Here’s How The October 13 Full Harvest Moon Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign


The Harvest Full Moon is in the sign of Aries, so that means the spotlight is directly on you. You may be cleaning house within the deepest levels of your life. That means releasing aspects of who you are, your identity, and seeing what’s not going to work anymore. You’re going to have to stand up for yourself and not get coerced into doing something that doesn’t align with you are. Pluto is in your house of career, meaning there will be a strong difference of opinion between you and your company or your agent. Stand up for what your believe in, and commit to what’s important. This might be letting go of a specific job or a personal relationship so you can be more true to yourself. Once you let go, you will feel almost weightless, and carry a much lighter load for the remainder of your year.


This full moon sees you letting go of an old habit or pattern that is likely holding you back in life. It’s time to flip your script and let go of an old story of how your see yourself and how you relate to your industry. You’ve had enough and you’re at a breaking point. You may have been playing small or accepting a certain kind of treatment, and it’s time to start thinking bigger about your future and your potential. You will also need some serious R&R, so take time to replenish yourself so you can come back in the game full of creativity and more expansive vision. Reconnecting with nature will be the perfect inspiration.


It’s a very special month for Gemini! You’ll find a whole new cast of characters to meet and greet into your life. However, there may be more than one invitation and probably more than what you actually have the bandwidth for. Some of these events can be rather expensive, so watch your budget! You may have a tendency to overspend right now, so take a pause before committing to a certain big purchase, as there seems to be a surplus going on in your life. Pause and discernment will be essential. You are bringing in the harvest in regards to your social circle. Who makes you feel amazing? Who is draining you? It’s time to do a house clean here so you can ultimately feel supported.


It seems as if your career is coming to a sort of crescendo right now. It may be time for you to leave a certain position that is no longer serving you, so you can go into the next stage of development on your path. You’re ready to reap your harvest in your career. It may be a promotion, or leaving one company to pursue your own business. This Full Moon marks a point of culmination. It’s possible that you and your partner may be of two minds on this, so make sure you carve out time to talk about the implications of these choices.


Take off the training wheels, lovely Leo. It seems like you’ve been working in a particular course of study or phase in incubating a business, and it’s finally time to take it to the next level. This may be your book launch, or website unveiling. It’s that time go public and tell the world, though with a hard angle to Pluto, you have to be extra mindful of your health and burnout. You’re very popular at the moment and you’re being pulled in many directions, so make sure to take care of your body as well.


Financially, you’re ready for a paradigm shift. It may be the end of an era for you, where you’re expanding financially and may have to leave behind an old money story so you can embark on a larger playing field. You’ll need to have a more granular look at your monthly expenses and how you’ve been managing your money up to this point. The full moon shows up in the financial sector for you, so there is no choice but to upgrade. And on that note, take the time to research your options so you don’t break the bank as you invest in yourself.


You’re getting clear about what sort of relationships you want in your life and which ones you don’t. This full moon lights up your relationship sector, accenting what you want versus what your family and friends want for you. You are so considerate of everyone, though during this time, please consider yourself first and what you personally want for yourself. Relationships that have not been built on solid foundations will be challenged. Relationships that are strong can become much stronger, though not without a challenge. This Harvest Moon will demand absolute honesty and a rebalancing of the scales here.


It’s time to clean up your lifestyle and your health routine. It’s been a wild summer for you, so this full moon is the most ideal time to let go of a habit that no longer serves you. It could be cigarettes or too many glasses of wine, it could be gluten or sugar. When you release this habit on the full moon, it has the signature of finality, and no turning back. It may mean separating from a certain group of people while you realign with your true purpose. This would be a perfect time to begin a cleanse or start attending your expensive gym that you have not been to in so long. Welcome in this Harvest Moon as an invitation to health.


The harvest moon lights up your sector of love and romance, bringing on the sparks in a fellow fire sign. This could be a time when true feelings are revealed, and you may want to take your relationship to the next level. If you’ve been dating, you might want to make it official. If you’re in an established relationship, take a romantic weekend away. However, if it is new love or a long-time partner, the question of boundaries will arise, and if something does not feel right, speak up as this is an opportunity for deeper growth. You’re in a space of redefining what love means to you and letting your partner know.


Your home and family will come into a sharp focus with this Harvest Moon. It seems like you want a change and that could even be a move, though try not to unload your frustrations on members of your home and family. Instead, set aside time for a conversation on viable solutions. Your desire for efficiency and streamlining is apparent, though using force to will things your way may not be best. You’re going to have to find the balance of truth and grace in this conversation so you and your family/partner can agree on a next step. Later in October, especially near the 26th , will be a good time to explore possibilities.


The Harvest Moon lights up your sector of communication, pointing to an important conversation or contract that likely needs to happen this week if it has not yet today. It may pay off to keep an open schedule, as this may take time. It also seems that you may need a brand new skill set for what this contract or conversation entails. Therefore, this will be a great month to brush up on new skills or languages that are relevant. Through all of this, you may be faced with those feelings of doubt or fear as Pluto squares the Full Moon. Look at this as the perfect opportunity to conquer your fears and practice taking more risks.


This is a time to thoroughly look at what your values are, and ask yourself if what you’re doing for work is truly a reflection of those values. It seems you will need to make a financial decision regarding your career. Take time to listen to your inner voice as it appears that someone may be trying to position you in a certain role. This might mean saying no to an offer because it doesn’t align with who you are. Remember, when you say no, so much space emerges for a better and more suitable opportunity that is more aligned with who you are.

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