Tag Archive for: retrograde

Mercury turns direct (forward) on May 3, after a three-week communication breakdown in stubborn Taurus and aggressive Aries.

Mercury retrograde is over! Expressive Mercury was backspinning through bull-headed Taurus from April 9th to the 20th, before rounding out the final days of its cycle in egocentric, ‘me-first’ Aries. You’ve probably experienced a few meltdown moments with friends, family members, and even colleagues. Especially during the frenetic cycle of Aries season. Thankfully, with slow-and-steady Taurus season now in full swing, and the messenger planet pivoting forward into direct motion, those scrambled signals will start to stabilize. However, discernment is STILL a must for the next three weeks, as the fog clears, with Mercury’s “shadow phase” still in effect. Beware the “retroshade,” as we like to call it, which is the 2 week shadow period that follows a Mercury retrograde when the stars will still mess with your life!

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Mercury turns direct (forward) on May 3, after a three-week communication breakdown in stubborn Taurus and aggressive Aries.

Mercury retrograde is over! Expressive Mercury was backspinning through bull-headed Taurus from April 9th to the 20th, before rounding out the final days of its cycle in egocentric, ‘me-first’ Aries. You’ve probably experienced a few meltdown moments with friends, family members, and even colleagues. Especially during the frenetic cycle of Aries season. Thankfully, with slow-and-steady Taurus season now in full swing, and the messenger planet pivoting forward into direct motion, those scrambled signals will start to stabilize. However, discernment is STILL a must for the next three weeks, as the fog clears, with Mercury’s “shadow phase” still in effect. Beware the “retroshade,” as we like to call it, which is the 2 week shadow period that follows a Mercury retrograde when the stars will still mess with your life!

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