February’s Full Moon Is In Leo

This week, a Full Moon in Leo rises on February 16th bringing with it a sense of curiosity and hope. Known as the Snow Moon, this special moon calls on us to dream and plan, to look towards unimagined horizons for new possibilities in our lives. Can someone say Romantic, Dramatic, and Sexy ? If your love life has felt frustratingly quiet so far this year, you’re far from alone. 2022 kicked off with Venus, the planet of romance, in full-blown retrograde, making it more challenging to enjoy much forward movement in regard to pursuits of pleasure and matters of the heart. Thankfully, it went direct on January 29, and as we come up on February’s fiery full moon in Leo, the relationship-ruling planet has a starring role that could turn everything around.

Because the moon will be directly opposite from the sun in Aquarius, we’ll also be driven to think about what’s best for the greater good and our community. This is a Full Moon that’s calling for us to open our hearts and re-engage with our playful nature. If you feel called to dance, sing, paint, make love, draw or take center stage you’re right on the money with this Moon.

Leo energy is one which teaches us the beauty of our own creativity and self-expression. It shifts our focus from the collective back to our own individual essence. Obviously the big watch out with any Leo energy is not getting too wrapped up in this. Finding that balance where you’re able to realize your creativity is a gift from the energy that lives within you. It’s not about achieving anything, winning any prizes or being the center of attention – rather it’s about just delighting in the simple fact that you can create.

This Full Moon is all about fun. Yes there are some hard angles. This is a Full Moon calling for you to find healing in your creative essence. To draw, paint, sing, dance, play or even pro-create (yes Leo is a big feature in child birth) – and in that to find deep healing. This is a Leo to lead from the heart, not the head.

Leo is all about self-expression. Leo energy is one which teaches us the beauty of our own creativity and self-expression. It shifts our focus from the collective back to our own individual essence. Obviously the big watch out with any Leo energy is not getting too wrapped up in this. Finding that balance where you able to realize your creativity is a gift from the source energy that lives within you. It’s not about achieving anything, winning any prizes or being the center of attention – rather it’s about just delighting in the simple fact that you can create.

The full moon in Leo spotlights love, pleasure, and self-expression.Full moons — which happen when the confident sun exactly opposes the intuitive moon — always present a monthly opportunity to wrap up projects you started six months or even two weeks prior. They’re culmination points, breaking points, and a chance to release anything that’s no longer serving you. And with this month’s full moon falling in confident, fun-loving, and big-hearted Leo, you can expect to feel more exuberant, empowered, and optimistic. And because the sign of the Lion is also the ruler of the fifth house of romance and self-expression, you can expect both of those themes to feature prominently as well.

If you’re feeling heavy about something in your life, or frustrated by the events that are currently unfolding around you, reach out to the Full Moon. Allow its vibrations to bring some lightness into your being and into the situation. See if you can step back and allow any heaviness or frustrating situations to soften. See if you can find the funny side of things, or at the very least, see if you can release the bonds of attachment by reminding yourself that all is temporary. Laughter is also a powerful medicine, so go in search of some at this time. Reach out to friends, watch a funny movie, read a funny book, allow laughter to flow through your being.

Relationships may be tested, and secrets revealed, yet sparks of love may be ignited today
Pay attention to the feelings, relationships, or situations that you feel you should let go of.  Don’t ignore your instincts today.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention this.  Venus and Mars will come together on February 15-16 in the sign of Capricorn. And because the Moon will also be at the peak of its fullness in the zodiac sign of Leo, there will be some strong cosmic forces that will guide us to liberate ourselves, step into our sexuality, and connect with the fullness of our being. Venus is considered the Goddess of Love and Mars is considered the Warrior Planet, so when both of these two come together, it helps to create passionate, romantic energy that can pull down blocks around our hearts and activate soulmate contracts. When Venus and Mars come together we also experience a rebirth of their energies and a new awakening of both the feminine and masculine principles within us.

Venus represents sacred feminine energy. This energy goes beyond gender and lives within all of us and all of nature. In Astrology, Venus is is the planet of love, harmony, money, and beauty. Its energy inspires us to surround ourselves with beauty. Mars represents sacred masculine energy. This energy also goes beyond gender and lives with all of us and all of nature. In Astrology, Mars is considered the planet of action, motivation, and fearlessness. Its energy inspires us to forge ahead, to push past our fears, and to find our inner confidence and strength.

If you’re looking to create more balance in your life between Venus and Mars energies, here are a few tips-

  • Take a yin yoga class
  • Take slow, deep breaths
  • Practice listening to your intuition
  • Spend time near water
  • Charge crystals under the Moon
  • Connect with the phases of the Moon
  • Do some heart-opening exercises
  • Practice self-love
  • Make yourself feel beautiful
  • Surround yourself with beauty
  • Spend time meditating in nature
  • Read, write poetry, or write fantasy stories
  • Eat raw foods
  • Reflect and spend time alone
  • Disregard lists such as these and just do what you feel

Bringing in more Mars energy:

  • Do strength training, aerobics or another vigorous form of exercise
  • Journal or write letters to get what’s on your mind out on paper
  • Set plans and make goals
  • Do some grounding exercises
  • Charge crystals under the Sun
  • Spend time hiking or being active in nature
  • Assert yourself or put yourself out there
  • Conquer your fears
  • Meditate as the sun rises
  • Do puzzles or other word games
  • Eat warm, spicy foods
  • Spend time with friends
  • Adopt a “can do” attitude
  • Consult lists such as these

Venus and Mars coming together can also active soulmate and twin flame contracts. We may encounter a soulmate or twin flame.

  • We may create a new relationship with someone.
  • We may experience spiritual awakenings that are inspired or triggered by the relationships in our lives or a chance encounter.
  • We may end relationships that are no longer serving us or that we have outgrown.
  • Someone significant may exit our lives as a signal that it’s time for us to start a new chapter.
  • We may gain insights or confirmation on the soulmates or twin flames in our lives.
  • Soulmate or twin flame wounds may emerge for healing.
  • More soulmates and twin flames will awaken and arrive on Earth.
  • The definition of soulmates and twin flames may also evolve and new insights on these special souls may come forward.

Venus and Mars coming together is a rare treat, and a time of unity. It is like the sperm fertilizing the egg, the two cosmic lovers coming in for that fated first kiss, it is the symbol for the yin and yang of the Universe.

Use this energy to find your balance, your creativity, and your motivation. Use it to remind yourself that you too are a child of the Universe and connected to all that is around you.

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