Every Tuesday:

PSYCHIC AND MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT CLASS: with Psychic Medium Theressa Johnson, are being held online for the present every Tuesday 7-9 pm on Microsoft Office Teams. Class is $15.  Each week we learn something different and we also practice our reading skills. NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. If you think you have the ability, YOU DO. Please bring your cards or whatever tools you want to use just your intuition. Contact me at 716481 2799 or Facebook, start practicing and start learning!

Myself and some talented teachers are happy and excited to assist you along your journey in developing Psychic and Mediumship abilities. Chances are good that you’re already having “insightful conversations” with people, maybe even total strangers. You don’t think about it, you just give from your heart, to theirs. It ends up as a healing experience.

I teach it all ! I teach you how to tune into spirit, to deliver both psychic messages, and messages from spirit. Ongoing practice is available to you, by sitting in the weekly circles in class, to give messages. Classes are taught by Theressa Johnson, Psychic Medium, unless otherwise stated.

My advice is to stay open to Spirit, open to self awareness, and that opens you to spirit. Those in Spirit know what they are doing, so let them assist you in giving you direction on your journey. At the end of the day, once you reach your final destination in this journey, you will look back with a sense of wonderment and realize that in spite of all the surprising twists and turns in your development, you have arrived in the perfect place and have all the tools you need.

My job is to support you, and to make sure that you reach your potential. I look forward to working with you.

I teach these classes using a variety of different tools, and methods to make you a well rounded Psychic, and Medium. I teach these classes because I remember how scary it was to open myself, and my heart to deliver messages. I’ve experienced the gamut of emotions you are struggling with, and I always work with you, to honor those emotions and learn from them.


This class is for those who wish to develop, or strengthen their techniques and deeper their connection to Spirit. The focus of this class is identifying your strongest psychic gift, and techniques to clearly bring through evidence from the Spirit World, so that your clients will be able to clearly identify who you are connecting to.

You will be taught techniques on how to further your mediumship, even if you are unable to sit in a weekly circle. Learn to tell the difference between what is your imagination, and what is being received from the Spirit World. Meet your Guide/Gatekeeper and learn how protect your energy field gain control.

You will be taught how to read the energy of objects, and to use triggers, to get your thinking mind out of the way. You will be taught to develop your ESP, and tap into the living aura of a person, and to read their energy. We will learn how to work with symbols, and triggers to get the thinking mind out of the way, as you start the psychic flow of information. This is a hands on practical class, and you will learn how to conduct a psychic reading on your fellow classmates.

No previous experience is necessary for this class. This class is a perfect for people who wish to enhance their energy healing, develop their mediumship, or to ultimately work as a professional psychic. This is a practical class for those who wish to enhance their abilities in the workplace, such as business, law enforcement and the medical field. You will learn to read tarot cards for yourself, or for others. Learn how to decipher the symbols, and to open yourself up psychically. This is a hands-on practical class. Bring along your own deck, or use one of ours. We use the Rider Waite deck for training purposes. You will learn about protection, and how to clear your cards. This class takes 2 hours. Please be prepared to stay a little longer, if necessary. A full set of notes are included. No previous metaphysical experience is necessary.

If you love animals, you have always been communicating with them, whether you were aware of it or not. It is only a matter of understanding of the subtle prompts of telepathic communication, the natural mode of communication for all animals AND an inherent ability for all humans as well! In this basic comprehensive course, you will learn how to work with telepathy, and recognize when you are receiving telepathic messages, and images.

You will learn how to send thoughts to your animal companions and trust what you are receiving back from them. We’ll talk about the blocks to communicating confidently, and how to remove them. You will meet your spirit guide, who is a liaison between you and the animal kingdom, and can help with healing work, and any problems you may encounter. (if you have a desire to be an animal communicator, or just have a deep love for animals, you have this guide with you!)

We will talk about the karmic journey we have with our animal companions, how deeply connected we are on a spiritual level, and the lessons they come to teach us. We’ll discuss how to work with behavioral problems, finding lost pets, and much more! All you need to bring is an open mind, an open heart, and you will leave this class ready to confidently communicate with the animal kingdom. Pet communication is one of the fastest growing modalities for intuitives, and healers. If you love animals, this is the perfect class for you.

This class will introduce you to the techniques used to work with pendulums. You will be taught how to clear, and program your own pendulum that is included in the class. Whether you are intuitive or not, this class will offer you guidance in the various uses of the pendulum, whether it be for clearing and healing the energy field, divination, finding lost objects and a variety of other things. The important thing is to learn to work safely when using this powerful tool of divination and healing.

We offer regular guided meditations that open your chackras and prepare you to offer messages. This course will arm you with the basic techniques and strategies to protect yourself from most of the common forms of psychic attacks, including deliberate attacks, attachment of thought forms, obsession, negative entities, as well as other negative energy, that is generally picked up unintentionally, throughout your day. Manifestations of these maladies include melancholy, and depression, fatigue, nightmares and insomnia, unexplained pains and aches, and negatives thoughts and ideas that are outside your control or normal behavior, among others. Some of the techniques to be covered in this course will include the following:

  • Who and what are the guides? – How do you contact them and what role to they play in your life?
  • You will be taught how to tune into the energy field, and to the guides of your client, and to create, and read an aura graph. Learn what the colors mean and how to conduct a reading. During this class we will create aura graphs for our fellow students, that we will be able to take home. All materials are supplied and no artistic experience is necessary.

Students in this class are given the opportunity to do platform readings, if they desire to do so. I have several students working in the public, after taking this class. We will be focusing on platform work, and teaching you how to take your mediumship to the next level, as a demonstrating medium.