New Moon January 11, 2024

On January 11, 2024, at 6:57 AM Eastern Time, our earthly egos will be encouraged to pay closer attention to our feelings. The Sun will be in the disciplined domain of Capricorn, soaking up the orderly and structured essence of this cardinal earth sign. The Moon joins the Sun in Capricorn to form this New Moon. Considering the Sun is about 400 times the size of the Moon, it is entirely up to us to give attention to our feelings and emotions; we can’t expect anyone to do it for us. Within the domain of Capricorn, the Moon knows how to silence itself and to suck in its expression. As the relatively minuscule Moon looks towards the gargantuan Sun, we are responsible for lowering our egos and showing compassion for people’s difficult memories. Hovering near this astrological event is the planet of transformation, Pluto, loosely conjunct with the Sun and Moon. Pluto serves as a judge, examining your growth and ability to hold your composure.

During the first New Moon of the year, show a willingness to practice empathy in moments when you believe you have none. When you have moments in which you believe you are making sense and the other person is not, stop and consider what memories are informing their feelings. Approach them with curiosity to learn their point of view.

During the first New Moon of the year, show a willingness to practice empathy in moments when you believe you have none. When you have moments in which you believe you are making sense and the other person is not, stop and consider what memories are informing their feelings. Approach them with curiosity to learn their point of view.

Your horoscope for the New Moon in Capricorn

Read your horoscope based on your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Read for your Sun sign to gain insight based on the version of yourself that you’re maturing into, your Rising sign to reflect on your present state, and your Moon sign for guidance on how to care for your inner child.


Finally, you will welcome the recognition you have worked for, Aries. As the New Year begins, so will new growth and opportunity. Some of you may experience what feels like overnight fame. Validate yourself; every late night and practice session has accumulated and earned you the right to say, “I did that.” Trust that you will know what aligns with your values and what you’re better off declining as the opportunity arises.


Are you ready to learn something new, Taurus? My dear, life is so much fun with an open mind, and perhaps you’ll find this New Moon is exactly what you need. Some may fall into the trap of believing you’ve heard it all and seen most of the world, even if your globe is far from marked up. You don’t need to go into some uncharted world to see something new, Taurus. Approaching interactions with a willingness to learn and the bright eyes of a child.


Dear Gemini, are you capable of looking to the end of everything? As we all know, everything must transcend and take on a new and unknown life. We need to understand how to prepare and what to expect when our season ends. You might want to continue enjoying fun and indulging in connections as if nothing will ever change. But life is constantly changing, and with life, you, too, must change.


Are you interested in taking your relationships to the next level, Cancer? Congratulations! Years of soul-searching, deep-diving, releasing, and relinquishing have taught you the necessary lessons for a love worth having. Whether this relationship takes the form of a best friend or a romantic lover, you should take a moment to pat yourself on the back. For the single Cancers, remember that you can prioritize your relationship with yourself.


Roads paved with gold are usually of your own making, Leo. The past few months might have worn and torn at your body. Aches, pains, and tensions might have followed you as you powered through your responsibilities. While stress is not ideal, you can rejoice that your tireless nights will pay off. Take a long look at what you’ve been working towards. You’re much closer to the conclusion than you were a year ago.


Playfulness can be a big responsibility, Virgo. You may be surprised to know that we can learn so much about a person based on how they uncertainly navigate through the world. Each wobble and confused fumble is indicative of what they can manage. Yes, you can learn from how frustrated someone gets during Monopoly—maybe some of those near you have unspoken feelings. Listen with two ears and put your ego to bed.


Home, where you rest your head, is undergoing renovations, Libra. During this New Moon, allow yourself to dream beyond a reasonable extent. Take what you can, double it, give it to the next person, and take note of their dreams. Life has a marvelous way of helping you realize that there is a world beyond what you can see. All that you can imagine is within your reach. The caveat is you may have to work more diligently than others to reach your goals.


When did you last call your cousin, sibling, or childhood bestie to catch up? A little chit-chat, just to see how life is and what the weather is like where they’re at. While the mundane small talk might not catch your fancy, you may be surprised to see how a conversation develops—or doesn’t. Take a left down a conversational road and see where your words take you, Scorpio. You might have more fun than you expect and discover some new ideas, too.


Hello, Sagittarius! It’s funny seeing you here, considering that you’re kind of last season. Get it—because your birthday was an astrological season ago? Anyway… it seems like even though Sagittarius season has ended, this year is kicking off beautifully for you. If you have struggled with self-respect in the past, somehow, you are finding a way to assert your value. You may sometimes be silly, acting like you’re a parody of yourself, only to find out the jokes are getting you much further than you expected! Enjoy it, Sagittarius. You deserve to feel good about yourself after all your work.


Happy birthday and happy new year! Are you happy? Capricorn, a lot is going on with you. It is as if you’re bursting from the inside out. Spilling out of you is a collection of memories, tears, bad jokes from the 6th grade, bittersweet notes from former lovers, and cringy high school experiences. Are you enjoying the process? Have you rung in your New Year as your most authentic self? Burst, Capricorn, and let your whole self hang out.


Aquarius, you have a way of underestimating and undermining yourself. My dear, you are tirelessly succeeding at everything you set out to do and you may not recognize how great you are doing. As you experience this New Moon in Capricorn, I encourage you to think about new methods of practicing self-appreciation. Take time for mindfulness meditation, getting lost in the woods, and long talks with your spiritual mentor. It’s time for you to enter the next stage of your becoming.


Prima donna, you are taking center stage and finding that your words grip the ears of your community like never before. You’re shifting from feeling as though your voice was reduced to whispers. During this New Moon, you can notice that your vocals are getting louder. Instead of shying away from center stage, command the lights. You are being called to invest time and attention into what matters to you—just do it!

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