Tag Archive for: Mercury Retrograde

Hey Face Book Family and Friends:

Good News !  Psychic and Mediumship Class starts up every Wednesday at Painted Love, 145 Belmont, Tonawanda NY.  This class is both online and in person.  Contact me at 716 481 2799 for information on how to join.  No experience needed.  Let’s learn how to deal with premonitions, hunches, intuition and receive messages from those in spirit. Let’s learn to read Tarot also.

Classes: January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

Come see me for a reading this month !

January 13: Psychic Readings at FLICKER, 141 Buffalo St.  Hamburg 1-4 pm. Call (716) 649-4629  to sign up

January 19: I’m hosting movie nite at FLICKER, 141 Buffalo St.  Hamburg NY. 6p-7:30. We will be showing the movie GHOST. Call (716) 649-4629 to sign up

January 20: Psychic Readings at SOUL HEALING, 4773 Harris Hill Road, Clarence, NY. 12-4 pm. Call (716) 218-0475


Are you ready for a week of enhanced communication, connection, and determination? Then, keep reading to discover what astrological energy is heading your way this week! January 2024 is quite a month. Pluto makes a very bold move into Aquarius – can we emphasize this ingress enough? – marking a very important shift from the Capricorn to the Aquarius sector of your chart.

Things are VERY interesting since the first 3 weeks of the month are very heavy in Capricorn energy – with Sun, Mars, Mercury, and then later Venus in Capricorn – but then on January 20th, 2024 everything seems to change, when Pluto and Sun move into Aquarius. With this powerful Capricorn and Pluto energy, January 2024 is THE perfect month for New Year’s resolutions and overall progress with your goals.

But let’s take a look at the most important transits of the month:

January 2nd, 2024 – Mercury Goes Direct!!!!!!

On January 2nd, 2024 Mercury goes direct at 22° Sagittarius. Woo-hoo! This Mercury retrograde has been a doozy. “But ain’t all Mercury retrogrades challenging?” Some of them are more challenging – or in this case, more confusing – than others. This particular Mercury retrograde has been squaring Neptune for weeks on end. Perhaps you haven’t even noticed all the confusion and havoc – that’s because Neptune has a talent to do tricky stuff behind the veil. What you don’t know can’t hurt you, right? On a positive note, the same Neptune – even when involved in tense aspects – can also help us look at things from a different perspective.

Mercury – now direct – will apply one last square to Neptune in the next week; so there are more downloads to come. Open your mind, find the inspiration you need, and then wait for Mercury to clear the square to Neptune to do your yearly planning.

January 4th, 2024 – Mars Enters Capricorn

On January 4th, 2204, Mars enters Capricorn. Capricorn is one of Mars’ favorite placements; Mars is exalted in the sign of persistence and ambition. The next 6 weeks are a great time to get intentional about what it is that you want to achieve.Mars in Capricorn will give you that extra stamina and persistence so you follow through with your projects, no matter what. Just picture a mountain goat climbing steep slopes and rugged peaks. That’s Mars in Capricorn. With Mars in Capricorn, ain’t no mountain high enough to keep you from reaching your goals.

January 11th, 2024 – New Moon In Capricorn

On January 11th, 2024, we have a New Moon at 11° Capricorn. This is one of the most auspicious New Moon of the year – it is trine Uranus and sextile Neptune. What a great New Moon to start the year! In fact, you may want to hold on to your New Year’s resolutions and wait for the New Moon. With its powerful cosmic support, it’s well worth the wait. Don’t forget to do your law of abundance manifestation.

January 14th, 2024 – Mercury Re-enters Capricorn

On January 14th, 2024, Mercury re-enters Capricorn. In the first week of the transit, – from January 14th to 21st of January, 2024 – Mercury will be revisiting the same sector of your chart it traveled through from December 1st to December 21st, 2023, bringing past matters back to the surface. It ain’t over till it’s over. The goal of Mercury retrograde is to help us look at things from a new angle. Without Mercury retrograde, we’d be in repeat mode – doing the same things over and over again.

Now, having learned there’s a different way to go about things, we can implement those changes and – hopefully – see better results.  Mercury In Capricorn is an invitation to move from “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” to “If you want to see different results, do things differently”.  Such an obvious thing to say, yet our routines and habits can be so ingrained that we need a cosmic nudge to break free from the familiar and embrace a more effective approach.

January 20th, 2024 – Sun Conjunct Pluto

On January 20th, 2024, Sun conjuncts Pluto at 29°59′ Capricorn. This is the last degree and the last second of the sign. This is literally the very end of the sign of Capricorn. Sun and Pluto enter hand in hand in the sign of Aquarius. This is BIG. The Sun-Pluto conjunction will give us clarity around the major 15-year milestone we’re completing, as well as the upcoming 2-decade “Pluto in Aquarius” chapter of our life.

January 20th, 2024 – Sun And Pluto Enters Aquarius

On January 20th, 2024, Sun and Pluto enter Aquarius and what an ingress this is! Pluto re-enters Aquarius, and will stay in the sign until September 1st, 2024 (Pluto will spend some final weeks in Capricorn, before moving into Aquarius for good on December 19th, 2024).  Pluto first entered Aquarius in March 2023. This is when the world went crazy with AI and Chat GTP. That first Aquarius gave us a good taste of the themes we’re going to be busy with in the next 20 years. Pluto makes it to 2° Aquarius (before retrograding on May 3rd, 2024) so if you have planets or angles in the first 3 degrees of the fixed signs, then you will have a first-hand experience of the Pluto in Aquarius transit.

January 23rd, 2024 – Venus Enters Capricorn

On January 23rd, 2024 Venus joins the Capricorn party, or should we say, the business networking event?  Venus is what we like and what we value. Capricorn is ambitious and strategic. When Venus is in Capricorn, we become more intentional and more strategic about what we want.  Capricorn is a sign that likes clarity, so if you are a bit unsure about where you’re at, Venus in Capricorn will help you nail your priorities. Once you know what you want, there’s nothing that is going to stop you from attracting it into your life.

January 25th, 2024 – Full Moon In Leo

On January 25th, 2024 we have a Full Moon at 5° Leo. The Full Moon is opposite Pluto and square Jupiter. There is a tremendous drive to “go for it” – go for your goals, your opinions, your beliefs. Jupiter in Taurus is the apex of this fixed T-square; the tendency is to hold tightly onto your guns. However, Pluto opposite the Full Moon might challenge your perception of what’s true and what’s not. Are your beliefs truly yours – or a reflection of society’s conditioning?

January 27th, 2024 – Mercury Conjunct Mars

On January 27th, 2024 Mercury is conjunct Mars at 16° Capricorn. This is the 3rd and final successive Mercury-Mars conjunction, an invitation to put your money where your mouth is and take strategic Capricorn action. Mercury and Mars meet for the 3rd time in the last 3 months. The first time they met was on October 19th, 2023 at 12° Scorpio, the 2nd time (with Mercury retrograde) on December 27th, 2023 at 24° Sagittarius. This time they meet in Capricorn. 3rd time’s a charm! This is a very auspicious transit sequence for moving things forward. The houses in your chart where you have Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn will reveal the areas of your life under focus. Pay attention to the themes that have surfaced during each conjunction to connect the dots and see the evolving story.

January 27th, 2024 – Uranus Goes Direct

On January 27th, 2024, Uranus goes direct at 19° Taurus. Since Jupiter is also direct as of December 2023, this means we officially have an applying Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Uranus changing direction is not your usual Uranus station. Uranus moving direct will give you the first glimpse into the themes and the unfolding dynamics that will emerge when the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction perfects in April 2024.

Mercury turns direct (forward) on May 3, after a three-week communication breakdown in stubborn Taurus and aggressive Aries.

Mercury retrograde is over! Expressive Mercury was backspinning through bull-headed Taurus from April 9th to the 20th, before rounding out the final days of its cycle in egocentric, ‘me-first’ Aries. You’ve probably experienced a few meltdown moments with friends, family members, and even colleagues. Especially during the frenetic cycle of Aries season. Thankfully, with slow-and-steady Taurus season now in full swing, and the messenger planet pivoting forward into direct motion, those scrambled signals will start to stabilize. However, discernment is STILL a must for the next three weeks, as the fog clears, with Mercury’s “shadow phase” still in effect. Beware the “retroshade,” as we like to call it, which is the 2 week shadow period that follows a Mercury retrograde when the stars will still mess with your life!

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Mercury turns direct (forward) on May 3, after a three-week communication breakdown in stubborn Taurus and aggressive Aries.

Mercury retrograde is over! Expressive Mercury was backspinning through bull-headed Taurus from April 9th to the 20th, before rounding out the final days of its cycle in egocentric, ‘me-first’ Aries. You’ve probably experienced a few meltdown moments with friends, family members, and even colleagues. Especially during the frenetic cycle of Aries season. Thankfully, with slow-and-steady Taurus season now in full swing, and the messenger planet pivoting forward into direct motion, those scrambled signals will start to stabilize. However, discernment is STILL a must for the next three weeks, as the fog clears, with Mercury’s “shadow phase” still in effect. Beware the “retroshade,” as we like to call it, which is the 2 week shadow period that follows a Mercury retrograde when the stars will still mess with your life!

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