See Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium for a reading @ Soul Healing Center,
9055 Main St, Clarence, NY on Saturday May 27 (12-4pm). Click on the link
below to schedule.
A psychic reading may help to clarify some decisions or relationships in your life. Information from your past life may show up to help with the challenge of your present life relationships, decisions and friendships. A Mediumship reading will allow for healing and closure. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones who have passed on the other side. A past life reading showing up can help you with your present situations and decisions.
After the lazy, sensual groundedness of Taurus season, Gemini season arrives with an energy that’s sharper yet more diffuse. Where Taurus season is earthy, focused on the body and the five senses, Gemini season — which runs from May 21 to June 21 this year — offers the chance to turn our energies outward again to the world around us. And while Taurus season is a time for hard work and tangible pleasures, Gemini season calls for fresh air and sparkling light, for ideas and conversation.
Gemini is the first air sign of the zodiac year, and as an air sign, its energy is bright and social and intellectual — less tethered to some of the more solid practicalities of life. Sometimes this “airiness” is misunderstood as an indicator of an empty head, but if anything, it’s the opposite: Air signs are always buzzing with ideas, schemes, and mental energy that can move too fast for the rest of us to even notice.
Because Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and connection, this air-sign energy can take on a chatty, highly verbal, extra-extroverted shine. Geminis are intellectually curious and broadly observant of the world and people in it. They’re probably the least brooding of all the signs. Why endlessly stew when you could simply say what you’re thinking and talk it through with someone? Even if you’re typically private and introspective, Gemini season lends itself to discussion and collaboration.
This is also an occasion for seeking out a variety of new experiences. While some signs find routines comforting, too much predictability feels mind-numbingly tedious for Gemini. Regardless of whether you are a Gemini, this month is ideal for switching things up. So take different routes to work, talk to strangers, or simply watch a movie that ordinarily might not interest you. Don’t imagine that you must travel to the ends of the Earth to find newness. Gemini is a champion of finding the new and exciting in our own neighborhoods and everyday lives.
The downside to this, of course, is that routines provide necessary structure. While Gemini season can be socially and mentally exhilarating, it’s a difficult time to attempt work that requires deep, sustained focus. During this season, your attention will likely be more scattered than usual. But this doesn’t have to be a bad thing! If you simply let yourself be dazzled by the world and all it holds, the universe will reward you being inquisitive.
All of this affable, open-hearted curiosity gives Gemini an undeniable charm — this is a sign that knows how to have fun with just about anyone. Gemini’s symbol, the twins, points to its essential adaptability. It’s so innate that Geminis can seem like two separate people — able to be just as happy in the club as in the library, as much at ease on a crowded bus as in business-class seats.
It’s this dazzling sociability, this ease in adapting to be comfortable anywhere, that can lead other people to imagine Gemini to be “two-faced” or duplicitous — as though in order to feel so at home in so many disparate contexts, some kind of fakery or inauthenticity must be involved. This can manifest in some weirdly strident anti-Gemini sentiment. Like every sign, Gemini has its shadow side, and all of its magnetic charm can easily be used to selfish, nefarious, or just chaotic ends. Still, there are so many reasons to love the sign. Gemini season has so much to offer!
In Gemini season, you can let go of the idea that you can only act one way, that you can only be one thing, that you have to choose between all the different sides of yourself. In Gemini season, you can recognize that every part of yourself is equally authentic, equally real.