The New Moon occurs at 2:06 am EST On Feb 20 at the first degree of Pisces. Check where that falls in your chart, and, do your manifestation to support the unfolding of these new energies.

The sabian symbol is ‘ squirrels hiding from hunters.’ Its a rather serious degree which conjures up feelings of fear and thoughts of survival.

A squirrel is no match for a hunter…unless it hides! What are you hiding in your own life? What are your fears around authenticity? Perhaps this symbol will remind you of what you need to do to survive in a world filled with threats. And, yes, after the wild ride during these past Aquarian 3 years (shooting, blizzards, earthquakes, fires) there HAVE been numerous challenges which have tugged at our heart strings….. Wherever you find Pisces in your own chart you feel the pain of others. Pisces is the original empath, psychic, helper of humankind. Saturn, the great planet of reality will be moving into Pisces on the day of the full moon: March 7th. How do you make `compassion’ more real? That will be the lesson and path of Saturn from 2023 through 2026.

The New Moon is conjunct Saturn at 28° Aquarius. Normally a New Moon in Pisces is an opportunity to make a wish. Within the endless Piscean ocean, anything is possible. However, Saturn doesn’t “dig” wishes. Saturn wants concrete actions. That’s why at this New Moon in Pisces, you’re invited to make a commitment.

What’s the difference between a wish and a commitment? Both wishes and commitments are important and serve a unique role.

We make a wish when we don’t have an answer, or when a resolution is not within our reach. If we want something, but don’t know how to get it, we make a wish. If we’ve tried everything humanly possible, and we haven’t got the expected results – we leave it to the Universe, and make a wish. There is a lot of power in setting intentional wishes. When we make a wish, we basically take ourselves out of the equation. We accept that the answer is beyond our reach. We leave everything in the hands of the universe.

A commitment is different. When we make a commitment, we commit ourselves to an outcome. We know that it’s us taking action that will get us the results we want. If we want to lose weight, we know that making a wish won’t do it; we need to take actual action: change our diet, do more exercise, or change our lifestyle. If we want to learn a new skill, we know that we need to clear our schedule for what’s important to us, and show up; we make a commitment to learning and to our future.

The New Moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn is an invitation to make a commitment on a desired outcome (the “what”), and at the same time, to keep our options open (the “how”). The New Moon is in Pisces, so we don’t have all the answers. Yet, everything starts with a strong commitment (Saturn).

An example of a New Moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn commitment is: “I 100% commit myself to achieve (…) your goal. “I don’t know yet how I will get there, and I might need to try different approaches. But no matter how many times I fail, I will keep my options open, and I will keep trying. I am 100% committed”. There is something magical about a 100% commitment. Not 99%, not even 99.9%, but 100%. When we are 100% committed, we are all in. Failing is not an option. When we are 100% committed, we connect ourselves to the fabric of the universe, and the universe begins to conspire in helping us achieve our goal.

This year, the Pisces new moon pairs up with Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance which has a magnifying effect on everything it touches. Also, Jupiter, as a planet, is comfortable and therefore especially able to express its energies and purpose in Pisces. For this reason, the feelings that come up for you around this new moon could feel amplified. This meet-up also bolsters optimism, sunniness, and the tendency to want to go big or go home with any intention you set now.

But if you’re suddenly caught off-guard by an exciting offer, spontaneous get-together with loved ones, romantic experience that pops up out of the blue, or creative brainstorm, you’ll have Uranus to thank. This moon also forms a friendly sextile to game-changer Uranus in Taurus, the grounded fixed earth sign, which could help you turn even the most nebulous dream into something concrete and electrifyingly exciting.

Associated with the twelfth house of spirituality, which involves the unconscious, dreams, and psychological healing, new beginnings go hand-in-hand with healing yourself mentally and emotionally now. The last thing the moon will do before moving into Pisces and meeting up with the sun will be to join forces with Saturn, the planet of boundaries and hard work, completing its stint in Aquarius. Your emotional commitments and relationship to self-discipline will be top of mind leading into the ethereal new moon. 

Though this could set a bit of a heavy, serious tone, you’ll do well to think of it as a solid, fertile foundation from which you can plant the seeds you want to see flourish. Basically, Saturn is the planet of reality checks, which can serve you well while wearing rose-colored glasses during this Pisces new moon. For instance, if you’re thinking of starting a side hustle or making a romantic move, holding past behaviors, patterns, and lessons in mind can set you up for more success in the long haul. 

The New Moon occurs at 2:06 am EST On Feb 20 at the first degree of Pisces. Check where that falls in your chart, and, do your manifestation to support the unfolding of these new energies.

The sabian symbol is ‘ squirrels hiding from hunters.’ Its a rather serious degree which conjures up feelings of fear and thoughts of survival.

A squirrel is no match for a hunter…unless it hides! What are you hiding in your own life? What are your fears around authenticity? Perhaps this symbol will remind you of what you need to do to survive in a world filled with threats. And, yes, after the wild ride during these past Aquarian 3 years (shooting, blizzards, earthquakes, fires) there HAVE been numerous challenges which have tugged at our heart strings….. Wherever you find Pisces in your own chart you feel the pain of others. Pisces is the original empath, psychic, helper of humankind. Saturn, the great planet of reality will be moving into Pisces on the day of the full moon: March 7th. How do you make `compassion’ more real? That will be the lesson and path of Saturn from 2023 through 2026.

The New Moon is conjunct Saturn at 28° Aquarius. Normally a New Moon in Pisces is an opportunity to make a wish. Within the endless Piscean ocean, anything is possible. However, Saturn doesn’t “dig” wishes. Saturn wants concrete actions. That’s why at this New Moon in Pisces, you’re invited to make a commitment.

What’s the difference between a wish and a commitment? Both wishes and commitments are important and serve a unique role.

We make a wish when we don’t have an answer, or when a resolution is not within our reach. If we want something, but don’t know how to get it, we make a wish. If we’ve tried everything humanly possible, and we haven’t got the expected results – we leave it to the Universe, and make a wish. There is a lot of power in setting intentional wishes. When we make a wish, we basically take ourselves out of the equation. We accept that the answer is beyond our reach. We leave everything in the hands of the universe.

A commitment is different. When we make a commitment, we commit ourselves to an outcome. We know that it’s us taking action that will get us the results we want. If we want to lose weight, we know that making a wish won’t do it; we need to take actual action: change our diet, do more exercise, or change our lifestyle. If we want to learn a new skill, we know that we need to clear our schedule for what’s important to us, and show up; we make a commitment to learning and to our future.

The New Moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn is an invitation to make a commitment on a desired outcome (the “what”), and at the same time, to keep our options open (the “how”). The New Moon is in Pisces, so we don’t have all the answers. Yet, everything starts with a strong commitment (Saturn).

An example of a New Moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn commitment is: “I 100% commit myself to achieve (…) your goal. “I don’t know yet how I will get there, and I might need to try different approaches. But no matter how many times I fail, I will keep my options open, and I will keep trying. I am 100% committed”. There is something magical about a 100% commitment. Not 99%, not even 99.9%, but 100%. When we are 100% committed, we are all in. Failing is not an option. When we are 100% committed, we connect ourselves to the fabric of the universe, and the universe begins to conspire in helping us achieve our goal.

This year, the Pisces new moon pairs up with Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance which has a magnifying effect on everything it touches. Also, Jupiter, as a planet, is comfortable and therefore especially able to express its energies and purpose in Pisces. For this reason, the feelings that come up for you around this new moon could feel amplified. This meet-up also bolsters optimism, sunniness, and the tendency to want to go big or go home with any intention you set now.

But if you’re suddenly caught off-guard by an exciting offer, spontaneous get-together with loved ones, romantic experience that pops up out of the blue, or creative brainstorm, you’ll have Uranus to thank. This moon also forms a friendly sextile to game-changer Uranus in Taurus, the grounded fixed earth sign, which could help you turn even the most nebulous dream into something concrete and electrifyingly exciting.

Associated with the twelfth house of spirituality, which involves the unconscious, dreams, and psychological healing, new beginnings go hand-in-hand with healing yourself mentally and emotionally now. The last thing the moon will do before moving into Pisces and meeting up with the sun will be to join forces with Saturn, the planet of boundaries and hard work, completing its stint in Aquarius. Your emotional commitments and relationship to self-discipline will be top of mind leading into the ethereal new moon. 

Though this could set a bit of a heavy, serious tone, you’ll do well to think of it as a solid, fertile foundation from which you can plant the seeds you want to see flourish. Basically, Saturn is the planet of reality checks, which can serve you well while wearing rose-colored glasses during this Pisces new moon. For instance, if you’re thinking of starting a side hustle or making a romantic move, holding past behaviors, patterns, and lessons in mind can set you up for more success in the long haul. 

HAPPY NEW MOON February 20 2023

The Law Of Abundance – Learning To Receive

What are Abundance Checks?

Abundance checks are a tool we can use to create more abundance in our lives. They are written within 24 hours after a New Moon.

Surprisingly, you really don’t even need to believe that the check will work when you write it. You will however be amazed at the results, as you will see increased abundance in your life, in some
life area. It is not always financial, but certainly in an area that you need.

Abundance is so much more than ‘money’. Perhaps a friend invites you to lunch and pays. Perhaps you are at lunch with a friend and they offer their expert advice on some area of your life. These are simple examples of Abundance. Abundance comes in many forms.
Be GRATEFUL for all that comes into your life.

There is a traditional manner, which has been handed down. If you do not have a checking account you can draw a check on a piece of paper and fill it out the same way – the results will be the same, more abundance for you.

New Moon Abundance check writing is a ritual for manifesting, using the energy of the New Moon each month along with Astrology and the house the new moon touches on for you!  This ritual has been handed down through so many people that its origin has become unknown.

Write the check for whatever you want to manifest. 

With the new moon in Pisces, stay hyper-focused on your personal goals right now, and don’t feel guilty about putting yourself first. The other side will be eager to guide you right now, so feel free to ask the universe for clarity if you’re ever feeling stuck. What you want to do is open your prayers up, not just to a specific divine being, but to your ancestors, your angels, and even your spirit guides. Call on all higher astral beings and powers to help you achieve what it is you want to manifest by praying in gratitude that you have already received it all.

Not only are you connecting to a higher power but you are also activating the power of attraction so that everything you are praying for will soon be yours.  

Here’s how the New Moon February 20 2023 will affect you depending on your star sign. Remember this refers to your sun, moon and rising sign.


Change starts from the inside – and the New Moon February 2023 is in your twelfth house of the subconscious mind is inviting you to own who you are and let go of self-limiting beliefs that could be holding you back from realizing your true power. You’re about to undergo a major shift in your inner world – namely how you process information and feel your emotions – and it starts with this lunation. And it starts with being kinder to yourself and quieting your inner critic. Get into a restful position and repeat positive affirmations that begin with “I am” statements to remind yourself who you are on the inside and out. You’re laying the foundations for your future right now.


A New Moon in your eleventh house of hopes and dreams is an auspicious time for you to fantasize about your future. Right now, the only limit to what you can achieve is your own imagination – and your ability to believe that it can be yours. We can fall victim to the comparison game. If evaluating yourself against other people’s milestones leaves you feeling bad, remind yourself that if it’s possible for them, why wouldn’t it be probable for you? If you can think about it, it can happen. This New Moon is asking you to shed a scarcity mindset and have faith in yourself and the Universe to conspire to bring you what you desire. Just believe, Taurus.


If you’ve been considering a change in career, this New Moon in your tenth house of public image will help you plant the seeds to manifest that dream job or calling. Sure, you could be good at your current job. But is your current job good for, and to, you? If not, the stars want you to cast aside any lingering doubts about your abilities, skills, and expertise. Don’t allow imposter syndrome to hold you back from realizing your potential at the cost of your dreams. The truth is, you can’t meet the moment if you don’t show up to greet it. And you’re ready. More than ready. Opportunity is knocking, Gemini. Go answer the call.


It’s time to break out of your comfort zone, Cancer, which is easier said than done, especially for a sign that craves security. But this New Moon in your ninth house of adventure is beckoning you to crawl out from under your proverbial shell and put yourself out there. If you’ve been looking to expand your horizons – perhaps undertake a new form of study, start a podcast, explore new places, or cross items off your life’s bucket list – there is no time like this present moment. Remember that every journey starts with a first step, and you’ll look back on this time and be glad you initiated those plans now – but you have to start.


Healing opportunities are presenting themselves to you – but first, you have to acknowledge where it hurts. With this New Moon in your eighth house of secrets and intimacy, the stars are asking you to drop your game face. As the performer of the zodiac, you may find that you put on a show of bravery. One that can lead you to smile through the pain or avoid dealing with it completely – but at what cost? Your heart is your greatest strength, and being vulnerable is how you can best share that big beating heart of yours with others. It’s how you get the true connection you seek. It’s how you cure the loneliness you may feel. Be brave, Leo.


Cupid’s arrow has landed on you, Virgo, and a big transformation is coming into your love life. It starts with the New Moon February 2023, which is in your seventh house of intimate partners. If the idea of romance and being wooed and pursued feels awkward or cringey, it may be time to evaluate your beliefs about love and what you believe you deserve. Can you drop the cynicism or skepticism? This New Moon is filled with mysticism and magic – the kind that allows you to see clearly what you need in love, even if it’s different than what you think you want. Love is a many splendid and wonderful thing. And it is not only possible for you right now – it’s very probable as well.


Can you surrender your attachment to the ways things are or the way things have always been? That’s the question that this New Moon in your sixth house of routine will be asking you to consider as you embark on this new chapter. While you may think of yourself as fluid and flexible, is it closer to the truth to acknowledge that being labeled as ‘easygoing’ is actually a trap? One that prevents you from advocating for your own needs or asking others to respect your boundaries? That’s where real change happens – and where you clearly establish what’s your responsibility and what you have no control over. It’s time to feel free, Libra.


The muses are smiling on you, Scorpio. You’re being showered with tons of good ideas and your creative juices are flowing with this New Moon in your fifth house of fun. Remember though, that you must be present and available to receive this divine inspiration. This means quieting any inner critics or releasing creative blocks to clear the cosmic pathways. Remind yourself of how gifted and talented you are. Indulge your daydreams, your imagination, and your fantasies. Make pleasure a priority – by making time to do the things you love. You’re on the brink of the breakthrough you’ve been wishing for.


This New Moon in your fourth house of home and family is activating the most private sector of your chart – the parts of you that not many see and that perhaps you don’t even want to acknowledge. The New Moon February 2023 is not about disavowing your past – or about blaming and shaming yourself for how you wish you would’ve responded at the time. You’ve learned and grown so much – don’t forget that. Thank your past self for doing the best you could with what you knew at the time. And now you know better – trust that, Sagittarius. And trust your instincts. You’ve earned them. And you’ll need them going forward.


You’re embarking on a new chapter in how you think and feel, Capricorn, with this New Moon in your third house of communication. This unwritten chapter may find you in plots where perhaps you don’t immediately know the answer. Where hyper-analysis isn’t the most effective tool, and where you don’t have to blame yourself for not having known something in the first place. You’re only human, after all, and despite the pressure you, or others, put on you – you are not in control of the Universe. Allow that thought to give you a sense of release on the way forward, even if it initially makes you bristle. Life is meant for learning and growing – and enjoying the ride.


De-influencing is your keyword for this New Moon in your second house of income. It’s the idea that you don’t actually have to buy that new thing you see while mindlessly scrolling on the internet. You’re not missing out on the next best invention even if social media influencers would have you think so. Yes, this New Moon is about saving money, but it’s also about only investing your time, effort, and energy into worthwhile ventures – and not pinning your hopes that some magic product will magically solve your problems. The stars are extending you an invitation, one that’s about investing in what matters most – your sense of self.


Change is afoot, Pisces, with the New Moon February 2023 in your first house of the self and it’s not just change for the sake of change – but change for the better. It’s the kind of change that may fundamentally transform who you are and how others perceive you – but it’s also the kind of change that once you undergo it, you wouldn’t take it back. Now is the time to evaluate what parts of your life you wish and fantasize about could be different – and what is blocking those parts from becoming a reality. Remember that nothing is impossible and a no or a rejection is just a redirection to what truly is possible for you if you believe it will be.

See Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium at Earth-Spirit Expo: Feb 18 (11-7) – Feb 19 (10-5) at Michaels Catering and Banquets, 4885 Southwestern Blvd, Hamburg, NY.

You can pre book by calling 716 481 2799

As a collective, we’re wrapping up old stories before embarking on entirely new chapters – and it all starts now. With Pisces season 2023 bringing all that Piscean energy you have gotta love, some signs will feel things a little more intensely. Taking place on February 20, 2023, at 2:06 AM EST, this New Moon is all about chasing your dreams – and finally being able to catch them.

We’ve been through a tough time and now we have a new beginning. Saturn, the planet of karma, past lives, lessons and restrictions is still in Aquarius for a few more weeks. Questions about a past life or dream? Relationship problems? Job ending? Thinking about moving but not sure? Come in for a reading.

A psychic reading may help to clarify some decisions or relationships in your life. Information from your past life may show up to help with the challenge of your present life relationships, decisions and friendships. A Mediumship reading will allow for healing and closure. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. We’ve come through some hard lessons, including a lot of personal loss but also of clarity and personal awakening. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side.

Namaste’ and good hair days !

See Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium at Earth-Spirit Expo: Feb 18 (11-7) – Feb 19 (10-5) at Michaels Catering and Banquets, 4885 Southwestern Blvd, Hamburg, NY.

You can pre book by calling 716 481 2799

As a collective, we’re wrapping up old stories before embarking on entirely new chapters – and it all starts now. With Pisces season 2023 bringing all that Piscean energy you have gotta love, some signs will feel things a little more intensely. Taking place on February 20, 2023, at 2:06 AM EST, this New Moon is all about chasing your dreams – and finally being able to catch them.

We’ve been through a tough time and now we have a new beginning. Saturn, the planet of karma, past lives, lessons and restrictions is still in Aquarius for a few more weeks. Questions about a past life or dream? Relationship problems? Job ending? Thinking about moving but not sure? Come in for a reading.

A psychic reading may help to clarify some decisions or relationships in your life. Information from your past life may show up to help with the challenge of your present life relationships, decisions and friendships. A Mediumship reading will allow for healing and closure. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. We’ve come through some hard lessons, including a lot of personal loss but also of clarity and personal awakening. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side.

Namaste’ and good hair days !

See Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium for a Reading @ Painted Love, 145 Belmont, Tonawanda, NY on Saturday February 11 (1-4pm). Please call (716) 481- 2799 to book your appointment. I have a few spots left.

Happy 2023!  What a ride 2022 has been.  We’ve been through a tough time and now we have a new beginning. Saturn, the planet of karma, past lives, lessons and restrictions is still in Aquarius for a few more weeks.  Relationship problems?  Job ending? Thinking about moving but not sure?  Come in for a reading.

A psychic reading may help to clarify some decisions or relationships in your life. Information from your past life may show up to help with the challenge of your present life relationships, decisions and friendships. A Mediumship reading will allow for healing and closure. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. We’ve come through some  hard lessons, including a lot of personal loss but also of clarity and personal awakening. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side.

Namaste’ and good hair days !

See Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium for a Reading @ Painted Love, 145 Belmont, Tonawanda, NY on Saturday February 11 (1-4pm). Please call (716) 481- 2799 to book your appointment. I have a few spots left.

Happy 2023!  What a ride 2022 has been.  We’ve been through a tough time and now we have a new beginning. Saturn, the planet of karma, past lives, lessons and restrictions is still in Aquarius for a few more weeks.  Relationship problems?  Job ending? Thinking about moving but not sure?  Come in for a reading.

A psychic reading may help to clarify some decisions or relationships in your life. Information from your past life may show up to help with the challenge of your present life relationships, decisions and friendships. A Mediumship reading will allow for healing and closure. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. We’ve come through some  hard lessons, including a lot of personal loss but also of clarity and personal awakening. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side.

Namaste’ and good hair days !

Online Psychic and Mediumship Development Class: Tuesday February 7, 2023 (7:30-9:30 pm). Online in Microsoft Teams. Learn to hone your intuition and deepen your own self awareness with this online class.

LESSON: Meet Your Spirit Guide(s) and Animal Spirit Guide(s).

We will first do a meditation and ask that our spirit guide(s) work with us to facilitate readings. Then we will meet a spirit guide animal and choose animals for each other based on some answers. Time to practice what we have been learning.  

This class is every Tuesday online with Microsoft Teams. Each week we will learn something different to enhance both your psychic and mediumship ability. I don’t look at them at gifts, but abilities. Why? Because everyone can do this, you just don’t know that you can. Or you know that you can but don’t know how to strengthen them.

Each class is $15, payable on my Etsy website. Text me at 716 481 2799 to receive the link to the online class on Microsoft Teams.

After you pay for the class, please text me at 716 481 2799 to receive the link for the class. You don’t have to take every class, just the ones you are interested in. This class enhances self awareness to make better decisions, along with increasing your own abilities.

Online Psychic and Mediumship Development Class: Tuesday February 7, 2023 (7:30-9:30 pm). Online in Microsoft Teams. Learn to hone your intuition and deepen your own self awareness with this online class.

LESSON: Meet Your Spirit Guide(s) and Animal Spirit Guide(s).

We will first do a meditation and ask that our spirit guide(s) work with us to facilitate readings. Then we will meet a spirit guide animal and choose animals for each other based on some answers. Time to practice what we have been learning.  

This class is every Tuesday online with Microsoft Teams. Each week we will learn something different to enhance both your psychic and mediumship ability. I don’t look at them at gifts, but abilities. Why? Because everyone can do this, you just don’t know that you can. Or you know that you can but don’t know how to strengthen them.

Each class is $15, payable on my Etsy website. Text me at 716 481 2799 to receive the link to the online class on Microsoft Teams.

After you pay for the class, please text me at 716 481 2799 to receive the link for the class. You don’t have to take every class, just the ones you are interested in. This class enhances self awareness to make better decisions, along with increasing your own abilities.