January’s full moon takes place in the realm of fixed fire sign Leo, which will bring our creative self-expression to the forefront. This moon gives us a chance to step into the spotlight and unveil our most playful, fun, and flashy passion projects — and it’s a great time to make some bold and flirty moves in the romance realm, too. The state of the world may not feel glitzy or glamorous, but the full moon in Leo invites us to be a little flashy and theatrical in our personal expressions, even if that just means putting on red lipstick for a Zoom call.
However, the full moon is squaring off with both unpredictable Uranus and hotheaded Mars, and will oppose powerful planets Jupiter (planet of good luck and excess) and Saturn (karma, lessons learned, restrictions) in the zodiac. All these planetary squabbles will up the already sky-high potential for drama — but the feel-good vibes of this Leo-ruled moon ensures we can shine some sunshine on any bad situation.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
This full moon may bring tensions to a boil in your love life, Aries, but remember that underneath the tension runs a current of pure passion. That said, it’s a great time to get bold and tell your crush how you feel — or make the first move by asking out a cutie who’s caught your eye. The fun and flirty full moon energy offers you plenty of opportunities for romance.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Tensions at home could come to a breaking point now, Taurus — but if you’re willing to be the bigger person and extend the first olive branch, you can use this moon as a time for deep personal healing. Speak your truth with roommates or family members and diffuse any drama with your realness. They’ll be touched by your authenticity and more willing to work things through.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
The full moon in feisty Leo is bringing out your boisterous side, Gemini, and you’ll be finding all sorts of flashy, creative ways to express yourself now. Whether it’s through writing, podcasting, or just broadcasting your ideas on social media, use this time to make a fun and positive impact on the people around you and enjoy your busy, blossoming social life.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Your mind is on money during this moon, Cancer, and it’s a great time to make some bold moves when it comes to your finances. Whether this means asking for a promotion at work, making an exciting investment, or splurging on a special luxurious something with your hard-earned cash, now’s a time to have some fun and believe in the power of your own worth.
Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)
All eyes are on you, Leo — just how you like it! The full moon in your zodiac sign shines its light on your self-expression and marks an exciting creative climax that’s filled with glitz, glamour, and theatrics. While it may be tempting to stir the drama that’s currently brewing, use your powers for good instead and find ways to show off your talents to the world.
Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
Full moons can be exhausting, and this one marks a time to pump the brakes and hit the snooze button, Virgo. While you typically stay busy trying to rev your engine and maintain your daily grind, this moon reminds you that sometimes, slowing down should be more your speed. Restore your creative inspiration with rest in order to avoid a full-blown burnout.
Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
You’re the belle of the social scene under this climactic full moon, Libra, so use your diplomatic gifts to spark joy amidst the drama. While there may be tensions building within your friend group or team at work, your ability to see all sides of a situation can help bring peace to an otherwise chaotic situation. This grants you an opportunity to network and make new connections, too.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
Your professional life is on fire now, Scorpio, so don’t be afraid to toot your own horn to remind everyone who’s boss. You usually prefer to fly under the radar as you climb the ranks at work, but now’s a good time to show off a bit. Your accomplishments and hard work are sparkling under the light of this moon — make sure everyone else catches a glimpse of the gleam, too.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
With the full moon lighting up a fellow fire sign’s territory, you’re feeling more like your bold and excitable self, Sag. Use this momentum to bring your current adventures to a high point. Your lust for life and hunger for knowledge can take you on all sorts of exciting journeys now, literally and figuratively. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, try new things, and challenge your current set of beliefs.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
What skeletons have you been shoving into your closet, Cap? This full moon lights up your courageous inner-fire and inspires you to face your truths, no matter how deeply they’ve been buried. Secrets hold less power over us once we’ve brought them into the light — so set your fears aside and charge forward with this spiritual purge. You’ve been working toward this transformation whether you realize it or not.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
Your love life is taking center stage under this full moon, Aquarius, so set aside all your romantic reservations and be bold about what you want. While the full moon may bring some drama to your partnerships, it also brings huge potential for commitment in relationships and exciting proclamations of feeling. Don’t be afraid to express your truth to your lover and be open to them doing the same.
Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)
This full moon is bringing clarity around what you need to thrive in your day to day life, Pisces — so embrace these changes with a playful sense of optimism. Splurge on some cute workout gear to make your New Year’s exercise routine feel more glam, or plate your healthy meals with Instagram-worthy flair to make cooking feel more creative. Use this energy to find joy in even the most mundane moments.

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