Well it’s that time of year again! Your quarterly opportunity to blame all of your troubles on Mercury retrograde. Beginning on Friday, April 21 (just a day after the solar eclipse in Aries and the start of Taurus season, for those of you keeping track), Mercury will do its apparent three-week moonwalk across the sky until May 14. The total solar eclipse in Aries will take us out of our comfort zone, as the fiery energy wants to inspire and motivate us to take action — even if our current plans aren’t completely thought through. The effects of the eclipse can hit us like a rollercoaster, due to the fact that Aries is an impetuous sign

Since every Mercury retrograde is different — each has unique properties that shift the way we experience this calamity-prone transit — what you can expect from this upcoming Mercury retrograde isn’t the same as last time. But don’t panic! I’ve got you covered! “Since Taurus is the first Earth sign of the zodiac, and Uranus, the planet of change and revolution, is also in the sign of Taurus, this Mercury Retrograde cycle is all about connecting to one’s roots, and grounding ourselves amidst change. Gardening and working with plants, with their literal roots, is a good way to ground oneself.

Not everything can run smoothly all the time of course, and, on an almost quarterly rotation, Mercury goes through a three-week-long retrograde cycle when the planet appears to stop, switch direction, and move backward in the sky — appears being the operative word, because retrograde motion is actually an optical illusion. Although the planet isn’t actually traveling in reverse, it just looks that way from our vantage on Earth.

Okay, so what do I need to know about this one?

While Mercury retrograde might seem chaotic, it’s important to remember that you can always get ahead of it by knowing exactly which areas of life will be most impacted by this notorious astrological happening.

From April 21 through May 14, Mercury will be going reverse in the sign of Taurus. Symbolized by the bull, Taurus (the first earth sign of the zodiac) is associated with the material world: Objects, money, food, environmentalism, and resources of all kinds (including, um, financial institutions) are within its domain. Taurus is also known for its signature hardheadedness, which means this sign would prefer to maintain systems than shake them up.

When Mercury first entered this sign on April 3, you may have noticed an urge to double-down on certain beliefs and points of view, adopting a “my way or the highway” approach that feels a little … stifling? Or maybe even, ahem, insufferable? For example, maybe you’ve arbitrarily decided that you’ll never make the first move. Or your supervisor doesn’t understand you, so you’re not even going to bother trying to explain yourself. Listen, it’s great to have convictions, but in this economy, flexibility is everything! But don’t worry, Mercury retrograde will be help you get loose — after all, there’s always a method to the madness!

How should I prepare?

While Mercury retrograde may seem like a stressful time (i.e., getting on the wrong train, followed by sending your boss a text meant for your mom, all whilst slipping on a banana peel), there’s actually some really magnificent lessons baked into this astrological happening. For one, we learn to surrender. Because Mercury retrograde challenges our personal status quo, its backward motion through stubborn Taurus will implore us to think outside the box, embrace spontaneity, and go with the flow. And, while it may seem like a derailment, remember that these mystical optical illusions offer dynamic ways of looking at an old situation from a totally different point of view. During this Mercury retrograde through Taurus, we’ll realize that resting on laurels is never a good look: People can surprise us. Situations can change. Yes, unexpected circumstances may temporarily shake our equilibrium … but that’s okay. Over the next few weeks, you may discover that your perceptions surrounding a certain person or situation were actually wrong, and likewise, you’ll begin to shift your perspective. Remember, nothing is set in stone — especially when Mercury retrograde comes around.

Help! My Sun (Or Moon! Or Rising!) is in Taurus!

If you have personal planets (sun, moon, or rising, as well as Mercury, Venus, or Mars) in Taurus, you better buckle up. Over the next few weeks, Mercury will be slowly but surely rattling your chart, which can feel a bit destabilizing. In fact, you may start to feel like no one understands you — why is it so hard for you to get your point of view across? Hello … is anyone listening? And while this backward spin may have you seeing red, remember that you’re presented with some unique opportunities to grow and perhaps even … mature? For instance, maybe you can let someone else take the reins on planning, or be willing to change your mind about a complicated situation? Maybe, if you look at it from a different angle, you’ll discover that it’s actually nothing like you assumed! After all, Mercury is shifting — why shouldn’t you?

How should I prepare?

This Mercury retrograde pre-shadow period (when Mercury moves through the same degrees that it will subsequently retrograde) started on March 30 … so now you know why things have felt a little off over the past few weeks. But the more you can plan in advance for the backward motion, the better! If you’re traveling, make sure you give yourself plenty of time for delays, cancellations, and transportation snafus. If you’re planning on signing an important contract, be sure to read the fine print very carefully or ask for a second opinion if you need a different set of eyes. If you’re considering getting back with an ex … um, don’t. Mercury may be going backward, but that doesn’t mean you should! And keep in mind that while Mercury Retrograde will end on May 14, the shadow period will last through June 1, so be sure to remain vigilant. By the time this transit is over, don’t be surprised if you’ve adopted some radically different points of view. How exciting!

The total solar eclipse in Aries will take us out of our comfort zone, as the fiery energy wants to inspire and motivate us to take action — even if our current plans aren’t completely thought through. The effects of the eclipse can hit us like a rollercoaster, due to the fact that Aries is an impetuous sign


This week, the Eight of Wands is encouraging you to go with the flow; don’t resist it. Everything is moving fast right now, so make the most of this momentum to manifest your goals and dreams.

Allow the energy of the Universe to flow through you and propel you closer to your goal. You may feel the urge to try and slow things down because you’re not ready or you’re fearful about the unknown.

Don’t waste this opportunity. Instead, use this energy to fuel positive change and produce significant results.

Get laser-focused with your intentions and actions. Determine what you want to manifest and then align all your resources and energy to focus on that singular goal.

Remove all distractions and devote yourself to the task with total concentration, determination and will. This experience can be highly productive, allowing you to do a lot in a short time.

Ask your Tarot cards: How can I be in flow?

See Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium for a Reading @ Painted Love, 145 Belmont, Tonawanda, NY on Saturday April 8 (1-4pm). Please call (716) 481- 2799 to book your appointment. I have a few spots left.

Saturn in Pisces (Karma) ! Full Moon In Libra ! (Balance..or not ). Sun In Aries (Get Something Started) ! Mars In Cancer ! (Look out ) . Saturn is the planet of karma, past lives and lessons learned. What lessons are now in your life that are repeating? Saturn is sitting in Pisces for the next 3 years. Virgo is opposite Pisces and this sign will make sure you know the lessons you should learn. This is the time of uncovered truths that have previous been hidden. This is the time to put in place new boundaries with the world around you that come from a new understanding of your own worth. There can be some anxiety and nervousness around this !

Questions about a past life or dream? Relationship problems? Job ending? Thinking about moving but not sure? Come in for a reading.

A psychic reading may help to clarify some decisions or relationships in your life. Information from your past life may show up to help with the challenge of your present life relationships, decisions and friendships. A Mediumship reading will allow for healing and closure. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. We’ve come through some hard lessons, including a lot of personal loss but also of clarity and personal awakening. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side.

Namaste’ and good hair days !

Every Sun season has its opposing full Moon. For Aries, the sign of the self, that full Moon is in Libra. In the midst of Aries season and in between two new Moons in Aries, the full Moon in Libra on April 5, 2023, brings some air to our fire. The fire sign of Aries asks us to be bold and decisive, and to take action quickly based on instinct alone. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Libra reminds us to connect with what we love in life. Libra also helps us connect with our hearts and communicate with others from this place. In its highest energy, Libra gives us patience, compassion, and the willingness to understand other people’s perspectives.

On this full Moon in Libra, it’s important to have some boundaries around your heart, mind, and energy. These boundaries aren’t meant to be harsh to others. They are meant to protect your peace. Libra helps us understand the impact of our relationships on the soul’s mission. First, though, it helps us understand how to create peace within ourselves. When we allow others to affect our energy, emotions, and thoughts, we lose control over our peace. We stop defining the vibration we live in and instead absorb from others the vibrations around us.

A lack of boundaries can look like many things. It may be saying yes when we really mean no. It may look like people-pleasing or being afraid of upsetting someone. It may also look like oversharing emotional issues with people who aren’t supportive or feeling like you are a dumping ground for other people’s emotions. A lack of boundaries can make you feel a little annoyed almost all of the time, and you may get angry easily. Anger is often a sign that your boundaries are being invaded. You may be angry at another for crossing them or angry at yourself for not upholding them.

Another clue that more boundaries are needed is if you easily take on other people’s energy. For instance, you may be in a pleasant mood. Then, after an encounter with someone in a lower vibration who is complaining a lot, you find yourself in a lower frequency, too. Boundaries help us hold the vibration we want to experience instead of taking on someone else’s. As you move through this full Moon in April, become aware if you need more boundaries between yourself and others. Creating strong boundaries is part of being in healthy relationships. When we maintain our boundaries, we can align with the soul’s mission more easily. We can also prioritize our needs while still showing up for other people. We don’t feel drained or annoyed by others. Instead, we give what we can when we can. When both people in a relationship do this, they can have clear, conscious communication around expectations and compromises.

When we don’t have healthy boundaries, the world pulls at our energy from different directions. Our emotions feel unstable, our thoughts are scattered, and we find it hard to focus. When we have firm boundaries in place, we can focus clearly on what’s important and limit our distractions in life. This focus helps us clarify and stay aligned with the soul’s mission.

Boundaries, though, require balance. We need just enough to protect our energy but not so many we keep away people who add to our lives. We want people in our world. We want to share our existence with others. It feels good to connect with other people. Some of the most joyous moments we have are spent with others. We also naturally crave people to share our stories, sorrows, and success.

We also crave love and people to love. Love is the highest vibration of all. It helps us touch our souls. Yes, we can love ourselves, but love for others also helps expand our hearts and raise our vibration. We want people in our lives, and we even need them. But we also need boundaries so relationships don’t become limiting or draining. We need balance, and creating that balance is what this full Moon is all about.

Living with others is not always easy, but when we do it through the lens of love, it becomes less challenging. Staying within the higher vibration of love is not always possible; we are affected by many things within and around us, including the people we interact with each day. We naturally absorb other people’s energy, especially when we have an intimate relationship with them. We take on other people’s energy, emotions, and even thoughts. We become like the people we are around because energy is contagious.

It’s kinda hard to stop and smell the roses when you’re in the midst of a vigorous Mars-ruled season, but there’s a Pink Moon headed our way!  So be sure to read on if you’re wondering how the full Pink Moon in Libra of April 2023 will affect each zodiac sign.

As for the full moon forecast, let’s take a closer look at the significance of this lunar phase, before we unravel the different layers of this lunation. Often referred to as an emotional climax and period of revelation, the moon reaches its peak of fullness once every month, while sitting directly across from the sun. This is precisely when the moon becomes 100 percent illuminated by the sun’s light, but the general opposition occurring between both of these luminaries can be emotionally triggering in the process. After all, if the moon is a symbol of our inner world and emotional foundation, and the sun represents our physical reality and primal expression, this lunar phase can bring light to what is out of balance in our personal lives. It’s no wonder many are often intimidated by the full moon effects; the gravitational pull occurring between the sun and the moon has the power to awaken the ocean of emotion within and around us.


Lean into your connections, and don’t be afraid to let someone else take the lead, Aries. Energies that revolve around your contractual agreements, significant others and ability to compromise are being brought to the forefront of this full moon. Ruled by Venus in your second house of money and self-worth, you’re being encouraged to surrender doubts, fears and the need to always fend for yourself. Others of you may realize you share different values with someone, but this doesn’t mean you can’t cultivate empathy and meet someone halfway.


You get what you give, and you’re seeing this firsthand, Taurus. This could be an act of kindness or a work vs. life balance you’re currently trying to cultivate, but this Venus-ruled full moon is bringing awareness to the dynamic of your day-to-day lifestyle, as well as clarity on whether or not it aligns with your higher self. If there is a lack of harmony between your life behind the scenes and your day-to-day reality, it will become clear under April’s full moon. You’re being called to prioritize your mental, physical, and spiritual well being, so reflect on what truly makes you feel secure.


You’re not one to follow the crowd, but you’re also easily distracted when mentally stimulated, Gemini. That being said, this justice-seeking full moon is bringing emphasis to your heart’s desires and the relationship you share with your inner child. Being a leader in your community is second nature to you, but are these collaborations and social networks in harmony with your passion projects, and creative musings? There’s nothing wrong with honoring your fellow intellectuals and storytellers, as long as you don’t lose sight of your own talents, skills and abilities.


Take a step back, and check-in with yourself, Cancer. Libra governs your fourth house of rulership, making this lunation all the more essential to your well being. There’s a part of you that is genuinely longing for a sense of harmony in your personal life, and yet another part of you keeps pushing forward, professionally and in terms of your sense of authority. No one said you couldn’t multitask, but you also can’t keep doing it all by yourself, all the time. Ruled by Venus in your social sector, you’re being encouraged to lean on your peers, and connect with those you value, and value you in return.


Taking the lead comes naturally when you’re ruled by the sun, Leo. However, this Venus-ruled full moon is challenging your pride, in the sense that it is reminding you to hold space for other ideas and perspectives. There’s always room for growth and expansion, and cultivating balance in the realm of communications (as well as skills you’re trying to master) can bring you the truth you’ve been seeking. Ruled by Venus in your 10th house of authority, don’t let a valuable connection and/or piece of advice go to waste.


Everyone has a unique value system, including you, Virgo. But April’s full moon is bringing awareness to everything from your sense of security to your joint ventures. Governed by Venus in your expansive ninth house of wisdom, philosophy and unknown territory, a journey while traveling abroad, and/or a new-found belief system, could help bring you the equilibrium you crave in the area of finances, and stability. This could also help strengthen your partnerships, and social awareness.


Make a wish, Libra. Although, it wouldn’t hurt to think back to the new moon in your sign that took place back in September 2022, because similar themes are being brought to the forefront… unless, you set intentions that are now manifesting. Governed by your celestial ruler, Venus—whilst bringing harmony and stability to your joint ventures, shared assets and contractual agreements—this is an opportunity for you to reflect on the value of your intimate unions, and whether your desire to lead on an investment is truly worth it.


Things aren’t always as they seem, and you’re well aware of this truth, Scorpio. However, this is important to consider during this time, as this full moon will bring clarity to something that’s been hidden from your conscious mind. Governed by Venus in your relationship sector, you’re gaining awareness of the stability of your one-on-one connections (personally or professionally), and recognizing where there could be a lack of balance, or reciprocation. Conversations around a contract could catch you off guard, which is why it’s important to remain true to your belief systems.


Friends come and go, but sometimes they turn into family, Sagittarius. Governed by Venus in your sixth house of due diligence and acts of service, this moon epitomizes the meaning of “paying it forward.” When was the last time you checked in on a friend? Or hung out with your best pal? Without losing sight of your heart’s desires, this moon is encouraging you to show up in your community, and share your gift with the rest of the world. More importantly, it’s reminding you of your soul family, and friendship groups. Step away from the solo ventures for a bit, and lean in.


You’re a natural at calling the shots and taking the lead, but there’s a time and place for everything, Capricorn. A professional opportunity could potentially take you out of your element, but not having “superiority” doesn’t have to mean it’s out of the question. For others of you, it’s important to be mindful of your work vs. life balance, and communicate with your superiors if needed. Things could be more active than usual on the home-front, which may leave you with no choice but let someone else do the work for the time being, and that’s OK.


Being a fixed sign makes you more prone to having a stubborn mindset, but this full moon is showing you why this could be to your detriment, Aquarius. With a stellium in Aries charging up your communication sector, chances are acting on impulse, and speeding through the details of a situation. However, you’re being encouraged to consider a different point of view, or a completely different option moving forward, as Luna will light up your ninth house of wisdom, and unknown territory. Don’t leap forward without proper mediation, and guidance. This is especially true for those of you in the middle of relocating, or a lucrative household investment. 


You’re more often a giver than you are a taker, and this is exactly what you’re confronting under April’s Pink Moon, Pisces. Whether financially or in regards to your sense of security, it’s important to reflect on the value of your investments, and (more importantly) where you’re directing your energy. Are your intimate unions and shared assets built upon an authentic and stable foundation? Can you depend on a significant other and/or professional employer for the stability you desire? This could be something as silly as the conversations you’re having on a regular basis but the bottom line is, are they of genuine value to you?

It’s kinda hard to stop and smell the roses when you’re in the midst of a vigorous Mars-ruled season, but there’s a Pink Moon headed our way!  So be sure to read on if you’re wondering how the full Pink Moon in Libra of April 2023 will affect each zodiac sign.

As for the full moon forecast, let’s take a closer look at the significance of this lunar phase, before we unravel the different layers of this lunation. Often referred to as an emotional climax and period of revelation, the moon reaches its peak of fullness once every month, while sitting directly across from the sun. This is precisely when the moon becomes 100 percent illuminated by the sun’s light, but the general opposition occurring between both of these luminaries can be emotionally triggering in the process. After all, if the moon is a symbol of our inner world and emotional foundation, and the sun represents our physical reality and primal expression, this lunar phase can bring light to what is out of balance in our personal lives. It’s no wonder many are often intimidated by the full moon effects; the gravitational pull occurring between the sun and the moon has the power to awaken the ocean of emotion within and around us.


Lean into your connections, and don’t be afraid to let someone else take the lead, Aries. Energies that revolve around your contractual agreements, significant others and ability to compromise are being brought to the forefront of this full moon. Ruled by Venus in your second house of money and self-worth, you’re being encouraged to surrender doubts, fears and the need to always fend for yourself. Others of you may realize you share different values with someone, but this doesn’t mean you can’t cultivate empathy and meet someone halfway.


You get what you give, and you’re seeing this firsthand, Taurus. This could be an act of kindness or a work vs. life balance you’re currently trying to cultivate, but this Venus-ruled full moon is bringing awareness to the dynamic of your day-to-day lifestyle, as well as clarity on whether or not it aligns with your higher self. If there is a lack of harmony between your life behind the scenes and your day-to-day reality, it will become clear under April’s full moon. You’re being called to prioritize your mental, physical, and spiritual well being, so reflect on what truly makes you feel secure.


You’re not one to follow the crowd, but you’re also easily distracted when mentally stimulated, Gemini. That being said, this justice-seeking full moon is bringing emphasis to your heart’s desires and the relationship you share with your inner child. Being a leader in your community is second nature to you, but are these collaborations and social networks in harmony with your passion projects, and creative musings? There’s nothing wrong with honoring your fellow intellectuals and storytellers, as long as you don’t lose sight of your own talents, skills and abilities.


Take a step back, and check-in with yourself, Cancer. Libra governs your fourth house of rulership, making this lunation all the more essential to your well being. There’s a part of you that is genuinely longing for a sense of harmony in your personal life, and yet another part of you keeps pushing forward, professionally and in terms of your sense of authority. No one said you couldn’t multitask, but you also can’t keep doing it all by yourself, all the time. Ruled by Venus in your social sector, you’re being encouraged to lean on your peers, and connect with those you value, and value you in return.


Taking the lead comes naturally when you’re ruled by the sun, Leo. However, this Venus-ruled full moon is challenging your pride, in the sense that it is reminding you to hold space for other ideas and perspectives. There’s always room for growth and expansion, and cultivating balance in the realm of communications (as well as skills you’re trying to master) can bring you the truth you’ve been seeking. Ruled by Venus in your 10th house of authority, don’t let a valuable connection and/or piece of advice go to waste.


Everyone has a unique value system, including you, Virgo. But April’s full moon is bringing awareness to everything from your sense of security to your joint ventures. Governed by Venus in your expansive ninth house of wisdom, philosophy and unknown territory, a journey while traveling abroad, and/or a new-found belief system, could help bring you the equilibrium you crave in the area of finances, and stability. This could also help strengthen your partnerships, and social awareness.


Make a wish, Libra. Although, it wouldn’t hurt to think back to the new moon in your sign that took place back in September 2022, because similar themes are being brought to the forefront… unless, you set intentions that are now manifesting. Governed by your celestial ruler, Venus—whilst bringing harmony and stability to your joint ventures, shared assets and contractual agreements—this is an opportunity for you to reflect on the value of your intimate unions, and whether your desire to lead on an investment is truly worth it.


Things aren’t always as they seem, and you’re well aware of this truth, Scorpio. However, this is important to consider during this time, as this full moon will bring clarity to something that’s been hidden from your conscious mind. Governed by Venus in your relationship sector, you’re gaining awareness of the stability of your one-on-one connections (personally or professionally), and recognizing where there could be a lack of balance, or reciprocation. Conversations around a contract could catch you off guard, which is why it’s important to remain true to your belief systems.


Friends come and go, but sometimes they turn into family, Sagittarius. Governed by Venus in your sixth house of due diligence and acts of service, this moon epitomizes the meaning of “paying it forward.” When was the last time you checked in on a friend? Or hung out with your best pal? Without losing sight of your heart’s desires, this moon is encouraging you to show up in your community, and share your gift with the rest of the world. More importantly, it’s reminding you of your soul family, and friendship groups. Step away from the solo ventures for a bit, and lean in.


You’re a natural at calling the shots and taking the lead, but there’s a time and place for everything, Capricorn. A professional opportunity could potentially take you out of your element, but not having “superiority” doesn’t have to mean it’s out of the question. For others of you, it’s important to be mindful of your work vs. life balance, and communicate with your superiors if needed. Things could be more active than usual on the home-front, which may leave you with no choice but let someone else do the work for the time being, and that’s OK.


Being a fixed sign makes you more prone to having a stubborn mindset, but this full moon is showing you why this could be to your detriment, Aquarius. With a stellium in Aries charging up your communication sector, chances are acting on impulse, and speeding through the details of a situation. However, you’re being encouraged to consider a different point of view, or a completely different option moving forward, as Luna will light up your ninth house of wisdom, and unknown territory. Don’t leap forward without proper mediation, and guidance. This is especially true for those of you in the middle of relocating, or a lucrative household investment. 


You’re more often a giver than you are a taker, and this is exactly what you’re confronting under April’s Pink Moon, Pisces. Whether financially or in regards to your sense of security, it’s important to reflect on the value of your investments, and (more importantly) where you’re directing your energy. Are your intimate unions and shared assets built upon an authentic and stable foundation? Can you depend on a significant other and/or professional employer for the stability you desire? This could be something as silly as the conversations you’re having on a regular basis but the bottom line is, are they of genuine value to you?