How the New Moon in Cancer July 17 2023 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
Whether personally or professionally, are you consciously surrounding yourself with individuals who respect your emotional boundaries? What part of your past are you ready to leave behind, in order to step into your fullest potential? On top of the sun’s final opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, the Lord of the Underworld will be a key player in the upcoming weeks.
On July 23, it will face off with the Nodes of Destiny (after their recent ingress into Aries and Libra), and this is definitely something to consider when reflecting on this month’s new moon. After all, this new beginning will more than likely require a certain amount of bravery and courage, but remember—stepping out of your comfort zone promotes growth and resilience. In the meantime, reflect on the kind of world you want to create for yourself moving forward. Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming new moon in Cancer, according to your sun sign, moon sign or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign)
Themes surrounding your home base and innermost feelings are being emphasized under this moon, which is why it’s so important for you to reflect on what makes you feel secure and rooted at this time. Hovering over your fourth house of privacy and emotional foundations—while in opposition to Pluto retrograde in your 10th house of reputation, notoriety and parental figures—this is an opportunity for you to make peace with the past, in order to redefine your sense of security. Your celestial ruler, Mars, will also sit in opposition with taskmaster Saturn, encouraging you to be more both discerning and forgiving with your day-to-day logistics, especially those of you in the process of healing. The North Node is entering your sign for the first time since 2006, and a new chapter of life is afoot
This moon is renewing itself in Cancer, bringing new beginnings to everything from your communication style to the dynamic of your immediate environment. The North Node will also be concluding its journey through your sign, (after transiting your sign since 2021) making this moon all the more predominant. How has your sense of security evolved since? What have you discovered about yourself, and your personal value systems? The moon will make a direct opposition to Pluto retrograde, bringing awareness to the shadow side of your personal philosophy and worldview. What beliefs are you ready to surrender, in order to establish the home environment you seek? When considering your celestial ruler’s (Venus) square to Uranus, the cosmos encourages you to experiment and explore other options if needed.
Ready to take your power back? Whether financially or in terms of your sensual pleasures, this lunation is presenting you with the opportunity to feel more at home within your physical surroundings. For instance, this month’s new moon will touch down on your stability-seeking second house of money, values and creature comforts, and all while sitting in direct opposition to Pluto retrograde via your eighth house of intimate unions, and energetic exchanges. How have your intimate unions and relationship dynamics evolved since Pluto’s first ingress into Capricorn in 2007? Your boundaries and emotional needs are being brought to the forefront of this moon, and with your celestial ruler, Mercury, sizzling through your communication sector, you’ll have the confidence and courage needed to address them.
Happy new moon and solar season, Cancer! Being ruled by the moon gives you the upper hand, as you are not only acclimated to the moon’s phases but also remarkably in tune with your emotionality. This is especially true with the moon renewing itself in your sign, so it’s important for you to reflect on the parts of yourself/life that you’re ready to commit to, and/or let go of. While in opposition to Pluto retrograde, there is also greater emphasis on your relationship dynamics, specifically those that could’ve led to the misuse of power. In any event, this moon is presenting you with the opportunity to call back your energy and assert yourself, whether personally or professionally. And with Mars sitting across from Saturn retrograde, the cosmos is supporting you on this new path towards your self-discovery. Manifest the future of your dreams!
Let go, and let the universe take the wheel. The moon is renewing itself in Cancer, bringing new beginnings to your 12th house of healing, closure and unconscious patterns, but there’s more. It will sit directly across from Pluto retrograde—via your responsible sixth house of due diligence, health habits and acts of service—highlighting the shadowy attributes of your day-to-day lifestyle. Whether logistically or in terms of your well being, you’re being encouraged to surrender the systems and structures that no longer serve your highest good. Keep in mind, while transiting your sign, Venus will face off with Uranus in your 10th house of authority, so don’t be surprised if you experience an unexpected change of plans. This could be in the workplace and/or in terms of your money-making abilities. Either way, don’t be afraid to experiment.
It’s important to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who not only support your goals and dreams, but also inspire you along the way. More importantly, when it comes to your emotional world and sense of security, July’s new moon is urging you to reflect on the dynamic of your social surroundings, and whether these connections hold space for your individual truth. For instance, Luna will renew itself in Cancer—via your 11th house of community affairs—bringing new beginnings to your sense of belonging in the world. But the moon will also make a direct opposition to Pluto retrograde, highlighting the shadowy attributes of your self-expression, and/or inhibitions when in regards to your authenticity. Do you consider your friendship groups to be dependable? How can you redefine this area of life?
The new moon is touching down on the most public sector of your chart, bringing new beginnings to everything from your sense of authority to your reputation in the world. However, given that this lunation will take place in the sign of Cancer, this could revolve around a parental figure if not your own parent vs. child dynamics. Your ruler, Venus, is already in its pre-retrograde shadow phase, and via your 11th house of community settings and individual freedom. Meaning, the combination of these energies is urging you to re-evaluate the value of your personal and professional goals. Does this endeavor feel safe? Venus will also face off with Uranus, bringing excitement and novelty to your intimate affairs. You’re cultivating a brand new sense of self-awareness, but with the moon sitting in opposition to Pluto retrograde, it’s time to put an end to old ways and power dynamics within your family unit. This is especially true with the South Node making its debut in your sign for the first time since 2006.
Chin up, Scorpio. The moon is renewing itself in your sister-sign, Cancer, bringing emphasis and fertility to your ninth house of expansion, faith, long-term goals and self-discovery. Whether in terms of your home base and/or your familiar belief systems, this moon is presenting you with the opportunity to shift trajectories, and follow your own individual path. Sitting in opposition to your modern ruler, Pluto retrograde, the darker attributes of your early childhood and immediate surroundings could suddenly resurface, but this is where you’re being encouraged to close a chapter and/or narrative you’re no longer subscribing to. How has your perception of home and family evolved since Pluto’s first ingress into Capricorn in 2007? The South Node is also concluding its journey through your sign, after journeying through your astrological axis since 2021. It’s time to call your power back, and create new experiences for yourself moving forward
The foundation of your intimate exchanges is a reflection of your sense of security, and early upbringing. And with the moon renewing itself in sensitive Cancer—your eighth house of mergers, inheritance, and other sources of income—you are being presented with the opportunity to redefine your idea of “giving and receiving.” What no longer feels safe? What is the root of your doubts and fears? This moon will sit in direct opposition to Pluto retrograde in your stability-seeking second house of values, creature comforts and money-making abilities, highlighting everything from your past fears to your first impression of “security.” Are you ready to surrender these outdated systems and structures? With Mars sitting in opposition to Saturn, you are being encouraged to discern and analyze what works best for you moving forward, whether personally or professionally.
Open your heart, and allow yourself to be nurtured and taken care of, Capricorn. This is especially true with the moon renewing itself in Cancer, via your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise and significant others. Although, while in opposition to Pluto retrograde in your sign, unconscious fears surrounding your partnerships and/or your ability to feel safe within your connections could simultaneously come up for review. This, however, is an opportunity for you to build upon a brand-new foundation, and surrender your shadowy attributes such as the need for control, or perhaps even the fear of abandonment. Mars will also sit in opposition to your taskmaster ruler, Saturn, which is where you’re being encouraged to discern, analyze, and do the necessary research when regarding next steps.
Mindfulness is key to the mental, physical and emotional balance you seek, Aquarius. Fortunately, with the moon renewing itself in Cancer—via your sixth house of health, daily rituals, due diligence and acts of service—there is an opportunity for you to cultivate the lifestyle you both crave, and deserve. More importantly, while in opposition to Pluto retrograde—via your 12th house of closure, dreams, inhibitions and unconscious patterns—you are being called to address the dark side of your coping mechanisms, and life behind the scenes. There’s no such thing as perfect, so consider this an opportunity to set the necessary boundaries. Saturn retrograde will also sit in opposition to Mars—via your eighth house of intimacy—highlighting what needs to be tweaked, purified and/or readdressed when in regards to your personal and/or shared resources. Don’t be afraid to choose yourself moving forward
With this moon renewing itself in your sister-sign Cancer, and your fifth house of passion projects and authentic expression, you’re being presented with the opportunity to nurture your inner child and reconnect with the energies that emotionally fulfill you. Whether creatively, romantically, and/or in terms of your unique talents, reflect on what could be unconsciously inhibiting you from expressing these parts of yourself freely. This is especially true with the moon sitting in opposition to Pluto retrograde, as you are likely confronting past experiences that could have influenced your love language and freedom of expression. Mars is also sizzling through your relationship sector, and all while sitting in direct opposition to Saturn retrograde in your sign. Whether literally and/or emotionally, you’re being encouraged to address what no longer serves as a positive influence in your relationships. This could be in regards to family, or perhaps even your significant other’s
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Theressa Johnson 716 481 2799
Namaste’ and good hair days !

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