What is clairaudience?  Is it Psychic?  Mediumship?  Or Both

Clairaudience is the ability to hear psychic messages. These may be external, coming from a source outside your head, or may be internal (a voice in your head). This is one ability among other psychic powers in the “clair” group. These include clairvoyance, the ability to receive messages in the form of symbols and visions, and clairsentience, the ability to feel sensations or emotions that provide guidance. Hearing” as in clairaudience, is not quite the same as hearing with our physical ears. Most often these sounds come through as thoughts. You know that voice you talk to yourself with in your mind? Like when you’re wondering what you need at the grocery store, “Hmm, I’m pretty sure we have enough paper towels at home, but I’m not sure…maybe I should buy some just in case. Oh, and I can’t forget tomatoes…”

Do you know when things are going to happen? Do you know things about people when just meeting them? Do you have intuitive and insightful conversations and wonder where they come from? Do you have information about your past lives? Do you see or dream of loved ones who have passed away? This is NORMAL !

This class will be every Tuesday online with Microsoft Teams. Each week we will learn something different to enhance both your psychic and mediumship ability. I don’t look at them at gifts, but abilities. Why? Because everyone can do this, you just don’t know that you can. Or you know that you can but don’t know how to strengthen them.

Each class is $15, payable on my Etsy website. Text me at 716 481 2799 to receive the link to the online class on Microsoft Teams.


After you pay for the class, please text me at 716 481 2799 to receive the link for the class. You don’t have to take every class, just the ones you are interested in. This class enhances self awareness to make better decisions, along with increasing your own abilities.

October’s Solar Eclipse in Scorpio Is No Ordinary New Moon. October’s transformative new moon in Scorpio focuses on new beginnings,

The new moon on October 25 will focus on the topics of relationships, trust, vulnerability and intimacy.  This moon phase in Scorpio is activating the south node (The lunar nodes in astrology reveal your karmic path in this lifetime. The south node reveals your past lives and the gifts you’ve brought in. The north node shows the new direction you’re learning in this lifetime. We should also expect some type of purge in order to better prepare ourselves for a new beginning.   The best survival tip for this new moon solar eclipse is to allow your life to change as it will. Holding on to unhealthy patterns, behaviors or situations may only make the eclipse more difficult. Change can be liberating.

Around Oct. 23 and Nov. 21, the sun moves into Scorpio territory. Passionate and intuitive, Scorpio is associated with all things taboo. It’s ruled by the eighth house of rebirth and transformation and enigmatic Pluto, which explains why Scorpio is so guarded (look at those pincers). As a water sign, Scorpio is a great reminder of our emotional sensitivities, emphasizing all of our pent-up feelings each time the moon enters its domain. A solar eclipse is when the new moon orbits between the sun and the Earth, which makes it seem invisible from our viewpoint. A solar eclipse drives the collective to yearn for more than what we already have.  The effect is like a spiritual power outage.  A solar eclipse either makes you feel wildly off-center or your mind becomes crystal clear.  And that really depends on your sign and the planetary transits at play.

Unlike the typical new-moon vibe, which offers a fresh start perfect for setting intentions, a solar eclipse bestows curveballs — the type of energy you don’t want to work with when it comes to manifestation. While you want to steer clear from charging crystals and manifesting, this particular eclipse prompts a good time to assess your needs romantically.

Last month’s moon focused on balance and harmony, but now we can expect changes and new beginnings, especially thanks to the coinciding solar eclipse.  The eclipse is like steroids for the new moon.  Because it falls in the sign of Scorpio, the energy of deep and provoking change is an undercurrent which is picking up momentum and finally dismantling so that we can recognize our emotional strength and resilience to face life’s challenges.

Though it may force us to dig deep, and perhaps face things we’ve hidden, this October astrology event—much like the October 2022 full moon—is not one to fear, but welcome. Why hold onto old ways that are no longer serving you?

October’s Solar Eclipse in Scorpio Is No Ordinary New Moon. October’s transformative new moon in Scorpio focuses on new beginnings,

The new moon on October 25 will focus on the topics of relationships, trust, vulnerability and intimacy.  This moon phase in Scorpio is activating the south node (The lunar nodes in astrology reveal your karmic path in this lifetime. The south node reveals your past lives and the gifts you’ve brought in. The north node shows the new direction you’re learning in this lifetime. We should also expect some type of purge in order to better prepare ourselves for a new beginning.   The best survival tip for this new moon solar eclipse is to allow your life to change as it will. Holding on to unhealthy patterns, behaviors or situations may only make the eclipse more difficult. Change can be liberating.

Around Oct. 23 and Nov. 21, the sun moves into Scorpio territory. Passionate and intuitive, Scorpio is associated with all things taboo. It’s ruled by the eighth house of rebirth and transformation and enigmatic Pluto, which explains why Scorpio is so guarded (look at those pincers). As a water sign, Scorpio is a great reminder of our emotional sensitivities, emphasizing all of our pent-up feelings each time the moon enters its domain. A solar eclipse is when the new moon orbits between the sun and the Earth, which makes it seem invisible from our viewpoint. A solar eclipse drives the collective to yearn for more than what we already have.  The effect is like a spiritual power outage.  A solar eclipse either makes you feel wildly off-center or your mind becomes crystal clear.  And that really depends on your sign and the planetary transits at play.

Unlike the typical new-moon vibe, which offers a fresh start perfect for setting intentions, a solar eclipse bestows curveballs — the type of energy you don’t want to work with when it comes to manifestation. While you want to steer clear from charging crystals and manifesting, this particular eclipse prompts a good time to assess your needs romantically.

Last month’s moon focused on balance and harmony, but now we can expect changes and new beginnings, especially thanks to the coinciding solar eclipse.  The eclipse is like steroids for the new moon.  Because it falls in the sign of Scorpio, the energy of deep and provoking change is an undercurrent which is picking up momentum and finally dismantling so that we can recognize our emotional strength and resilience to face life’s challenges.

Though it may force us to dig deep, and perhaps face things we’ve hidden, this October astrology event—much like the October 2022 full moon—is not one to fear, but welcome. Why hold onto old ways that are no longer serving you?

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Talk about major transformations, Aries. The eclipse is teaching you the art of letting go, so don’t be afraid to address the things that no longer work for you. “Use this blast of passion to take things deep. “Let yourself get vulnerable and allow things to happen rather than needing to be in control.”

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The Scorpio new moon is prompting you to get real about your relationship, Taurus. Are your needs being met, or are you putting others’ needs before your own? “This could be the beginning of the end or the beginning of a new chapter. “If you have felt out of sync in your love life, this will be the shift you have been looking for.”

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Prepare for a little turbulence as the eclipse rocks your foundations, Gemini. You may run into obstacles that interfere with your daily rituals. “This is a great time to realize that you do not have to do it all on your own,”. “Ask for help if you find yourself in a bind, and take notice of who is there for you when you need it most.”

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The eclipse is igniting your artistic passions, Cancer. Revel in this rush of creativity by toying around with unfinished projects and coloring outside of the lines — literally. Don’t be afraid to get messy and have fun. “Tap into your inner child, and do what makes you happy. “This buzzing energy will give you the boost you need to bring back some cheer into your life.”

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

It’s a beautiful moment to dial back to your roots, Leo. This eclipse is sparking some sentimental feelings surrounding your domestic relationships. What does home mean to you? “Is it enough, or do you need more? Take some PTO if you need a reset, and spend some time with the people that fill up your cup.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The eclipse is beckoning some major shifts in your thought processes, Virgo. Scorpio is sparking your intuition, so don’t be afraid to tap into your psychic side. “Now is a great time to receive downloads, but not a great time to act on them. “Invite what comes, and then wait until eclipse season is over to act on it.”

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

What do you value most, Libra? The eclipse is shaking things up in your house of money and security, so you may want to assess whether your lifestyle is being supported or whether you need to find new streams of income. “This could bring a major pivot to your initial plans, but remembering that everything happens for you and not to you is key. You will look back six months from now and it will all make sense.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

If it feels like you’re going through an identity crisis right now, it’s because you’re on the precipice of a metamorphosis, Scorpio. This is a period of acceptance — of what’s working and what’s not — while allowing changes to shape this new version of yourself. “This new moon in your first house will bring some major change that you have been needing. “Start thinking about reoccurring themes from now and May during the last eclipse. There is a story there, and it is asking to be read.”

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The eclipse is prompting some much-needed solo time, Sagittarius. You’re in the midst of spiritual renewal, which may bring some suppressed feelings up to the surface. “It’s time to say goodbye and start thinking about a new star to reach for. Allow this powerful moon to wash away what no longer serves you, including any grudges you may be holding.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It’s all about community right now, Capricorn. Don’t be afraid to lean on others to help you through the influx of emotions and mystery that may come up during this moon. “Connecting with your crew during this time will be a great way for you to ride this vortex of unpredictable energy. “Remembering to take breaks from your devices to avoid burnout will be key.”

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The eclipse is helping you feel seen, Aquarius, but it’s up to you to set up your own version of success. Don’t let hard work and discipline force you into solitude — it’s OK to let in a little fun, too. “A promotion, a new job offer, a pay raise, or a sign that it is time to do something different altogether. “Now is not the time to make a big move, but that does not mean you cannot make it your focus.”

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The eclipse in fellow water sign Scorpio is inspiring you to push your boundaries and explore. This is a beautiful moment for expansion and seeking truth in your relationships, personal passions, and spirituality. “It may be high time to start putting together a goal of the trips you want to take in the next year. “An opportunity to travel, teach, or learn may present itself over the next few weeks, which could push you down a path you have been dreaming of.”


            Five Of Pentacles Keywords

UPRIGHT: Financial loss, poverty, lack mindset, isolation, worry.

REVERSED: Recovery from financial loss, spiritual poverty.

Five Of Pentacles Description

In the Five of Pentacles, two people walk through the icy wind and snow; both are destitute and living in poverty. One man is injured and on crutches, while the other is barefoot and has only a thin blanket to protect him from the bleak winter weather. Behind them sits a church with its lit up and exuding warmth, a symbol of hope, faith and spiritual support. However, because the two people are so focused on their plight, they fail to see that help is available to them and continue on in their desperate journey.

Five Of Pentacles Upright

The Five of Pentacles is a card of financial loss and poverty. You have hit hard times, especially when it comes to your work, career, finances, and material possessions. You may have recently lost your job, your home, or your financial security. You no longer feel safe because it has all been stripped away from you in one blow. Your ego may also be bruised, especially since success often correlates to financial wealth; losing either can be a humbling blow to your self-esteem and sense of self-worth. The upside is that this is a Minor Arcana card with temporary effects (rather than a Major Arcana card which has a longer-term impact). This, too, shall pass.

In this time of need, the Five of Pentacles indicates that you feel isolated and alone. Just like the two people in the card, you feel as if you have been left in the cold. You may wonder, “Why is no-one coming to help me!?” It may appear as if no one cares anymore. However, since the windows in the church are lit up, help is nearby; but you are too focused on your problems to notice. You may be waiting for someone to come and help you when really, you need to be proactive and ask for help. You need to swallow your pride or let go of your fear of rejection and reach out. People are here to support you. Find them and let them know you need them.

Similarly, the Five of Pentacles suggests that you fear you don’t have ‘enough’ or you may lose something important to you – even if it hasn’t happened yet or is unlikely. For example, you may live in fear that you will lose your job and will be left in the streets with no home and no support. If you stay focused on all the negative things that might happen, then be careful, because your manifesting powers may start to create the outcomes that you don’t want. Instead, redirect your attention to what you have now and what you want in the future, so your manifesting powers get used for good.

Five Of Pentacles Reversed

The Five of Pentacles reversed indicates an end to difficult times, particularly if you have recently suffered a major financial hit or job loss. You may find new sources of income, a new job, or someone has offered to help you out while you get back on your feet. You may be starting to feel as if life is worth living again and regaining your self-confidence. Finally, you can see a way out of your financial difficulties and your hope is renewed.

The reversed Five of Pentacles can sometimes illuminate the persistence of inner, spiritual poverty. You may feel as though something is missing or entirely out of place but are struggling to put your finger on what it might be. You may also feel isolated and alone, even in the company of many people. On deeper reflection, you may come to realize that you have placed too much emphasis on your material wealth and have neglected your spiritual well-being.

It may worry you that you don’t have ‘enough’, especially when it comes to money and material possessions, and that you are not worthy because you are not wealthy. Perhaps you feel that you do not deserve expensive, luxury items, or that you cannot afford the things you truly want. You may worry that if you spend your money now, you won’t have enough for later. Or perhaps you’re spending your money on trivial things, leaving little left over for what you truly want. Either way, this negative cycle will only lead you to feel even more spiritually unfulfilled and ‘empty’. How might you break out of it?

If you find your fixation on material things is causing harm to your spirit and your mindset, then it’s time to stop. Even if you have just a few cents to your name, you may still have a loving family or a beating heart. Yes, things may suck right now, but if you hear this poverty mindset coming through in your thoughts, pause for a moment and ask yourself whether “I can’t afford it” is the truth or a limiting belief. Trust that the Universe is here to support you financially, especially when you are following your calling and your soul purpose. When you truly value something, you’ll make it happen.


Welcome to Scorpio season … the darkest, gothest, most glamorously sinister time of the year. If Libra season was like a charming brunch with well-mannered guests, Scorpio season’s more like a murder-mystery dinner party: all about getting down and dirty in other people’s business, about probing the depths of humanity. At least, that’s part of the story.

Scorpio season runs from about October 23 to November 22 (give or take a day, depending on the year). During this time, scary things happen with regularity — Halloween, for example, and U.S. presidential elections. The scorpion is the most menacing of the astrological glyphs, and in ancient astrology, Scorpio was often associated with outright evil. So how scared should you be?

While this sign’s reputation for darkness isn’t wholly unfounded, it doesn’t give you the complete picture, either. After all, life isn’t bright or happy or fair all the time. This season offers all of us (not just the Scorpios!) a much-needed chance to look beneath the surface and acknowledge our own (and each other’s) complexities, shadows, and depths.

The primary Scorpio characteristics are intensity, perceptiveness, and a quiet, assured kind of power. Scorpio has two ruling planets: Mars, the planet of action, aggression, and desire; and Pluto, the planet of transformation, rebirth, and our subconscious forces. People are often surprised to hear that Scorpio is not, as they assume, a bold and aggressive fire sign, but rather a water sign, which are typically perceptive, intuitive, and emotional. Scorpio energy is certainly intense and powerful, but it isn’t loud; rather, it has a deep, thrumming core of determination. Scorpio has a laser-sharp focus, a powerful drive, and a strong desire to probe and get to the bottom of things. Scorpio is about depth, not appearances. Scorpio isn’t afraid of anything, even the darkest truths.

More than anything else, you should expect this to be a season of intensity. This might mean that you’re not able or inclined to let things go. It might mean that you’re quicker to become jealous or suspicious. Don’t be surprised if other people in your life respond to your actions with this kind of intensity, too.

At its best, Scorpio season can lend you an energy of fearlessness: a refusal to be intimidated by anyone or anything, or to accept answers that are easy but untrue. You can use this energy to ask provocative questions to surprise people, to disrupt your own and other people’s social comfort. Scorpio season is the best astrological backdrop you could ask for if you want to go to parties alone, or enter new and intimidating social spaces, or shout down senators in restaurants.

Scorpio is often stereotyped as the most sex-focused of all the signs, and for sure, Scorpio season might have you feeling sexual in ways more intense than you’re used to. It might have you speaking the desires you’ve repressed, or finally acting on what your body has long wanted. But Scorpio desire doesn’t have to be only about sex itself, but about experiences of intimacy and intensity, about feeling a personal and immediate connection to the world in all its wildness and depth.

Depending on the rest of your astrological chart, all this intensity might or might not sound exactly fun, but either way it can be tremendously rewarding and freeing, if you let it. Scorpio season might ask you to refuse to settle for less than what you really desire — and to figure out what that actually is. If you’re typically focused on comfort, or on harmony, or on success and prestige, this season can offer an invitation to rethink this, to put all that aside. What is it you really desire? What is it you really need?

Psychic and Mediumship Online Development Class: Tuesday October 18 (7:30-9:30 pm).  Online at Microsoft Teams.

LESSON: What Is an Empath and How Do You Know If You Are One?

An empath is a person highly attuned to the feelings and emotions of those around them. Empaths feel what another person is feeling at a deep emotional level. Their ability to discern what others are feeling goes beyond empathy, which is defined simply as the ability to understand the feelings of others. Instead, being an empath extends to actually taking those feelings on.

Do you know when things are going to happen? Do you know things about people when just meeting them? Do you have intuitive and insightful conversations and wonder where they come from? Do you have information about your past lives? Do you see or dream of loved ones who have passed away? This is NORMAL !

This class will be every Tuesday online with Microsoft Teams. Each week we will learn something different to enhance both your psychic and mediumship ability.

I don’t look at them at gifts, but abilities. Why? Because everyone can do this, you just don’t know that you can. Or you know that you can but don’t know how to strengthen them.

Each class is $15, payable on my Etsy website. Text me at 716 481 2799 to receive the link to the online class on Microsoft Teams.


After you pay for the class, please text me at 716 481 2799 to receive the link for the class.

You don’t have to take every class, just the ones you are interested in. This class enhances self awareness to make better decisions, along with increasing your own abilities.

King of Cups Upright


UPRIGHT: Emotionally balanced, compassionate, diplomatic.
REVERSED: Self-compassion, inner feelings, moodiness, emotionally manipulative.

King of Cups Description

The King of Cups sits on a large stone throne and wears a blue tunic and a gold cape – a symbol of his authority and status. A small fish amulet hangs around his neck symbolising his creativity. In his right hand, he holds a cup representing the emotions, and his left has a sceptre, showing power and control. Unlike the other Cups court cards, he doesn’t look at his cup and seems to be focused elsewhere; perhaps he has already mastered his emotional self and doesn’t need to concentrate as hard on this facet of himself.

The King of Cups appears to be floating on a granite block in the middle of a turbulent sea. Behind him on his right, a fish jumps out of the ocean, while on the left, a ship sails steadily despite the waves. These images show that this King stays calm and balanced, even in turbulent conditions, and has learned how to stay open to his emotions and unconscious impulses, without being overwhelmed by them. He keeps power and control while balancing his feelings.

King of Cups Upright

The King of Cups represents mastery over the realms of emotion, creativity and the unconscious. When this card turns up in a Tarot reading, you have gained control of your feelings and can accept them without allowing them to get the better of you. Even when life throws you a curve ball, you can draw on your emotional maturity and stability to help you navigate these challenges. You don’t let things get to you, and you steer clear of the drama, instead choosing an emotionally balanced and calm approach.

If you are being challenged personally, the King of Cups suggests you need to remain emotionally mature when faced with negative energy from others. Be firm on your personal boundaries, stating what is and is not acceptable on an emotional level. This King is level-headed and in control of his emotions. He uses his intellect to make smart decisions and does not let other circumstances or whims sway him from his central beliefs and morals. Stay true to your emotions and feelings and do not allow others to steer you off course.

The King of Cups embodies the perfect balance between the executive and the heart. Not only are you able to assess and manage a situation logically, but you can also draw upon your intuition and understanding of human interactions. As a leader, you care as much about achieving your goals and objectives as you do about making sure everyone is happy and engaged along the way. If you sense that logic and emotion are out of balance, draw on the energy of this King to realign yourself.

As a King, he has a masculine, fatherly energy, and as a Cups card, he brings his emotional self to the forefront. He offers wise advice when it comes to feelings, emotions, creativity and relationships and can see the human dynamic in its entirety. The King of Cups is compassionate towards others, creating strong bonds and relationships based on patience and understanding. As you interact with others, you may need to navigate their strong feelings and emotional triggers so you can create a sense of peace in your interactions. He may appear in your life as a mentor, coach or spiritual guide; or you may step into this role yourself.

King of Cups Reversed

The reversed King of Cups indicates that you are focusing your attention on your innermost feelings. You are discovering the emotions stored in your subconscious mind and how these emotions affect you. Through this work, you hope to gain a stronger sense of control over your emotional well-being so that your feelings don’t steer you away from living your best life. You may read more self-help books, journaling or seeking the support of a trained counselor or hypnotherapist so you can journey deep into your subconscious mind.

When the reversed King of Cups appears in your spread, you may be more prone to emotional upset and drama. Others may trigger you or push your buttons HARD, even to where you worry you might lose it and throw an emotional tantrum. You may feel moody, depressed, anxious and unpredictable. You may also lack in self-compassion, beating yourself up over small things that have gone wrong. If this resonates, seek to understand the root cause of your emotions and bring your conscious awareness to the impact they are having on your life. Pay attention to your emotional balance and find your place of calm and compassion. Other people may trigger these emotional responses in you, but it’s up to you to stay in control!

The reversed King of Cups could show that you are repressing your emotions and withdrawing from the outside world because you fear what may happen if you were to confront your feelings head-on. Your feelings are bottling up inside you, and you are at risk of an emotional outburst if the pressure gets too much. If this resonates, consider finding a therapist to help you to work through your feelings in a safe

At worst, the reversed King of Cups can represent someone who is vindictive and has a talent for being able to punish others through emotional manipulation. He uses emotional blackmail to get his way and to push his personal agenda. He leaves you feeling uncertain about yourself and as if you are the problem, not him. This only leads to (undeserved) emotional instability within you. If this sounds like someone you have met in the past, you still have work to do in releasing yourself from his controlling forces.

Aries as the first sign of the Zodiac, is calling you to dive head first in to a new cycle in your life. This is related to how you understand your identity, your direction and even the place you find your motivation from in life.

This Full Moon relates back to the New Moon on the 31st March – 1st of April this year. These past 6 months have been an incubation period for you to reflect and rebuild before you enter through the threshold of a new cycle with this Full Moon. This is an energy that is calling for you to listen to your body, and the way it wants to move you. The body in conscious in a way that exists outside of the rational mind. It holds within it a truth that gets louder and louder the more we allow ourselves to feel grounded and embodied in this life. The Full Moon is conjunct Chiron and is opposite Venus. This is an emotionally charged Full Moon that will expose our deepest wounds. Venus, in domicile in Libra, is there to support us in the healing process.

Aries is the sign of “I am”. Chiron is where we feel wounded and inadequate. The Full Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron will stir our identity wound: those feelings of shame, inadequacy, that we are not enough, that we are invisible, that our existence doesn’t matter. Aries energy is our instinct to take action based on what feels right in the present moment.

There is wisdom behind Aries’ instinct. The Aries energy is so alive, it is so rooted in the present moment, that it immediately grasps the inevitability of a situation. And from that place of full engagement and aliveness, taking action is a natural next step. In our Pluto in Capricorn society, where every gesture, every look, every word is scrutinized, acting upon our Aries drives and impulses is oftentimes judged and criticized. People are being canceled right, left and center.

When you are criticized or judged for simply being who you are, remember that your instincts, feelings, and actions are 100% legitimate. There is nothing wrong with you. There is truth in every little thing that you are, say and do. And when you judge and criticize others, reflect on how, indirectly, you’re denying yourself the right to ‘be’.

At the Full Moon in Aries, ask yourself: how are you being judged? And then go even deeper, and ask yourself, how are you judging others? Judgment is a symptom of an unhealed identity wound. We judge ourselves and others when we don’t feel loved and accepted. As Venus, the planet of love, shines a light upon the Full Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron, we are offered a unique opportunity to heal our identity wound.

We can do years of therapy and go around in circles, OR we can make a decision to love ourselves enough, and move on with our lives. Under the loving beam of the Full Moon, deep wounds can heal overnight. In the process of facing your wounds with Aries courage and honesty, you may come to the conclusion that there are some wounds that won’t heal. And that’s ok too. The core lesson of this Full Moon and this wounding you’re being called to look at is to see where your motivation is coming from. Very often we try to ignore this sense of not being good enough (which is a symptom of this wounding) by becoming obsessed with achievement. Striving to fill this god-sized hole with a promotion, designer clothes, sex, relationships, medals, compliments, acceptance by others etc. Things that we hope will finally prove to us that we are whole. Yet the irony is that none of these panaceas will suffice for long. It’s like putting a band aid on a bullet wound. It gives us momentary satisfaction and then we immediately start to feel the pain again.


The key to working with this energy is to move from the intelligence of your body. From a place of soul, not of mind. Mind is the one that holds the abandonment wound, whilst the body knows this is an illusion of the ego. The wounding allows separation to exit, and therefore the ego to stay in tact. This Full Moon is calling for a new cycle to start where you acknowledge the mind, but move from the body. Creating a new direction in your life that is driven by something bigger than you – not by the yearning for reward or temporary satisfaction. This Full Moon has the potential to take you deeper into yourself, and bring within it a new journey in how you show up in life…and life shows up within you.

October 2022’s Full Hunter’s Moon In Aries Wants You To Reassess
The Balance In Your Relationships

This month’s full moon falls on Oct. 9, 2022 at 4:54 p.m. ET.

This full moon might seem particularly magical because it reaches peak illumination near the sunset. The moon will appear to pick up the sunset’s hues, tinged with red and orange. While the harvest moon was last month (the nickname is given to the full moon that falls closer to the fall equinox), October’s will seem more autumnal.

October’s full moon is nicknamed the Hunter’s Moon. Each of the year’s full moons has a nickname, usually derived from indigenous folklore. The Hunter’s Moon gets its nickname from hunters stocking up for the winter by stalking their prey under moonlight. Another nickname, the Sanguine Moon, also is related to hunting. It’s also been called the Dying Grass Moon and the Travel Moon.

Astrologically, this is a moment of taking charge of our innate desires and passions. Romantic Venus, action planet Mars, and commitment oriented Saturn (who’s currently retrograde) all aspect the full moon in Aries.

How October’s full moon in Aries will impact your zodiac sign


It’s time to make your own rules and adhere to them, no matter what anyone says. After all, you’re the one calling the shots and in control of your own destiny. How will you choose to live your best life? Do what feels right for you in order to be happy.


Use this full moon as a moment of reflection. Give yourself time to heal and make amends from the past. More importantly, take steps towards forgiveness: Not just with others, but with yourself. Releasing old trauma will be cathartic. Be gentle with yourself and don’t rush the process towards growth. 


Acknowledge your personal goals and hopes. Don’t hide them away any longer. Allowing yourself to embrace all of your personal aspirations will give you the opportunity and strength to flourish. Nothing can hold you back from achieving greatness. As long as you believe in yourself you’ll succeed. You got this!


All work and no play can lead to burnout. Put your laptop away and turn off your cell phone during this Full Moon and have fun. Stop stressing about work and go out with your friends, family, or partner for brunch, followed by a long walk amongst the autumnal foliage. 


Open yourself to new possibilities. Instead of hiding behind your stubborn mindset, lean into different philosophies and ways of thinking. Understanding the world around you is an amazing way to evolve, not only as a person, but spiritually as well. You will find yourself transforming at exponential speed and vigor.


You’re feeling vigilant and wanting to protect your loved ones. Making sure everyone is safe and protected may seem like an obligation for others, but not for you. You thrive in caring for others and will do anything in your power to give your all to make sure they remain happy.


Surface level connections aren’t cutting it for you at this time. You’re wanting to get deep with others and forge bonds that will last a lifetime. This also means that you’re creating space for true friends and letting go of relationships that aren’t proving to have longevity or standing the test of time.


Any subconscious issues you have not dealt with will come to a head. They’ll be on your mind during the full moon. Rely on your intuition for guiding your next move. Your mind is likely to go into overdrive.


There is a sense of excitement in the air right now. You’ll have innovative ideas for adventure and will socialize easily with others, perhaps even meet new people today. Still you should check your intuition before saying anything just in case that impulsivity takes too much of a hold.


Spending time with family will help alleviate any stress you might have in those relationships. You’ll express warm and tender feelings for the people around you. The Full Moon will enhance the connection with your brood and bring you closer together, as long as you commit to making those relationships work.


There is a lot of chatter happening around you, which is why it’s important to protect your own energy. Before getting caught up in the outside noise, try a few grounding exercises to keep yourself centered and focused. Also, you can take a restorative bath to decompress from your stresses.


It’s important to stick to a budget if you find yourself reaching for your credit cards for an unexpected expense. Remember that sales are your friend when shopping. Don’t make impulsive and lavish purchases that you may regret right now. If you must, then keep the receipts for later — just in case you change your mind.