Ace of Swords Upright


UPRIGHT: Breakthroughs, new ideas, mental clarity, success
REVERSED: Inner clarity, re-thinking an idea, clouded judgement

Ace of Swords Description

The Ace of Swords shows a gleaming hand appearing from a white cloud, a representation of the Divine. It holds an upright sword, symbolic of the mind and the intellect, and at the tip of the sword sits a crown draped with a wreath, a sign of success and victory. While this Ace is a sign of triumph, the jagged mountains in the background suggest that the road ahead will be challenging. You will need mental resilience to navigate this path.

Ace of Swords Upright

The Ace of Swords marks a wave of new energy from the intellectual realms. You may be on the verge of a significant breakthrough or a new way of thinking that allows you to view the world with clear eyes. Or, you may have a sudden realization or conscious understanding about an issue that has been troubling you and can finally see the path ahead of you. Meditate regularly to clear away the mental chatter and make the most of this intellectual potential.

See this card as a sign of encouragement. It says your mind is in ‘expansion mode’. You are open to embracing new ideas, craving stimulation, and you’ll jump at the next opportunity to learn something new. You thrive on new ideas, inspiration, original thinking and vision, and you are excited to pursue new opportunities that draw upon your creative and intellectual abilities.

When the Ace of Swords appears in a Tarot reading, it tells you that now is an excellent time to start a new project – one that requires your intellect, communication skills and mental power. You may feel inspired to take a writing class, practice your public speaking skills, or get involved in activities that require more brainpower than usual.

How might you draw on this Ace’s motivation and take action on your new ideas? As an Ace, you are at the beginning of the journey, but you can sense the energy building up and can’t wait to get started. If you channel this energy into the right moves, then you will succeed in your endeavors. Just remember that the road ahead may be bumpy and you can expect challenges along the way. Maintain a success mindset, and you will navigate these hurdles with ease.

As with all Swords cards, the Ace of Swords represents power; but the sword is a double-edged blade, implying that it can create and destroy. The message is clear: with power comes responsibility. It will be up to you how you leverage the opportunity for the greater good of all rather than for selfish or aggressive power. You will need a strong heart and mind and need to see how to best use your power for the service of others and yourself.

The Ace of Swords also encourages you to pursue the truth of the matter and to find justice. You may champion a cause or stand up for your rights or the rights of others. Or, you may have a new idea for which you are prepared to fight, or you may feel fired up about an issue you are passionate about, such as human rights. You have great clarity on the situation and can now argue your point of view with truth and conviction. In other words, you are ready for battle.

Ace of Swords Reversed

The Ace of Swords reversed indicates that a new idea or breakthrough is emerging from within you, but you are not willing to share it with others just yet. You may still be exploring what this idea means for you and how to best express and manifest it in the external world. You may also seek greater clarity about whether this is an idea you wish to pursue more fully, perhaps because you are unsure if it will bring the results you truly desire. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, it’s important to give yourself time and space to meditate and clear your mind so you can ‘birth’ this idea in the most effective way.

Sometimes, the reversed Ace of Swords can be a signal you have an idea that’s not coming to fruition in the way you had hoped, and it’s time to go back to the drawing board. You may still be pursuing an idea that no longer has any meaning for you. Or you may have too many ideas on the go, and you cannot commit to one course of action. This card invites you to spend more time on defining in plain terms what it is you want in life. Set yourself some SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound) so you can be clear on what you are working towards. Focus on the basics and do some better planning. Get clear on your aspirations and goals.

The Ace of Swords reversed can also suggest clouded judgment and lack of mental clarity around a specific situation. You are missing relevant information or evidence that will help you decide, so invest your time and energy into seeking out the truth rather than just taking things at face value.

 Cancer season is here, so if you’ve been in your feelings more than usual, you can blame it on the cosmos. Ummm….can anyone say Roe v Wade????? This is playing havoc with every zodiac sign’s emotions!!!

With the summer solstice now in the rear view, the summer festivities can officially begin — and by summer festivities, I mostly mean catering to your emotions, spending time with people who make you feel safe, and trusting your gut instincts. Cancer season horoscope is all about putting your needs first, and while it may ruffle some feathers, it’s important that you know how you feel before you can make any major moves or decisions. Allow your emotions this week to serve as your compass; if something doesn’t feel right, it’s OK to wait it out until things feel safe. Don’t allow anyone else’s sense of urgency to push you into making any decisions you’re not completely comfortable with, especially as the astrology of the second half of the week looms overhead.

To start things off, the new moon in Cancer on June 28 will bring new beginnings pertaining to what brings you comfort, emotional security, and protection. What you embark on now will be fueled by your deep instinctive needs. What do you need in order to feel “at home”? Since the moon’s strongly supported in this sign, it’s a great time to set intentions around a desire to feel nurtured and supported. Since this moon will square Jupiter in Aries, it will likely be a period where you’re more prone to extremes and impulsive decision making, so be mindful of overindulging now. While your wants and desires may seem incredibly urgent, use this moon to tap into the root cause of your needs now. You may realize that some of the things you want aren’t actually a necessity. Less may actually be more.

On July 1, Mars in Aries will square Pluto in Capricorn, bringing tensions around action and assertion to the surface. This may be a time where the need for power and control is emphasized and since Mars is strongly dignified in Aries, there will be a strong desire to win, no matter what it takes. You may find yourself going up against people or systems of power today, but be mindful of making any extreme or impulsive decisions before thinking them through. Since Aries is a cardinal fire sign, it tends to be pretty impatient, so be sure that before you get in the ring, the battle is actually worth having. The decisions you make now are certain to make waves, so be sure to choose wisely.

The New Moon June 2022 calls on you to trust your instincts and trust the Universe. That’s our mantra for this New Moon and here’s what your zodiac sign can expect from this moon.

This all kicks off on June 28, 2022, at 10:51 PM EST at 7 degrees of Cancer, the sign of the Crab. Cancer season 2022 begins on Summer Solstice 2022. The Moon symbolizes the internal realm of emotions, particularly what makes us feel safe, protected, and nurtured. When the Moon is in Water sign Cancer, the sign that the Moon rules, these topics become magnified, as we may seek to retreat into our proverbial crab shells for a moment, defaulting to our comfort zone and what feels familiar.

Roe v. Wade anyone???  We won’t find ourselves huddled up at home during this new moon, as the push from the Universe during this pivotal New Moon comes from bountiful Jupiter in the trailblazing sign of Aries. As the New Moon meets Jupiter in an action-provoking square, think of it as the cosmic encouragement we need to move forward on our dreams. And there is no more perfect time to set these bold and soul-aligned intentions than during a New Moon.

The key to this New Moon is reframing the phrase comfort zone. It’s not about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone—but pushing yourself *into* it. You know what you’re good at. You know what you enjoy doing—and what you don’t. You also know that incomparable feeling of hitting your stride—personally, romantically, professionally, financially—and that’s how you can use this New Moon to plant more seeds in helping those feel-good feelings grow in areas where you feel comfortable and like you belong. Like a crab carrying its shell on its back as its walks, the feeling of home can always be with you if you feel at home with yourself.

Here’s how the New Moon June 2022 will affect you depending on your star sign. For the most accurate reading, look at your sun or rising sign according to your astrology birth chart.


Home is the focus for you, Aries, during this New Moon in your fourth house of home and family. What feels like home? Where and when do you feel at ease? With whom do you feel perfectly comfortable with? These are your questions as you interrogate any old or outdated beliefs that were instilled in you by the people you grew up with, or any societal or cultural norms you were expected to adhere to. As an Aries, you always want to do things your own way, even if that means going your own way, on your own. Be willing to do that now – to take that daredevil, devil-may-care attitude about convention and adjust it to your living style. You don’t have to do things just because social media, all your friends, or ‘they’ expect you to. The only person’s expectations you need to honor are your own. 


Your words have power. Your voice matters. Repeat it, like a mantra, until you believe it. That’s the message that the cosmos have for you during this New Moon in your third house of communication. Ask yourself all the ways you have held yourself back from expressing yourself – whether it’s out of fear of hurting someone’s feelings, fear that you’ll be rejected or ridiculed for your beliefs, or even your own inner doubts and insecurities about if your contributions carry any weight. This moon is inviting you to remember who you are. Venus, your chart ruler, is currently in Gemini, only further emphasizing the importance of your words. You are great at keeping the peace. You thrive in stability. And you can still maintain harmony by owning who you are, advocating for yourself, for what matters to you. This New Moon is about taking back your power.


The New Moon June 2022 is all about your relationship to abundance, Gemini. As it takes place in your second house of income, the focus will be on facing any fears about your financial future. But remember just how abundant you are. You’re quick with a joke. You light up any room you enter with your gift for conversation. You’re knowledgeable on many topics. And you make friends so easily. You are rich with talents. Now the stars are inviting you to take this mindset and apply it to your earnings, despite any literal gains or losses. You can gain a fresh perspective and transform your relationship with money by being clear on what you want to earn, make, and have. You deserve to be fairly compensated for your skills. And now is the time to be intentional about what you’re worth – the total package.


This New Moon in your first house of the self is all about you, Cancer. If you allow it. As a sign, you’re known for your enormous empathy. The amount of love, support, care, and nurturing you can generate seems like it comes from an endless supply deep inside of you. You give because you want to. Because you love to make others happy. And now you can use this New Moon to keep doing what you’re excellent at – and give all that loving energy back to yourself. Because that’s how it replenishes itself. That’s how you have a constant, steady supply. You don’t have to worry that self-care or self-prioritization is selfish. You can put aside your fears that you’ll be seen as too much or too wanting. That endless encouragement you give – use it to encourage yourself to come out of your shell and allow yourself to shine.


Leo, this New Moon in your twelfth house of the subconscious is encouraging you to dig deep. You are the sign known for being in the spotlight, out entertaining the crowd. But what others may not realize is that you do it out of a deep sense of service. Out of wanting to connect. Because whether they’re laughing or crying, when people watch a performer, read a story, or listen to a song, what’s being activated for them is a feeling of being seen, heard, and understood. And that’s all you want. So as the zodiac’s star performer, it’s your time to understand your underlying motivations and emotions even better. Your fears, your worries, your hopes, your dreams. By knowing yourself, by being more real even about your own shortcomings, you can get even more in tune with universal truth. Courageously deepening that authenticity is what makes you beloved.


Virgo, you have a New Moon in your eleventh house of groups and it’s time to think about planting seeds to expand your social circles. You excel in one-to-one relationships and can easily build intimacy with others – coworkers, colleagues, and friends. You’re often on the receiving end of, “I’ve never told anyone that before.” Often that even comes from perfect strangers. Your task during this New Moon is to take that mindset and be discerning about your current alliances – and what you want future ones to feel like. It’s allowing yourself to grow beyond ones that have reached their end and disentangle from groups that are not aligned with who you are now. It’s about nurturing the ones who where you’re not being to be yourself, where you feel safe and supportive. Remember, you deserve support. And you know what that looks like because you so generously give it to others.


When people talk about Libras, they always emphasize your indecisiveness. That you care so much about what other people think. So now, with this New Moon in your tenth house of public image, you have a chance to revise that tired script. The tenth house is about legacy. What you want to be known and remembered for. It may be something for other people but it’s something about you. Right now, there is a whole new life story available to you now if you are willing to face the fear that comes along with uncertainty or going against what others consider safe. If you put aside other people’s voices that tell you what you can or can’t be, what you should or shouldn’t do. The cosmos are calling you to experience freedom in following your own path, so it becomes something you can’t wait to share with others. 


As a Scorpio, you’re a deep thinker, but one who tends to keep your thoughts and feelings closer to the chest. You don’t instantly allow others in, especially ones you don’t know intimately. You don’t mind if no one knows exactly what you’re thinking. During this New Moon in your ninth house of travel and higher wisdom, you aren’t being asked to change that. But can you take your gift of analysis and use that energy to help you see that all communication, even non-verbal, goes two ways? Whether you realize it or not, you have a profound effect on other people. Just as the actions of others affect you, your actions and in-actions also make an impact on people in ways you may not have considered. Think about what you want your effect to feel like – for them and for you.


With the New Moon June 2022 in your eight house of karmic debts, the cosmos are inviting you to care take your feelings – even the ones you’d rather not feel. As a sign, you’re the first to sign up for the fun and the last one to leave the party. You want to live life to the fullest. This moon is asking you to take that energy and translate it into fully experiencing the depth of your emotions. It’s about taking stock of your experiences – the good, the bad, and the ones in between. It’s acknowledging your hurts, your disappointments, your regrets, or what you consider your failures. And it’s about courageously looking them head-on, not shying away, and knowing that it’s not the end of the story. It’s about knowing what you want to do and what you never want to experience again. That’s growth. And that’s what this New Moon is giving you.


When you consider what you most desire out of your closest relationships, what do you imagine is possible? With the New Moon June 2022 taking place in your seventh house of partnership, now is the time to lay new foundations for what you expect, and most importantly, deserve in your partnerships. From the time you were just a baby Capricorn, you’ve been trained to believe you work for what you want. It’s become one of your strengths. Turn this dedication and think about what your relationship goals are – and what you want to commit to. Is it more intimacy, companionship and/or authenticity? More time together? Make a plan to change what needs to be changed. It’s OK to think about your relationship like work – because it is. Something you show up to and for every day to grow, learn, expand, and shine – together.


You’re known for your out-of-the-box thinking, Aquarius. Daily routines can seem far too boring for your big picture point of view. But with this New Moon in your sixth house of health and habits, it’s time to re-frame how you look at this. Right now, it’s about planting seeds of intention that help you live more closely in alignment with what makes you happy. Your comfort zone is your mind – so think about how you can devise routines that help excite you and give you time to rest and refuel. Your enthusiasm is contagious—so think about who you can check in to remain accountable to your goals—whether they’re fitness-related, project-related, or any other task you care about. This is a time for you to creatively problem solve – so you can show up with your whole self, for yourself, every day.


This is a magical New Moon for you, Pisces, as it takes place in your fifth house of fun and creativity. This Cancer New Moon is very fertile, in both the literal and figurative sense. If you have been hoping to expand your family, this is auspicious for that, as the fifth house is also the house of children. You can just as equally find yourself giving birth to new and exciting creative ideas – ones that allow your natural artistic and imaginative abilities to shine. Remember, this is about working within your comfort zone and what you’re great at. Let someone read the first draft of your novel. Share your art. Indulge a romantic fantasy. Whatever you do, cast away self-doubt or fear of rejection and instead, believe in your innate talents and unique qualities. It’s your call to take a risk and put your whole self out there.

See Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium for a Reading @ Stoneworks Wellness Center, Inc. 3330 West 26th Street Erie,PA 16506. SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 2022 11 AM – 6 PM

How is your month going? One of the most common things I have been hearing from clients, students and friends since 2020 is how they lack direction or have been profoundly changed and now don’t know what direction to take on a life path, or “feel like they am in a holding pattern!” or “just wish they knew the next step!” If you have been feeling this way too, believe me, you are NOT alone.

A psychic reading may help to clarify some decisions or relationships in your life. Information from your past life may show up to help with the challenge of your present life relationships, decisions and friendships. A Mediumship reading will allow for healing and closure. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. We’ve come through a year of hard lessons, including a lot of personal loss but also a year of clarity and personal awakening. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side.


Four of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Four of Wands Keywords

UPRIGHT: Celebration, joy, harmony, relaxation, homecoming
REVERSED: Personal celebration, inner harmony, conflict with others, transition.

Four of Wands Description

The Four of Wands shows two happy people dancing and celebrating with flowers in their hands. In the foreground, a beautiful wreath abounding with blossoms and grapes suspends between wands. Together, these elements represent the joy and satisfaction that comes with achieving an important goal or milestone. In the background, another group of people (perhaps a family) stand in front of a large castle, representing the safety and comfort of the home.

Four of Wands Upright

The Four of Wands is a card of joyful celebration, blissful happiness and appreciation for the good things in life. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, it is the perfect time to celebrate with those you love most. You may commemorate a significant event or milestone such as a wedding, birthday, homecoming or reunion. Or, you may invite a few of your favorite friends over for an intimate dinner for no particular reason except to revel in each other’s company. Relax and let your hair down – enjoy this special time together!

The Four of Wands can show that you are returning home or to the people and places familiar to you. You feel supported and secure, knowing you are with those who love you and care about you.

Because the Four of Wands associates so closely with the home environment, you may work on improving or renovating your house or are close to finding a new one. Perhaps you recently purchased a home and are getting ready to settle down in your new habitat.

The Four of Wands tells you that after a period of rapid growth and expansion (the energy of the Three of Wands), it’s now time to pause and celebrate what you have achieved so far. Step back for a moment and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Acknowledge your hard work and give yourself permission to take a small break before embarking on the next phase of your journey. It’s essential you observe these smaller milestones.

In numerology, four symbolizes stability and firm foundations, and with the Four of Wands, you are now enjoying a period of happiness and security. This card indicates a sense of harmony and balance as well as completion and thus denotes a time of peace and contentment in life that comes as the result of hard-fought efforts.

If you have been working on a project, you will reach an important milestone and have reason to celebrate. If you just wrapped up your project, the Four of Wands represents the personal gratification of a job well done, a goal attained, and a vision beginning to be realized. You should be proud!

Four of Wands Reversed

The Four of Wands reversed can indicate that you are celebrating the achievement of a personal goal, for example, quitting smoking, or doing yoga for 30 days in a row. You do not feel compelled to proclaim this achievement to others, instead choosing to create your own special reward for the hard work you put in. You may also be in the midst of your journey and yet to reach the finish line, hence preferring to honor this mini-milestone privately. When you finally do arrive at the finish line, it’ll be worth celebrating with friends and family.

The reversed Four of Wands can also mean that you have achieved a level of inner harmony and stability. If you doubted yourself in the past or struggled with self-acceptance or empathy, the appearance of this card is a welcome sign that you have found a sense of greater balance within yourself. You know who you are and why you are here. You have ‘come home’ to yourself and your Inner Being.

The Four of Wands reversed also has its shadow side. It may point to a lack of harmony or a breakdown in communication in your family or household. Tension might be rumbling between family members or loved ones, and you keep finding yourself getting caught up in other people’s concerns and relationship problems. This may leave you uncertain about your relationships and what (or whom) you can and cannot depend on. You may also go through a period of transition in your family and home life and experience some discomfort as a result.

Given the upright Four of Wands reflects stability, the reversal of this card can suggest that you are going through an upheaval during which you have little stability and security. You may experience multiple changes in your life, such as changing jobs, moving house or leaving a relationship. While you know this is an important transition – one you need to make – it can be quite unsettling, knocking you out of balance and making you feel uncertain about your future.


Four of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Four of Wands Keywords

UPRIGHT: Celebration, joy, harmony, relaxation, homecoming
REVERSED: Personal celebration, inner harmony, conflict with others, transition.

Four of Wands Description

The Four of Wands shows two happy people dancing and celebrating with flowers in their hands. In the foreground, a beautiful wreath abounding with blossoms and grapes suspends between wands. Together, these elements represent the joy and satisfaction that comes with achieving an important goal or milestone. In the background, another group of people (perhaps a family) stand in front of a large castle, representing the safety and comfort of the home.

Four of Wands Upright

The Four of Wands is a card of joyful celebration, blissful happiness and appreciation for the good things in life. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, it is the perfect time to celebrate with those you love most. You may commemorate a significant event or milestone such as a wedding, birthday, homecoming or reunion. Or, you may invite a few of your favorite friends over for an intimate dinner for no particular reason except to revel in each other’s company. Relax and let your hair down – enjoy this special time together!

The Four of Wands can show that you are returning home or to the people and places familiar to you. You feel supported and secure, knowing you are with those who love you and care about you.

Because the Four of Wands associates so closely with the home environment, you may work on improving or renovating your house or are close to finding a new one. Perhaps you recently purchased a home and are getting ready to settle down in your new habitat.

The Four of Wands tells you that after a period of rapid growth and expansion (the energy of the Three of Wands), it’s now time to pause and celebrate what you have achieved so far. Step back for a moment and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Acknowledge your hard work and give yourself permission to take a small break before embarking on the next phase of your journey. It’s essential you observe these smaller milestones.

In numerology, four symbolizes stability and firm foundations, and with the Four of Wands, you are now enjoying a period of happiness and security. This card indicates a sense of harmony and balance as well as completion and thus denotes a time of peace and contentment in life that comes as the result of hard-fought efforts.

If you have been working on a project, you will reach an important milestone and have reason to celebrate. If you just wrapped up your project, the Four of Wands represents the personal gratification of a job well done, a goal attained, and a vision beginning to be realized. You should be proud!

Four of Wands Reversed

The Four of Wands reversed can indicate that you are celebrating the achievement of a personal goal, for example, quitting smoking, or doing yoga for 30 days in a row. You do not feel compelled to proclaim this achievement to others, instead choosing to create your own special reward for the hard work you put in. You may also be in the midst of your journey and yet to reach the finish line, hence preferring to honor this mini-milestone privately. When you finally do arrive at the finish line, it’ll be worth celebrating with friends and family.

The reversed Four of Wands can also mean that you have achieved a level of inner harmony and stability. If you doubted yourself in the past or struggled with self-acceptance or empathy, the appearance of this card is a welcome sign that you have found a sense of greater balance within yourself. You know who you are and why you are here. You have ‘come home’ to yourself and your Inner Being.

The Four of Wands reversed also has its shadow side. It may point to a lack of harmony or a breakdown in communication in your family or household. Tension might be rumbling between family members or loved ones, and you keep finding yourself getting caught up in other people’s concerns and relationship problems. This may leave you uncertain about your relationships and what (or whom) you can and cannot depend on. You may also go through a period of transition in your family and home life and experience some discomfort as a result.

Given the upright Four of Wands reflects stability, the reversal of this card can suggest that you are going through an upheaval during which you have little stability and security. You may experience multiple changes in your life, such as changing jobs, moving house or leaving a relationship. While you know this is an important transition – one you need to make – it can be quite unsettling, knocking you out of balance and making you feel uncertain about your future.

It’s hard to believe that Gemini season is almost over, but the Sun officially moves into the sign of Cancer on June 21st this month. In addition to being the official start of summer, Cancer season calls us all to reflect on the things in our lives we want to nurture and protect. The heat of the summer is a super fertile and highly energetic time of year, so it’s time to follow through on all the seeds and intentions we planted in the springtime, and to gather with those we love to celebrate. Looking for more specific advice? Take a look at what to expect this Cancer season, and don’t forget: read your Rising sign horoscope, your Sun sign and Moon sign.

On June 21 — the same day as the summer solstice and the longest day of the year — the sun will leave its spot in Gemini and make its way over to the sign of the crab, meaning that Cancer season has finally arrived. For the next month, we’ll feel more connected to our roots, more sentimental, and ready to connect deeper with our homes and ourselves. Cancer season is often an emotional time, yes — but who ever said crying was a bad thing?

This a very important point in our astrological year, calling it a reset of the overall energy for the collective. Cancer is the first cardinal sign as well as the first water sign of the zodiac, so it holds a very initiatory energy. While 1st June is typically thought to be the beginning of the second half of the year, in reality, 21st June is the real kick-off of the second part of 2022. If our New Year’s resolutions didn’t work out (or most likely shifted), this day lends us a second chance.

We’ll be feeling a bit more emotional and perceptive of other people’s energy. Cancer is very intuitive, so whenever the sun falls into this sign, we all get to feel our intuition and senses getting stronger. It is safe to say that we should lean on and guide ourselves more based on what our gut tells us.

Following your intuition is key for the next month. While it’s always a good idea to look within, now our gut feelings will be even more spot on. Make sure to listen. Being this in tune with your emotions means that it’s also time to embrace the homebody-ness of Cancer — most of us have been go, go, going since the start of 2022, and now that we’re finally halfway done with the year, it’s time to actually sit back and relax. Rest is always important — especially with burnout being such a collective experience — so prioritize that this month.

Chilling out can also help clear your mind and foster both physical and emotional connections. Cancer season is a time to understand yourself and your home environment on a deeper, more emotional level. This time of year is truly meant for you to understand that you have three homes in this lifetime: our planet, the space that you live in, and your physical vessel. When we connect with all three of these home spaces during Cancer season, we feel at ease.

It bears repeating that this is a very emotional month ahead, but it’s still a month with tremendous potential. Dig deep, reconnect with your inner self, and embrace those who matter most to you. In the meantime, make sure to get plenty of R&R—you’ll want to have your batteries fully charged for Leo season!! TIP: remember to read your sun and rising sign.

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscopes for Cancer season 2022:


Settle down, Aries! This month is all about chilling out—you’re spending lots of time staying in solo, and you’re not in the mood to overextend yourself at work. Stay at home, embrace your introverted side, and relax. You deserve some rest!


You’re learning how to express your feelings! As an earth sign, emotions can be difficult for you to manage, but right now, opening up doesn’t feel strange at all. Tell your friends how much they mean to you, tell your partner that you love them more, and make sure to open yourself up to receiving the feelings of others, too.


It’s time to commit. Not commit to a person or a relationship, but to your values. Who or what means the most to you? What are your beliefs? The morals that you absolutely stand by, one hundred percent? Focus, Gemini! This isn’t the time to fool around—you need to get serious.


Happy birthday! Everyone’s vibing on the same level, and right now, it’s all about you. Focus on whichever relationships, projects, or jobs that you deem the most important, because you can make some serious magic happen. Anything that you initiate right now will have serious longevity!


You’re feeling a little crabby (yes, I’m making another crab pun), and my advice is to just retreat into your shell. You need alone time! You’re dealing with dreams and memories from the past—both good and bad—you need to take some time to sit with your feelings and sort through everything. You need a clean plate so when your birthday comes around you can live life to the fullest, baggage free!


Hey, social butterfly! This month’s astrology is encouraging you to fine-tune your crew—you’re figuring out who you fit in with the best, making new friends, and ditching frenemies. It might feel like your pals are playing musical chairs, moving in and out of your squad, but by the end of the month, you and your besties will be thriving.


The pressure is on this month, Libra, especially when it comes to life at the office. You’re focusing a lot on your job—not just the busy work you have to deal with, but with your career goals in general—and it’s important that you work as hard as you can. Good work will be rewarded, maybe with a raise or even a promotion, but bad work will be equally recognized, and can lead to some serious consequences.


Despite Cancer season’s introverted vibes, you’re actually feeling a little more adventurous. This month is encouraging you to broaden your horizons and expand your perspective on life. This can happen by learning to listen more, connecting with people with a variety of different backgrounds or beliefs, or just binging as many Netflix docs as you can—whatever you do, you’re becoming a more well-rounded person.


People often say you’re a flaky, non-committal sign, but this month, you’re defying the stereotypes! Cancer season is all about forming deep, meaningful relationships, and you’re really embodying these vibes and taking your most important relationships to the next level. It’s a very emotional time, but the potential for experiencing true intimacy is sky-high.


This month is all about cooperating, collaborating, and working with others—whenever you’re with your boo, a business colleague, or your bestie, you’re getting a ton done. Cancer season is also cuffing season for your sign, so if you’re looking for love, you’re totally in luck!


You need to work on emotional regulation, Aquarius. If you feel like you’re getting absolutely crushed by stress, take a deeper look at things—maybe your job is kicking your ass, or your place is a total mess, or you’re in a toxic relationship. Be practical, focus on getting rid of the root of the problem, and try to tidy up and set healthier habits. You’ll feel better than ever by the end of the month.


The Sun is activating your chart’s zone of romance, sex, and fun for the next month, so you’re getting tons of action, experiencing loads of romance, and just having a plain ol’ good time! No, you’re not having a ~perfect~ Cancer season, but you are running into tons of opportunities to express love, receive love, and live life to the fullest. Enjoy!

The Sagittarius Full Moon on Tuesday packs a punch. It’s a Super Moon, as well as related to the Solar Eclipse in December 2020 – so there is a lot of energy riding with it. This is an energy teaching you about abundance, and calling to light the ways in which you unnecessarily limit yourself. It’s time to get explorative, curious, and remember you are a student of life.

As the final full moon of spring, the June full moon is traditionally known as the Strawberry moon. Berries tend to ripen in June, and the abundance of the crops — and a Jupiter-ruled moon — go hand in hand.


Welcome to a Full Moon that is filled with positivity and challenging you to see the inherent abundance that lives within the universe (and by deduction in you too). This is a Moon that is really calling for you to open to more of your unlimited nature. That means you’re going to run into the places where you limit yourself. That’s right, it’s not the universe or some external thing doing it to it – it’s you. Which reminds me of the old saying ‘wherever you go, there you are’. Meaning you can’t escape yourself by traveling, changing relationships, moving jobs because you are the common denominator in all these situations. These things are a reflection of your programming, your karma and vehicles for you to grow in consciousness.


The full moon in Sagittarius is set to go big; it’s a supermoon and ruled by Jupiter, the planet of growth and optimism, after all. But luckily, the full moon gets an extra boost of luck from Jupiter in Aries as the moon trines the planet. Don’t take this lunation lightly: Wherever Sagittarius falls in your personal birth chart is about to get a huge dose of abundance from this transit. With a full moon in Sagittarius on June 14, those with the guts to dare will be rewarded.


This Full Moon is packed with power as it relates to the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse on the 14th-15th of December, 2020. So this is a time where this energy is being manifested into the physical realm and you are being called to release your resistance to it. It’s also a Super Moon, meaning it’s orbit is as close to earth as it gets. In essence this is a very powerful Full Moon. It’s really calling for you to step into a world where anything is possible and let go of your resistance to this.


You are lucky enough to have taken a human birth. This is an experience that gives you ability to understand contrast. The best way to understand the abundance that is riding within this Moon is to understand lack and constraint. As the Full Moon will be in harmony with Saturn (who represents these things) it’s a beautiful time to notice the mind and when it is playing out old programming that has you feeling undeserving of what you want, or even fearful of just how big your life could be if you believe it into existence.


Sagittarius energy is extraverted, abundant and calls for you to realize your own god-like nature. When you stand in that place of recognizing that you are a spiritual being having a human experience you can start to see that you exist beyond the limitations of your body, of your programming and of what the ego thinks is possible (which is normally wrapped in fear). This is a time to defy the logical mind, and allow yourself to step into a world where you can realize heaven right here on earth. It sounds big, and that’s right on brand for Sagittarius. This might manifest as a call to travel, to study, to teach, to take a big step forward into the unknown….this is not a Moon to play small or be comfortable…


Take a moment to think about what Sagittarius means to you. The centaur is always looking out at the horizon, ready to shoot its arrow toward a new destination. Full moons illuminate, so whatever truths come to light can be used to expand and elevate your life. It’s a time to take risks, think big, opt into adventure, and of course, expand your knowledge.  Aim the focus of your arrow and find out where this applies to you specifically.

       The season of spring is coming to an end, but we’ve still got one more big lunar moment to celebrate before the hot girl summer antics can officially begin. Rising during the wee hours of the morning on June 14, the June 2022 full moon is here to light up our sense of excitement as we prepare for a new adventure. Also known traditionally as the Strawberry Moon, this sweet and juicy lunation is ripe with possibility — and it happens to be a supermoon, making it appear even bigger than the average full moon. You’ll definitely want to know how June’s full moon will affect your zodiac sign. TIP: this pertains to your sun sign, rising sign and moon sign

Aries Sun, Moon and Rising (March 21 – April 19)

Start pursuing some spiritual growth experiences, Aries. Don’t be afraid to walk down a different path — whether that means connecting with a mentor, booking a trip to a foreign place, or honoring a new interest that’s been sparking your creativity. Going on a new adventure could bring forth opportunities you never realized were possible, so keep an open mind.

Taurus Sun, Moon and Rising (April 20 – May 20)

Tending to your tangible responsibilities comes easily to you, Taurus — but this full moon is shifting your focus onto your energetic bonds. You may find that promises you’ve made or debts you’ve yet to pay people start bubbling up, forcing you to address things head-on. It may not be easy to have these sensitive conversations, but you’ll feel so much lighter once you manage these invisible forces and free yourself of the burdens.

Gemini Sun, Moon and Rising (May 21 – June 20)

It may be time to try something new in your partnerships, Gemini. Our comfort zones exist for a reason, but if we get so stuck in our ways that we’re not open to shifting dynamics and growing into new things, then relationships can get stagnant. Let go of any rigidity and embrace your go-with-the-flow nature. Your interpersonal connections will flourish when you give them more room to evolve.

Cancer Sun, Moon and Rising (June 21 – July 22)

Productivity check! This month has been a quiet time of introspection and inner growth, Cancer — and that’s good, as it’s giving you time to rest before your upcoming birthday season! But this full moon is asking you to snap out of the haze for a moment and make sure you’re managing your day-to-day tasks. True self-care means finding a healthy balance between your spiritual explorations and your daily work routine, so find a way to prioritize both.

Leo Sun, Moon and Rising (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Something steamy might be on the horizon for you, Leo, as this full moon is lighting up the most romantic sector of your chart. Look out for a hot date invite or an exciting turning point within a current affair. Either way, the influx of excitement in your love life will boost your mood and bring lots of opportunities for fun and inspiration — and this effervescence will light up other parts of your life, too.

Virgo Sun, Moon and Rising (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

This full moon wants you to step back from work for a moment and make sure you’re tending to the close-to-home matters that need your attention. Whether it’s lingering roommate drama, family-related needs, or just deep-seated emotional issues that are suddenly coming to the surface, there are important things that shouldn’t be shoved to the wayside now. Give yourself time to slow down and listen to your heart.

Libra Sun, Moon and Rising (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

The exciting and outgoing vibe of this lunation is lighting up your social side, Libra, so take some time to connect with friends, family, and colleagues. However, be wary of getting caught up in any gossip-fueled full moon drama. Innocent commentary could easily be misperceived as criticism, so be wary of the words you choose and take other people’s chatter with a grain of salt to avoid generating any silly rumors.

Scorpio Sun, Moon and Rising (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

This full moon is serving up an exciting turning point when it comes to money, Scorpio, so get ready to take charge of your financial situation in a new way. It’s possible that you’ll be getting a raise, embracing a shift in your career, or even running into an unforeseen expense that requires you to make a budget. However it manifests, trust that the changes will bring you an advantage in the end. There’s a silver lining of every storm cloud.

Sagittarius Sun, Moon and Rising (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

This is your full moon, Sagittarius, and now’s your time to shine. You’ve been ultra focused on your relationship dynamics for the past few weeks, but this lunation is a reminder that the most important relationship you have is with yourself. Spend some time getting to know your own reflection — you’re constantly changing and growing, so honor the person you’ve become. When you fully accept yourself, it’ll be easier to show up authentically in relationships, too.

Capricorn Sun, Moon and Rising (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

This full moon is certainly high-energy, but it’s hitting you in a more subtle and spiritual way this time around, Capricorn. This is an important period for getting in touch with your subconscious desires and connecting with your higher self — so doing a witchy moon ritual or a healing crystal meditation session can help you tap into that ethereal energy and honor these parts of your soul.

Aquarius Sun, Moon and Rising (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Full moons are sometimes known for bringing drama, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself having to mediate some disagreements among friends, Aquarius. Group dynamics could be strained by big personalities and hot-headed opinions, so use your people skills to smooth over the rough edges and help your crew see eye-to-eye. You have the power to rise above the squabbles and inspires others to focus on the big picture.

 Pisces Sun, Moon and Rising (Feb. 19 – March 20)

Things are heating up in your career life right now, Pisces, so be ready to open your heart to new opportunities. Whether it’s time to let go of a current gig and start something new, or you’re simply ready to ask for more responsibility at a current job, now’s a time to step up and trust that you can handle it. You deserve to make a living doing something that feels aligned and true to who you are, so build up your confidence and start pursuing it.

       The season of spring is coming to an end, but we’ve still got one more big lunar moment to celebrate before the hot girl summer antics can officially begin. Rising during the wee hours of the morning on June 14, the June 2022 full moon is here to light up our sense of excitement as we prepare for a new adventure. Also known traditionally as the Strawberry Moon, this sweet and juicy lunation is ripe with possibility — and it happens to be a supermoon, making it appear even bigger than the average full moon. You’ll definitely want to know how June’s full moon will affect your zodiac sign. TIP: this pertains to your sun sign, rising sign and moon sign

Aries Sun, Moon and Rising (March 21 – April 19)

Start pursuing some spiritual growth experiences, Aries. Don’t be afraid to walk down a different path — whether that means connecting with a mentor, booking a trip to a foreign place, or honoring a new interest that’s been sparking your creativity. Going on a new adventure could bring forth opportunities you never realized were possible, so keep an open mind.

Taurus Sun, Moon and Rising (April 20 – May 20)

Tending to your tangible responsibilities comes easily to you, Taurus — but this full moon is shifting your focus onto your energetic bonds. You may find that promises you’ve made or debts you’ve yet to pay people start bubbling up, forcing you to address things head-on. It may not be easy to have these sensitive conversations, but you’ll feel so much lighter once you manage these invisible forces and free yourself of the burdens.

Gemini Sun, Moon and Rising (May 21 – June 20)

It may be time to try something new in your partnerships, Gemini. Our comfort zones exist for a reason, but if we get so stuck in our ways that we’re not open to shifting dynamics and growing into new things, then relationships can get stagnant. Let go of any rigidity and embrace your go-with-the-flow nature. Your interpersonal connections will flourish when you give them more room to evolve.

Cancer Sun, Moon and Rising (June 21 – July 22)

Productivity check! This month has been a quiet time of introspection and inner growth, Cancer — and that’s good, as it’s giving you time to rest before your upcoming birthday season! But this full moon is asking you to snap out of the haze for a moment and make sure you’re managing your day-to-day tasks. True self-care means finding a healthy balance between your spiritual explorations and your daily work routine, so find a way to prioritize both.

Leo Sun, Moon and Rising (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Something steamy might be on the horizon for you, Leo, as this full moon is lighting up the most romantic sector of your chart. Look out for a hot date invite or an exciting turning point within a current affair. Either way, the influx of excitement in your love life will boost your mood and bring lots of opportunities for fun and inspiration — and this effervescence will light up other parts of your life, too.

Virgo Sun, Moon and Rising (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

This full moon wants you to step back from work for a moment and make sure you’re tending to the close-to-home matters that need your attention. Whether it’s lingering roommate drama, family-related needs, or just deep-seated emotional issues that are suddenly coming to the surface, there are important things that shouldn’t be shoved to the wayside now. Give yourself time to slow down and listen to your heart.

Libra Sun, Moon and Rising (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

The exciting and outgoing vibe of this lunation is lighting up your social side, Libra, so take some time to connect with friends, family, and colleagues. However, be wary of getting caught up in any gossip-fueled full moon drama. Innocent commentary could easily be misperceived as criticism, so be wary of the words you choose and take other people’s chatter with a grain of salt to avoid generating any silly rumors.

Scorpio Sun, Moon and Rising (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

This full moon is serving up an exciting turning point when it comes to money, Scorpio, so get ready to take charge of your financial situation in a new way. It’s possible that you’ll be getting a raise, embracing a shift in your career, or even running into an unforeseen expense that requires you to make a budget. However it manifests, trust that the changes will bring you an advantage in the end. There’s a silver lining of every storm cloud.

Sagittarius Sun, Moon and Rising (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

This is your full moon, Sagittarius, and now’s your time to shine. You’ve been ultra focused on your relationship dynamics for the past few weeks, but this lunation is a reminder that the most important relationship you have is with yourself. Spend some time getting to know your own reflection — you’re constantly changing and growing, so honor the person you’ve become. When you fully accept yourself, it’ll be easier to show up authentically in relationships, too.

Capricorn Sun, Moon and Rising (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

This full moon is certainly high-energy, but it’s hitting you in a more subtle and spiritual way this time around, Capricorn. This is an important period for getting in touch with your subconscious desires and connecting with your higher self — so doing a witchy moon ritual or a healing crystal meditation session can help you tap into that ethereal energy and honor these parts of your soul.

Aquarius Sun, Moon and Rising (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Full moons are sometimes known for bringing drama, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself having to mediate some disagreements among friends, Aquarius. Group dynamics could be strained by big personalities and hot-headed opinions, so use your people skills to smooth over the rough edges and help your crew see eye-to-eye. You have the power to rise above the squabbles and inspires others to focus on the big picture.

 Pisces Sun, Moon and Rising (Feb. 19 – March 20)

Things are heating up in your career life right now, Pisces, so be ready to open your heart to new opportunities. Whether it’s time to let go of a current gig and start something new, or you’re simply ready to ask for more responsibility at a current job, now’s a time to step up and trust that you can handle it. You deserve to make a living doing something that feels aligned and true to who you are, so build up your confidence and start pursuing it.