The full moon in Aquarius takes place on August 1 at 2:31 p.m. ET. When taking a closer look at this moons astrology, it’s important to consider the influence of Aquarius’ co-rulers, Saturn and Uranus.

Relatedly, the full moon in Aquarius may also remind us to reflect on the broader motives behind some of our personal goals and ambitions, urging us to consider how we might positively impact the world when we shine bright, share our gifts, and act with intention. When the Moon is in Aquarius, you feel more eccentric and individual, embracing your unique personality

Welcome to a week flavored with rebellion, revolution and a deep longing for social justice. It’s also a week that is calling for you to look inside first, to see where society is reflecting back to you something you need to change (everything external is a transitory mirror). Added to this week we have energy suggesting it’s best to act and not over explain yourself or listen to much to others opinions.

To add to the high-key energy, the sun and moon will be forming a tense angle with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and exaggeration. We could find ourselves feeling especially optimistic under the influence of Jupiter… perhaps overly so. It’ll be easy to over promise and over commit, so try to take others’ bold offerings and declarations with a grain of salt. They could still be genuine—but any opportunities discussed today will likely require some time to unfold.

You’re focused on your interpersonal relationships, Leo, and exciting developments are underway. The full moon moves through your seventh house of one-one-one connections, collaborations, and contracts.

If you’re partnered, you may decide to make a decision about your future, and if you’re single, you could meet someone with lasting potential—just take a beat before making any formal commitments in love, given Venus is still retrograde. It’s also possible that some intriguing opportunities will arrive in your professional life. You may be teaming up with someone who has the potential to help you reach your goals or ambitions quicker than you ever thought possible.

Your full moon self-care practice: Take a look at the five people with whom you spend the most time. Do those connections leave you feeling excited and inspired, or drained and exhausted? Your inner world is influenced by the company you keep. Invest in meaningful relationships, and set boundaries with those who bring you down.

What to Do: Express yourself as honestly and genuinely as you can.

What Not to Do: Try not to ignore flashes of insight today

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