Page of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Page of Swords Keywords

UPRIGHT: New ideas, curiosity, thirst for knowledge, new ways of communicating
REVERSED: Self-expression, all talk and no action, haphazard action, haste

Page of Swords Description

The Page of Swords shows a young man standing with his sword pointing upwards to the sky. His body and the sword lean in one direction, but he looks the other way as if to see what else is happening around him. A breeze blows through the young man’s hair, and the clouds behind him appear to dash through the sky, bringing dynamic energy to the card. The ground on which the Page stands is green and fertile, suggesting that the Page’s ideas are likely to bring positive change and forward movement.

Page of Swords Upright

The Page of Swords is full of energy, passion and enthusiasm. When this card shows up in a Tarot reading, you are bursting with new ideas and plans for the future. You may be excited about starting a new project, pursuing a new approach or learning something new. You have so much energy that you feel as though you could do almost anything – and you can! The challenge, however, is whether you can keep it up. As with all Pages, the beginning always looks promising, but you need something else to follow through and keep up the pace.

The Page of Swords often emerges when you are exploring a new way of thinking – a new idea, a new perspective, new knowledge, or a new technique. You have a curious mind and a thirst for knowledge. As you explore this fresh way of thinking, you are asking lots of questions and gathering as much information as possible. You are also very much in the exploratory phase and not mastery. You may be prone to making mistakes along the way, but your curiosity means that you are eager to learn from your slip-ups.

As the Swords relate to communication, the Page of Swords suggests that you are exploring a different way of expressing yourself with others and communicating your ideas and opinions. You may be drawn to public speaking, writing a book or a blog, starting a podcast, or being more vocal on social media. You are a natural communicator and ready to take the next step to share your message with the world. Again, this is the exploratory phase, so be open to new ways of expressing yourself and discovering where your inner talents lie.

If you are looking for a sign to move ahead with a new project, the Page of Swords says, ‘Go for it!’ There will always be challenges with whatever way you choose, and not everyone will be thrilled with your choices, but when it comes down to it, you need to follow your passions and go where your true energy lies. This Page encourages you to move forward and to get the wheels in motion, despite any challenges or setbacks that might stand in the way.

The Page of Swords can also represent your relationship with a person who is exploring their ability to communicate, share ideas, and gather information. You may have your moments with this Page, as the Swords often express a level of tension or conflict, and this bundle of energy may sometimes prove too much to handle. If you need to, give yourself a break from this person, and return with fresh eyes. They have a lot to share with you, and despite their inexperience, may teach you something about yourself. You need to stay open to their enthusiasm to learn more about the world.

Page of Swords Reversed

The Page of Swords reversed can appear in a Tarot reading when you are holding back from expressing your truth, especially in a public forum. You prefer to express your thoughts and opinions privately or anonymously. Perhaps you like to keep a private journal, or you’re writing a book just for yourself and nobody else. Or, you have a point of view about a public issue but have not defined your message. If you need a little nudge to go public with your ideas and opinions, the reversed Page of Swords might be it. Let go of fear and shout your message from the rooftops!

At times, the reversed Page of Swords can mean that you are all talk and no action. Be careful about making promises you know you cannot keep or saying things you’ll later regret. Before making a specific promise or commitment, make sure that you can and will deliver on it to preserve your integrity and reputation. Also, be wary of other people’s commitments to you and put in place measures to ensure that they will deliver on what they promise. This reversed Page can be a ‘know-it-all’ and may try to impress you with big stories of his past and his achievements (which you later find out are big exaggerations of the truth).

Reversed, the Page of Swords can also suggest you are acting hastily, without thinking things through. You have a lot of energy behind you but are not using it effectively. Tackle things one at a time rather than trying to manage everything at once. Doing so will lead to more meaningful outcomes.

As this Page likes to ask a LOT of questions, the reversal of the card can be a sign that you are annoying others by your constant questioning and challenging of ideas. While you may just be trying to understand a situation or a concept better, there are more constructive and non-threatening ways to go about it. Use sentences such as, ‘Help me understand….’ Be conscious of how you may come across to others and only challenge or question those ideas that are important to you.

What’s going on with November 2023’s Gemini full moon?

The moon is square Saturn in Pisces: Saturn governs rules and limits, so when it is squaring the moon, we may notice the feeling that something wants to control our emotions. This can manifest in someone telling you how to feel, as well as you not feeling heard. Since Saturn is in boundary-free Pisces, you may need to set better limitations with someone who doesn’t realize they’re making you uncomfortable.

The moon is opposite Mars: Mars rules our will and actions and the moon rules our emotions. Therefore, when these do oppose one another, there is often fighting. An opposition can sometimes apply to relationships and manifest as opposing views. The Mars-in-Sagittarius person will feel they are morally justified in their actions, while the moon-in-Gemini person may not be taking things too seriously and just trying to have fun. Unfortunately, this will only anger the Mars person more. Then again, emotions often run high after Thanksgiving, so this might not be entirely unexpected.

The moon makes a trine to Pluto & a sextile to Neptune: The dwarf planet Pluto’s trine to the moon gives us power to be our own authority and can also bring intense emotions. Neptune, the planet of illusion and fantasy, can soften things and make them seem not so bad — or, at the very least, may help us create our own safe little world to hole up in. Plus, if we take a pause, we may find ourselves in a deeper spiritual experience.

Full Moon in Gemini: the Power of Words: Gemini, a reminder to be aware of the power of our words and our thoughts, as well as an invitation to be responsible for how we assert our opinions and deliver our message.

This MOON will be felt more strongly by those of us born with planets or angles in the early degrees of Mutable signs. The individuals more strongly impacted by the Gemini Full Moon are more likely to experience significant shifts in their perceptions and their mindset. They will have opportunities to recognize what needs to be refined in their communication habits and make changes in how they speak, think, and make sense of their reality and experiences.

This Full Moon activates the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity, the axis of learning and communication, marking a time of completion and culmination of our learning processes, both theoretical and experiential. This event marks a shift in our worldviews, perceptions, and perspectives, and invites us to release beliefs, thinking patterns, and communication habits that aren’t serving our growth.

This configuration highlights the tendency to make sense of what we are feeling through the rational mind, as well as the desire to search for the philosophical and spiritual meaning of our experiences.

Everything is Relative.  During Sagittarius season, a time of the year especially focused on our quest for truth, expansion of our horizons, and search for the meaning of life, the Gemini Full Moon is here to remind us that everything is relative. The Full Moon in Gemini reminds us to stay flexible and stay open to different perspectives, perceptions, and ways of seeing the world. This lunation invites us to observe our relationship to relativity, duality, and dualism, and reminds us of the power of versatility and adaptability.

Gemini is connected to inductive reasoning, logic, and gathering data, while Sagittarius is connected to deductive reasoning, intuition, and direct experience. The Sun-Moon opposition in Gemini and Sagittarius invites us to find harmony between relying on our inner knowing and following our intuition as our primary guidance system, and researching more information, facts, and data as a way to make informed and conscious decisions.

This Full Moon offers us opportunities to observe the relationship between our instinctual and our emotional parts and our rational and pragmatic parts and to notice whether we tend to heavily rely on one side and neglect the other in certain situations. Overall, this isn’t a pleasant full moon. The best way to stay out of trouble is to lead with kindness. Even though the full moon is packed with harsh factors, it’s essential to know that we always have a choice in how we wish and want to proceed — especially under the Gemini moon. Before acting out and reacting, we must take a minute to decide how we want to deal with the unfolding events. Words of advice: Don’t rush into divulging all the information. Exercise patience until then.

A final note on November 2023’s astrological forecast

Whatever your holiday plans, whether they’re with family, friends, a treasured pet, or even a solitary day of self-reflection, gratitude, and cooking, please be gentle and kind to yourself. And, no matter what anyone says, remember that it is OK to not spend these holidays with people you don’t want to invite over or go see. Seriously. Even the stars agree: Saturn in Pisces wants to teach us all how to establish and maintain boundaries. Not in a mean way, but in a loving and compassionate way. Please be safe and well, and keep stargazing.

What November’s Full Moon in Gemini Means for Each Zodiac Sign

In astrology, whenever a full moon arrives, it gives us an opportunity to address and reassess the parts of us that we’ve been avoiding. The November full moon peaks in the sky on November 27 at 4:16 a.m. ET (1:16 a.m. PT). This full moon is also deemed the Beaver Moon, as it signifies the time of the year when beavers used to be the most active as they prepared for winter’s colder months.

Full moons are often a time for “shedding light” on our shadow parts and giving ourselves the opportunity to release anything that no longer serves us on our pathway forward. As the full moon will also be ruled by the sign of Gemini, the sign of the twins, it will be full of chatty, curious, and fast-paced energy. Under this full Beaver Moon in Gemini, we can see the ways in which we are haphazardly moving through life, going too fast for our own good, and holding ourselves back not by the quality of our work but in an attempt to do too many things at once. Asking yourself where your energy has been overspent is an important reflection under the November full moon. Gemini is a mutable air sign and one of the most social, intelligent, and witty signs of the zodiac; during this time, we can benefit from brainstorming with others but also reconnecting with ourselves and looking at “both sides” of the story. Allow this full moon to light up your curiosity as you ask yourself some important questions:

Where am I spending my energy that no longer feels good, and can I bring back some of that energy to myself? Do I have a balanced approach to my alone time and my social time?
Where have my opinions become too rigid? Can I become more open-minded?
How can I prepare myself for the goals that I have? What is one small action step that I can take toward my goal(s)?

Aries & Aries Rising

Time to take a long, hard look at the people you are surrounded by. There is an opportunity for you to redefine what chosen family means to you. Your energy is highly affected by the people you keep in your close circle, and with this full moon in Gemini lighting up your third house of communication, social activities, interests, and siblings, you might notice that you’re craving a sense of togetherness. Try inviting some of your favorite people over for a craft night or starting your own cookbook club. There’s no shortage of ways to connect, and this full moon is asking you to step into the role of initiating these gatherings on a more frequent and personal basis. Open your heart and home to the people you care about the most.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

November’s full moon in Gemini is landing in your second house of material possessions, income, and your job, asking you if things are going swimmingly or if a reassessment is needed. It’s okay to have periods of time where you don’t feel 100% lit up by your work, but if you’re lacking purpose and passion altogether in your career, now will be the time to switch things up. You could also find it extremely valuable to create and stick to a budget that aligns with your long-term goals. Don’t shy away from thinking critically about your finances.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

This full moon is offering you a time to shine and let go of all of the insecurities that are holding you back from doing just that. You are becoming aware of the ways that you have hindered your own success or happiness, and finally realizing that accepting yourself fully means accepting both the lightness and the darkness. You are a multifaceted being that deserves to be seen and accepted for all of who you are. Let yourself be messy, imperfect, and unfinished. This is your time to leap into the next chapter of your life with confidence and fully embrace who you are.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

You have felt—and will always feel—an amplification during full moons, as the moon is your planetary ruler. But with this one in Gemini lighting up your 12th house, it is time to tap back into your faith and optimism and believe in a brighter day for yourself. You are closing out an important chapter and finally realizing the ways that you created your own pain in the past. By taking some time alone to reflect under this full moon, you will grant yourself permission to let go of your past once and for all, and start living with both feet in the present moment. Your ability to transmute your challenges into badges of honor is admirable. But imagine a life where you weren’t defined by your past—even more admirable!

Leo & Leo Rising

What a time to be alive! You are being given the opportunity to connect with interesting and inspiring people under this full moon in Gemini. As your 11th house of groups, community, hopes, and wishes is activated, ask yourself, Who do I want to be in the world? Then take one small step toward that vision. This moon is granting you a “cheat code” to seize that opportunity. You will start to see evidence of this dream coming to life in the form of a conversation, email, sign, or phone call. There is someone who will play a major role in your success that simply wasn’t ready before, but now is the time for you to collaborate and move into the version of your reality that you’ve always hoped for.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

You are a powerhouse, and other people are going to be giving you the flowers you deserve! With your 10th house of career, reputation, and long-term goals being illuminated by the full moon in Gemini, you are getting an extra dose of confidence that will allow the opportunities you desire in your career to materialize. There is no longer a gaping hole between where you are and where you want to be, and that should be evidence enough that your hard work has finally paid off! Others are recognizing your talent and magnetism in a new way. You might have the chance to be featured, get a promotion, collaborate with someone you admire, or level up your reputation in a major way. Stay open to the best possible outcome, Virgo!

Libra & Libra Rising

You will have the opportunity to dive deeply into the belief systems that you hold around yourself, other people, and the world at large. The full moon in Gemini is lighting up your ninth house of travel, wisdom, and higher education, asking you to travel outside of your everyday reality and find some knowledge in the lived experience of someone else. You could start getting involved in causes that you care about, studying to change your career path later on, or simply learning more about yourself and life as a whole. The more you learn, the less you fear about the unknown. You could also be traveling or planning upcoming travel during this time to somewhere you haven’t been before. Instead of handling a fun, new opportunity with stress and confusion, try to give yourself the chance to get excited about this trip and remind yourself: “I deserve good things.”

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

With your eighth house of intimacy, endings, and mystery being illuminated by this Gemini full moon, you are feeling ready to release the blockages and barriers to your heart so that you can let love in. You’ve been playing the same mind games and trickery, but instead of keeping your current (or potential) partner at bay energetically, now is the time to figure out what you’re afraid of when it comes to true intimacy and closeness with another person. The more you’re willing to dive into your fears, past pain, and negative beliefs, the quicker love can finally find you. Wherever we have our deepest resistance, we also have an opportunity to do our deepest healing.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

The full moon is clearing out pessimism and replacing it with passion. This is the time to bring love and romance into your life and feel that flame ignited in your heart again. Whether you’re with someone or flying solo, it seems that the opportunity for romance exists, but it requires you to open yourself up in order to feel it. This could look like running yourself a bubble bath, lighting candles, listening to your favorite music, indulging in self-massage, putting on a sexy outfit (even if you’re planning to stay home!), and really finding the magic that exists in your daily experiences. There is no shortage of beauty all around you; even the opportunity to hold the door for someone else or strike up a conversation with a neighbor gives you the chance to change your life. Let yourself notice how much love and beauty exists already in your life in order to call forward even more of it.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

You are going to feel motivated to make changes in your daily routine, Capricorn. There is a chance that this full moon is going to rock your world in an unexpected way and make you focus more on your overall health and well-being. Whether that means getting more sleep, changing up your skin care routine, or finding a diet that works intuitively with you and your body, you are realizing that you are your first priority. Now is the time to treat yourself that way! Give yourself the chance to reassess whether your relationship to exercise, health, and self-care is aligned with you, simply aligned with trends, or missing altogether. The goal isn’t to be perfect; it’s to perfect the process and listen to your body. The more you treat yourself with care and love, the more others will feel inspired to treat you that way as well.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

When the full moon arrives you might feel a little friskier than normal. Your fifth house of romance, sex, self-expression, and joy is being lit up by this Gemini full moon, giving you a chance to redefine what it is that brings you joy and pleasure. You are being given an opportunity to bring your heart’s truest desires to light and ask for what you want—in and out of the bedroom. This new, voracious, and exciting time will give you permission to redefine who you are and what you want out of life without the fear of judgment. This could also be a great time to pick up a new hobby or let go of thinking that you’ll find your way back to an old hobby as a form of addiction to your limitations. If you’ve been saying you were going to get back into learning a new language for years but you actually want to try karate class, now is the time to shelf the old desire in order to make room for the new one to actualize.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Your ties to family and close friends are being illuminated as the full moon in Gemini arrives and graces your fourth house. The roots you have are what has made you who you are, but they don’t define who you will become. By letting go of familial limitations, you give yourself the chance to become your own person. Allow yourself to step outside of the box that your family of origin may have created for you, and explore the wild unknown of who you are and what role you will play in your lineage. It’s great to honor your traditions and where you came from, but don’t let that stop you from becoming your fullest and unique self as you journey through the world. Use the energy of this full moon to blend who you were back then and who you are becoming in order to find a balance in the ever-present now. You are who you are, but you are also allowed to become more of your true self as time goes on.

What Sagittarius Season Means for You

As the Sun dances through Sagittarius, it also highlights and moves through the area of our natal or birth chart that Sagittarius influences. We all have this archetype within us. This season, it is our unique expression of Sagittarius that is highlighted.

Aries Sun, Moon and Rising

As your inner fire meets the fire of Sagittarius season, it ensures a passionate and full month ahead, Aries. Sagittarius season supports your fiery passion with its long-term visioning. There is an invitation to leap into your desires, dreams, and visions in true Aries style by keeping your eye on the larger picture. This season invites you to expand your vision and what you believe to be possible, both for who you are and what is available to you in the world. It offers you new perspectives and broader vantage points that will support you on your journey, and asks you to reflect on the meanings and belief systems that drive these desires of yours.

Taurus Sun, Moon and Rising

As the Sun dances through Sagittarius, it draws you into the unseen, Taurus. It invites you to look within and ponder meanings. It asks you to observe your inner narratives, perspectives, and patternings and how they seem to shape the world within and around you. And it asks you to reflect on your relationship with intimacy and how your close relationships feel in your body, your felt emotions, and your idea of what they should be.

It’s a season of inner exploration, traversing the terrain of the many worlds, layers, and complexities that live within, as if you were traveling the many countries, cultures, and philosophies of this Earth. There is something new, unseen, expansive, transformative, and unknown for you to explore in each direction.

Gemini Sun, Moon and Rising

It’s the season of your opposite sign, Gemini. Where you guided across the galaxy and offered the perspective of life, and of you, from an entirely different place. Things look different over here, and it reminds us that reality may not be as objective as we thought.

This season invites you to expand your perspectives, to see from and through the eyes of another, and observe new ways of thinking, being, and living. Sagittarius season invites you to a more social version of yourself, where conversations, interactions, and collaborations allow the experience of hope, pleasure, and anticipation to filter through. It invites conversations that expand your mind and connections that feed your heart. And it invites interactions that fuel your dreams and expand your vision even wider, connecting you more closely to the direction and path that is calling your name.

Cancer Sun, Moon and Rising

What ignites hope from within you, Cancer? What allows you to be willing and open to dream new realities for yourself? How can you support yourself to feel safe enough to believe once again?

Sagittarius season brings expansion through everyday behaviors. The rituals that support you. The small steps that create the whole. And it is through stepping back, figuratively or literally, and taking yourself to the peak of the mountain that you can see the big picture. This is the inspiration, the fuel, and the meaning that directs your everyday action. It is what inspires and nurtures each step taken and each habit intentionally created. Come to this place and remind yourself of it everyday, whether though visualization, meditation, writing, drawing, actual hiking, or some other means. Let your vision be your medicine, your passion, and your inspiration.

Leo Sun, Moon and Rising

This season invites you to sink into the comforts of exactly who you are, Leo. To shine. To play. To create. To express the magnetism, beauty, and wonder of who you are. It invites you to tap into your inner fire and passion and pour that into your creations, whatever they may be. And it invites you to playfully explore different philosophies and cosmologies and explore how they seem to shape and feed both your sense of self and your artistic expressions. By expanding your mind through looking to different cultures,  eras, belief systems, mediums of art, and alternate paths taken by others, you will simultaneously be fueling your own vitality, inspiration, creativity, and sense of belonging in the world.

Virgo Sun, Moon and Rising

For some, inspiration and expansion seem to come from being out in the world. For others, it is found by sinking into its chosen home, tending to its roots, and building a sense of structure, safety, and belonging. During Sagittarius season, your most profound pleasures, dreams, and sense of meaning come from the latter, Virgo. From tending to your home and home life as if it were an extension of you and your inner world. From creating your home and home life as if it could hold and support you in every way needed. From feeling into the sense of expansion and freedom found within belonging, family, and a comfortable and safe space that is ours to sink into.

Libra Sun, Moon and Rising

It’s all about the mind this season, Libra. There is an invitation to play in the mind, explore in the mind, feed the mind, break down the limitations of the mind, and expand the mind. Sagittarius season invites new threads of curiosity that, when journeyed with, have the potential to alter the framework through which you experience life.

Books, conversations, classes, and teachers will all be a source of medicine, inspiration, and absolute joy and vitality for you this season, Libra. The mind is your playground. So are information, knowledge, ideas, perspectives, and wisdom. Allow them to fill you and bring you the experience of completeness.

Scorpio Sun, Moon and Rising

A feeling of freedom is a necessity, Scorpio. A feeling of meaning is a necessity. How do these two states of being feel in your body? What steps and movements and ideas do they inspire? And what value do they hold in your life?

Freedom and meaning are doorways into a sense of security, safety, inspiration, dreaming, and belonging, Scorpio. They are the doorways into reaching deeper into your body and landing further on the earth. To calming the nervous system. To tending to your felt sense of value and inner and outer worth.

Sagittarius season invites you to be in your body. To tend to your felt experience. Because as you tend to yourself, you tend to your sense of freedom, meaning, belonging, passion, security, financial abundance, and inspiration. As you tend to yourself, you open your capacity for visioning and hoping—the very things that will take you closer to your dreams.

Sagittarius Sun, Moon and Rising

As the Sun shifts through your first house of self, it is as if the vitality, life force, and light of the Sun can reach deeper into you, Sagittarius. It’s as if the rays of the Sun, shone through the frequency of Sagittarius, have more of an opportunity to nourish, activate, and feed you. That is exactly what this season offers you.

It offers an expansion of the self and a reignition of your passions. It offers play and a sense of freedom, desires and the fuel to leap into them. And it reminds you of something vaster than the self, guiding the way, supporting your every step, and filling you with fulfillment as you say yes to yourself and to your path.

Capricorn Sun, Moon and Rising

Through reaching for the divine, whatever that may mean, you are offered the source of all wisdom. It is through having your own felt experience of the mystical, the unseen, and the realms about which others philosophize that you can reach into true meaning, wisdom, belonging, joy, and inspiration, Capricorn.

An Earth sign, there is a practicality to your energy. An appreciation and understanding of the tangible. Yet this season, you may just find yourself receiving all that you desire within the intangible. There is an invitation to explore what spirituality means to you, and how it shapes what life means to you. To allow the divinity in each moment to bring you into new and undiscovered corners of yourself and your existence, as if new countries, cultures, and cosmologies await within you. To inquire what exists beyond your five senses and to let that hold you for a moment. And to reach into your own truest source of inspiration, which is the energy, meaning, and connection that fuels your every step and challenge undertaken.

Aquarius Sun, Moon and Rising

What is reality, Aquarius? Is it the structures that hold up the collective or the narratives that bring communities together? The structures that only seem to change over time, collapsing and rebuilding? The narratives that seem to differ when we shift from community to community, culture to culture, belief system to belief system? What, then, is real to you? What matters to you? What is your meaning beneath these many shifting and changing building blocks that we find ourselves living within?

Pisces Sun, Moon and Rising

What does legacy mean to you, Pisces? If you could change the world, create an impact, leave something (tangible or intangible) behind that seems to exist beyond your physical body, what would that be?

This season inspires you to swim within the meaning that inspires your action. To let this meaning permeate and fuel the legacy you are building. To explore and adventure in the world around you as if it held every whisper of guidance, every moment of clarity, and every space of vitality required for your visions to come to reality. To let fulfillment flow through you.

It’s time to bid farewell to an intense and broody Scorpio Season and say hello to a more carefree era. On November 22 the sun will move into Sagittarius, the adventurous and freedom-filled sign of the archer, and stay there until December 21, aka the winter solstice While the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer, Sag Season is here to bring brightness to us all.

Sagittarius season will ask you to accept some amount of disorder, even if you tend to like things tidy and predictable. Think of this not as an inconvenience, but rather an opportunity to make your mind, your existence grow bigger. In Sagittarius season, you don’t have to plan five steps ahead; you can trust that each move you make will create extraordinary, unimagined possibilities. You can behave as if the rules that normally bind you aren’t even there. You can feel your mind and your heart expanding, reaching out toward the whole wide world. At the same time, you’ll get a serious itch to travel. You don’t want to be stuck in the same place, whether it means crashing at a friend’s place for the weekend, taking a holiday road trip with your BFF, or getting out of the country for a much-deserved vacation.

Meanwhile, you’ll feel more motivated than usual to make sure you don’t miss out on new opportunities. Like, sure, it’s easy to bow out of girls’ night and stay home watching Netflix when you’re semi-tired, but it definitely doesn’t feel amazing when you spot your friends’ hilarious Insta posts from their epic night out. You’ve learned from the past, and you won’t make that mistake again.

It’s time to embrace the adventurous spirit of the archer and seek out new experiences and challenges. Over the next four weeks, this is the perfect opportunity to expand your horizons and broaden your perspective, whether it’s through travel, learning, or trying new things. Take that last-minute trip to your local ski mountain, sign up for a pottery class, and say yes to hanging out with a new group of friends. With the vibes of Sagittarius propelling you forward, you’re sure to have a good time.

Beyond being brave and adventurous in your actions, this season can also inspire you to be brave with your words. Sagittarius shares its wisdom and beliefs by spreading them far and wide. Sagittarius isn’t afraid to aim high and disseminate information and its own knowledge and expertise to the masses. ’Tis the season to take a courageous stand and advocate for what you believe in. Your words and your opinions matter — use them in a way to create positive change in not only your personal life, but the world.

Although Sag Season is often a time to let loose and have fun, this one will be a bit more dramatic than usual. The sun squares Saturn in Pisces on November 23, hindering our ability to be free, as we try to make changes and evolve.  Our confidence will be low, but we will get an energetic boost later in the month. This square may stir up feelings of isolation and rejection within us, and can even cause some temporary setbacks. We may also be faced with making important decisions that require sacrifice, commitment, and tending to our responsibilities.

Another planetary influence we’ll want to take note of during Sagittarius season is the dreamy and confusing energy of  Neptune in Pisces. We will feel it at the November 27 full moon, and then between December 11 and December 20. Confusion will reign during these days, and we must stay aware that delaying making decisions is our best bet. The information that is being revealed now is either biased or missing an important piece. It’s important to take this time to focus on ourselves and rest — a chaotic holiday season isn’t good for anyone.

Sagittarius season will also kick off the final Mercury retrograde of 2023 on December 12. Lasting until January 1, this retrograde of the planet of communication is set to help us review not only our goals, but overall life strategy before we enter 2024. Since Mercury will traverse two signs during this retrograde, first Capricorn and then Sagittarius, it will affect more signs than the normal retrogrades of Mercury.

Instead of getting caught up in declaring unrealistic goals and resolutions for 2024, use this final era of the year to review, revise, and rethink. Looking back will serve us far more than anxiously looking ahead. So, take these next few weeks to dig deep into what worked for you in 2023 — then, we can move forward into the new year with positivity, hope, and yes, bravery.

On the love front, you’ll revel in having a partner who lets you do you (as it should be!). And, if you’re dating around and catch even a whiff of controlling vibes from someone, you’ll be out of there faster than Santa Clause’s sleigh can fly.

All zodiac signs will experience the vibes of this season, but Sagittarius and Gemini will feel it the most.

Tarot Card Of The Week: Four of Swords Reversed

The Four of Swords Reversed sends a powerful message that you need to take time out to rest and recharge your energy.

Four of Swords Keywords

UPRIGHT: Rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, recuperation.

REVERSED: Exhaustion, burn-out, deep contemplation, stagnation

Four of Swords Description

The Four of Swords shows a knight lying horizontally on a tomb. He remains in his full armour, and his hands are in the position of prayer as a sign of rest. One sword lies beneath the knight, symbolizing a single point of focus, and three swords hang above him, pointing downwards towards his head and torso. The stained-glass window above him shows a woman and child together.

Four of Swords Upright

The Four of Swords tells you to rest before you take on the next challenge. You have reached an important first milestone and must recharge your energy before the next phase begins so you are refreshed and ready to go. Even if you are highly productive and driven, take time out from your busy schedule to restore your energy and heal the body and the mind. Constant stress and tension will break even the hardest and most resilient of people but brief periods of rest enable you to refresh your energy, concentration and focus so that you are ready for the next challenge.

If you have been going through tough times recently, such as the trauma of break-up or departure, relationship or family problems, financial and health worries, stress or conflict, then the Four of Swords comes as a sign to take a step back and regain perspective. Take a day off work, travel to a new destination or spend time with your loved ones – whatever you need to take a break. Now is not the time to make decisions.

n fact, the Four of Swords presents a new challenge: to stay silent and inactive. Now is the time to build up your mental strength by clearing your mind of any mental ‘clutter’ or stress. Meditate and spend time in a place that creates peace, calm and tranquillity for you. Go on retreat or start a meditation course. You need to replenish your strength and spend time connecting with your Higher Self.

The Four of Swords suggests the need for seclusion. You need solitude to negotiate your situation and time apart from others to gather your thoughts and feelings. Following on from the painful loss of the Three of Swords, this Four suggests your need to spend time alone to re-evaluate your life. Solitude, although often difficult to bear, is necessary for you to recharge your batteries and rejuvenate your spirit. This solitary experience always bears fruit in greater inner strength and confidence. Retreat from pain, conflict and distractions, and rid yourself of stress and anxiety. Ground and re-charge yourself. Look inward for a real change and meditate daily.

In a practical sense, the Four of Swords is an indicator that you need to take some time to review your progress so far. This is an excellent time to re-assess your priorities. It is almost like conducting your own ‘post-implementation review’ following a major milestone or a significant challenge. Create time and space to evaluate what has worked well, what has not, and what you need to change. Pausing to reflect after each major challenge will position you well for success in the future.

Four of Swords Reversed

The Four of Swords reversed sends a powerful message that you need to take time out to rest and recharge your energy. You may be working long hours, giving your time and energy to others in need, or involved in a highly stressful and demanding undertaking. You are close to exhaustion, and your energy reserves are running low or on empty. If you do not stop and take some much-needed rest now, you may crash and burn-out completely, rendering yourself completely ineffective and unable to help anyone.

The reversed Four of Swords is calling you to withdraw from your external world, and retreat within. Now is time for a social media detox, a weekend escape, or a silent retreat so that you can focus your energy within and find your peace once again. Use daily meditation to calm your mind.

The Four of Swords reversed can show that you are restless and wanting to do everything at once. Even if your body is telling you that you need to rest and relax, your mind may push you forward, trying to carry out a long list of tasks and making you sick or stressed as a result. So it is vital that you force yourself to take it easy to make sure you do not run yourself into the ground. Some ‘busy time’ is OK but be careful not to push it so far that you end up hurting your health and well-being. If you need to rest, rest. Even just a quick ‘nanna nap’ on the weekend or a twenty-minute meditation each day can help to re-balance your energy reserves and get you ready for even more productivity.

The Four of Swords reversed can also represent stagnation and a lack of action leading to increased frustration. For example, a long-term marriage has become spiritually and emotionally empty. You may need to take a break and come back to it when the energy is flowing better.

Similarly, the Four of Swords reversed suggests that you are frustrated with the lack of progress and change in your life. Part of this lack of change may be due to your passive approach. There may have been situations that were frustrating to you or that you were unhappy with but you chose to wait it out and hope that they would eventually change. Now you’re feeling the ramifications of that choice.

You may be working long hours, giving your time and energy to others in need, or involved in a stressful and demanding undertaking. Be careful not to push it so far that you end up hurting your health and well-being. If you need to rest, rest.

So, withdraw from your external world, and retreat within. Take a social media detox, a weekend escape, or a silent retreat so that you can focus your energy within and find your peace once again.

Ask your Tarot cards: How can I rest?

Tarot Card Of The Week: Four of Swords Reversed

The Four of Swords Reversed sends a powerful message that you need to take time out to rest and recharge your energy.

Four of Swords Keywords

UPRIGHT: Rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, recuperation.

REVERSED: Exhaustion, burn-out, deep contemplation, stagnation

Four of Swords Description

The Four of Swords shows a knight lying horizontally on a tomb. He remains in his full armour, and his hands are in the position of prayer as a sign of rest. One sword lies beneath the knight, symbolizing a single point of focus, and three swords hang above him, pointing downwards towards his head and torso. The stained-glass window above him shows a woman and child together.

Four of Swords Upright

The Four of Swords tells you to rest before you take on the next challenge. You have reached an important first milestone and must recharge your energy before the next phase begins so you are refreshed and ready to go. Even if you are highly productive and driven, take time out from your busy schedule to restore your energy and heal the body and the mind. Constant stress and tension will break even the hardest and most resilient of people but brief periods of rest enable you to refresh your energy, concentration and focus so that you are ready for the next challenge.

If you have been going through tough times recently, such as the trauma of break-up or departure, relationship or family problems, financial and health worries, stress or conflict, then the Four of Swords comes as a sign to take a step back and regain perspective. Take a day off work, travel to a new destination or spend time with your loved ones – whatever you need to take a break. Now is not the time to make decisions.

n fact, the Four of Swords presents a new challenge: to stay silent and inactive. Now is the time to build up your mental strength by clearing your mind of any mental ‘clutter’ or stress. Meditate and spend time in a place that creates peace, calm and tranquillity for you. Go on retreat or start a meditation course. You need to replenish your strength and spend time connecting with your Higher Self.

The Four of Swords suggests the need for seclusion. You need solitude to negotiate your situation and time apart from others to gather your thoughts and feelings. Following on from the painful loss of the Three of Swords, this Four suggests your need to spend time alone to re-evaluate your life. Solitude, although often difficult to bear, is necessary for you to recharge your batteries and rejuvenate your spirit. This solitary experience always bears fruit in greater inner strength and confidence. Retreat from pain, conflict and distractions, and rid yourself of stress and anxiety. Ground and re-charge yourself. Look inward for a real change and meditate daily.

In a practical sense, the Four of Swords is an indicator that you need to take some time to review your progress so far. This is an excellent time to re-assess your priorities. It is almost like conducting your own ‘post-implementation review’ following a major milestone or a significant challenge. Create time and space to evaluate what has worked well, what has not, and what you need to change. Pausing to reflect after each major challenge will position you well for success in the future.

Four of Swords Reversed

The Four of Swords reversed sends a powerful message that you need to take time out to rest and recharge your energy. You may be working long hours, giving your time and energy to others in need, or involved in a highly stressful and demanding undertaking. You are close to exhaustion, and your energy reserves are running low or on empty. If you do not stop and take some much-needed rest now, you may crash and burn-out completely, rendering yourself completely ineffective and unable to help anyone.

The reversed Four of Swords is calling you to withdraw from your external world, and retreat within. Now is time for a social media detox, a weekend escape, or a silent retreat so that you can focus your energy within and find your peace once again. Use daily meditation to calm your mind.

The Four of Swords reversed can show that you are restless and wanting to do everything at once. Even if your body is telling you that you need to rest and relax, your mind may push you forward, trying to carry out a long list of tasks and making you sick or stressed as a result. So it is vital that you force yourself to take it easy to make sure you do not run yourself into the ground. Some ‘busy time’ is OK but be careful not to push it so far that you end up hurting your health and well-being. If you need to rest, rest. Even just a quick ‘nanna nap’ on the weekend or a twenty-minute meditation each day can help to re-balance your energy reserves and get you ready for even more productivity.

The Four of Swords reversed can also represent stagnation and a lack of action leading to increased frustration. For example, a long-term marriage has become spiritually and emotionally empty. You may need to take a break and come back to it when the energy is flowing better.

Similarly, the Four of Swords reversed suggests that you are frustrated with the lack of progress and change in your life. Part of this lack of change may be due to your passive approach. There may have been situations that were frustrating to you or that you were unhappy with but you chose to wait it out and hope that they would eventually change. Now you’re feeling the ramifications of that choice.

You may be working long hours, giving your time and energy to others in need, or involved in a stressful and demanding undertaking. Be careful not to push it so far that you end up hurting your health and well-being. If you need to rest, rest.

So, withdraw from your external world, and retreat within. Take a social media detox, a weekend escape, or a silent retreat so that you can focus your energy within and find your peace once again.

Ask your Tarot cards: How can I rest?

See Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium for a reading Flicker Gifts, 141 Buffalo St Suite 18, Hamburg, NY 14075. November 18, 2023.

How did you get through that new moon in Scorpio? Keep in mind, Scorpio’s fixed waters can be equally as consistent as they are stubborn and ready to take the gloves off. That said, if you’ve been repressing your emotions about something in particular, or unconsciously denying a part of yourself, this new moon in Scorpio can ultimately set you free. Otherwise, be sure to steer away from environments and situations that don’t feel safe.

And full moon in Gemini next week:  Gemini rules salespeople, businesses and bartering. You can celebrate this full moon is by using the money that would normally go towards shopping for pretty things for other very important causes. This is a powerful time to set boundaries with partners or cut off relationships that aren’t granting you the freedom you need to be yourself—and the full moon on November 27 will bring you all the motivation you need to do so. This moon highlights your need for independence in relationships and reminds you how important it is to stay true to yourself. Don’t commit to responsibilities that your future self won’t want to fulfill. Leave room for spontaneity in your life.

 A psychic reading may help to clarify some decisions or relationships in your life. Information from your past life may show up to help with the challenge of your present life relationships, decisions and friendships. Sometime the cycle repeats until the lesson is learned. Let me help you with your decision making and /or contact with loved ones over on the other side.

Book your time here: https://flickergifts.com/products/readings-by-theressa-johnson-saturday-11-18-23

Celebrate the Shadow with the Scorpio New Moon (or not)

On November 13th, 2023 we have a New Moon at 20° Scorpio. The New Moon in Scorpio is closely conjunct its ruler, Mars. It is opposite Uranus in Taurus, and trine Neptune in Pisces. Welcome to a big week which kicks off t with Diwali (in India). This is the celebration of light (awareness) conquering shadow (ignorance), which is pretty much the theme for this week. Particularly as Monday’s Scorpio New Moon kicks off in alignment with Mars + Ceres. This is an energy that is calling for you to release repressed anger in a healthy way (not by pushing it further down or directing it at someone else…but the third way which is giving it back to Mother Nature). Remember that if something is triggering you in the people around you, they are actually showing you your shadow (that part you have rejected within).

Welcome to the underworld. Scorpio is an energy that draws us down. It reminds us that before we ascend into higher levels of consciousness, we must first have roots firmly in place. That means descending into the places within us that we are yet to love. As such this season (which started on the 22nd of October) and this Moon in particular can have you feeling heavier emotions, seeing that the things that trigger you in others actually live within you and most importantly if you want to change the world you firstly need to look at yourself. Scorpio energy is powerful as it is humbling. It’s a time to uncover what has been hidden

This New Moon is the start of a 6-18 month lunar cycle which is calling to light what has been hidden from you. That can be secrets that have been omitted (by you or someone else), as well as energy that lies deep within your subconscious. The best way to understand this energy is to see what triggers you in the people around you and realize that this is because they are holding the parts of you that you are have rejected. Remember what you reject you get to keep (and sometimes keep this means it stays hidden). So, perhaps you notice that you are always surrounded by angry people that’s because you have rejected the part of you that is angry and filled with rage; or you get annoyed when a particular friend always talks about money (and their lack their of) that is because this is a fear that you have rejected within you. This New Moon is encouraging you to use the experiences around you that feel deeply uncomfortable, to come to know yourself better.

The only way to be whole, is to accept all. The coming 6 months is taking you down into the places which you hide from others and you reject within yourself. This means that this is a time to be humbled, to learn that the love within you is capable of loving everything…even these deep recesses and finally that to be whole is not about being all ‘love and light’ but rather knowing the depths of your own darkness + tending to it. For the collective the coming 6 months will be incredibly transformational, as if we are going through a rebirth all together. See the ways, we as a collective, love to blame the ‘other’ – when in truth there is no other. That is just a made up label by the ego and it comes from a place of fear.

Expect anger and rage to be on the cards. As this New Moon will be aligned with Mars, there’s a fair chance that what is lying within you that is wanting to be seen has a lot of firy energy around it. As such you can find yourself feeling short-tempered, frustrated out of nowhere and needing to let off steam. As this is a collective energy also, you’ll notice in the world around you conflict escalating to the point of impulsive + reckless behavior. Why? Because none of us know how to handle anger. We either repress it + reject it or we get rid of it by hurting someone else. The key to moving through this is to have compassion for the anger that is coming to the surface within you – to not deny it, and equally to not see it as something to hide. Rather realize it’s a kinetic energy – it needs to move – and you have the option to give it someone else (and incite anger in them) or to give it back to it’s source – mother nature. The advice as you feel the anger building is to step away from others, and allow it to move by yelling at the sky or into the earth until it’s been exhausted from your body, go for a run or find some ground to punch until you feel whatever wanted to be felt leaving the body.

Remember to be flexible with the unexpected

Also worth mentioning is that this New Moon will oppose Uranus, for those of you currently in your Uranus Opposition (around 40 – 42 years old) this can feel particularly intense. It’s a time to allow for the unexpected, out-of-the-blue events, people and experiences – that aren’t necessarily part of your plan. Well really this is your ego’s plan, not your soul’s (which you’re not always privy too). It’s really important to be flexible at this time, and to see these experiences as the redirections they are meant to be. They are, through the grace of the universe, calling you into alignment and helping you see where your shadow lies. A big thing we all deny is our love of control. We want certainty and the heart of this comes from a lack of trust in other people (fear they won’t do what we want). The encouragement with this New Moon is to do your best to release the desire for control (particularly if you don’t like being controlled yourself – which is all of us).

On November 13—at exactly 4:27 a.m. ET—the moon will renew itself via 20 degrees of this fixed water sign. During this lunar phase, the sun joins forces with the moon, and the sky is at its darkest. However, the moon’s lack of visibility should never be underestimated, as it marks a time for magic, fertility and new beginnings. The darkness surrounding this lunar phase feels eerie, edgy, and unpredictable, but that’s an understatement when it comes of Scorpio’s heavy-handedness.

Prepare to confront and uncover the mysteries that lie within. A fixed water sign, Scorpio’s raw passion has the power to penetrate beyond the surface. Its Plutonian sorcery is a catalyst for alchemy and creation, but surrender is the key to your transformation.

 Be sure to tune into the deeper octaves of your most uncomfortable emotions and gain clarity from a visit with your shadow self. The parts of you that prefer to hide in the shadows are coming up to the surface. Eclipse season is now officially behind you and a new lunar cycle is beginning. 

Sitting just two degrees away from Mars in Scorpio—right where the red planet is in its home zodiac sign, not to mention a force to be reckoned with—this lunation is highly charged and even still, that’s putting it lightly. Mars is aggressive, triggering, and audacious in its desire to charge ahead. While there are powerful activations occurring at this time, the way you harness this intense energy is key. 

What are you looking to transform and essentially conquer in your life? With Mars conjunct the new moon, you not only have the courage and strength to face something head-on, but also the passion and focus to get it done. On a more rebellious note, the sun, moon and Mars will be making an opposition to electric Uranus, the planet of breakthroughs and unexpected change. 

Keep in mind, Scorpio’s fixed waters can be equally as consistent as they are stubborn and ready to take the gloves off. That said, if you’ve been repressing your emotions about something in particular, or unconsciously denying a part of yourself, this new moon in Scorpio can ultimately set you free. Otherwise, be sure to steer away from environments and situations that don’t feel safe.

Don’t get it twisted—confronting your fears and shadowy attributes is essential to your growth under this new moon in Scorpio. However, it’s important to note that the influence of erratic Uranus can be both disruptive and volatile. Stay centered and resilient through the way you take care of yourself.


You are allowed to leave when the water runs dry, Aries. This analogy may seem unclear at first, but give yourself time to meditate over how certain relationships no longer hydrate you. If you may feel a strong attachment to how a particular pattern makes you feel about yourself, maybe the breakup that’s necessary isn’t with a person or an organization. Maybe what you need is to break up with the stagnating excuses you give yourself.


Love is in the air. C’est la vie! Sometimes what happens to you is a great thing, Taurus. Even though the past couple of months might have caused you to feel demotivated, now is the time to keep hope alive! Show how worldly you are by asking more questions. Recognize that truth is often multidimensional. As you pursue your goals, be careful, smooth, and discerning.


Changing up your routine is a surefire way to become the person you aspire to be. Think carefully before making sudden changes, and know that you don’t need to announce them. The world doesn’t need to know your every move, and you may find that the most success comes from moving in silence. Sometimes when people lack the ability to dream big, they believe that those around them should shrink their idealism.


Oh la la, Cancer, it is time for you to flirt with the present. What is the future, anyway? A concept of the imagination? A promise for another second, minute, hour, and day? Make deals with the moment. Imagine what could happen right now. When you begin to contemplate how you can change in the now, then you can enhance your willpower. Remember, the tools that lead to success require practice.


You’re ready for a beautiful change to your home, Leo. Give up waiting for someone or something. You can reorganize and spice up the space that you are in now. Holding onto items you no longer want because of caveats and excuses may be leading you to be stuck. There is no need for drastic changes. Instead, focusing on refreshing and repurposing.


There is beauty in holding your tongue, especially if you recognize there can be such a thing as “the right moment.” As long as you avoid making excuses, then trust your judgment. Virgo, sometimes people are not listening, and I’m sure you can discern when people are too caught up in their own ego to listen. Be silent as long as you remember when it’s time to speak up.


You can catch the wind if you hold out a container big enough. Check it to make sure there are no holes or cracks. Once you catch the mover of clouds and blanket of the sky, what will you do with it? Are you quick enough to keep it? This New Moon is a gentle reminder that motivation is a nonphysical idea. You can try to catch it, but you might find your will to create movement is more effective. Scorpio

Full force ahead, Scorpio! This New Moon is a time for you to further your personal development. Try to embrace the growth you have experienced thus far. Even though aging and self-reflection can feel like daunting processes, keep an open mind that you will become better. Let the transformations you have seen in yourself be the motivation you need to proceed.


Sit with your feelings, Sagittarius. Take note of your laughter and recognize that dismissing your discomfort with a nervous reaction can lead to resentment in the future. Your mistake is not in making commitments, but in making commitments without a sense of boundaries or flexibility. Even if you are unable to change the past, pay attention to your present.


We all hope that people see us, even if we think we would rather hide in the shadows of isolation. Misrepresentation can be an extremely hurtful experience, and it is even worse if people call us “too sensitive.” My hope is that during this New Moon you allow yourself to risk being misunderstood. Hardening your shell will enhance feelings of isolation. Maybe someone will properly see you.


You are on your path, full steam ahead. As you begin to draw out your blueprints and solidify your childhood dreams, take time to appreciate how far you’ve come. You are a resilient survivor and you deserve to be proud of your accomplishments. There are people who are understandably bogged down by challenging experiences, so the decision to keep moving is never a light one. Full speed ahead, Aquarius. Pour water into your goals and bring your dreams to life.


Life can be hard, Pisces. There is no need to mute your senses and give into mind-numbing practices. Allow space to acknowledge what is hurting and try to refrain from silencing your complaints. Paying attention to what hurts with every intention to seek out solutions is a great way to motivate yourself to learn. Focus on what uplifts you.