See Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium for a reading @ Soul Healing Center,
9055 Main St,  Clarence, NY on Saturday May 27 (12-4pm). Click on the link
below to schedule.

A psychic reading may help to clarify some decisions or relationships in your life. Information from your past life may show up to help with the challenge of your present life relationships, decisions and friendships. A Mediumship reading will allow for healing and closure. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side. A past life reading showing up can help you with your present situations and decisions.

After the lazy, sensual groundedness of Taurus season, Gemini season arrives with an energy that’s sharper yet more diffuse. Where Taurus season is earthy, focused on the body and the five senses, Gemini season — which runs from May 21 to June 21 this year — offers the chance to turn our energies outward again to the world around us. And while Taurus season is a time for hard work and tangible pleasures, Gemini season calls for fresh air and sparkling light, for ideas and conversation.

Gemini is the first air sign of the zodiac year, and as an air sign, its energy is bright and social and intellectual — less tethered to some of the more solid practicalities of life. Sometimes this “airiness” is misunderstood as an indicator of an empty head, but if anything, it’s the opposite: Air signs are always buzzing with ideas, schemes, and mental energy that can move too fast for the rest of us to even notice.

Because Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and connection, this air-sign energy can take on a chatty, highly verbal, extra-extroverted shine. Geminis are intellectually curious and broadly observant of the world and people in it. They’re probably the least brooding of all the signs. Why endlessly stew when you could simply say what you’re thinking and talk it through with someone? Even if you’re typically private and introspective, Gemini season lends itself to discussion and collaboration.

This is also an occasion for seeking out a variety of new experiences. While some signs find routines comforting, too much predictability feels mind-numbingly tedious for Gemini. Regardless of whether you are a Gemini, this month is ideal for switching things up. So take different routes to work, talk to strangers, or simply watch a movie that ordinarily might not interest you. Don’t imagine that you must travel to the ends of the Earth to find newness. Gemini is a champion of finding the new and exciting in our own neighborhoods and everyday lives.

The downside to this, of course, is that routines provide necessary structure. While Gemini season can be socially and mentally exhilarating, it’s a difficult time to attempt work that requires deep, sustained focus. During this season, your attention will likely be more scattered than usual. But this doesn’t have to be a bad thing! If you simply let yourself be dazzled by the world and all it holds, the universe will reward you being inquisitive.

All of this affable, open-hearted curiosity gives Gemini an undeniable charm — this is a sign that knows how to have fun with just about anyone. Gemini’s symbol, the twins, points to its essential adaptability. It’s so innate that Geminis can seem like two separate people — able to be just as happy in the club as in the library, as much at ease on a crowded bus as in business-class seats.

It’s this dazzling sociability, this ease in adapting to be comfortable anywhere, that can lead other people to imagine Gemini to be “two-faced” or duplicitous — as though in order to feel so at home in so many disparate contexts, some kind of fakery or inauthenticity must be involved. This can manifest in some weirdly strident anti-Gemini sentiment. Like every sign, Gemini has its shadow side, and all of its magnetic charm can easily be used to selfish, nefarious, or just chaotic ends. Still, there are so many reasons to love the sign. Gemini season has so much to offer!

In Gemini season, you can let go of the idea that you can only act one way, that you can only be one thing, that you have to choose between all the different sides of yourself. In Gemini season, you can recognize that every part of yourself is equally authentic, equally real.

See Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium for a reading @ Soul Healing Center, 9055 Main St,  Clarence, NY on Saturday May 27 (12-4pm). Click on the link below to schedule.

A psychic reading may help to clarify some decisions or relationships in your life. Information from your past life may show up to help with the challenge of your present life relationships, decisions and friendships. A Mediumship reading will allow for healing and closure. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side. A past life reading showing up can help you with your present situations and decisions.

TIP: Read your Sun/Rising  and Moon sign horoscopes for Gemini season 2023

First and foremost, Gemini season is all about learning. No matter your own zodiac sign, try to learn something new every day during Gemini season. This could be a very literal interpretation, like cracking open some books and diving deep into a subject you love, or it could be a more open-ended interpretation. Maybe you’re doing a lot of traveling, meeting new people, or even having some deep talks with the people you’re around in your day-to-day life. This next month is meant to be an enriching, interesting time. You’re not really focusing on one thing—you’re trying to experience all the things!

And that leads to one of the problems with Gemini season… you just can’t focus on a single damn thing. You’re so eager to try new things and connect with new people that sticking to just one of them is way more difficult. You’re a little more absentminded and it’s easier to forget to text back—nothing major, but it’s a good thing to be aware of. It’s also easy to say a lot right now, so make sure you back up your words with actions. Don’t say something just to say something—put a little thought into it.

Aries Sun, Rising & Moon:

You don’t have to travel the globe or go to school to learn something, Aries—there’s plenty of exciting opportunities in your immediate vicinity that you can take advantage of this Gemini season. Go to that new restaurant that opened down the street, or stop by the neighborhood block party, or spend a day in your city park. You’ll run into some very interesting people and experiences on the way!

Taurus Sun, Rising & Moon:

It’s no secret that you’re ‘bout stubborn as hell, Taurus, but this Gemini season is urging you to become a wee bit more open-minded. You hold onto your old morals and values with an iron grip, even if they’re a little outdated or don’t really align with your current lifestyle. You’re learning what really matters most right now, and you’re changing your attitude accordingly.

Gemini Sun, Rising & Moon:

Happy birthday! Look at the world around you, Gemini—the people, the places, the events. Which ones seem the most exciting? Which ones do you think will thrill you the most? Once you decide, go after it! Hell, maybe you can’t pick just one. Go for all of it! The projects, jobs, and relationships you start now will be very important down the line.

Cancer Sun, Rising & Moon:

You need to take a look through your Google Drive list and find out what parts of your life (and what parts of yourself) are no longer working with your best interests in mind. This could be old jobs, habits, or addictions, or maybe an old relationship. Regardless, there’s some baggage you gotta deal with, Cancer. Don’t overthink it. Be patient with yourself and work at a pace you feel comfortable with.

Leo Sun, Rising & Moon:

You’re not just a social butterfly this month, you are the social butterfly, Leo! New friends are on their way in, toxic friends are on their way out, and you’re getting closer and closer with your besties. Don’t showboat—recognize your place in the whole, and celebrate everyone around you. They’ll celebrate you just as much, and everyone will feel great as a result!

Virgo Sun, Rising & Moon:

Don’t sell yourself short, Virgo. If you’re gonna dream, dream big. This is a critical moment when it comes to your career and public image, so go for the gold! Work your ass off! Even if you don’t quite make it, your good performance will significantly improve your rep, and opportunities to make professional connections will start pouring in.

Libra Sun, Rising & Moon:

This is the best time to travel. Anywhere that isn’t where you’re at now, whether it’s the next town over or flying halfway across the globe, is where you should be. Don’t worry about traveling with a friend, because you’ll be making plenty of new ones wherever you go! This month is all about broadening your horizons—literally.

Scorpio Sun, Rising & Moon:

If you don’t speak up about an issue, it’ll never get solved. There’s a relationship causing a serious imbalance in your life, and you need to talk it out. This could be a relationship with a lover, with a job, or with debt, or even with yourself. Whatever is going on, talk it out with someone (maybe a therapist), because if something is mentionable, it’s manageable.

Sagittarius Sun, Rising & Moon:

It’s cuffing season! Flying solo is 100% not the move right now, Sagittarius. Whether it’s with your bestie, your boo, or a business partner, you should be spending time with someone as much as you can right now. Cooperation is key—you’re not their boss, you’re their partner. You’re making new relationships, strengthening existing ones, and squashing the drama with people you have beef with!

Capricorn Sun, Rising & Moon:

C’mon Capricorn, look at your surroundings. It’s a mess! Start with tidying up your house. Then, get all of your shit organized at work. Then, onto the hard part: You need to set some healthier habits. Go outside for a walk every once in a while, or start making food at home instead of always getting takeout. If it sounds too tough to do it alone, find someone else to do it with—a sibling, or a friend, perhaps? You gotta clean up your act, Capricorn.

Aquarius Sun, Rising & Moon:

This next month is all about shining bright. You’re more active, you’re feeling creative, and you have a stronger sense of passion for life. Gemini season is making romance more lovely, sex way hotter, and giving you an extra boost of confidence in the meantime. Basically, it’s an ah-mazing month for you. Have fun!

Pisces Sun, Rising & Moon:

You’re laying low, feeling very introverted, and spending a ton of time at the crib. Don’t feel bad for being a couch potato, because this next month is all about focusing on your inner world—your life at home, your family life, and your emotions. Take some time to deal with what’s going on in your private world, and you can break out of your shell feeling better than ever when Gemini season is over.

See Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium for a reading at Autumn Beach Breezes Psychic Faire and Wellness Metaphysical Marketplace, Woodlawn Beach. 3580 Lake Shore Rd, Blasdell, NY. Saturday May 20, (11-4). Pre-book with me by calling or texting me at 716 481 2799. I’ve got a few spots left.

A psychic reading may help to clarify some decisions or relationships in your life. Information from your past life may show up to help with the challenge of your present life relationships, decisions and friendships. A Mediumship reading will allow for healing and closure. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side. You’re going to need it…lol.  READ ON!

On May 19th, 2023, we have a New Moon at 28° Taurus.

This New Moon in Taurus is quite unique for a very special reason: at the New Moon, we have a record of 6 (six!) planets in Taurus! The Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Uranus, the North Node and Jupiter are all in Taurus. Basically 50% of the energies are concentrated in one sign of the zodiac, and the other 50% in the other 11 signs of the zodiac.

New Moon In Taurus – Taurus Galore

So that’s quite a lot of Taurus energy to deal with. This is not one Bull or two… we have a full herd. What does that mean? This means that the Taurus sector of our chart will come into focus, demanding our undivided attention.

If you are familiar with your chart, you already know what that area is (the house where you have Taurus). If you’re not familiar with your chart, worry not. You will most likely figure it out simply because it will become so obvious.

SOMETHING in your life, a particular area of your life demands your attention. This could be your health, your children, your money, your career, your relationships, your taxes, your friends etc. This particular area will come into a strong focus. Something is brewing.

The New Moon in Taurus is one of the most auspicious New Moons of the year because it only makes harmonious aspects with other planets: sextile Mars in Leo, sextile Neptune in Pisces, and trine Pluto in Aquarius.

At this New Moon in Taurus, the universe is truly on your side! … but it may not feel this way. The universe works in strange ways sometimes.

On May 19th, 2023, we have a New Moon at 28° Taurus.

This New Moon in Taurus is quite unique for a very special reason: at the New Moon, we have a record of 6 (six!) planets in Taurus! The Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Uranus, the North Node and Jupiter are all in Taurus. Basically 50% of the energies are concentrated in one sign of the zodiac, and the other 50% in the other 11 signs of the zodiac.

New Moon In Taurus – Taurus Galore

So that’s quite a lot of Taurus energy to deal with. This is not one Bull or two… we have a full herd. What does that mean? This means that the Taurus sector of our chart will come into focus, demanding our undivided attention. If you are familiar with your chart, you already know what that area is (the house where you have Taurus). If you’re not familiar with your chart, worry not. You will most likely figure it out simply because it will become so obvious.

SOMETHING in your life, a particular area of your life demands your attention. This could be your health, your children, your money, your career, your relationships, your taxes, your friends etc. This particular area will come into a strong focus. Something is brewing. The New Moon in Taurus is one of the most auspicious New Moons of the year because it only makes harmonious aspects with other planets: sextile Mars in Leo, sextile Neptune in Pisces, and trine Pluto in Aquarius.

At this New Moon in Taurus, the universe is truly on your side! … but it may not feel this way. The universe works in strange ways sometimes.

At the New Moon in Taurus, we have:

  1. A powerful Taurus stellium energy suggesting sustained momentum. Something needs to happen. Something’s got to give
  2. A beautifully aspected New Moon, forming supporting aspects with Mars, Neptune and Pluto
  3. And a very tense T-square with Jupiter, Mars and Pluto

New Moon In Taurus vs. Mars-Jupiter-Pluto T-Square

So what we may be feeling at the time of the New Moon is not the benevolent, peaceful Taurus energy, but the tension of the T-square: Jupiter square Pluto, Jupiter square Mars, Mars opposite Pluto. We always feel squares and oppositions more strongly than the trines and the sextiles. But by no means we should neglect these important positive aspects! What really happens behind the scenes is that the stars align to birth something beautiful into existence.

Behind what it feels like total chaos and nerve-racking tension, lies a Taurus promise of peace, stability and abundance.  Jupiter has just entered Taurus – and is here to stay for an uninterrupted 12-month sojourn. We have the great benefic on our side. But Jupiter has some work to do first.

New Moon In Taurus – Take Massive Action

At the New Moon in Taurus, we may be reminded that if we want stability and abundance (Taurus), we need to sort out our tangled mess first (T-square). And that’s not just a few tweaks here and there. We need to take massive action, we need to restructure something fundamental in our life.

Mars square Jupiter = massive action. And Pluto magnifies this momentum even further. This powerhouse T-square is not necessarily about doing more, trying harder, or putting in more effort. If we keep struggling, if we keep having setbacks, that’s perhaps because our approach needs to change. Sometimes radical, decisive action is more impactful than years of diligent Saturn work. The New Moon in Taurus reminds me of one of the older Marlboro man commercials with the cowboy taming the wild horses.

That symbol was so appealing to the masses because it pushed our reptilian brain “Pluto” button: survival, uncertainty, the unpredictable force of nature, and eventually the sense of freedom and empowerment that comes when we take the risk, go all in, and ‘tame’ the wild. The cowboy is the archetypal hero/heroine that rides in the wild and pushes the boundaries of nature. The imagery of cowboys riding horses and taking a break after a hard day’s work tapped into tens of thousands of years of evolution when we had to tame the wilderness to survive, experiencing a sense of empowerment in the process.

New Moon In Taurus – Tame Your Wild Horses

If we make a parallel with the T-square and the New Moon in Taurus, ‘taming the wilderness’ is the Mars-Jupiter-Pluto T-square. And the sense of calm and empowerment we experience after, is the stellium New Moon in Taurus. There’s something calm and self-sufficient about Taurus. Taurus is perhaps the most (authentically) self-confident sign of the zodiac because of the deep connection that Taurus has with nature. Taurus is Gaia. If Earth was to rule a sign, that sign would be Taurus. Taurus is that area of our chart where we feel at ease with ourselves and with life.

The stellium New Moon in Taurus is an invitation to tap into the serenity and quiet self-confidence of the sign. As Mars opposes Pluto and Jupiter squares Mars under the dark night of the New Moon, you stand on the precipice of transformation. Embrace the challenge!

The message of the New Moon? If we “do” the T-square, if we venture into the wilderness and tame our own wild horses (Mars opposite Pluto), then the Taurus reward awaits.

The new moon in Taurus takes place on May 19 at 11:53 a.m. ET.

How The New Moon Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign


Commit to a long term plan. Explore new realms and financial opportunities, and reflect on the ways you can work from home, or capitalize on your talents, skills and abilities. What are you ready to surrender when in regards to your possessions, and sense of self-worth? What is no longer worthy of your time and energy? The new moon will touch down on your stability-seeking second house, and all while Jupiter faces off with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. Your aspirations and ideals are at the forefront of this lunation, but your ability to stand firm in your values brings you closer to your power.


You’re being blessed with a well-deserved cosmic reboot this lunar cycle, and for more reasons than one. For instance, in addition to the sun and moon joining forces in your sign, you have the “Greater Benefic” planet also transiting your sign for the first time in 12 years. However, Jupiter will square Pluto retrograde, and bring awareness to your sense of authority (or lack thereof), so it’s important to honor your personal values and desires at this time. The transformation occurring in your area of career and reputation could definitely shake things up in the long run, so make sure you make a commitment to yourself before you take more responsibility.


You feel right at home in your fantasies and dreams, Gemini. And though the moon will renew itself via your 12th house of closure, healing and unconscious patterns, it is inspired by Venus in Cancer via your stability-seeking second house of value systems. On that note, this is an opportunity for you to reflect on what you genuinely cherish and crave when in regards to your emotional world. Jupiter will face off with Pluto retrograde which could, in turn, highlight the transformation of your beliefs and philosophies, despite whether you’ve addressed this new-found awareness.


There is greater emphasis on the support of your community, and many of you are being recognized for your social contributions. Luna will renew itself in Taurus, via your idealistic 11th house of aspirations, society and individual freedom, and all while Venus transits your sign. If you’ve been feeling discouraged and/or uninspired, this lunation will be pick me up you never knew you needed. You are not only acknowledging the value of your work, but also finding the nourishment and stability you’ve been craving. Naturally, the changes stemming from Jupiter’s square to Pluto retrograde could be intimidating at first, but this is why it is essential that you stand firm in your power.


There’s more than enough room at the top, but you’re cosmic royalty. The moon will renew itself via the stability-seeking sign of Taurus, bringing fertility and fruitful beginnings to your 10th house of authority, reputation and legacy in the world. Keep in mind, this lunation is brought to you by Venus in Cancer via your 12th house of closure, dreams and unconscious patterns, suggesting the possibility of you taking some well-deserved personal days, if not surrendering a title you represented once upon a time. The catch, however, could stem from Jupiter’s opposition to Pluto retrograde in your relationship sector. Don’t lose sight of your personal value systems, and don’t let anyone take your power away.


The moon will be renewing itself via the security-seeking sign of Taurus which, in turn, brings emphasis to your expansive ninth house of self-discovery, spiritual wisdom and unknown territory. If you’re feeling intuitively guided towards a different group of like-minded individuals, don’t sleep on your desires. In fact, many of you are gaining awareness of new opportunities, and perhaps even searching for a sense of familiarity in the process. Keep in mind, Jupiter will simultaneously square Pluto retrograde, so it’s important to get clear on your long term goals and pursuits, so you don’t lose sight of your truth moving forward.


You’re taking a closer look at the value of your investments, and energetic exchanges. For instance, the moon will renew itself via the stability-seeking sign of Taurus, and your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources and other sources of income. Keep in mind, this lunation is inspired by your celestial ruler, Venus, which is currently dazzling your 10th house of authority via the sign of Cancer. If this is related to home and family, you could come to find that you have a new-found value system when in regards to your superiors, and/or parenting style. Others of you may learn about an inheritance, or family heirloom.


You are being gifted with a much-needed reset, and in the realm of partnerships and one-on-one relationships. Luna will renew itself in Taurus, via your committed seventh house of compromise and contractual agreements. Ruled by Venus in Cancer—via your expansive ninth house of self-discovery, spiritual wisdom and unknown territory—there is an opportunity for long term growth, whether personally or professionally speaking. The catch? Lucky Jupiter will face off with Pluto retrograde (your modern ruler) via your fourth house of home, family and innermost feelings. Do not let the transformation you’re experiencing derail you from your commitments, and relationship opportunities.


Whether it be in terms of health or your day-to-day routine, May’s new moon is bringing forth the opportunity to invest in a fruitful and solid plan for the future. For instance, the moon will renew itself via the stability-seeking sign of Taurus, and via your sixth house of due diligence, health habits and acts of service. Governed by Venus in Cancer—via your intimate eighth house of shared resources—many of you will begin to take your power back, and reconnect with your sense of self-worth in the process. This is especially true for those of you who have been overextending yourself and/or sacrificing your needs.


Your solar plexus is a glimmering garden, abundant with riches and creative talents. How are you cultivating these gifts, Capricorn? Luna governs your relationship sector, but it will renew itself in Taurus via your fifth house of authenticity, passion projects, self-expression and your inner child. Governed by Venus in Cancer (again, highlighting your relationships) you could have “the talk” about expanding the family with a significant other, while others of you commit to a long term business and/or creative endeavor. Pluto retrograde could potentially shed light on the shadowy attributes (fears, transformation) surrounding your sense of security, so it’s important to remain true to your muse and definition of fulfillment in the process.


You take yourself no matter where you go, so make it count! The moon will renew itself in Taurus—via your emotionally driven fourth house of home, family matters, and innermost feelings—bringing fertility and new beginnings to themes surrounding your definition of stability, and/or your literal living space. Keep in mind, this lunation is governed by Venus in Cancer—via your sixth house of health, due diligence and day-to-day routines—suggesting the possibility of you reestablishing the boundaries of your home environment. Pluto retrograde is also transiting your sign and at odds with Jupiter in Taurus, so be mindful of the way you’re coming across to your loved ones.


Your mutable mind is a lot more valuable than you give yourself credit for, but that’s all starting to change. In the meantime, the moon will renew itself via the security-seeking sign of Taurus—via your third house of communication, mindset and immediate surroundings—presenting you with an opportunity to pursue a new skill that could bring fruitful results, while others of you lean on your peers for support and brainstorming. Either way, this moon is governed by Venus in Cancer—via your fifth house of passion projects and creative musings—suggesting the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals who genuinely see the worth of your talents, skills and abilities.

Online Psychic and Mediumship Development Class: Tuesday May9, 2023 (7:30-9:00 pm). Online in Google Meet. Lesson: What Are Akashic Records? The Akashic Records are an energetic library of information that contain the details of your soul and its journey. They span through past lives, present incarnations, and future possibilities. Learn how To Access Them & What To Expect During a Reading.  Learn about your past lives by doing an Akashic Reading.

This class is every Tuesday online with Google Meet. Each week we will learn something different to enhance both your psychic and mediumship ability. I don’t look at them at gifts, but abilities. Why? Because everyone can do this, you just don’t know that you can. Or you know that you can but don’t know how to strengthen them. Each class is $15, payable on my Etsy website. Text me at 716 481 2799 to receive the link to the online class on Microsoft Teams.

After you pay for the class, please text me at 716 481 2799 to receive the link for the class. You don’t have to take every class, just the ones you are interested in. This class enhances self awareness to make better decisions, along with increasing your own abilities.

Tarot card:



Are you feeling disconnected and disengaged in your relationships?

It may seem as if something is missing, and you’re struggling to communicate and connect with one another. Revisit your expectations of the relationship and make sure they are realistic.

Seek out common ground with your loved ones and rebuild the relationship from there. Open the lines of communication and be ready to hold space for one another so you can reconnect on a deeper level.

Focus your attention inward and gain clarity around what you want from a relationship. Explore how you can bring more of this energy into your future relationships.

Look at your existing relationships and check in to see how these relationships align with your desires. Let go of any that no longer bring you fulfillment and happiness, and welcome in new relationships in alignment with your Highest Good.

Ask your Tarot cards: How can I achieve greater harmony and connection in my relationships?

Ten of Cups Keywords

UPRIGHT: Divine love, blissful relationships, harmony, alignment.
REVERSED: Disconnection, misaligned values, struggling relationships.

Ten of Cups Description

On the Ten of Cups, a loving couple stands together, arms outstretched, as their two children play nearby. They look towards their home on the hill and a beautiful rainbow in the sky filled with ten cups. These two have true, everlasting love and have everything they could ever wish for – the home, the kids, and most importantly, fulfilling love – and they share this bond with the people around them.

The family home symbolizes stability and comfort, while the grassy hills signify fertility and the river marks the flow of emotion. The rainbow signals the end of difficult times and is a sign from the Divine that everything will be okay. The idyllic scene is one of true emotional fulfilment and Divine love.

Ten of Cups Upright

The Ten of Cups embodies happiness, joy, and emotional contentment, particularly in your relationships and family. You have created an abundance of love and happiness in your life, and you now share this love with others, expanding your heart even more. This card often appears when you are surrounded by your loved ones with whom you share a powerful and deep connection. You appreciate and support one another, and together, you help each other reach your highest potential. It brings you so much joy to see your loved ones succeed and live happy lives.

The Ten of Cups is the ‘happy family’ card, suggesting that your family relationships are harmonious and loving right now. No one is fighting or causing any tension; all family members are getting along with each other and sharing in the love and happiness that surrounds you. This card may appear in a reading when you are spending more time with family, perhaps on a holiday, reunion or event, where you can rest and relax together, creating fun and happy family memories and strong bonds.

Ten of Cups Reversed

When the reversed Ten of Cups card appears in a Tarot reading, you are seeking greater harmony and connection in your relationships. In your mind, you had wished for a beautiful, harmonious relationship, but in reality, you feel disconnected and disengaged from your loved one. It may seem as if something is missing, and you’re struggling to communicate honestly, empathise, and engage with one another. Each time you try to connect, something goes wrong, and you end up with even more distance between you. You may have unrealistic expectations of the relationship: that everything will be perfect and rosy every minute you are together. If this resonates, then realign your expectations and realise that every relationship has its ups and downs. Or, you may no longer be a fit for each other, in which case you may consider leaving.

The Ten of Cups invites you to seek out common ground with your loved ones and rebuild the relationship from there. See the other person as a Divine Being worthy of your love; and equally, see yourself as a Divine Being worthy of theirs. Love and be loved. Open the lines of communication and be ready to hold space for one another so you can reconnect on a deeper, more loving level. Be compassionate, understanding, and respectful, and seek harmony with one another.

See Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium for a reading Flicker Gifts, 141 Buffalo St Suite 18, Hamburg, NY 14075. May 6th 2023. Book your time here:

The full moon lunar eclipse arrives on May 5, 2023 at 11:14 a.m. EST, at 14 degrees of Scorpio, the sign of death and regeneration, intimacy and underbellies, sex and power, control and release. This is the final Scorpio eclipse of the Taurus/Scorpio cycle that began in November 2021.

Relationships are on the line’ during weekend flower full moon and lunar eclipse. It’s Scorpio’s last lesson before leaving us and this fixed water loves a mic drop, a plot twist, and most of all anything and anyone returning from the dead. It’s here to incite, to heal and to help us close the circle, turn the page, cut and cauterize. It’s also coming in hot and heavy on the heels of the April 20th new moon solar eclipse in Aries that initiated a new era of challenge and change.

The focus here is on what is buried, and themes of rot and renewal, endings and beginnings.

Full moons charged moments of culmination and eclipses serve to amplify that energy. Scorpio rules the eighth house of sex, death and transformation as well as the reproductive and excretory systems and the sacral chakra. The focus here is on what is buried, and themes of rot and renewal, endings and beginnings. Transformation does not come from stagnation, neigh, it comes from a serious and often seriously disruptive catalyst. In regards to the hoarder, ‘my precious’ mentality of the Taurus/Scorpio axis, this eclipse provides an opportunity for purging of all sorts and invites us to prioritize passions over possessions. Helpful mantra: we are not what we have or who we want.

On that note, Scorpio is the patron sign of obsession (sorry, not sorry) and this eclipse points to patterns, compulsions and behaviors that we repeat but reap no reward from. This eclipse want’s you to cut that s–t out. Scorpio is about what we keep hidden from others so these obsessions, underlying energies, personal pains and anxious attachments are for us to identify, expose, politely thank and heartily cast out.

Add to the moon mix that we are currently experiencing not one but TWO planetary retrogrades; trickster communication planet Mercury is retrograding in Taurus and death daddy planet Pluto is backspinning in Aquarius. Not for nothing folks, all of this unrest and activation is happening in the grudge holding, pry it from my cold dead hands modality of fixed signs.

The eclipse will stir an exciting, but tempestuous period, as the cosmos are pushing us to accept our true selves. This astral season is the best time for growth, especially given that lunar eclipses have an astrological reputation for bringing matters to light, exposing areas of our lives that need to evolve for the better.

Astrologically, we are being asked to work through our past in order to open ourselves up to new adventures. This could mean facing our fears and dealing with prior trauma.

How the lunar eclipse will impact your zodiac sign

Your confidence may fluctuate at this time, making you unsure of your footing and role in situations and relationships. Take time to appreciate the splendor and positivity you offer others and bring some of those good vibes back to yourself. Remember that you are a beautiful being worthy of love. 

Focusing on the needs of those you care about will allow you to help relationships grow. Stepping outside of yourself is a good thing every once in a while — especially when you have a friend in need. Be there for those who are struggling and give them extra support.

Accidents could happen during the eclipse, so be sure to look both ways before crossing the street. Simply put, take your time. Don’t rush through projects and work carefully. Remember to dot all your i’s and cross your t’s and thoroughly read through contracts to avoid unforeseen issues. Pay attention to all the details. 

Make plans to have a romantic date with your crush or significant other. The more you connect with the person you most adore under this lunation, or lunar month, the closer you’ll become. Share your intimate feelings and secrets to create a bond that brings you together.  

If you’re considering home renovations, you might want to reconsider. It’s not the time to make major changes to the home (given that Mercury is retrograde during eclipse season). If you feel the urge to upgrade your dwelling, spruce it up with fun accent pieces, like throw pillows and a new rug.

There is a lot of information circling around your head and within your inbox at the moment, since old flames and friends are sending intense communication to you out of the blue. Find a moment of calm in the day to understand and appreciate the messages that are currently coming your way. 

This is a good time to check on your finances. The good news is that you will soon be able to make strides and work with your situation to improve it for the better. 

Emotions are high at this time, as the universe is pushing you to evolve at lightening speed. You don’t have to make any sudden or impulsive moves, even if you think you’re being urged to do so right now. Move at your own pace towards growth. Don’t rush the process.

You may feel like hiding away from the limelight right now, as you’re wanting to spend some time alone to reconnect with yourself. Give yourself the opportunity and freedom to focus on you and you alone. Turn your phone off and zone out for a while.

You’re finding that your core group of friends aren’t living up to their hype. They’re not including you in recent get togethers and being distant. At this time, you may want to create boundaries with them and set limits in order to protect your heart from being hurt. Or, just have a frank conversation.

Finding balance between your personal and professional lives can be challenging. You sometimes dedicate the majority of your energy towards work. Allow yourself to have time for yourself and family in an attempt to maintain a peaceful and harmonious center.

You’re longing to understand matters that are eluding you at the moment. But you can’t understand everything. Don’t let the confusion stress you out. The truth always comes to light, so be patient. You will receive the answers you long for soon.

Happy Full Moon today May 5th. This Full Moon occurs when the Sun in Taurus forms an opposition to the Moon in Scorpio. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the New Moon. It is an emotional time – a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships. A psychic reading may help to clarify some decisions or relationships in your life. Information from your past life may show up to help with the challenge of your present life relationships, decisions and friendships.

The Taurus-Scorpio polarity deals with the balance between all that is mine (Taurus) and all that is yours (Scorpio). It also emphasizes the concept of form (Taurus) versus transformation (Scorpio). While Taurus deals with matter, personal values, material goods, possessions, and security, Scorpio rules the destruction of form, shared possessions, change, and transformation. The Sun in Taurus encourages happiness with the simple, tangible things in life, while the Scorpio Moon draws our attention to complexities, intangibles, and mysteries.

Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones over on the other side.

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