How will April 7 full moon affect your sign?

Aries: Get Ready For A Powerful Month

In light of the worldwide crisis we’re currently facing, you’re starting this month off rather strong, with Mars conjunct Saturn from March 29th to April 3rd. This means you’ll have the energy, focus, and resilience needed to overcome career obstacles and enjoy your birth month—so don’t stress too much about any work-from-home issues you’ve been dealing with. You’ll get through it! This conjunct can also enhance sexual intimacy and creativity, so hopefully you and a special someone are practicing social distancing together. Looking forward, while extra time spent at home may create unique challenges, you have the ambition and critical thinking skills to aid you in overcoming them. Yes, you’re doing well right now, but with Mars heavily present in your chart, this is a time for you to put that energy to good use and plan for the future. There is often more than one correct solution or strategy when solving a problem, so don’t get caught up in your I’m-always-right ways. With everyone tense and anxious do your best to listen and honor others and their ideas.

Taurus: A Few Warnings

Uranus’ positioning will guarantee some uncertainty, along with big changes that just might impact the overall course of your life. Just because it might feel like time is standing still right now, doesn’t mean that our lives aren’t progressing as we speak. Trust that whatever is happening behind the scenes will benefit you in the long run—but don’t be afraid to speak up when necessary. Advocate not only for yourself, but for others in need. With your intelligence and calm ambition, you can make a big impact when you opt to help others. This month may also bring challenges regarding laziness and hedonism. To avoid falling into a rut, try and stick to a (realistic) routine that includes healthy food, positive thinking and exercise. This month is a great opportunity to take steps towards achieving the inner changes you’re striving for—a calmer mind, resilience to adversity, and more self-awareness. You can do this!

Gemini: Time To Shine

It’s safe to say this April will be a month unlike any other, and you’re ready to lean in and make the best of it. Unlike many other signs, you like having a lot going on at all times—even if you tend to complain about it. As a lover of projects both fully and half-baked, now is your time to shine! Focus on finishing things as you’re able to, and enjoy a month that will prove to be a time of prolific productivity. Keep focused, and make sure not to burn out: shower, eat, stay positive, et cetera! With Venus is in your house starting April 3rd, projects aren’t the only thing on a rolling boil. This is a great time to work on forming new relationships, ones that will prove to be healthy and enduring. Take note of people who are reaching out, as well as those who show you their love consistently. These are the relationships that are worth tending to and prioritizing.

Cancer: All About Expansion

With Mercury in your decan starting in mid-April, you might find your desire to communicate increasing this month, as well as your urge to expand. While physical limitations may keep you in one place, now is the time to other opportunities such as online courses and workshops, to make expansion a reality for you this month—if only to keep you sane during these uncertain times. That said, now is not the time to rush or make hasty decisions. Thinking of making another serious life change? Really give yourself time to think it over. What will you lose by waiting a few weeks?

Your career will be a big concern this month, and will continue to take center stage as you move forward into the rest of the year. Professional development and career planning will take precedence over home-making tasks and relationships, so keep this in mind as you strive to create a satisfying work-life balance—especially if you’re one of many working from home right now.

Leo: A Month Of Love

It’s safe to say not everyone is thriving right now, but I have nothing but great news for you this month, Leo. It sounds weird, I know, especially given the current social climate, but for you this will be a month of love. In addition to Venus being in your house, Venus’ trine Saturn makes April 2020 an excellent time to fall in love, commit to a potential partner, or get back on the dating train. Your usual charisma and hospitable nature will be operating at an all-time high this month, and all of your best traits coming out to play will certainly leave your special someone smitten. The only drawback? Finding responsible ways to indulge your extroverted nature. Technology will be your friend in dating, socializing, and connecting with others, but it’s important to get offine for a little while, too. This is a month that encourages you to play. Interested in starting a podcast, or writing that screenplay you’ve always talk about? Take the good vibes and roll with them. You’ve got plenty of free time right now, after all! Now’s your chance to try and succeed.

Virgo: You Call The Shots This Month

Throughout April there will be a duality at play. First, your supportive nature and self-sufficiency, which will serve you mightily, especially amid the stressful times. But then, we’ll also see the extremes of your other traits: rigidity, a strong demand for order, et cetera. All of these traits will fight for dominance this month—but ultimately, you control your perspective of the world at large, and how you decide to function within it. Practice positivity, Virgo, and see that it can get you just as far as your intensely rigid ways.

Towards the end of the month, things will take a turn for the better. Between the 18th and the 30th, the influence of the sun will work to bring you internal balance and serenity that will in turn flow out and ease your relationships, helping you move with intention. During this time, it will be easier to distance yourself from your impassioned emotions in order to make more well-balanced decisions.

Libra: Balance !

This month brings a mix of good news and bad, so let’s start off with the bad and then finish strong, shall we? Unfortunately, the full moon in Libra on the 7th will pose some challenges for you many of them connected with the society’s current health and sickness concerns. Additionally, this full moon can increase tension and reactionary movement from people with opposing viewpoints. So right now, perhaps it’s not the best time to discuss politics with anyone you aren’t looking to fight with—and if you still want to, at least understand that your actions right now will have bigger long-term consequences than you realize.

Now, for the good news: Jupiter and Pluto will give a mini-jumpstart to your focus and drive on the 4th, giving you some Capricorn-esque ambition to help you be more decisive. In combination with your already diplomatic nature, this means that you will be highly sought after this month, and many will turn to you to ask for your advice and counsel.

Scorpio: A Side Of Self-Love

Understandably, health will be a big concern for you this April. With Saturn’s position to Mars, you’ll feel a heightened level of anxiety when it comes to society’s current health and sickness concerns, so remember to take care of yourself. Be gentle and forgiving, and act as a sweet mother to yourself, not a demanding boss.

With your anxiety at its all-time high, it’s imperative that you trust your instincts. Your caution is usually well-founded—you just need to work on managing stress in as healthy a way as you possibly can. Sticking to routines, reaching out to loved ones and exercising will truly be your saving graces this month. Focusing on you right now is crucial. That kind of success is guaranteed to disappoint your enemies and give you strength for the years to come. Lastly—don’t underestimate your ability to get things done. Your single-minded laser focus will help you navigate the new routine of your daily life and find your own peace within it.

Sagittarius: Practice Self-Love

April will be a difficult month for us all in one way or another, but your struggles will be mostly internal. During times of crisis, it’s easy to slip into old patterns and regress emotionally, isn’t it, Sagittarius? It’s the path of least resistance, and without vigilance and reflection, it can be almost inevitable. With stressful times and fear of sickness surrounding us this month, the current state of affairs will have a lot of people relying on old patterns, and you might find your struggles with low self esteem resurfacing.

Remind yourself of the lessons you’ve learned and how far you’ve come as often you need to, until self-love and confidence become second nature again. If you find yourself failing, readjust your strategy. Try and try again. There are no limits or guidelines other than the ones you set for yourself. You’ve got this. Mercury’s position this month will also inspire you to use your voice and speak your truth. If you disagree, speak up before it’s too late. Value your opinions, let them be heard

Capricorn: A Little Home Improvement

With the sun in your 4th house, this April will bring energy to your physical and emotional homes. This might include real estate deals, moving house, or remodeling your space. Given that the current state of things calls for all of us to spend more time at home right now, this is an especially great time to double-down on efforts to create the most functional space possible.

To that end, follow your instincts. That big home project you were putting off until things slowed down at work? You have the time now! Immerse yourself in it. Deep cleaning, and reorganizing are all healthy coping methods that will pay you ten times over in their functionality—and we all know that’s your thing.

April allows for great opportunity to look at another type of home as well—memories of your childhood, and all its highs and lows. Our upbringing creates our emotional house, the place we go to that impacts how we cope with trauma and hard times. The sun will bring light to the maladaptive ways you cope with stress (self-isolating, drinking, rigid schedules and impossible expectations, negative self-talk, etc.) and help you find different, kinder ways to deal with the hard stuff.

Aquarius: Get Shit Done

Aries energy will revitalize you this April, Aquarius. You will find yourself itching to get things done, and you’ll crave action and movement. Granted, given the current state of the world and its health concerns, you might start to feel stuck or trapped as a result of not being able to go where you please at all times. Rely on exercise and physical activity (even at home!) to satisfy that itch and keep you healthy and sharp.

Your 3rd house will have you focused on travel this month—something that isn’t possible for a lot of signs right now. However, it’s likely that you aren’t actually getting on a plane and jet-setting somewhere, so this could mean cancelling trips or even just fantasizing about where you’ll go once you get the OK to take off. Try not to book any flights or commit to any major travel until April has passed—though with Venus going retrograde you might want to hold off any major decisions until summer time.

Luckily, the sun’s placement in your chart will increase your desires to communicate and connect with your friends and family. Lean in to your desires for joy and social opportunities! While many of these will be virtual, don’t be afraid to call friends up and dive deeper than basic pleasantries and the usual small talk.

Pisces: Online shopping is a dangerous game

As tempting as it is, saving will benefit you more in the long-term than those on-sale jeans ever will. Necessary purchases are fine, but exercise your self-restraint and watch as it gets easier and easier to say ‘no thanks’ to things you don’t really need. Greed will only slow you down.

The sun’s placement in your chart will gives you great insight into your values and priorities this month. You might find that you’ve been spending a lot of time, money, and/or mental energy on things that don’t actually matter to you. Maybe this includes what others think of you, and how your image is perceived. As the sun brings different aspects of your life to light, don’t be afraid to dig deeper and question yourself. Are you really living in a way that makes feel good about yourself and your choices?

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