Taurus Season Start?

Since Taurus season is calculated based on when the sun ingresses into the earth sign, the dates vary each year. Taurus season 2022 begins on April 19.

What does Taurus season bring?

19-March 20) Taurus season is a time of creation, Pisces, something you know well. Your sector of creativity and communication will be activated, and with Taurus energy harmonizing with your own, you’ll likely feel dreamy and grounded.

What is Taurus season known for?

Taurus season is a month for you to stay home, address any issues with family or roommates, and even redecorate. You’re discovering how to feel at home when you’re at home. Take this time to recharge your batteries before Gemini season!

If there’s one thing a Taurus will do, it’s take their time. The bull’s motto is slow and steady, and it’s because they know the value of determination. Likewise, Taurus season serves as a reminder to keep a strong head on your shoulders as you work towards fulfilling your objectives and metrics. With the sun in Taurus, new growth is likely to be felt and seen right now, but patience is needed through this process because your new beginnings won’t be fully bloomed just yet. If you stay determined like the bull, you have a chance to flourish in the same way a seedling stretches up to find the light of the sun, eager for continued growth.

Since Taurus rules the material world, you’ll notice an emphasis on your finances and possessions, so it’s probably a good time to review your spending and create new financial goals. What’s more, Venus, the planet governing love and money, will be in the bold fire sign, Aries, heating up your relationships and finances. You can expect that any growth spurts taking place right now will be backed by a strong vigor and a sense of healthy competition.

How Taurus Season Affects Your Friendships

Taurus’ vibe is strong and dependable, so you can expect your friends to be extra sturdy during the bull’s season. The headstrong earth sign knows a thing or two about fostering friendships with a well-built foundation. You might find yourself being more reasonable when it comes to conflict, since Taureans are all about keeping the peace.

Taurus season infuses calm and stable energy into your friendships. As the second sign of the zodiac, Taurus can be a little naïve, but in such a charming way. People will notice a more gracefulness and tranquility setting in among their friendships.

How Taurus Season Affects Your Relationships

Sensual Aries season may be over, but the passion doesn’t quite end just yet. Since Taurus is ruled by the planet of romance, Venus, you can expect the sultry vibe to carry on into the bull’s season. Not only that, but Venus is transiting both dreamy Pisces and carnal Aries this Taurus season, so plan for an erotic season full of fantasy and sexual chemistry.

No matter your age, if you’re at the beginning stages of a budding romance, this can be a time when the chemistry falls into place and you start envisioning the longer-term potentials.

Whether you’re exploring what’s out there or leaning towards a more permanent relationship, Taurus season is a good time to zero in on what you want in a relationship. Patience is key, so try to avoid rushing the natural growth of the relationship. Keep it nonchalant, and you’ll probably end up a satisfying, sensual, and pleasurable Taurus season with your boo.

How Taurus Season Affects Your Career

As earth signs, Taureans are realistic, especially where it relates to finances. But the bull takes it a step further since they’re ruled by the second house of material possessions and money — their income is important to them. In the same way, your cash flow will top your priorities, although you may be tempted to splurge a little by the indulgent earth sign.

Taureans are always looking to maximize their profits, so if you have a niche hobby or skill, now could be the time to monetize them. During this Taurus season, the work you’re accomplishing will be rewarded if you’re focusing on expanding your natural gifts and talents. It’s also a beautiful time of the year to start pursuing new skill sets. This is a great season for saving up, and with the North Node in Taurus, this might be a time when many people gain promotions and boosts in income.

How Taurus Season 2022 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

Between blossoming flowers and longer days, you might be extra eager to jump into all of your spring festivities — but Taurus season, which arrives on April 19, is here to teach us the value of having patience. Just like tulips and daffodils that require a ton of patience, so too do our goals and objectives. You’ve planted the seeds during the hustle and bustle of Aries season, now it’s time to stand back and let the universe work its magic — and knowing how Taurus season 2022 will affect your zodiac sign is a must.

Taurus season will usher in a period of grounding and focus. The next four weeks will be all about incremental change, patience, and focus. “With Taurus influencing both romantic communication and our finances, expect an increased focus on saving money and recommitting to the people in life who matter most — including ourselves!”

Taurus season is all about comfort and stability, which is a much-needed change of pace after the chaotic rush of Aries season. The earth sign rules the second house of values and finances, and while the urge to splurge will run wild, it’s also a good time to reflect on the things that matter most to you and attract more of what brings value to your life. As a fixed sign, the bull is a great motivator to get things done, making it an ideal time to finish up any projects left on the back burner. Taurus season is a great time to connect with the earth as well as yourself, so you want to make sure you don’t skip out on your self-care routine.

Not only will we be having an intense lunar eclipse on April 30 in enigmatic Scorpio, bringing dramatic changes and energetic shifts to the collective, but we’ll also be facing Mercury retrograde, too. “We’ll experience our second of four Mercury retrogrades for the year from May 10 to June 12. “While Mercury retrograde usually gets a bad reputation for skewing communication, many signs will find this retrograde energy bringing unexpected career and love opportunities their way.”

But don’t let that scare you — there’s plenty of cosmic blessings to go around during Taurus season. “After spending some time in dreamy and optimistic Pisces, Jupiter enters cardinal fire sign Aries on May 11, bringing an energetic surge of authority, passion, and independence your way.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Time to get real about your finances, Aries. Have you gotten a little too comfortable with splurging lately? It’s probably a good idea to review your spending and budget where needed right now. “Last season, the focus was on your sense of self-identity. Now it’s time to buckle down and get back on your grind in terms of money and material goods. “While the desire to spend, spend, spend will be at an all-time high during Taurus season, it’s best to focus on building security and saving your pennies for a rainy day.”

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

These past few months have seen a lot of soul searching, Taurus, but now it’s time to get out of your head and focus on yourself. You may find yourself reinventing your image or creating new boundaries. Allow yourself to experiment outside of your comfort zone. “You’ve been working toward some major changes in your life the last few months and the astrology of Taurus season will have you making some big choices. “You’ve been trying to be a little bit of everything for everyone lately — this month is about putting yourself first again.”

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Get ready to tap into your spiritual side, Gemini. This season is all about exploring otherworldly matters like your subconscious and your dreams. Keep a dream journal, prioritize shadow work, and pay attention to the cues the universe is sending. “Expect some revelations around topics that have been on your mind the last few months and stay open as the universe sends downloads your way. “You may receive clarity around relationships via your dreams and subconscious. This is a good month to ground, meditate, and focus on your spiritual practice.”

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer, this month is all about pouring your love and care into the collective. How are your friendships right now? This season is showing you how you can show up better for others. “Last month marked a major shift in your career and this month that energy will shift toward your connection to society. “The spotlight may not be your favorite place, but there’s some potential to make new connections amongst your peers. Embrace the social butterfly life and keep your heart open to new opportunities.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

You’ve had your fun, Leo, but now it’s time to get to work. This month will be helping you shape your public image and what professional path you’re on right now, so it’s a good idea to reflect on whether you’re satisfied with the direction you’re headed. “You can expect to be very busy at work and the potential for switching careers or receiving that well deserved promotion is at an all-time high. “Stay focused on producing quality work and don’t be afraid to take credit for the things you create.”

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Ready for a little eat, pray love, Virgo? This season is about taking a journey — literally. Don’t be afraid to get a little lost or wander off the beaten path while you explore new cultures and practices. “Relationships have been on your mind the last few months, it’s time to get to know yourself again. This month is an ideal time to travel to parts unknown on a solo trip of self discovery. “You’ve been making major strides in how you connect with others. Now, it’s time to reflect on all the ways you’ve grown and where you’re headed next.”

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Brace yourself, Libra, because this season is about catharsis. What do you need to let go in order to grow? It’s a good idea to take stock of your life, specifically your relationships, and get realistic with what your needs are. “You may find yourself needing to lean on others more than usual. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from those you hold dear and keep an eye out for the people who don’t seem to have the time for you when you need them most. Relationships are changing for you this month, some for better, some for worse.”

 Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Got love on the brain? Vulnerability may sound like a scary word, but it’s necessary for the intimacy you seek. Open your heart to others, Scorpio, as this season is focused on your relationships. “You might find yourself making some serious commitments this month. If you have a long-term partner, now might be the time to take the next step in your relationship. “You’ll be feeling more romantic and open with your emotions during this time, so embrace the vulnerability and speak your mind this month.”

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Your burning desire for novelty is coming to a halt this season, Sagittarius. This time is about doubling down on your objectives and goals. Incorporate new habits in your daily routine to keep things spicy and entertaining. “It’s time to focus on getting back into the swing of things. Although you’re known for your fun and flirty side, people underestimate your savvy and skills,. “This month is about aligning your daily habits with your long-term goals and shifting your focus on the future.”

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

You’ve been feeling sentimental last month as life was centered around your home and family. But Taurus season is all about letting loose and exploring your pleasure. Try new things or pick up forgotten hobbies and realign with your creative self. “You’ll be feeling less of the burden of responsibility this month as the energy brings a carefree note to your life. Take a break from your work, and let your inner child take the lead this month. “If you’ve been kicking around the idea of starting a new hobby or reconnecting with old friends, this is the ideal time to do so.”

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Taurus season is all about connecting with your roots, Aquarius. You may feel extra nostalgic as you’re reminded of your home life. It’s a good time to bond with your family or reconstruct what an ideal family should be like. “Don’t be afraid to set some boundaries with loved ones and focus on turning your home into a safe haven. Tough conversations make for stronger bonds, so be sure to speak your mind and work toward building the home life of your dreams this month.

 Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

If you’ve felt stifled lately, plan on having those communication blocks removed soon, Pisces. This season is about opening up your mind and verbal skills, making it a powerful time for your self-expression. “You’ll find it easier than ever to communicate your thoughts and dreams with others. Taurus season is bringing a sense of dreamy and grounded energy your way. “Don’t spread yourself too thin, however, focus this inspiration on a few projects you’re hoping to nurture this year.”

Hey, check out my Intuitive Tarot class tomorrow. Don’t memorize the meanings, learn to read using your own intuition. Message me on Facebook or text me at 716 481 2799 to join class on April 20 on Teams program. Download the documents and learn at your own speed.

Tarot card for this week is the Chariot Reversed

The Chariot Keywords

UPRIGHT: Control, willpower, success, action, determination
REVERSED: Self-discipline, opposition, lack of direction

The Chariot Description

The Chariot Tarot card shows a brave warrior standing inside a chariot. He wears armor decorated with crescent moons (representing what is coming into being), a tunic with a square (the strength of will) and other alchemical symbols (spiritual transformation). The laurel and star crown signals victory, success and spiritual evolution. Although he appears to be driving the chariot, the charioteer holds no reins – just a wand like The Magician’s – symbolizing that he controls through the strength of his will and mind.

The charioteer stands tall – there’s no sitting down for this guy, as he’s all about taking action and moving forward. Above his head is a canopy of six-pointed stars, suggesting his connection to the celestial world and the Divine will. In front of the vehicle sit a black and a white sphinx, representing duality, positive and negative and, at times, opposing forces. Note how the sphinxes are pulling in opposite directions, but the charioteer uses his willpower and sheer resolve to steer the chariot forward in the direction he wants.

Behind the chariot flows a wide river, symbolic of the need to be ‘in flow’ with the rhythm of life while also charging ahead toward your goals and intentions.

The Chariot Upright

The Chariot is a card of willpower, determination, and strength. You have discovered how to make decisions in alignment with your values with the Lovers card, and now you are taking action on those decisions. When The Chariot appears in a Tarot reading, take it as a sign of encouragement. You have set your objectives and are now channeling your inner power with a fierce dedication to bring them to fruition. When you apply discipline, commitment and willpower to achieve your goals, you will succeed.

Now isn’t the time to be passive in the hope that things will work out in your favor. Take focused action and stick to the course, no matter what challenges may come your way – because, believe me, there will be challenges. You may be pulled in opposite directions and find your strength and conviction tested. Others may try to block you, distract you, or drag down the pursuit of your goal. But The Chariot is an invitation to draw upon your willpower and home in on what’s essential to you, so you can push past the obstacles in your way.

If you are curious about whether you have what it takes to achieve your aim or complete an important project, The Chariot is a sign you will be successful so long as you keep your focus and remain confident in your abilities. You need to use your willpower and self-discipline to concentrate on the task at hand. You can’t cut corners or take the easy route, or you will fail. Instead, see this endeavor as a test of your strength and conviction, and recognize that victory is within reach, but it’s up to you to follow through.

The Chariot calls you to assert yourself and be courageous. Be bold in expressing your desires and laying down your boundaries; otherwise, you will not get your way. You need to have faith in yourself and know fundamentally who you are and what you stand for (thus building off the personal belief systems and values established through The Lovers card).

In a very literal sense, The Chariot can represent travel, especially driving or taking a road trip. You may even be considering selling your home and buying an RV so you can head off and roam the country!

The Chariot Reversed

Upright, The Chariot is a green light to move ahead with a key project and push past any obstacles that might impede your desired outcome. Reversed, however, The Chariot tells you to ‘back up the truck’ or, as we Aussies say, “Chuck a U-y” (AKA “do a U-turn”). You might bang your head against a brick wall, trying to push a project forward when really, you ought to back off or change direction. Or you might have lost your motivation and no longer feel as committed to the outcome as you did when you started. So, if something is not moving forward as you planned, re-evaluate the situation and check in to see if it’s a sign that you need to change course. Then ask yourself: Is there a deeper reason things have become more challenging? What lesson can I learn here?

At times, The Chariot Reversed is a warning that you are letting obstacles and challenges get in the way, preventing you from achieving what you set out to do. It’s all getting too hard, and you don’t have the will to go on. If that resonates, stop for a moment and think about the things that matter most to you and why you want to achieve this goal. Will you allow other people’s opinions to sway you or give up as soon as the going gets tough? Or will you follow through on your commitment?

Before taking action, The Chariot Reversed may be a hint that you are focusing your energy and attention on your internal processes, such as self-discipline, inner determination and personal commitment. You may home in on the intentions that align with your Higher Self. Or, you can use visualization and meditation to make sure your energy aligns with your goals. These internally focused actions are essential so that when the time comes to act, you will be ready.

If you are someone who likes to have command over your destiny and know where you are heading, take this opportunity to tighten the reins and become more disciplined in what you are doing. While feeling a loss of power can be quite demoralizing, the key is to look at what you can control and what you cannot. Do not allow yourself to worry about what is out of your grasp as you cannot change it now. Instead, focus your energies on what IS in your control. Examine what you can do to improve the situation.

Similarly, The Chariot Reversed suggests that you may be trying to manage every minute detail in your life – but in doing so, you feel even more out of control. Loosen your grip and let things run their course. Be open to offers of help and then be grateful for what you receive, even if it’s not perfectly aligned with your expectations. You do not always have to be in the driver’s seat!