Libra season begins Saturday, Sept. 23 and will run until Monday, Oct. 23, when the sun moves into Scorpio.

Pat yourselves on the back — we’re halfway through the zodiac year! It’s finally Libra season and from September 23 to October 23, we’ll be thrown into a fresh, new astrological era filled with a greater yearning for balance, peace, and tranquility. Sounds nice, right?

Libra season is one of those times of year that gives us transitional vibes, partly because it coincides with the Fall Equinox.  There will be an energetic shift in the air, asking us to lean into harmony and love. Libra is ruled by Venus, the Planet of Love, so this time is giving cozy, social, fall romance vibes. There will also be a push to reflect — Libra loves balance, so what better time to take stock in your year than when you’re standing directly in the middle of it?

 We’re able to witness all of the effort we’ve put in over the past six months and start to see some of the seeds or intentions we planted at the beginning of year begin to bloom.  This can be a powerful time to readjust our efforts and energy into relationships and projects that feel aligned and reciprocal. Libra season also has us focusing on the important relationships and connections in our lives. We also may feel called to experiment with our style and personal aesthetic. This is your cosmic green light for a rebrand!  Back-to-school energy doesn’t just have to be for those who are actually going back to school — bring that same energy into your wardrobe and the ways you express yourself.

The season of the scales also marks a time of partnerships, but there’s a specific astrological happening that will turn that on its head.  The supermoon in Aries on September 29 asks us to put ourselves above anything else and to understand our needs in partnerships and this full moon will be on the Aries-Libra axis, bringing our attention to our partnerships.  Aries is concerned with ‘me’ while Libra prioritizes ‘we,.  This full moon can bring an important turning point or culmination in our relationships.

The same day will bring a clash between Venus, Libra’s planetary ruler, and Uranus, the Planet of Rebellion,  bringing an erratic vibe that may have us craving more independence and novelty in our connections,  Campos says. Plan a solo day if you can, go for a walk, clear your head — there’s nothing good about being erratic in any relationship, platonic or romantic.

Mark your calendars for the new moon solar eclipse in Libra on October 14, which will be the first eclipse in Libra we’ve had since October 2004 (!!!).  You can think back to that time period in your life and what was unfolding for clues on how this energy may show up in your life this time around.  We may notice some new relationships or partnerships forming around this time that feel like they are intertwined with our fate in some way.  Although a lot of us were pretty young back then, put yourself back in those jelly sandals and try to feel your younger self’s vibes. What were you scared of? What were you looking forward to? What would that child think if they knew who they’d grow up to be?

Thanks to this lunar happening, Libra season will end with quite the bang.  While this eclipse occurs on October 14, its effect will extend all the way to the end of Libra season and into Scorpio season,  and we should expect some changes in the ways that we communicate.  The old ways to express our needs will no longer work, as we can no longer suppress our true desires for the sake of keeping alive a relationship. The truth will come out — in what manner, though, is up to you.

In its most beautiful form, Libra brings a sense of enchantment that has the power to transform seemingly overwhelming problems into manageable ones, . We can’t force or manipulate this transformation, she says, but we can change  through acts of kindness, fostering social bonds, or simply by firmly believing in the importance of justice and beauty.

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