What the lunar eclipse in Gemini means for your sign—and a tip for making the most of its energy

Change is what pushes us to evolve, even though it may be jarring at times. This lunar eclipse is powerful and can feel emotionally draining without the proper self care.


Your communication sector is the highlight for you during this eclipse. You are realizing that your thoughts are limiting your growth and expansion, and that through clarity of thought, you can move toward your vision.

Lunar eclipse self-care tip: Your mind can feel extremely busy during this time. Taking time for a grounding meditation session to clarify what exactly needs to shift in your mindset. Set your timer for 20 minutes, and spend time in peace on the day of the lunar eclipse in Gemini.


Your self-worth is deeply tied to your material wealth, and the cosmic spotlight is now on this area of life. If you believe you are enough and speak it into existence, you will receive that back from the universe.

Lunar eclipse self-care tip: Incorporate positive affirmations into your daily routine. Some examples are: I am worthy, I am enough, I am abundant, and I deserve it. Write those words on bright sticky notes, and hang them in various visible places in your home for continued positive reinforcement.


This is a significant time for you, as the lunar eclipse is in your sign, in your first house of identity and self. You are aligning more with your true voice, who you are meant to be, and who resonates with you most in life. Follow your path.

Lunar eclipse self-care tip: Strengthening your voice can be a healing way to bring forth the truth of who you are. After all, you are the natural communicator of the zodiac. Take a breath in and let out a deep vocal hum in to get your throat energy center warmed up. Do this steadily for five to 10 minutes, and incorporate it daily as you start to navigate such a pivotal time for self-acceptance.


The moon rules over your sign, and when it’s experiencing a major transit, it has a deeper impact on your emotions and inner world. This occurs in your subconscious mind and is an opportunity to tap into your intuition and heal your spirit in order to fully trust your internal voice.

Lunar eclipse self-care tip: Breathwork can bring profound healing to your spirit and physical body, especially when it comes to releasing trapped emotions and past challenges. Book a class with a practitioner, or take a moment alone to breathe through this potent energy.


You are realizing your truth and are ready to share, regardless of who disagrees. As a result, you can receive more attention and acclaim for being you and authentically communicating your emotions out to the world.

Lunar eclipse self-care tip: As a naturally creative sign, setting your intension for your message visually can help you manifest it into reality. Take time to think about what you want to share with the collective and create a vision board specific to your hopes, dreams, and wishes. The more specific you are the better.


Your career is under the lunar spotlight. You are elevating your professional status through pivotal events that can trigger a deeper understanding of your purpose. It will become increasingly important for you to share your voice with your industry or peers. It can only bring growth.

Lunar eclipse self-care tip: As your professional life is going to undergo changes, it can bring uncertainty. Using the power of guided meditation can reverse difficult thought patterns, and increase your frequency. Choose a meditation practitioner of choice, and find a quiet spot to focus on grounding your emotions.


Wisdom comes with experience, and you are being pushed to expand your mind or the consciousness of others. The lunar eclipse in Gemini is occurring in your ninth house of knowledge, expansion and higher learning. Perhaps you decide to delve into a new training course or share your experience and teach others.

Lunar eclipse self-care tip: Although world travel and experiencing a new location would be ideal for you, you can still experience nature without traveling far. The quiet beauty of a new (close by) place can give you inspiration and a clear mind.


You do not shy away from transformation. In fact, you know it only makes you stronger. A shift in a marriage, your sexuality or how you manage your finances could come about. If you’re single, you may step into your power through transforming your fear or personal struggles.

Lunar eclipse self-care tip: Shadow work is an effective way to harness past challenges and use the energy to manifest. Open a journal and begin to write a list of five things you are deeply afraid of. Be honest with yourself. After you’ve done this, go through each fear and write down why you’re afraid until you run out of reasons. This will help you mentally work through what’s holding you back.


A significant event in your love or business relationships can push you into fully assessing your individuality and how it fits into the dynamic of a relationship. Your freedom is vital, but the voices of those you are entangled with matter, too. Through this lunar eclipse, you may understand more about how to balance the two.

Lunar eclipse self-care tip: A self-love ritual can help you boost your magnetism and promote harmony. During the eclipse, keep it simple and incorporate a light pink candle, a piece of rose quartz, and a smoke-cleansing practice. Safely, light your candle and meditate on the flame while holding the crystal. Focus your mind on love for yourself and acceptance in order to fully show up for others.


Your health routine, physical well-being, and work is improving under the light of this lunation. You may have been working extremely hard or not taking the time to truly practice self care. The lunar eclipse in Gemini is showing you just how essential this is. How can you show up for others if you aren’t honoring yourself first?

Lunar eclipse self-care tip: As the saying goes, work to live, don’t live to work. Taking a day away from work and the stresses of the world is ideal for you. You may feel like your mind is racing, and this is a time to move inward. Indulge in a nourishing bath, complete with relaxing essential oils, like lavender or eucalyptus, to begin to honor your body, mind, and soul.


A complete upgrade in your creativity is in order. You can experience a much-needed boost in your naturally innovative and creative spirit. You are prompted to start working on a groundbreaking project, or feel the urge to create and launch something new. You could also experience changes regarding your children, if you have them.

Lunar eclipse self-care tip: The best ideas come when you are not trying. Schedule time for your favorite creative hobby whether it’s dancing, singing, writing, or playing with your children, if you have them. Injecting fun into your world can free your mind and allow for those high vibrational ideas to pop in.


Your home, emotional world, and family life are your focus right now. Working through old mindsets and familial patterns can be a challenge, but doing so will help you release the past in order to positively move forward toward the future.

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